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llamabeast January 31st, 2008 08:08 AM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Thanks Digress, I will look into it.

I've postponed hosting by 7 hours to let me and Alneyan get our turns in.

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Turn's in. Sorry, my weekday schedule was pretty messed up this week.

I shall not comment on my turn, but it seems the bulk of the Ulm hammer is striking in the north. I'll helpfully point out that I'm an idiot for assuming all MR items were +4, but I stand by my point about Crumble: it did no damage whatsoever to my defenders, and I'm pretty sure Ulm has the stronger army (then again, my Tower Guards do balance the scales in my favor)... Either way, you should get a message along the lines of 'the defenders are repairing the walls faster than we can damage them', if I'm indeed winning the strength contest.

Unless it has been fixed since the early days of Dom 3, Crumble just doesn't work unless you're sieging the castle already (back then, Iron Walls and its cousin spell didn't work at all). In any event, you're not getting into my castle unless I allow you to do so... Nature doesn't have great summons, but Animal Horde means I'm siege-proof. Go away and bother someone else.

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 07:45 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
What can I say, except 'bleh'? I've taken a couple random Ulmish provinces, lost a couple random Manx provinces, diseased some more 170 random troops, and our respective armies are doing a great job at avoiding any actual battle at all costs. Ulm's skirmishers left my capital and decided to siege some random fort instead, while my skirmishers are trying to siege Skaven's capital... mmh, it's a place of bad luck, I think.

I've still got the Gargoyle on my back, and Ulm still has the Forge up and running, and I still don't think I can actually go on the offensive against the Ulmish hordes. I do not have any clever idea to turn the tables, so I'm looking up for the cavalry to charge in and win the day. You got that, T'ien Ch'i?

Actually, I think I've got a pretty good idea... A random event just gave me a Skull Talisman, which shall be the cornerstone of my counterstrike. Beware!

llamabeast January 31st, 2008 07:55 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
1 Attachment(s)
Largely my feelings too. In the South it was a turn of stalemate. Lots of irritations for both of us, nicking each other's provinces without any actual battles. I actually would have stayed at your capital for a big fight, but from your last post I got the impression you were going to sit tight forever until all my troops died of disease, so I decided to capture a neighbouring fort for a bit of good quality Chalice time. However, if you are up for a fight, then we shall have one this turn - I can't get inside your fort before you attack me.

In Bandar nothing happened. My SCs claimed a couple more provinces. Considering Tyrant's comment about SCs above I wonder whether my original plan to attack Man and TC mainly with armies, and Bandar mainly with SCs was a good one.

Finally in T'ien Ch'i there was a little more drama. I saw TC's large army coming towards one of my forts and plonked my Fire King down in his path. Alas, I misjudged again... despite a high MR (22, 21 in TC's dominion) he was quickly paralyzed and repeatedly killed. Ugh, two Fire Kings down out of two, and that really is a horrible amount of elemental royalty I've lost now. However TC continues to lose land to an annoying army of mine that's circling his capital, while my Massive Force approaches from the South. Unfortunately my Massive Force is also now diseased - who did that then, eh? Disease everywhere. All my armies are diseased now, it's quite annoying.

Also the spy situation has become ridiculous (see the attachment). Spies go home!

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Well, I'm moody, so I wouldn't infer too much from my messages. That, and it's not as if I had any clever Grand Strategy to take you down. (At least I can actually survive on my own now... that's much more than I could've said twenty turns ago)

Oh, and I almost forgot: can I have another 24 hours extension, just in case? I can take my turn in time, but I might have to concert with T'ien Ch'i before making a Big Mistake. (Of course, you wouldn't know about those problems, being the obligatory heartless, vilainous Evil Empire that you are)

On an unrelated note, please, pretty please, take down Bandar and T'ien Ch'i before Man. I think you owe me the right of going down last. (I love raspberries, Skaven, so keep them coming... especially as they turned out to be Air gems last time)

Alneyan February 3rd, 2008 09:07 AM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
I'm sorry to be such a bother, but could you add an extra 24 hours to the clock? I expect to get my turn by 0100 at the latest (I'll be out most of the day, and I won't have time to finish it off), but it might take me until 1200 or so.

Sorry about that... the next two weeks should go a lot smoother.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2008 09:24 AM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Okay, done!

llamabeast February 4th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
I staled! Noooooo!

Oh wow, that is inexcusable - really sorry everyone (although it may be good news for you, I haven't looked yet). I got confused by about one hour - I was just this minute about to take my turn when the next one popped into my inbox.

Anyway, are we back to 48 hours for this turn? I should be good with that.

llamabeast February 4th, 2008 09:16 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Oh my goodness, this war is looking a lot less one-sided than I thought. Bandar has killed my beloved genie, and Man has 700+ troops! 700!

Tyrant February 4th, 2008 10:15 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
So what's up with the genie? My battle report shows his brain exploding, but the message says you won and i still see the genie on the map?!? Is he dead or no?

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