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Kelan October 20th, 2004 07:13 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a copy of the Turn 5 map attached. I added some province numbers in Paint real quick to show where they are. The file is a little big (293k), but hopefully not too bad for most.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 06:45 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 3
Treasury: 265
Income: 297
Upkeep: 68
RP Total: 13
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 10

Alteration: 3
Construction: (+13)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 24 (+3)
Death: 16 (+2)

~ Alteration 3 completed.

I accidentally forgot to split research Last turn. I only needed 10 of the 13 to complete Alt 3 and now have 3 extra there toward Alt 4.

Brave Breakers were recruited by Arcoscephale
Shipwreckers are now available, Y’gologna commands 20 men for 150 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/4 (9680, 45, 30, 196) 5 Def
I 2 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60,40,30,50 Barbarians
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50 Barbarians
I 3 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60 Barbarians
I 2 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 0 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest
? -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains
I ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains

I made a mistake since I started this and had Oeversee (195) listed as forest when it is in fact plains. I will fix that here and from here forward.

This turn I recruit a Jotun Skratti which is 2W, 2B, and 1 random sorcery path. Hopefully I will eventually get one with 2W, 3B so that I can make a water bracelet and summon ice devils. It does appear that druids are sacred, so this appears to be my best long term research option for the time being. For now, though, I will wait to invest the 400 gold up front to get them going (cost of temple and lab).

I now have a total of 4 Niefel Giants, 8 Jotun Axemen, and 5 Jotun Spearmen. I put the Jotuns in one squad (I leave 1 Spearman to guard Angerboda) and have them in the center to Hold and Attack Nearest. I put the Niefel Giants in their own squad (mainly because they are faster) and set them back a step or two with the same orders. I now script Vaklidun to cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, Mirror Image, Mistform, and Attack Closest. I change Gotvid to cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, (hold) 3 times then Attack Closest. Hopefully this will allow him to time up right with Vak to attack at the same time. I send the army to attack (202). Hugin the Herse will stay to pick up later re-inforcements and pick up forged items in the turns ahead. Vaklidun now has 6 winter wolves. I just notice that these also get a nice boost in Zen’s new spell mod and this should help my cause http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I also take a moment to notice that none of my Niefel Giants are wounded, but 3 of my Jotun Axemen are now afflicted.

I send Starkader on to (189) to scout some more and move Tunne to (152).

Angerboda will start to research Construction with 13 RPs. Once I get Construction 4, I may use Angerboda or another Gygja to search the surrounding provinces for magic sites. I intend to use Acashic Record a lot later on, but it will be a while before I have the gem income to do that.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 07:11 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 4
Treasury: 280
Income: 345
Upkeep: 72
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 10

Alteration: 3
Construction: (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 27 (+3)
Death: 18 (+2)

~ R’lyeh has made the Starspawn named Yakt Hoob its prophet.
~ There was a battle in High Yldemir.

There are 48 barbarians here, 26 with mauls and 22 with great swords. Both are 9 damage and the barbarians have 12 strength, so this may hurt some. Gotvid waited way too long to attack. I was hoping that while under both quickness he would pass over the 3 (hold) turns in 1 turn, but apparently no matter how quickened a commander is, they will hold a turn for each time listed, which makes sense.

The barbarians were fast and got to my giants first, and without any support from Gotvid or Vaklidun, they chewed up some of my Jotuns in a hurry. As soon as Vaklidun and Gotvid got in there to help, the barbarians soon routed after. Before they ran, they did manage to kill 6 of my Jotun Axemen and the rest of my army did not rout at all. I think I could have prevented the losses, or at least reduced them, if I set my Jotuns back a bit and had Gotvid not hold so many turns.

Ferdinando’s Footmen were now recruited by C’tis.
Shipwreckers were recruited by T’ien Ch’i.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9680, 45, 30, 196) 5 Def
J 3 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 80/10 (7200, 32, 32, 158) 5 Def
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50,30,40 Barbarians
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40 Barbarians
I 3 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 3 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 0 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
? ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
I ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands

Fres is my new Jotun Skratti and is 2W, 1N, 2B. I set him to research construction with Angerboda for a total of 20 RPs.

