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atul May 26th, 2007 12:03 PM

Re: Substitution needed (Perpetuality)
Thanks for the tip Gandalf, actually I've been hanging around the irc channel past week. Not much activity there now but I'll ask around if/when I get desperate come next monday. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

lch May 30th, 2007 03:22 PM

Early Age vanilla game looking for sub for Lanka
EDIT: The position has been filled.

An early age game on another forum is looking for a replacement for Lanka. Currently on Turn 60.

Map: Medium to Large Random map, 14 starting nations, 17 provinces per player
Age: Early
Independents: Average
Graphs: Enabled
Renaming: On
Magic Sites: 50%
Random Events: Common
Resources: Average
Research: Average
Hall of Fame: 15 slots
Victory: Standard

Lanka is probably the strongest faction in the east and has a good blood economy. In the west the nations Vanheim and Caelum overshadow the other nations, but Vanheim would have to go through Caelum to reach the smaller other nations in the east, so there is no predetermined winner yet.

In case you are interested, send me a PM so that I can pass on the information. You should then register on the forum.

vfb May 30th, 2007 11:48 PM

Re: Early Age vanilla game looking for sub for Lan
Middle age game is looking for a sub for Man. Currently on turn 52.

15 provinces per player, default settings.

Man is currently not at war, and has not been at war for a little while. Score graphs show Man's position is average, but the reality is slightly worse http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

PM vfb if you'd like to look at the position or want more info.

lch June 15th, 2007 07:20 PM

Looking for a sub for a week
The Newbies game that I'm hosting is looking for a temporary sub for the coming week for T'ien Ch'i. You're doing quite good, currently sieging the capital of another nation and about to remove that player from the game, if I remember correctly. Timer is at 48h quickhosting. If you have some spare time and are able to play 3-5 turns during the next week, then please apply in the game thread.

jutetrea June 28th, 2007 05:21 PM

Re: Kailasa looking for a sub
Gandalf's_mid_unlucky is looking for a Kailasa replacement. Turn mid 70's

Currently Kailasa is in the lower power tier, but for the most part unthreatened. Still a good opportunity to have some fun.

PM BandarLover or Gandalf

vfb June 28th, 2007 07:11 PM

Pythium looking for a sub
Whyte is looking for a replacement player for Pythium in a network MA game. Charts are off, no mods. Quickhost, no turn timer. It's a 160-province map.

Current players are --&gt; <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Thrawn Abysia
Wikd Thots Pangaea
K Bandar Log
thejeff Jotunheim
BandarLover Pythium
vfb Eriu
jimkehn Ulm
Saint_Dude R'lyeh
</pre><hr />
There are 8 nations left in the game and it's turn 44. Pythium was at peace for a long while, but recently has been involved in some fighting with Bandar Log. Please PM vfb for more details and the password if you'd like to play.

Here's a link to the game thread:


Edit Position has been filled.

lch July 2nd, 2007 09:35 AM

Replacement player in the mod nations game needed
EDIT: Found a replacement, Morkilus is taking over.

The mod nations game named &lt;a href="showflat.php?Cat=&amp;Number=533507&amp;Main =526583#Post533507" target="_blank"&gt;"Neo Xekinima"&lt;/a&gt; is looking for a replacement player for one of the nations (sea-faring dwarf pirates!). That means that you'll completely take over from now on. It is still very early game (turn 7 currently) and while you have now lost a little bit of tempo you're pretty much on the same level as the others. Please apply inside the game thread.

LoloMo July 6th, 2007 09:27 AM

Re: Replacement player in the mod nations game needed

Neo Xekinima - This is a really fun game, with all new nations. No pre established strategy, you don't know what that other nation is packing, and each nation has some secret trick up its sleeve.

If you've never tried mod nations before, this is the game to try it!

(Substitute found for Neo Xekinima!)

lch July 14th, 2007 04:55 AM

Late age game
Somebody can take over LA Atlantis in Veturi (WH and CB mod, 7 players):

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
#1 in provinces by a significant margin, with Pangaea pulling up in second, possibly to pass, unless I actually get involved in a war.
#1 in built forts, might help with catching up in research.
#1 in income, more or less tied with the nation of man.
Barely #1 in gem income, but its nothing special, considering the number of sites I've given level 9 scans to. I am opening up some other paths than water and death, though, so there is some hope, though nothing very promising.
Research is third from LAST. But ready to climb upward thanks to those forts I mentioned.
Dominion is middle of the road, with dominion walls at my land borders, but lots of hostile dominion in my seas.
And my army size is actually respectable if you take Ermor and Pangaea out of the equation.
Strategic vision is next to last, but I've been pretty good at avoiding stalls.

I don't want to make too much information public because it would handicap any replacement, but I'll share a bit to provide the flavor.
My scales are order 2, productivity 3, cold 2, magic 1. With temples, my dominion is 7 in my capital.

My current NAPs have varying terms, but they're more or less expiring right about now. My pretender is not a supercombatant, but is based around being a mobile spellcaster.

Please apply in the game thread.

Ewierl July 14th, 2007 12:37 PM

Re: NewDawn game
In the Dark Matter game, MA Caelum doesn't have the time to keep playing.

He's actually in quite a strong position- certainly one of the top 3, among the 5 remaining powers. According to the charts, he's top in Research, Gem Income, and (barely) Income.

I'm not the host (that's Zachariah), just an interested player, so I don't know all the game's little details. Sorlakind is the current player of Caelum, contact him for the password!

Game thread:

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