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Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Ah yes, again the lizards call on the spectre of the "Humongous LA Ermor Alliance" to coerce its neighbors to war. That was the same line used against the LA Atlantis Alliance, that they are allied with LA Ermor. To sum it up, anyone who does not agree to attacking those the lizards dictate is an ally of LA Ermor. Now that your attempts to convince LA R'lyeh to attack us have failed, why don't you shout out to the whole world that LA R'lyeh is a vassal of LA Ermor.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
To state once again, LA Pangaea is not a vassal state of LA Ermor. We are attacking MA Tien Chi because we need more money. That is all. They appeared weak, and we need territories. We appeal to our Pangean brothers not to attack us. We mean no harm to them.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
And of course, the wily lizards have also asked MA R'lyeh, our long time peaceful neighbor to attack us, which of course, they have turned down. Who have the lizards not asked to serve as their chaff?
And where is MA Pythium in all of these? For such a potentially powerful nation, with medium provinces, gem and gold incomes, MA Pythium has a pitifully small army, and we have yet to see evidence of any Pythium SCs. Furthermore, MA C'tis freely trades MA Pythium lands back and forth. In fact, MA Pythium's highest income earning lands right smack in the middle of their territory are owned by MA C'tis, and have been so for since we started tracking the past 30 turns. We have the answer to why these things are so. MA Pythium as a nation does not exist. MA Pythium exists only to serve the interests of MA C'tis. MA Pythium exists only to funnel resources and angelic troops to MA C'tis. So when you tally nation strengths, MA C'tis and MA Pythium are one. And to all those who have fought the lizards now and in the years past. How many of you have heard this line? "Doouusss noootsss battlllesss oursss troppssss, ish iss usseelesss yousss caanttss winsss, seennddsss yooursss trrooppss too figghttss ouursss aallliesss innsteadsss, whoommss wee haveesss askkks tto ffigghttss you toooo, ssoooss thhhaattss weeessss doooo nootttsss dddieesss andd ourrrssss guiillibbleess allliesss ddiesss loottssss." Let the nations of Perpetuality know the Lizards for who they are, a cunning, sneaky, powerful, aggressive race, led by a master tactician. They are neither weak, nor peaceful, nor the victims of any conflict as they profess over and over again. And over again. *Bow* |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I struck me how few nations from the early and late era that are left in a fighting position (EA Pangea, LA ermor, LA Rlyeh). Meanwhile the middle era nations are doing great, with atleast 5-6 nations with a fighting chance and one "giant" (Agartha). Anyone else wondering why the middle era is going so strong in this game ?
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I would say the EA Nations are missing the armor, so they cant win army battles. And the MA Nations tend to have stronger magic than the LA Variants.
And then i think that there is a lot of randomness involved as its just one game. For example what i have seen is that: EA Tir na n'og and LA Man where ganged and did not have much of a chance. And i personnaly killed EA Sauromantia and LA Ulm and both where played by medicore to bad players. LA Atlantis got afk and was set to AI. So 5 EA and LA nations where defeated, without you can say that the nations would be weaker. Also Xietor had around 50 turns to defeat Lanka, if lanka not would have had much player change and stales, then maybe one more EA nation and one less MA nation would be in play. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Hadrian-The Lizards were holding their own against Lanka with K, but certainly made no headway until he left. Once K left it was like night and day. Lanka started making crucial errors they did not make under K's guidance. Yes the war did last 50 or more turns. A bloody affair. Defeating Lanka was a community service that is lost on MA Ermor and other nations that did not witness Lanka's might. But my neighbors in the North understand what the fight entailed. And the task was further complicated by Lanka's access to the forge and aid by many powerful allies.
Lolomo-you crack me up. Your Lizard imitation was very funny! But the Lizards a power? ha. You do realize that the 3 major powers own twice the gem income, and provinces of Ctis, not counting their numerous clams and globals-of which Ctis has none. Pythium actually defeated EA Caelum on his own, and owned 3 capitals before we entered a mutual defense pact. SO I would say pythium is a bit better than you think. He is certainly not my vassal. Why would any nation be a vassal to a 2nd tier power? I own zero high income provinces in pythium's area. Try a swamp province with income 17. So your spies are blind or ill informed. At one time I owned many Pythium provinces, but that was because my sc's were reclaiming lands from EA Mictlan who was(and still is) at war with Pythium. Pythium reclaimed those provinces from me ages ago-as i am sure MA Rylah can attest. Pythium did allow me to move armies through his lands to reach a border with MA Ermor. MA Pangaea did the same for LA Atlantis and MA Oceania when they attacked me. That did not make MA Pangaea a vassal of the LA Atlantis Alliance-it simply meant he was not ready to fight a war over the issue. Tien Chi, Pythium, MA Vanheim, and MA Ctis formed an early mutual defense pact to guard against LA Ermor expansion. If you go back to early pages of the thread, MA Ctis offered to lead the resistance against LA Ermor once Honeybadger died. And these nations took me up on my offer. So I aided them as I could manage. Regrettably LA Ermor stormed MA Vanheim while i was barely holding on myself fighting 4 enemies, and was unable to aid him. Tien Chi and Pythium were in no position to fight LA Ermor either. So the mutual defense pact did not help MA Vanheim(: MA Ctis' defense of Tien Chi honors a longstanding mutual defense pact against LA Ermor expansion. And the fact that MA Ctis is trying to fight a war many provinces from its home lands shows the integrity and honor of the Lizards. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Thanks for the tea, Tien Chi. My commanders were able to grab a few cups as they fled. Unfortunately, most of my Pans were killed by giant earth elementals before they could enjoy any. A shame... they so love tea.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
No tea for you! Bad man horsies!
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
We of MA Pangaea strongly resent to call Centaurs horses.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
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