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Agrajag January 17th, 2007 07:46 AM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
So I can make suggestions like this:

No specific land-name
No specific terrain
Bane Lord [Shadow Brand] x2
80 misc. Longdeads
No poptype (or "no soldiers belonging to the local poptype")
Contains the Battlefield magic site
Population - 1000


Jack_Trowell January 17th, 2007 09:27 AM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas

Agrajag said:
So I can make suggestions like this:

No specific land-name
No specific terrain
Bane Lord [Shadow Brand] x2
80 misc. Longdeads
No poptype (or "no soldiers belonging to the local poptype")
Contains the Battlefield magic site
Population - 1000


Yes, it's excatly what i need !

The function that select one of those preset sites is already done, all I have to do in fill the special provinces list.

Your exemple is perfect :

No specific land-name => the province will not be unique (several provinces could be edited with those settings)
No specific terrain => means that it can be selected whatever the terrain_type is (but maybe "waste" as required terrain would be appropriate ?)
Bane Lord [Shadow Brand] x2 => no problem, commander support is already fully implemeted
80 misc. Longdeads => no problem
No poptype (or "no soldiers belonging to the local poptype") => ok
Contains the Battlefield magic site => do you want the site to be already found or not ? (#feature "Battlefield" or #knownfeature "Battlefield" ?)
Population - 1000 => ok

Agrajag January 17th, 2007 09:59 AM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas

I meant it as a knownfeature (which is a good tip for all suggestions - remember to state if its a known site or hidden)
Also, I'm not sure if waste is appropraite, I rather tend to see "waste" provinces as those that are naturally uninhabitable, while this province is merely ravaged by war.
Something along the lines of:
19. a wild region or tract of land; desolate country, desert, or the like.

How 'bout:

Land Name: [The?] Twisted Forst
Terrain: Forest
Dark Vines [x7]
49 Vine Ogres
70 Vine Men
No extra troops from poptype. Though I could see it recruiting blowpipes and/or druids.
Population - 1500 (the few that manage to reside next to the creatures of the twisted forest)

Jack_Trowell January 17th, 2007 10:43 AM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas

Agrajag said:

I meant it as a knownfeature (which is a good tip for all suggestions - remember to state if its a known site or hidden)

Ok, I will add the site to my list tonight (I'm currently at work)


Also, I'm not sure if waste is appropraite, I rather tend to see "waste" provinces as those that are naturally uninhabitable, while this province is merely ravaged by war.

Ok, so any land province will do (of course it's not for sea provinces) ^_^


Something along the lines of:
19. a wild region or tract of land; desolate country, desert, or the like.

... so, a waste http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


How 'bout:

Land Name: [The?] Twisted Forst
Terrain: Forest
Dark Vines [x7]
49 Vine Ogres
70 Vine Men
No extra troops from poptype. Though I could see it recruiting blowpipes and/or druids.
Population - 1500 (the few that manage to reside next to the creatures of the twisted forest)

The dark wines as commanders, is it correct ?

Note that I can set a fixed poptype too, so I could use the poptype #37 (Woodsmen + druid).

*Any* command that is currently usable in .map file is recognized by my script (It took almost 10 hours of programming to make the functions that can parse a .map file to a perl structure and back, but now I can easily change any info in a programmer-friendly way and output the edited map code with only one function)

Gandalf Parker January 17th, 2007 12:39 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
You can make Dark Vines as commanders. In fact anything can be a pretender, or commander, or bodyguard, or troop. But there is a Vine King, and something called Ancient Presence, which you might want to consider.

Agrajag January 17th, 2007 12:46 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
Yeah, I meant the dark vines as commanders. I don't know nuthin' 'bout no Vine King :X (it might be better for this province, but I really never met the Vine King)
Poptype #37 is indeed a good choice.

As for the waste part, you seperated what was basically one unit into two parts, the dictionary definition of "waste" was intended to complement what I said one sentence before about how I view "waste" provinces, it was the definition that fits my view the most (notice it is definition #19 :X)

I'll try and come up with some more ideas later, though besides a few minutes for the forum I'm a bit busy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

(Definitely not as busy as Jack, taking 10 hours to program .map<->perl functions, nice work!)

Jack_Trowell January 17th, 2007 01:11 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas

Gandalf Parker said:
You can make Dark Vines as commanders. In fact anything can be a pretender, or commander, or bodyguard, or troop.

Oh, I know that I can make any unit a commander, I was just making sure that it was what Agrajag wanted.


But there is a Vine King, and something called Ancient Presence, which you might want to consider.

I know about the Vine king, and it could do indeed a good commander for this province (with or without the Dark Vines), but what is the "Ancient Presence" ?

I don't recall any corresponding summon, maybe it's from a random event ?

Gandalf Parker January 17th, 2007 01:38 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
Ancient Presence just looks like a mound of vines. It has magic. I used it as a special map item using it as a pretender for an AI. I dont remember all of its specials but it would be worth looking into. I think its number ID is 641

Teraswaerto January 17th, 2007 01:56 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
Here are a few I came up with (this is fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif).

Land Name: Forest of Sighs
Terrain: Forest
Commanders: 5 Enchantress
Troops: 10 Hama Dryad, 20 Sprite
Poptype: woodsmen
Magic sites (visible): Forest of Joy, Forest of Pain

Land Name: Shimmering Mountains
Terrain: Mountain
Troops/commanders: 1 Vastness
Poptype: no special
Magic sites: Distortion

Land Name: Gardens of Rhuax
Terrain: Waste
Commanders: 10 Fire Elementals, 2 Adept of Pyriphlegeton
Troops: 50 Magma Children
Poptype: no special
Magic sites (visible): Gold Apple Tree, Fountain of Fire, Magma River, Ashen Fields

Hope they are ok.

Jack_Trowell January 17th, 2007 02:13 PM

Re: [request for help] unique provinces ideas
Thanks to all, things are starting to look interesting http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

With those provinces and some more, I will soon be able to update the online map parser to use special provinces for the "greater manysites options" (and for terrains type without any special site yet, I can always use my randomize_province() function)

I think that I will give to "normal" provinces a small chance to use a preset province too (something like 5% chance)

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