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JaghataiKhan September 30th, 2008 07:01 AM

Hinnom has the similar stuff at the city of Incest, Gomorrah.

2 Sites, Sodom and Gomorrah would fit their devilish, blood glut status...

JR77 July 28th, 2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 641544)
I didn't have time to run a test but I'm wondering... do the popeaters increase unrest where they are? It would feel weird if people searching some random virgin to sacrifice drive the people mad, but giants eating indiscriminately all the people just for fun don't.

Just an update to this thread, since many people still think Hinnom is over-powered. The cost of key troops has been increased in an official patch, as well as reducing the starting army and, indeed, now the pop-eating cause quite a bit of unrest!

This is discussed, IIRC, in another, newer short guide to Hinnom, which has yet to be linked to the strategy index.

Edit: The new Hinnom guide is here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43369

Executor July 28th, 2009 09:14 AM

Hinnom is still overpowered and that's a fact.

They still have Melqarts that can take out any indie province most of the times even without a bless, which isn't hard to make with the heat free points.
They still have 7 magic schools, everything except water.
The pop eating problem can easily be solved with moving the pop eater to a low level pop province instead of keeping them in the main fort. No pop no unrest.

Troops are still great for the price you pay, Dawn Guards, good stats and magic weapon.
Still have the super deadly chariots that are better than any other tramplers IMO.

Money isn't hard to come by with the great scales you can take even with a good bless.
Expanding is still extra fast with fielding an expanding party every turn.

vfb July 28th, 2009 10:56 AM

What I wouldn't give to have some peasant-eaters! Send them to the gold mines, and when all the serfs are toast (or porridge), crank the taxes up to 200.

Baalz July 28th, 2009 11:22 AM

Yeah, I have to agree with Executor, a little bit of the heat came off of them with the patch but they're still incredibly powerful. Very strong units, fast and cost effective expansion units, strong and very diverse mages, very strong recruitable SCs, very strong research, strong blood economy, very strong national blood summons, no need to take anything other than very good dominion....basically almost everything I lay out in this guide is still valid.

P3D July 28th, 2009 11:31 AM

And I disagree that Hinnom does not need the bless (30% more Dawn guards just won't make the difference compared to E9N4+) but it was debated to exhaustion in the other thread.

Executor July 28th, 2009 11:53 AM

It's a matter a personal flavor I guess, myself, I'd just take a minor bless E4N4 or something like that and extra scales with mid-high dom, about 8.
But there is more than one way to play any nation so I don't see the point in arguing what the best way is.

I've made some very unortodox builds that proved to be much more efficient than the more logical ones.
Personal favorites were Sauro with S3 T3 G0 L3 M1 C1, more or less, and
C'tis with S3 T3 D2 L3 M3 H3, more or less.
Yeah, everyone was saying wtf? until the point they started losing.

Hinnom is still overpowered compared to other nations, that's just how I feel about it. And I don't really like them for one, had a game with them, had a stellar start, got bored with it, got a sub, won't play them again for sure.

ano July 28th, 2009 01:32 PM


What I wouldn't give to have some peasant-eaters! Send them to the gold mines, and when all the serfs are toast (or porridge), crank the taxes up to 200.
Or just pillage.

vfb July 28th, 2009 05:53 PM

You're better off taxing at 200 and patrolling, than pillaging, since it takes a while to kill everyone. Pillaging (temporarily) destroys your income from that province because it causes more unrest than death, I think.

Loren July 28th, 2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Executor (Post 703369)
Still have the super deadly chariots that are better than any other tramplers IMO.

Yeah. I decided to give them a try again. (Note: CBM 1.5) Large map full of Normal AI's. I basically conquered the map with nothing but chariots. Not only that but I never built *ANY* building--this made it hard for a while, there was actually a time where I didn't have dominion on my own capital. I also never picked a fight.

At the time I declared it a win I had 2/3 of the map (and most of what I didn't have was water), climbing dominion, the largest army (as I said, pure chariots), IIRC 4 juggernauts/turn of recruiting and all 5 globals. All border provinces were PD 125.

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