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Pyros September 28th, 2005 04:39 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
Me too Andre.


SargusBane October 7th, 2005 02:01 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios

I found that two raiders were good enough to hold the smiths the AI was sending at me. The Wyverns were the key to my game plan and I quickly clean up the map with them. I tried the Ogres later in the game but it took me a lot of cities to afford that. The snipers are great at defense and slow offense. With 3 snipers surrounding a city I was able to kill anything the AI made.

I am not giving the specific due to the fact I think it will be more enjoyable for the player to find the answer for themselves.

One more note. Found that if you expand too fast or too slow will allow the AI to win. I know that sounded a little stupid but you be amazed at how slow or how fast people expand.

beans February 12th, 2006 05:24 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
I could use a small hint for (Legendary) Gnome1 "A Simple Plan".

I can get all of the cities in time. I can't get the 55K. I end up with 30 to 39K.

Thanks in advance.

PhilD February 12th, 2006 10:15 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
Only recruit Gardeners; until 4 turns before the end, another Gardener staying on a city pays for himself by sitting there, so recruit plenty of them.

There isn't much room for non-optimal play, though. I just played it again (on Legendary: 14 turns for 55k), and ended with 58200 on turn 14 - probably not the best possible, but close enough, I'd say.

Edit: 58200 wasn't optimal. 61800 is better... though I cannot beat it in 13 turns, it seems.

MeMyselfAndI February 12th, 2006 10:18 PM

Re: Tough Scenarios

Grinner said:
I was just going to note that I found the "secret". There's probably more then one way to do it, but for now (not to make it too easy) I'll just say that conservation worked for me.

Thanks for your help.

Well then, I guess I am the dunce of the class. I replayed this scenario (On The Offense) about a dozen times and was no closer to success the last attempt than I was on the first.

Saying you should out-build your opponent and capture cities quickly, is all well and good. Actually doing that is another matter. It is hard to drain the swamp when you are up to your um, 'behind' in alligators.

I finally resorted to editing the .wad file to get past this scenario. Alas, whenever I resort to that sort of thing, my enjoyment of the rest of the game is lessened. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif

Graeme Dice February 13th, 2006 02:31 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios

MeMyselfAndI said:
Well then, I guess I am the dunce of the class. I replayed this scenario (On The Offense) about a dozen times and was no closer to success the last attempt than I was on the first.

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Ogres.

At least on normal difficulty, they are the only troops that you need to defeat this mission. They can survive the dwarfs high damage attacks very well, and with careful management, you can manage to finish it without losing a single unit. Capture the topmost cities first, and recycle your ogres back to captured cities for healing as they get wounded. Eventually, you will have enough that you can kill anything the dwarfs send at you in a single turn, and it becomes a matter of capturing their cities.

Sammas February 13th, 2006 04:21 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
Yeap, Ogres will do the trick. Basically, you want to spend your cash as fast as possible, because otherwise you will get overwhelmed. It's fairly easy to take the dwarf town just northeast of you, and then you can get a smith and an ogre each turn for a while, which will pretty much guarantee victory.

Hiro_Antagonist February 13th, 2006 05:07 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
These guys are right. You need to build a critical mass of units ASAP, and ogres are the best way to do it. For extra effect, build a mystic and use it to start making 2 ogres/turn.


beans February 14th, 2006 03:28 AM

Re: Tough Scenarios
(Legendary) Gnome1 "A Simple Plan".

I was not using the Nimble ability that the Gnomes have. I was trying to kill the runners first, then take the Gnomes out to conquer the cities. When you said only buy Gnomes, the light came on (how did he get past the runners).

I beat the scenario with $58,700.

Thanks for the help. On to the Orcs!

CracklingCurrent February 14th, 2006 05:26 PM

Re: Tough Scenarios
Can anyone give me a few tips on how to win the last scenario "Land's End"?

Thanks for any help.

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