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mivayan April 20th, 2007 06:39 PM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug

HoneyBadger said:
Probably it's been mentioned, but along with everything else, I'd like to add that ability in Nature magic still doesn't increase regeneration-or it didn't the last time I checked.

Did you mean the spell personal regeneration (where it's true as far as I know), or regeneration in general?

The description of nature magic during pretender creation states that "any regenerative powers of the mage will be boosted", maybe that decription needs a change.

HoneyBadger April 20th, 2007 07:05 PM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
Actually, Personal Regeneration is buggy too-Casters won't use it even when it's scripted, if it's one of the first (I think) 2 scripted spells, which is a pain in the explitive because regeneration helps protect against afflictions, and not working immediately gives archers two extra shots to disable your mages.

But I was talking about the description, yes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

HoneyBadger April 20th, 2007 07:11 PM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
I'm much, much rather have nature magic heal afflictions, by the way.

calmon April 21st, 2007 05:51 AM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug

HoneyBadger said:
Actually, Personal Regeneration is buggy too-Casters won't use it even when it's scripted, if it's one of the first (I think) 2 scripted spells

I've tested personal regeneration and it works to me. Are you sure your caster is not lifeless?

ologm April 21st, 2007 09:59 AM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
1 Attachment(s)
<font color="green"> After cancelling construction of an underwater fortress as LA atlantis, I can not continue construction of or build a fortress. See Sea of Silence or Wallwind Waters in attached svegame. </font>

HoneyBadger April 21st, 2007 06:32 PM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
Yep, I was using an Ancient Kraken.

Wish April 22nd, 2007 07:14 PM

Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
n/m i see its already on the shortlist

Cor April 23rd, 2007 03:33 PM

Cannot Annoint a Prophet while under siege.

llamabeast April 24th, 2007 10:54 AM

Re: bugs
If you use the "y" key to organise armies converging on a province, it's not possible to set the battlefield position of any units that were already present in the province.

Micah April 24th, 2007 02:04 PM

Re: bugs

The turn order description for when global enchantments take effect during the turn is incorrect.

I cast a ritual the same turn Astral Corruption went up and still got attacked by a horror, although AC shouldn't have taken effect until later in the turn.

Velusion April 24th, 2007 03:25 PM

Re: bugs

Micah said:

The turn order description for when global enchantments take effect during the turn is incorrect.

I cast a ritual the same turn Astral Corruption went up and still got attacked by a horror, although AC shouldn't have taken effect until later in the turn.

If it's any consolation to you, I'm in the same boat. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

This certainly seems like a bug.

llamabeast April 25th, 2007 08:42 PM

Re: bugs
Immortal units can die of disease, even in their own dominion.

Edit: I've now tested this properly and can't reproduce it. Sorry for posting prematurely!

Edi April 27th, 2007 07:31 AM

Re: bugs
U774 Tartarian Titan (female) uses male nametypes. Seeing a female Titan named Odysseus sort of seemed off to me...

ologm April 28th, 2007 06:08 AM

Re: bugs
Ritual of rebirth preserves the age of the original hero.

I returned the mercenary Orion as a mummy. The mummy has a max age of 500. Orion has an age of around 3500. This gives rather big old age penalties.

Edi April 28th, 2007 11:43 AM

Re: bugs
That is not a bug per se, but a function of how the different game mechanics work and the properties of different units.

To elaborate, it functions in the following manner:

Each unit is of a specific type, which is the monster ID number, e.g. 323 is Dwarven Smith. Each recruited unit also has an individual identification number which is not visible to the player, to differentiate from all other recruited units of the same type.

Each recruited/summoned monster shares all characteristics of its type. Some of these characteristics are fixed, some are variable. An example of fixed characteristic are the basic stats of a unit like attack, defense, immunities, base leadership values etc. Examples of variable characteristics are magic paths (even with commanders who have no randoms), experience etc that can vary between different units of same type. Current age is also one of them.

When a commander is resurrected as a mummy, it becomes a different monster. The mummy retains all variable characteristics of the original monster. They are tied to the individual unit, not specifically the monster type. Thus when type changes, it assumes the fixed characteristics of the new type and this causes the problem because the new fixed characteristic (maxage) is lower than the old one while the variable (current age) is retained.

This issue could be fixed by modifying the various mummy units to have a maxage of 10k, which would effectively cover all units in the game and eliminate the aging problem.

Endoperez April 28th, 2007 12:01 PM

Re: bugs

Edi said:
That is not a bug per se, but a function of how the different game mechanics work and the properties of different units.


