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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

gregebowman October 1st, 2004 10:26 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Cool beans. Sounds like you might be playing Santa Claus this year, giving out those must have toys for us good children http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ed Kolis October 3rd, 2004 10:06 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
First of all, bear in mind that these comments apply to the 1.72 edition of STmod... I've never played 1.75 and you may have addressed some of these concerns already in that Version http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I would like to see my custom warhead pics used for the warheads, seeing as you do have multiple damage types for your warheads and you can't tell them apart visually on a mine design. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif The pics are in the Imagemod.

Also, while this might be a major design decision that you don't want to implement, I personally think impulse-only ships should be slower than they are in STmod - I know having warp ships travel 1000 times faster than impulse ships is impossible in SE4, but 3 times times faster might be doable instead of the current ~1.5 times faster? (Maybe warp cores could be scale mounted, too?)

I also think the bussard collectors and ramscoops provide WAY too many supplies for their tiny size and low tech requirements - currently it's possible to make starships practically self-sustaining without consuming any noticeable amount of tonnage, rendering supply depots useless... or did you intend that to be the case, given that starships were often sent on "five-year missions"? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Atrocities October 4th, 2004 08:24 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Ed.

I have not yet had the chance to meet with CK but he has a new propulsion system that we will be using.

The warheads are no problem, I will be happy to do that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I will look at the BC and other and see if they need to be tweaked. The idea was to provide a ship with some supplies each turn, but not enought to keep it out in space forever. The supplies generated should be lower than the supplies used, however setting that standard is nearly impossible to do.

Aiken October 5th, 2004 10:07 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Annoyance (not a bug): 8472's ConVersion Complex and Borg's Drone Maturation Chamber have Facility Family := 34, which is the same as generic Population Growth Facility family. It causes these racial facilities to "upgrade" to PGF, then total uprade is performed (in Construction Queues window). Very annoying.

Atrocities October 5th, 2004 11:52 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Will fix, thanks Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Atrocities October 9th, 2004 10:08 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Here's and update on whats going on thus far. Please keep in mind that this is NOT the final Version as the work continues.

Version History for Star Trek Mod

Star Trek Mod v1.7.7

1. Added 20 Place holder slots to the RacialTech File
2. Added Infantry to Vehicle Size file
3. Added Infantry Specific Weapons - Phasers, Disruptors, and Others
4. Updated All Race Ship Sets to new hi-res renders
5. Changed Description of Ring and Sphere Worlds to make them more descriptive on how to use.
6. Changed Ferengi Neutrino Mine I - III image from 185 to 1332
7. Changed Shield Generators Mine I - III Image from 185 to 1327
8. Changed Engine Mine I - III Image from 185 to 1328
9. Added Power Industrialists to Racial Trait (150% to Space Yard Production @ a cost of 1500 Points)
10. Added Very Un-Lucky to Raical Trait (-100 to Luck @ a Savings of 1000 points)
11. Added Natural Engineers to Racial Traits (150% to Repair) (Based upon Adamant Mod)
12. Added Engineeringly challenged to Racial Traits (-50% to Repair)
13. Added Miniaturization Experts to Racial Traits (120% to Planet Storage) (Based upon Adamant Mod)
14. Added Pack Rats to Racial Traits (-25% to Planet Storage)
15. Added Advanced Minerals Storage, Advanced Organics Storage, and Advanced Radioactives Storage To Racial Traits. (Based upon Adamant Mod)
16. Added Disorganized Minerals Storage, Disorganized Organics Storage, and Disorganized Radioactives Storage to Racial Traits. (Based upon the Adamant Mod)
17. Changed Bussard Collector I - III supply generation from 100,120,140 to 80,100,120
18. Changed Ram Scoop I - III supply generation from 150,180,200 to 120,140,160
19. Changed Drone Maturation Chamber I - V and ConVersion Complex I - III family number from 34 to 87
20. Changed Lowered over all Cost of Breen Atmospheric Modification Plant II - III
21. Changed Lowered over all Cost of Breen Organic Extractor I - III
22. Added Infantry Tech to Tech Area
23. Added Pistol, Rifle, Body Armor, Person Shield Generator to Components for use with Infantry Tech.
24. Removed All Races Troops from Components File. No need.
25. Added All Races Troops to Vehicle Size File. (Now a True Troop)
26. Added Pirate Troops to Tech Area file.
27. Changed Strength of Pirates I - III (Ship Capture) from 25,35,45 to 35,45,55
28. Changed Pirate Shield Depleter I - V damage at range from 15 to 25 across all ranges.
29. Changed Pirate Hull Armor I - III tonnage structure (35,40,45)(5kt)
30. Changed Modified cost of Pirate Hull Armor I - III
31. Changed Klingon Small Disruptor I - III tech requirement from Klingon Stream Weapons to Klingon Disruptors
32. Changed Pirate Disruptor I - X to match that of the Klingons

