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earwicker7 November 26th, 2010 02:46 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 764091)

Originally Posted by earwicker7 (Post 763834)
Had my first battle with a human's army this turn! Someone is more than welcome to offer tribute to Abyssia in order to keep the oceans from turning red with their blood :D

Or you could just piss off. I'm not even sure why you are trying to rambo me. Because I tried to capture the same neutral provience as you? What the ****?

If you want to start a pointless war we can do that though? I'm happy to abandon playing for the win this game and just make it '**** abysia right up the ***' if that's what it boils down to.

Could we please keep this game friendly? I'm fine with "in-character" threats from your pretender, but this post seems to be attacking me personally, unless I'm misinterpreting "Or you could just piss off."

As to why I'm attacking you, there are two reasons... we're obviously interested in grabbing the same areas, given that there is only one province between our capitals that we both attacked. That could probably be dealt with by a non-aggression pact.

The more serious issue, however, and one that seems to trump a non-aggression pact, is dominion. You have cold scales, and I have heat scales. I don't think there is any way that the two of us can exist next to each other because of that.

Could we bury the hatchet personally, and let the pretenders do the fighting? Thanks.

nrasch November 26th, 2010 03:51 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Well, if Abysia is going into the sea, at least be nice enough to let us know which province. When all that fire meets water it is going to make one hell of a nice steam bath for those of us on the shore. :)

Also, Patolixo, did you get my message about a 5 turn NAP? I'll also agree not to go into the sea if you agree not to come up onto the land around my provinces.

- Hag-a-rific (nrasch)

Nosantee November 26th, 2010 06:32 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by nrasch (Post 764139)
Well, if Abysia is going into the sea, at least be nice enough to let us know which province. When all that fire meets water it is going to make one hell of a nice steam bath for those of us on the shore. :)

Also, Patolixo, did you get my message about a 5 turn NAP? I'll also agree not to go into the sea if you agree not to come up onto the land around my provinces.

- Hag-a-rific (nrasch)

Patolixo isn't here anymore. He's the Atlantis that staled for 3 turns and got AI'd

nrasch November 26th, 2010 08:33 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
@Nosantee - Doh! Well don't I feel silly now. ;) I guess the AI isn't going to agree to any NAP now is he? ;P

nrasch November 26th, 2010 08:57 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
@earwicker7 - I see you and I have found each other. I offer you a 5 turn NAP. I also propose that you don't cross the river to your west, and I'll stay on the other side.

Oh, I also want province 126 as a buffer zone between us.

Sound fair? :)

- Pangaea (nrasch)

Colonial November 26th, 2010 10:41 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I'll put a fiver on cthulu.

or 500g if anyone wants to support Abysinia...

CthulhuDreams November 27th, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Could we please keep this game friendly?
Sorry, you set being friendly on fire by ramboing into me with no prelude at all. Hint: If you want friendly relations, don't be an ***!

Either you stop attacking me now and tear down that temple, or I'll see you in hell. While that temple is there, it's a standing declaration of war.

earwicker7 November 27th, 2010 04:09 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 762099)
I'm not in favour of 'binding' treaties. What does binding even mean? You're going to kick the offender out of the game?


Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 762114)
So.. what are you going to do if someone breaks it without 3 turns notice? Kick them out of the game?

That would, to be, seem pretty weird.

Anyway, from an RP history has loads of examples where people went in for the sneaky backstab. Heck, WWII has an example where both sides were planning on backstabbing each other despite a NAP.

To me, a monomaniacal dictator RP would be a weird one to exclude.


Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 764091)

Originally Posted by earwicker7 (Post 763834)
Had my first battle with a human's army this turn! Someone is more than welcome to offer tribute to Abyssia in order to keep the oceans from turning red with their blood :D

Or you could just piss off. I'm not even sure why you are trying to rambo me. Because I tried to capture the same neutral provience as you? What the ****?

If you want to start a pointless war we can do that though? I'm happy to abandon playing for the win this game and just make it '**** abysia right up the ***' if that's what it boils down to.


Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 764207)

Could we please keep this game friendly?
Sorry, you set being friendly on fire by ramboing into me with no prelude at all. Hint: If you want friendly relations, don't be an ***!

Either you stop attacking me now and tear down that temple, or I'll see you in hell. While that temple is there, it's a standing declaration of war.

So, let's see... in the beginning, you were the one who was strongly against rules that would have prevented the situation we are now in, and then you act like a twelve-year-old when the rules you proposed don't work out in your favor.

I tried, REALLY tried (as anyone who looks in this thread will see) to keep things from getting personal. Apparently, instead of seeing this as me trying to be a good sport, you saw it as a sign of weakness, and decided to keep being nasty. Well, you better get used to me posting these quotes every time I see you try to join a new MP game from now on, because NOBODY wants to play with people like you.

earwicker7 November 27th, 2010 04:13 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by nrasch (Post 764159)
@earwicker7 - I see you and I have found each other. I offer you a 5 turn NAP. I also propose that you don't cross the river to your west, and I'll stay on the other side.

Oh, I also want province 126 as a buffer zone between us.

Sound fair? :)

- Pangaea (nrasch)

Done! So we have a bonding NAP until turn 21, at which point either of us is free to break it unless it is extended.

CthulhuDreams November 27th, 2010 04:49 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by earwicker7 (Post 764211)

So, let's see... in the beginning, you were the one who was strongly against rules that would have prevented the situation we are now in, and then you act like a twelve-year-old when the rules you proposed don't work out in your favor.

Sorry what?

We didn't have any sort of deal as far as I am aware. How would those rules have prevented anything? I had exchanged no prior communications with you at all in any format, and even when we 'bumped heads' in that neatural province, went on my merry way. I didn't message you in game, PM you, OR post in the forums about it.

Sure, I was annoyed because I'd lost an expansion force and my start was already pretty shakey.. but thems the breaks in the big city.

Subsequent events

A) You posted an threatening demand for tribute

B) You invaded one of my underwater provinces that I'd for several turns

C) You built a temple right next to my capital for the explicit purpose of dompushing me. You claimed it was to keep cold dominion out of your turf, but I don't think I even had a single candle on your territory.

At this point I get rather snippy and tell you I'd appreciate it if you shoved off unless you want to start a total war.

Your response was to attempt to invade me again. Then you are acting hurt and wounded by my stinging barbs to the effect of 'It's on now, and I am going to murderate [sic] you right in the face'

What did you think I was going to say when you invaded me? 'Welcome to the land of cuddly puppies here in Ryleh, and over there, we have kittens!'


I tried, REALLY tried (as anyone who looks in this thread will see) to keep things from getting personal. Apparently, instead of seeing this as me trying to be a good sport, you saw it as a sign of weakness, and decided to keep being nasty.
I haven't actually done anything to you. Let's recap events

A) We bumped heads in a neatural province

B) You threatened me

C) You invaded me

D) You are now trying to dompush me. This is why I presume you are blatantly misrepresenting the candle situation.

That is HIGHLY aggressive behaviour from you. I didn't even talk to you AT ALL until you tried to invade me.

I'm not even sure what I did that you think is being nasty? It's pretty puzzling overall. I haven't made a single move against you to this date.. and I took what as a sign of weakness?

All things considered I'd rather not fight you, and I would have happily lived in peace and harmony, until, and I make this very explicit, you started it! And then having started it, you kept on at it!

All I want is to be left alone.

- Squids.

PS Mate, nothing is personal - we're both trying to win the game.

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