This issue could be fixed by modifying the various mummy units to have a maxage of 10k, which would effectively cover all units in the game and eliminate the aging problem.

However, the problem would still persist. Transformation, White One reincarnation, Lycanthropos' Amulet shapechange, even that troll skin armor shapechange can all make a unit's maxage considerably smaller than it started with. If the old age isn't changed, problems occur. White One reincarnation and Transformation are especially problematic because mages reborn as short-lived units don't really fare that well (White Ones reborn as soldiers and mages feeble-minded, thus losing their Nature magic).

mivayan April 28th, 2007 12:47 PM

Re: bugs

Endoperez said:
White One reincarnation and Transformation are especially problematic because mages reborn as short-lived units don't really fare that well (White Ones reborn as soldiers and mages feeble-minded, thus losing their Nature magic).

Perhapas not a bug, but old age after magical reincarnation seems unthematical.

It was however hilarious when my polymorph spell creates a bunch of age 93 (max 21) pigs...

ologm April 28th, 2007 03:30 PM

Re: bugs
The transformation spells should just not copy the current age of the unit.

Endoperez April 28th, 2007 03:33 PM

Re: bugs

ologm said:
The transformation spells should just not copy the current age of the unit.

Ritual of Rebirth, Twiceborn etc spells SHOULD copy it, though. It's quite complicated.

ologm April 29th, 2007 08:18 AM

Re: bugs
LA Man Cu Sith( monster number 1770 ) lacks description

Edi April 29th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: bugs

ologm said:
LA Man Cu Sith( monster number 1770 ) lacks description

In 3.06, it does. Later versions, not anymore.

Methel April 29th, 2007 02:41 PM

Re: bugs
Mesmerized units (from the turkey from mictlan mage) can attack themselves. I've had two giants killing themselves http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Foodstamp April 30th, 2007 12:29 AM

Re: bugs
Here is a funny bug for you that is fairly easy to replicate...

If you control a sea province and a land province, then send unit with seduction to seduce an enemy commander in a province along the coast, it is completely random which neighboring province the seduction unit and the new commander move to if the seduction is successful.

What this means is, there is a chance the seduction unit takes the commander underwater, where they both drown! The first time I saw this happen, I got a good laugh out of it.

Edi April 30th, 2007 03:24 AM

Re: bugs

She: "Come on! Leading an army can't POSSIBLY be half as much fun as taking a swim with me...especially if I don't have any clothes on..." *bedroom eyes*
He: "Grrreat idea! Let's go already!"
*low tide pulls lovebirds out to sea*
Both: "Helllpp!" *blublublublub*
Fishes: "Yummy!"

Micah April 30th, 2007 06:07 AM

Re: bugs
Minor issue, might just be a missing description for a WAD feature, but Nephele (unit #912) cannot move underwater even with a water breathing item. Cloud trapeze works fine to get her there though, and she can move out of the province normally. I haven't tried the other queens.

Methel April 30th, 2007 06:20 AM

Re: bugs
Shes not supposed to go underwater.

*whistles innocently*

Edi April 30th, 2007 08:28 AM

Re: bugs
Micah, that one has been reported and - *checks* - yep, shortlisted already. It affects all air queens. Not going to get fixed in the new patch but the one after it, though, unless I miss my guess. If it gets that high priority, that is.

Once the next patch comes out, I've got to reorganize the snarled hassle that the shortlist thread has become in this short time. Done a wonderful job of messing it up all by myself in just 12 posts...

Micah April 30th, 2007 03:22 PM

Re: bugs
Sorry about that Edi.

Edi April 30th, 2007 04:09 PM

Re: bugs
No need to apologize. If something gets reported twice, it's no big deal. The reason I reply to the duplicate reports is that people know the issue is not being ignored.

GrobRIM April 30th, 2007 04:28 PM

Re: bugs
Pillar of Fire (Evo-8, F2) does not set neighbouring units on fire

Whereas the spell description seems to imply so.

<font color="blue"> It gives a heat stun effect, that might and might not set units on fire </font>

Ewierl May 1st, 2007 03:28 PM

Re: bugs
I had a very odd and subtle bug crop up in a MP game. Basically, the battle was inconsistent about the amount of dominion in the province.

My pretender lists "dominion penalty -6" for HP, yet (with Gift of Health up too), her actual final count of HP corresponds to a Dominion 10.

My Pangaean Maenads have a HP bonus from GoH that looks like about Dominion 7, but have a Hostile Dominion -1 penalty to their morale.

I haven't looked at every single unit, but other units seem to range from 70-100% HP bonuses.

