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NTJedi June 4th, 2008 11:42 AM

Re: Major modding bug
I think the bug Sombre has bumped into is using #custommagic with HOLY magic... I recall hearing someone else claiming "#custommagic with HOLY magic" doesn't work.


Edit Update: Tested and Confirmed Bug [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]

"#custommagic with HOLY magic" doesn't work.

Edi June 4th, 2008 11:51 AM

Re: Major modding bug
Probably. Did not consider that instance, as I did not read it that way.

ryo_akashi June 4th, 2008 01:00 PM

Re: Major modding bug
I can confirm the existance of the bug. Try it with my Debug mod and Worthy Heroes mod.

If the Worthy Heroes mod is first enabled, and then Debug mod, the Debug Sensei summoned will have no magic skills.

If the Debug mod is first enabled and then Worth Heroes mod, the Debug Sensei will have his magic skills. I did not check if the Worthy Heroes got affected.

Edi June 4th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: Major modding bug
What's the overlap? Because holy magic cannot be assigned randomly. We have that from KO himself. So that's a known issue, but is it other magics disappearing too, independent of H randoms?

chrispedersen June 4th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Major modding bug

Holy causes other magic paths to fail.
Also, you can not make 10 20% chances; for example it will just come out as a 200% chance.

ryo_akashi June 4th, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: Major modding bug
What Sombre said,

"It appears that #custommagic and #magicskill don't work or have been changed somehow by the new patch. No modded magic users or priests have any paths. Holy, blood, 100% FEW random, doesn't matter - none of it shows up any more."

In my case, I used #magicskill and tried to tweak with #magicboost. No magic shows up. Enabling and disabling mod as I mentioned works.

Someone did mention about an absolute numeric limitation on #magicskill.

Magic path limitation

Sombre June 4th, 2008 02:27 PM

Re: Major modding bug
It may or may not be peculiar to my system, but other people are reporting something which sounds the same. Amhazair for example in a couple of threads on the mod forum, he also mentions Lolomo was seeing the same bug.


And no, I'm not confused about #custommagic for the holy path. I'm aware that's never worked. I'm saying all of my mod nations have lost all magic paths on all recruitables, both those using the straightforward #magicskill and those using #custommagic. I haven't changed anything about any of them - this has occured purely with the patch being applied.

I just tested it now and things appeared to be working normally,.. at firzt,...

First I tried just Skaven - worked fine.
Then Skaven + Ogres - worked fine.
Skaven + Ogres + Avernum - fine.
Arga + Skaven + Ogres + Avernum - fine.
Arga + Skaven + Ogres + Avernum + CBM - fine.

But when loaded in this order,...

Streamers and standards
arga dis

Then vanilla nation mages have magic, but none of the mod nation mages do. It therefore appears to be another overflow bug of some kind.

Amhazair June 4th, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Major modding bug
Well, I never claimed to understand about modding. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

After reading this I tried to load the different nations without other mods, and they did indeed work well for me too, so I'm guessing (but it's only guessing) that Sombre appears to be arriving to a plausible conclusion.

Edi June 4th, 2008 03:02 PM

Re: Major modding bug
If there is a hard limit, then what probably triggers this is all the new mages in the patch, because there are quite a few. It may also have something to do with vanilla unit numbers stretching into space that used to be available to modding.

Can you get me a count of #magicskill and #custommagic commands from those mods? Having numbers could help solve this problem faster.

Sombre June 4th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Major modding bug
I doubt it's anything like a unit ID conflict. Those look completely different and probably wouldn't change depending on what order the mods were loaded in.

I find it hard to believe there's a hard limit on the number of different unit types with magic. It seems more like some other limit is being reached (like the description or sprite limits we often used to run into) and this is somehow causing mage paths to vanish.

I don't have time to make a count right now, someone else is welcome to though.

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