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Thilock_Dominus February 24th, 2005 07:26 AM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Thanks Liga http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

tinkthank February 24th, 2005 02:36 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Wow the look and feel of this is really great -- an amazing artist you are!
Have played 2 games with them so far -- very fun! Will try one more and then post results here of my testings.
Before you "go gold", you may need a native-speaker to go over some of the texts -- if you need help, let me know.

Yvelina February 24th, 2005 03:48 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Beautiful looking mod. It does not look particularly overpowered, either, which is a first as far as I am concerned. There are a few things that puzzle me, though.

The defense of the units is extremely high - too high to make sense. A groundpounder worth a dozen of golds should not have better combat stats than a Vanir hero.

Another strange thing is the forest shield - it decreases defense. If you are trying to model the fact that the shield actually slows the infantryman down, I think that you are on the wrong track. First, it will probably have unexpected results when rolling for an arrow hit. Second, in Dominions, even heavy, cumbersome shields, like the tower shields, increase defence. Now, I am rapier fencer, but I have gone against my boyfriend's SCA heavy fighter setup, and I assure you - a shield is a Heck of a defence.

I am not quite sure what is going on with income. You talk about a penalty to income, but I seem to be getting better capital income than I expected. Maybe a fluke.

And last, are these elves supposed to have some trouble with research? They have great combat mages, but no researchers to speak off.

Johan K February 24th, 2005 04:00 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release

Thilock_Dominus said:
*The Forest Dragon can only shapeshift after turn 1.

The problem here is that the dragon is wounded the first turn because of dominion HP bonus. It would be fatal to change form. All Dominions dragons start with the other form. If you put the other shape first (and make it a god), it will work properly, but you'll see the wrong image during god selection. It is not possible to make him work exactly like a standard dragon right now.

johan osterman February 24th, 2005 04:24 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Not sure if this is your intention, but changing the scales in the mod will not just change the scales for the modded nation but for all nations in the game were the mod is used. The wardancers might also be an issue, their defense combined with their offensive power, sacred status and fear makes them quite formidable.

Thilock_Dominus February 24th, 2005 04:49 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release

johan osterman said:
Not sure if this is your intention, but changing the scales in the mod will not just change the scales for the modded nation but for all nations in the game were the mod is used. The wardancers might also be an issue, their defense combined with their offensive power, sacred status and fear makes them quite formidable.

Okay, I was not aware of the scale thing.
That War dancers issue concerned myself, but I gave them the chance with the current stats into the beta test to see how people responding to them.


Yvelina Said:
Beautiful looking mod. It does not look particularly overpowered, either, which is a first as far as I am concerned. There are a few things that puzzle me, though.

The defense of the units is extremely high - too high to make sense. A groundpounder worth a dozen of golds should not have better combat stats than a Vanir hero.

Another strange thing is the forest shield - it decreases defense. If you are trying to model the fact that the shield actually slows the infantryman down, I think that you are on the wrong track. First, it will probably have unexpected results when rolling for an arrow hit. Second, in Dominions, even heavy, cumbersome shields, like the tower shields, increase defence. Now, I am rapier fencer, but I have gone against my boyfriend's SCA heavy fighter setup, and I assure you - a shield is a Heck of a defence.

I am not quite sure what is going on with income. You talk about a penalty to income, but I seem to be getting better capital income than I expected. Maybe a fluke.

And last, are these elves supposed to have some trouble with research? They have great combat mages, but no researchers to speak off.

The Forest Shield is an error, the stats that is. There will be new stats to the Forest Shield, it was made in haste.

The Research issue: Well it was my intension to aim low. I used it as a compensation to the more stronger units types. But I'll take a look at it.

Thilock_Dominus February 24th, 2005 05:00 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Remade the the Forest Of Loren banner. (check my sig.)
New Flag for Forest Of Loren.
50 new names have been added.

odd_enuf February 24th, 2005 05:18 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
personally I think it looks over powered. The only weakness I see if it's only holy 3 priest is very expensive, which makes it difficult to get sermon of courage, and the lack of a cheap researcher. You have excellent national troops, possibly the best nationals outside of niefhiem. It has access too all schools of magic except death, which you can easily put on a pretender. I would eliminate the priestess with 1 water, leave only the air one, and change the random on the unicorn priestess to sorcry random only instead of elemental random. right now they can get the missing death magic easily through lamia queens. Currently, the unicorn priestess with a fire random can forge fever fetishes to get plenty of fire gems, and you can make clams using the 1 water priestess and a water bracelet. Change the magic paths this way would leave them with no way of getting fire or water magic outside of pretender/indies, giving them another weaknes. Also, if you can only make 1 commander captital only I would make it the unicorn priestess. This would make sermon of courage even harder to get, adding another weakness. As for the troops, I don't see much of a problem with the war dancers, with that low of protection they'll be sitting ducks for ranged weapons, ditto for the dyrads.


Kristoffer O February 24th, 2005 05:19 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release
Nice. I'm feeling a surge of warhammer inspiration. I think I have to paint my dark elf pirates.

I was surprised when my quickly made pretender showed up with a random elven name instead of the boring old ones.

Some thoughts:

Elven Warriors:
Spear costs 1 res.
Buckler costs 1 res.
Broadsword costs 3 res IIRC.
Leather Cuirass costs 1 res.
Base cost for all units 1 res.

So elven warrior with spear should cost 4 and the one with long sword 6 (or 7 if elven long swords are of superior craftsmanship).

Unicorns cost 140 and are inferior to wardancers in everything but MR (more or less).

Wardancers have area 7 fear. This is very powerful. They are scarier than a cyclops. In warhammer they have fear i guess. This is more like terror. A group of wardancers will break any enemy within moments. Spread them through your squads and you will have a horrible fear machine. They are also recruitable everywhere.

Their defence becomes very high when they wield two ritual swords. Base defence of 16 is on par with devils.

2 magic attacs of 15 is also high. Nothing wrong with that, but also something that should cost.

I would triple the wardancers cost and see if I would still find them attractive. Unicorns on the other hand might be made cheaper.

Very high defense.

Very high defense and/or awe on blessable units (air 10 blessing) makes them impossible to hurt without area spells.

Otherwise it seems fine. There are lots of commanders I haven't tried yet, but I find no cause for alarm (the war dancers got me a bit alarmed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ).

Arryn February 24th, 2005 05:24 PM

Re: Forest Of Loren - Release

Thilock_Dominus said:
Remade the the Forest Of Loren banner. (check my sig.)
New Flag for Forest Of Loren.
50 new names have been added.

The file attachment on the first post in this thread does not have these changes.

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