Looking at the map this turn, my dominion in the province is 3. The previous turn, it had been 7.

Should I upload the .trn file?

Edi May 1st, 2007 03:40 PM

Re: bugs
Did your armies move into the province where the battle took place from somewhere else? Because if they did, that would explain it. With GoH up, or in the case of prophets and pretenders, the hit points for units are calculated based on the values that are correct for province of origin. Afterward they drop to reflect the values of the province they moved into.

What I started wondering about is if you move a pretender from high dominion to lower one, he uses hit point values according to province of origin, gets wounded in battle but survives and then the dominion penalty kicks in, could it kill him? Because for example site effects can kill units wounded in combat before the healing phase.

The dominion morale penalty is stranger, so the game files could be helpful in that regard.

lch May 1st, 2007 04:03 PM

Re: bugs
I suppose that it cannot kill them because dominion effects are calculated towards their final HPs in the healing phase. So when their HPs drop, they'll have full HP regardless.

Have I already told in this thread that diseased units ignore dominion effects because, as it seems, they skip their healing phase? So when you get your SC pretender diseased in friendly Dom10 dominion you'd be able to wreak alot of havoc deep inside enemy dominion as long as he doesn't get hit in combat...

Ewierl May 1st, 2007 05:00 PM

Re: bugs
1 Attachment(s)
Pretender was moving in, while everyone else was breaking a siege. That does explain the pretender's HP (she was moving out of a Dom10 province), but the pretender's MR and strength both suggest a hostile dominion: no MR bonus/penalty is listed, while strength has a -1 penalty. Perhaps those values are calculated later, separate from the HP?

.trn file is attached now. The battle in question is in Pangaea.

Please don't download this if you're playing Dark Matter, folks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

lch May 1st, 2007 05:23 PM

Re: bugs

Ewierl said:
the pretender's MR and strength both suggest a hostile dominion: no MR bonus/penalty is listed, while strength has a -1 penalty. Perhaps those values are calculated later, separate from the HP?

Yep, since you are fighting in enemy dominion you are experiencing all the ill effects of it. The same would happen if you're in another heat/cold scale. Those effects are determined when the battle starts. Your pretenders HP are determined in the healing phase of the previous turn, so you can "pump him up" in friendly dominion before entering an enemy dominion. If he enters a province with friendly dominion from one with enemy dominion, then his Max HP are higher than the HP that he used to have the turn before, too, which show as "wounds" (a red bar), and which he can regenerate to the amount of HP he'd get from dominion effects. In the same way, if you enter enemy dominion from friendly dominion, you can't regenerate more HP than would be allowed in the enemy dominion during that battle.

lch May 1st, 2007 06:25 PM

Wyrm has infinite amount of eyes
Wyrm, monster id #269 (dunno if there is another one for the pretender)

If you give it an item which causes eyeloss, then the description reads "lost a couple of eyes", even if it's only one Eye of aiming. I suppose the same holds true for afflictions from battle. Here's the strange thing: If you give him a couple more eyes, then it stays at "lost a couple of eyes", the Wyrm never goes blind. Even if you give it four eyes by modding the unit to allow it. How many eyes does the Wyrm have to lose before it turns blind? <font color="blue"> Should be four. He has 2 extra eyes according to the code. Hmm, perhaps a magical eye doesn't remove more than the first eye. Hit him in the head a couple of times and see if he looses all eyes </font>

ano May 1st, 2007 07:05 PM

Nice bug
Hi, everyone)
I've noticed a rather annoying bug that makes a generally not bad tactic almost unplayable.
It is about "flight" spell. Flying commander not only may cast "flight" on himself (i think that he shouldn't be able to do this) instead of one units nearby, but he may also cast it twice onto the same unit. This is really bad.
Regeneration, for example, cannot be cast on a unit that already has it (or maybe I'm mistaken?).

thejeff May 1st, 2007 07:24 PM

Re: Nice bug
He shouldn't target an already flying unit, but it's not a 100 precision spell. He could miss.
Hard to say if that's happening.
What happens if he's solo and scripted to cast fly twice?

MaxWilson May 1st, 2007 08:12 PM

Re: Nice bug
Even a low-precision spell should have 100% precision when cast on adjacent units. Within (Prec/2 - 2) squares it's supposed to be totally accurate.


Endoperez May 3rd, 2007 01:26 PM

Re: Nice bug
Marble Oracles have two eyes, and they can become blind. I suspect that Granite Guardiaans also have two eyes can lose them. They also lack darkvision. I'm not sure if magical constructs are immune to darkness, or if they need their eyes to be able to see, but #darkvision and/or #blind might be needed.