Star Trek Mod v1.7.6 Captain Kwok's Revisions

1. Changed Modified tonnage structures for most components.
2. Changed Armor tonnage (10kT) structure (20-25-30)
3. Added Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
4. Changed Modified cost for Armor
5. Changed Emissive Armor (20kT) tonnage structure (40-45-50)
6. Added Emissive Armor - Five Per Vehicle restriction
7. Changed Modified cost for Emissive Armor
8. Changed Scattering Armor (40kT) tonnage structure (40-45-50)
9. Changed Modified cost for Scattering Armor
10. Changed Federation Ablative Armor to Ablative Armor
11. Changed Ablative Armor (5kT) tonnage structure (20-25-30)
12. Changed Ablative Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
13. Changed Modified cost for Ablative Armor
15. Changed Borg Regenerative Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (15-20-25)
16. Changed Borg Regenerative Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
17. Changed Modified cost for Borg Regenerative Armor
18. Changed Description for Borg Regenerative Armor
19. Changed Breen Organic Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-35-40)
20. Changed Breen Organic Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
21. Changed Modified cost for Borg Regenerative Armor
22. Changed Kelindide Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-35-40)
23. Changed Kelindide Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
24. Changed Modified cost for Kelindide Armor
25. Changed Varethiel Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-40-50)
26. Changed Varethiel Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
27. Changed Modified cost for Varethiel Armor
28. Changed Crystalline Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (50-60-70)
29. Changed Crystalline Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
30. Changed Modified cost for Crystalline Armor
31. Changed Shield Generator I-X to 20kT
32. Changed Modified Shield Generator attributes, shield Points, phased Shields, etc.
33. Changed Modified Bio - Electric Field attributes - phased shield points only
34. Changed Renamed Borg Regenerative Shields to Borg Shield Regenerator to match actual function
35. Changed Modified attributes of Borg Shield Regenerator
36. Changed Modified cost of Borg Shield Regenerator
37. Changed Structural Integrity Field (0kT) tonnage structure (20-40-60-80-100)
38. Changed Renamed Supply Storage to Anti-Matter Pod
39. Changed Modified Anti-Matter Pod supply storage (500-625-750-875-1000)
40. Changed Reduced Cargo Bay storage space (50-60-70-80-100)
41. Changed Modified Ferengi Deuterium Tank supply storage (500-750-1000-1250-1500)
42. Changed Modified cost of Ferengi Deuterium Tank
43. Changed Modified Ferengi Compact Cargo Bay storage space (40-50-60-70-80)
44. Changed Modified cost of Ferengi Compact Cargo Bay
46. Changed Damage for Laser I-V.
47. Removed Phased-Energy Cannons VI-X.
48. Changed Damage for Phased-Energy Cannons I-V.
49. Changed Renamed Federation Phasers I-X to Phasers I-X.
50. Changed Description for Phasers I-X.
51. Changed Damage and cost for Phasers I-X.
52. Changed +10% Accuracy for Phasers I-X.
53. Changed Phasers I-X now use beam image 16.
54. Note Same 'Scaled' modifications as above for Small Phasers I-III.
55. Removed Federation Pulse Phasers VI.
56. Changed Renamed Federation Pulse Phasers I-V to Pulse Phasers I-V.
57. Changed Description for Pulse Phasers I-V.
58. Changed Damage and cost for Pulse Phasers I-V.
59. Changed -10% Accuracy for Pulse Phasers I-V.
60. Note Same 'Scaled' modifications as above for Small Pulse Phasers I-III.
61. Changed Renamed Ram Cannon to Phaser Cannon.
62. Changed Description for Phaser Cannon.
63. Changed Damage and cost for Phaser Cannon.
64. Changed Increase Federation Pulse Weapon Energy Stream Weapon requirement to 5.
65. Changed Display image for Klingon Disruptor to Torp 131.
66. Changed Increased cost of Federation Pulse Weapons tech area to 25000.
67. Changed Changed tech area Klingon Stream Weapons to Klingon Disruptors.
68. Changed Increased size of Scanner Jammer to 30kT
69. Removed Small Ship Shield Mount
70. Changed Attributes of Galaxy X Mount
71. Changed Settings.txt Population Mass to 10

Aiken October 9th, 2004 10:49 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update *DELETED*
Post deleted by aiken

Atrocities October 9th, 2004 11:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Your mocking my spelling aren't you? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aiken October 9th, 2004 12:03 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update *DELETED*
Post deleted by aiken

Ragnarok-X October 9th, 2004 01:59 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Nice indeed, sounds like a perfect time for the kazon to take control of the known galaxy.

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