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Verjigorm March 11th, 2005 12:56 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items
Many games allow the downloading of maps/mods from the host computer. This would be a more elegant solution to that problem.

NTJedi March 13th, 2005 03:50 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items

Endoperez said:

NTJedi said:
Hopefully Dominions_3 will allow people hosting games to disable specific items and/or spells.
This way if some spell or item is unbalanced or bugged gamers will be able to disable it.

So you are asking that client checks what mods host has enabled, and downloads them if you don't have same version of that mod?

This has nothing to do with MODS. Take a look at the HeroesIII map editor and you'll see those developers had spells, skills and items which could be disabled before the start of any game.
Or take a look at the advanced options for the creation of new games within AgeofWonders:ShadowMagic. Here the host can decide many options for how the game will be played.
BOTH of these done without any MODS.

Endoperez March 13th, 2005 04:32 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items
I don't own Heroes III or AoW:SM.

What you ask, and much more, can be done with mods. Automating the process of downloading and enabling the mod would make using mods in multiplayer games much easier. Also, adding mod auto-managment would theoretically fix all spell and item cost and unit issues, and wouldn't need more and more things to be added to the game setup. Mod automatization would enable us to do more, with less work on Illwinter's side.

edited to be more understandable

Edi March 13th, 2005 05:51 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items

Yes, I suppose it would, but it is (or should be) actually easier to hard code the enable/disable and increase/decrease flags into the spell/item objects and do a simple interface (checkbox)where you set those flags to the appropriate values than to code a procedure that first runs a checklist of mods and the properties of each mod, then contacts a server or otehr client, downloads stuff and puts it in some folder (possibly overwriting something if different versions of same mod have same names and no internal versioning), then checks that and discards if the check comes up with some shortage, at which point the whole ridiculous thing has to run through again.

Do you understand the concepts of design? Any design in general, not just software design? If you need something done and you can do it two different ways to achieve the exact same effect, the simpler implementation is always better, because it requires less resources and is less error prone and less likely to break other things. Never mind being less work to do.

In this case, your idea of doing it via a mod download system has the following drawbacks:
  • Requires a lot of routines that do not contribute anything toward the end goal itself (all the network resolution stuff)
  • Is overly complex
  • Greatly increases probability of errors being compounded and these compounded errors being propagated (in addition to the possibility of code bugs, the system relies on user-provided components that may or may not have been error-checked, and it propagates these, possibly overwriting other data).
  • Requires more active agents in the setup phase, instead of just the host setting up the game and defining the parameters (this is another place where errors and compound errors can appear)
  • May cause version conflicts (software versions, mod versions)
That's just off the top of my head, and I can barely code a program that calculates the distance from grid zero to a given point. I'm quite certain the professional software developers on the forum can easily come up with half a dozen more reasons for why the enable/disable or increase/decrease cost implementations via mod download are a bad idea.


Endoperez March 13th, 2005 06:46 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items
No, I do not understand the concepts of design. Atleast, I have not studied it, I have next to no experience in designing and lots of experience in not following my own designs. I just suggest what I think is the best possible solution to the problem, and then wait to see if Illwinter reacts.
  • The mod solution is overly complex to fix clams, but not overly complex to fix clams, ghost riders, wrathful skies, overpowered Caelum, false horror, freespawn spamming (vampire lords, contracts etc.)... Most big balance issues, castling excluded.
  • The fact that users do not check if their mods work is just as bad as them not checking if the map they are using works. The difference is just in the size, and in the fact that mod can be corrected "on the fly" unlike maps. One could argue that modding tools are useless, because mods just "greatly increase probability of errors being compounded and these compounded errors being propagated".
  • I don't understand why you bring version conflicts to this. The game doesn't check software (if that means Dominions) versions atm, and mods are marked with version number, so checking those conflicts should be as easy as checking Dominions versions.

The routines/agents/whatever problems are valid, and these mean lots more work for Illwinter, some more work for host and little time connected to the internet for those wanting to play a game using system.

I don't know if the idea is good enough to be added, but it surely is good enough to be suggested.

P.S. I couldn't get list to work on preview, but it shows right after posting. Is this normal?

Oversway March 14th, 2005 11:38 AM

Re: Gem Producing Items

The mod solution is overly complex to fix clams, but not overly complex to fix clams, ghost riders, wrathful skies, overpowered Caelum, false horror, freespawn spamming (vampire lords, contracts etc.)... Most big balance issues, castling excluded

Why it may be more complicated to automate mod downloading, I think Endoperez has a very good point here.

However, for PBEM you can't really enforce mod downloading. But it would be helpful to have a check that the .2h files you are using were built using the same set of mods.

Endoperez March 16th, 2005 05:40 PM

Re: Gem Producing Items
Whew, no time with computer for two days. School. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

But now, to business:

What about a confirmation box "You need to enable mod XYZ. Do you want to enable it? [YES] [NO]", and if [YES] is clicked but the mod is not found or it is different version than the host's, new box appears. "You don't have version 1.23 of the mod XYZ, do you want to download it from the host? [YES] [NO]". Of course, host could disable the option of downloading that mod.

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