Ewierl May 3rd, 2007 02:16 PM

Re: Nice bug
Regeneration ignores disease. It allows the unit to regenerate to its full normal HP total.

I don't know if this is a bug or WAD, but it produces some odd effects, where you need to put your old-age mages into combat every once in a while so they can heal up the damage lost by disease. IMO, there's an inconsistency going on if units can do something easily during combat that can never be accomplished outside of a battle!

Taqwus May 3rd, 2007 05:30 PM

3.06 mercenaries, commander killed by global
Apparent weirdness:

Had a mercenary company participating in a siege.

Mercenary leader, Gote, dies outside of battle -- probably by a lucky hit from _Wrath of God_ which nobody was bothering to dispel. Units belonging to the company stick around, but still have the 'mercenary' flag and cannot be reassigned to any other leader AFAICT. Obvious resolution is probably to have had them vaporize, just as if they'd fled during battle.

I've also reanimated their former leader, so should be able to check whether the mercenary flag sticks around in the afterlife in 3.08 once I get home.

MaxWilson May 3rd, 2007 06:07 PM

Re: 3.06 mercenaries, commander killed by global
I think it does in part; mercenaries revived with Ritual of Rebirth don't demand contracts but still won't give up their items (or give BACK items that you give them).


DrPraetorious May 3rd, 2007 06:40 PM

Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion
The fir bolg champion is GC 13 (MA Eriu). I'm pretty sure that was meant to be at least 30.

Edi May 4th, 2007 02:27 AM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion
It's supposed to be 45 gold. Known issue.

Endoperez May 4th, 2007 04:08 AM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion

MOD Sprites: There is a hard limit of 110 new sprites added in mods. Any more and the game crashes. Unknown if 110 is a total limit from all enabled mods together, or the limit for how many can be included in a single mod.


Johan K said:
The image limit in Dominions is 1000 images from enabled mods. So it should be quite a while before you reach that.

Endoperez May 4th, 2007 04:16 AM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion

shortlistNAT 011 Bandar Log reincarnation: Player receives message &amp;#8220;****v has died and been reincarnated as a fully grown White One.&amp;#8221; The problem is '****v' is actually a series of squares followed by a triangle (point down). No idea what happened, who died and where. Ask LDiCesare for more information.

I think I meantioned this earlier somewhere. This happens whenever a unit-White One dies and is reincarnated (as a unit).

lch May 4th, 2007 11:40 AM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion
Dunno if it's a bug or WAD, but my Caelian hero Isvat has always 2 prot less than he should do. He has a 15 prot fire plate by default (which gives him 13 prot), but even giving him other armors always results in 2 prot less than the armor has. He currently is in Cold 2 dominion by the way, if that makes any difference. This applies to 3.06, haven't tested 3.08 yet but as Isvat can only be found in the Worthy Heroes mod thread I guess it isn't fixed since it was never reported.

Endoperez May 4th, 2007 01:54 PM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion

lch said:
Dunno if it's a bug or WAD, but my Caelian hero Isvat has always 2 prot less than he should do. He has a 15 prot fire plate by default (which gives him 13 prot), but even giving him other armors always results in 2 prot less than the armor has. He currently is in Cold 2 dominion by the way, if that makes any difference. This applies to 3.06, haven't tested 3.08 yet but as Isvat can only be found in the Worthy Heroes mod thread I guess it isn't fixed since it was never reported.

I immediately thought of some form of ice-affected armor... But if it was LOWER in cold 2, something's wrong with it. I guess it can be negative as well, to give bonuses in warm provinces, though.

Ewierl May 4th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Wrong GC for Fir Bolg Champion

lch said:
Dunno if it's a bug or WAD, but my Caelian hero Isvat has always 2 prot less than he should do. He has a 15 prot fire plate by default (which gives him 13 prot), but even giving him other armors always results in 2 prot less than the armor has. He currently is in Cold 2 dominion by the way, if that makes any difference. This applies to 3.06, haven't tested 3.08 yet but as Isvat can only be found in the Worthy Heroes mod thread I guess it isn't fixed since it was never reported.

Does he have a helmet? A suit of armor with protection X provides about 80% of X to the unit's overall protection score, since it leaves the head uncovered, and the "Protection" value listed on the unit's infoscreen is the average protection over the whole body. Click on that value to see separate values for head and body; if you're lucky (ie, not bugged), he has full 15 on body and a much lower value on head.

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