I recruit 6 new Jotun Huskarls w/spears to replace the 6 axemen that just died. I decide to go for the lower resource cost Huskarl so that I can get 6 this turn. They have +1 morale, +1 defense, and –3 protection compared to the Jotun Spearman so they should be close to as effective for how I am using them.

I have Vaklidun, Gotvid, and Freke search for magic sites in (202) while they wait for more support to take on the barbarians in (195) next turn. If I had 6 less Jotuns in this Last battle, things may have not been as well so I decide to wait.

I send Starkader on to (170) to scout some more and have Tunne stay in (152) to see if Marignon has any activity in the area.

Hopefully I will find some Independant scouts soon so that I can recruit some cheap ones to scout more and to bring and hold magic items.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 07:48 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 10:

Provinces: 4
Treasury: 312
Income: 337
Upkeep: 86
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 1 (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 1 (+1)
Water: 31 (+4)
Death: 21 (+3)

~ Construction 1 has been completed.
~ Freke, my Jotun Gode and prophet was struck by an arrow, survived and got an ugly wound.
~ Vaklidun has found a magic site in (202) – Mist Swamps which has 1W, 1A per turn
~ Gotvid has found a magic site in (202) – Battlefield which has 1D per turn
~ Mictlan has made the King of Legends named Mictlipoctli its prophet.

Gynter Blukraft’s Sonnenkinder was now recruited by T’ien Ch’i.
Hector’s Heavy Horsemen are now available, Hector Stark commands 15 men for 220 gold.

Heavy Cavalry sure can be nice and can take some provinces all by themselves. I just don’t want to spend the gold right now, though, and they may not work well with the chill from my giants. I also don’t think they can take barbarian provinces or others that are next in line to take over by themselves.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
J 4 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 90/3 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50,30,40,30 Barbarians
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60 Barbarians
I 3 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
? ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
I ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
I ? (153) Golana – Swamp
Mg ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands

There is a new update on population, income, etc. and I like how much growth is helping along here. This may have quite a nice income effect as the game goes on.

It appears that Bolfar has a temple and fortification and is owned by Marignon along with (179) now. This is probably its capitol as I doubt that they built those already. Also, it looks like Marignon has been working over province (170) as there are only 9 heavy infantry left there. Marignon is also expanding very fast from the graphs, and has 3 more provinces than I do it appears. I tend to expand slow and try to watch my borders and like to prevent routing as much as possible. It also tends to give the AI more time to expand, and even expand faster than I, and can give a bit more of a challenge later in the game. If I get time to commit to some MP in the future, I will probably have to re-think this, but who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

This turn I recruit another Jotun Skratti for 250 gold. Normally I would try to recruit more Gygja right now, but since I got Angerboda so quickly she satisfies most of my Astral, Death, and Nature needs for a while. Still, I will most likely recruit another Gygja next turn to try to get another forger for Wraith Swords, Pendants of Luck, and Ring of Regeneration. This will also allow Angerboda to keep using her valuable 13 RPs researching.

I send my main army on to (195) to try to eradicate the barbarians there. I move the spearmen and giants back a bit to try to slow down the first contact a little. I remove 2 of the extra (hold)s from Gotvid’s script and have Hugin gather up the 6 new Huskarls (with same positioning and orders as the spearmen) and join the fight.

I send Starkader on to (179) to scout some Marignon’s territory and head back to the bottleneck to see when Marignon starts to move that way and to monitor what size army/make-up he may move in with toward me. I have Tunne stay in (152) to wait on Marignon’s progress in the area. At this point I normally don’t send in scouts deep inlands to see what other nations are doing. Part of it is I like to be surprised at what I come up against and see how I react and part is I don’t want as much management of scouts and their progress. I am not sure what else I would do with the info either at this point. In MP, I would probably have to do much more scouting as many seem to do to be successful.

I have both of my mages continue to research Construction with 20 RPs.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 08:07 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
TURN 11:

Provinces: 5
Treasury: 369
Income: 410
Upkeep: 99
RP Total: 27
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 1 (+27)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 2 (+1)
Water: 35 (+4)
Death: 24 (+3)

~ Hugin was struck by an arrow again and survived.
~ There was a battle in Oeversee (195).

