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Lazy_Perfectionist September 11th, 2007 01:37 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
As this current turn is due at four am... I'd like to request a shift to a 30 hour timer.

Ubercat September 11th, 2007 11:17 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Just a heads up. I'm getting married on Friday and our families start flying in on Thursday night. Would it be possible to get the game delayed for a few days, say starting Thursday morning till at least Monday?

(Just my luck that this is the one llamaserver game I'm in that I'm not adminning. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif)


Valandil September 12th, 2007 12:42 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Congratulations. I hope.
I have no problem with thirty hours or delays, myself. Despite my imminent war with the mighty hordes of Agartha (Prepare to DIE! Muahahah!). What say you, host?

duke_commando September 12th, 2007 04:21 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Hadrian_II said:
Cowardly Sauromantians are trying to avoid the Battle, but if they avoid it too long, i will capture their capitol.

In an unfortunate misunderstanding, Madeyes, Prophet of Idnn and General of the Sauromatian Army, took the orders "Defend East Halewood" to mean "Defend East Halewood Castle" and retreated without offering battle to the invading Yaksha army. Consequently he has been sacked and replaced by someone with more competence than a dead cabbage.
Next turn, monkeylovers.

Also, congrats to Ubercat. No problem with a delay here, or a change to 30 hour hosting...in fact its welcome since it's back to school with me soon.

Janlm September 12th, 2007 04:54 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
yes congrats to ubercat, however have you tried to find a sub first? or is that out of the question?

Hadrian_II September 12th, 2007 06:51 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
OK, i have set the hosting interval to 30 hours.

@Sauromantia This happens to everyone at least once http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, now im only 2 turns away from your capitol http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Lazy_Perfectionist September 12th, 2007 11:29 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
My condolences to Ubercat. The marriage is a nice thing, but the in-laws...

Seriously, congratulations.

Not so seriously, Marriage is finding that special someone with whom you can grow fat and old with. Enjoy the food.

Ubercat September 12th, 2007 11:41 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
DEFINITELY looking forward to the food, and cake. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

It seems that people who look for subs generally can't find them, and I can see why. Who wants to play with a position they didn't make? Anyhow, things are too delicate in game right now for me to want to trust my turns to another without my overbearing guidance.

And if I'm going to tell the sub everything to do, what's the point of having one?

Hadrian_II September 12th, 2007 01:17 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Ubercat said:
Just a heads up. I'm getting married on Friday and our families start flying in on Thursday night. Would it be possible to get the game delayed for a few days, say starting Thursday morning till at least Monday?

As i did not see any objections to this request i will posphone hosting by 48 hours on thursday. (What should have the effect that hosting will occur on monday)

Cor2 September 12th, 2007 04:20 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Congrats Ubercat. Marriage is fun.

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