There are 2 barbarian chiefs, 20 barbarians with mauls, and 29 barbarians with great swords. My army timing works well and all move together except for Gotvid, which went a turn too early. I will add one more (hold) to his script for the next battle. Upon charging, though, Vaklidun gets stuck behind the spearmen and does nothing for 2 turns. I think perhaps the wolves got in his way and that caused him to veer more to the center of the battlefield. I end up routing the barbarians and taking the province, but not before I lose 2 Jotuns and have one squad of Jotuns rout and flee.

I check my remaining units and notice that one of my Niefel Giants has lost one eye and has been weakened. At least he didn’t get morale loss, which would be much worse I think.

Upon taking province (195) I notice it has the Arena as a site which gives an extra 15 gold income per turn.

Hector’s Heavy Horsemen were recruited by Marignon.
Black Bone’s Pirates are now available, 25 men for 180 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
J 4 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
J 5 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70/14 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70 Barbarians
I 5 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -2 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
? ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
Mg ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
I ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
Mg ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

I notice there are now 20 Heavy Cavalry in (179) and it is probably Hector’s Heavy Horsemen that Marignon has just hired. I set the defense to 5 in my newly acquired province (195).

Alf is the Jotun Skratti that appears and has 2W, 3B. Excellent! This is what I was hoping for as I don’t recall it being easy to get +1B without having at least 3B already.

This turn I recruit another Gygja for research and forging and 3 Jotun Spearmen.

I send Hugin back to my capitol to pick up the 6 Jotun Spearmen that will be there next turn. I send Freke to (202) to pick up the 2 Jotuns that fled there. Vaklidun and Gotvid will search (195) for magic sites while they await reinforcements.

I have Starkader move up to (179) to wait for any advancement by Marignon and have Tunne wait and scout in (152).

My mages in the capitol continue to research construction with 27 total RPs.

I will attach the turn 10 map file to this post.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 08:11 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Hmm... I tried to use Tab and spaces to try to help format the reports a bit, but they don't seem to have any effect.

Does anyone know of a way to get columns of data to line up in a post? Perhaps I can just try to add some of these characters to help ____.

I also tried to add some color codes, but couldn't get them to work either. Could someone point out what the exact syntax would be to try some custom colors?

Zen October 22nd, 2004 08:34 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Use code, /code to be able to format things in rows. For colors I believe you just use the normal color:red, /color tags.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 09:23 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> J 5 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70/14 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white">I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70 Barbarians
I 5 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
</font>? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200">Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
</font>I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights

</pre><hr />


Kelan October 22nd, 2004 09:25 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Cool, thanks Zen. I will play around with this some more and try to come up with a better format.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 10:33 AM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 12:

Provinces: 5
Treasury: 289
Income: 415
Upkeep: 121
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 2 (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">3 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">39 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white"> </font>
Death: <font color="purple">27 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Construction 2 has been completed.
~ Gotvid cannot find any magic sites in Oeversee (195).
~ Vaklidun cannot find any magic sites in Oeversee (195).

Black Bone’s Pirates were recruited by Mictlan.
The Archers in White are now available, Sanne commands 20 men for 100 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 90/3 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 5 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10,30 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 5 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40,70 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 0 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="white"> I 2 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 2 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 1 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

Sif is the new Gygja that was recruited and has 2D, 2N, 1B. Now I have two mages that can forge Wraith Swords and Rings of Regeneration. I would like to get at least one random Gygja with 1S to help with making pendants of luck and to allow Angerboda to keep researching.

I notice that I can now forge Horror Helmets, Pendants of Luck, and Clams of Pearls. I have 140 total RPs to get to Construction 4 and want to get there as soon as possible, but decide to have two of my Jotun Skratti forge a Clam of Pearls this turn. I will need the pearls to make pendants of luck and can turn them into nature gems to make rings of regen and other nature items in case I don’t find any nature sites soon. Once I get enough items made for my army early on, I will research conjuration and try out some new summons like the ice drakes.

This turn I recruit another Gygja for 250 gold.

Hugin picks up the 6 spearmen in my capitol and heads to (195). He will offer support in the attack on the heavy cavalry in (180) if I decide to attack there next turn. Freke picks up the 2 Jotun in (202) and heads to attack (183) along with my main army which moves from (195). Vaklidun now has 9 winter wolves which have built up a bit over the turns. I group them together and tell them to Hold and Attack Rear to see if they are more effective that way.

I have Starkader wait in (179) and Tunne wait in (152).

My extra mages in the capitol continue to research construction with 20 total RPs.

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