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Ironhawk May 15th, 2007 02:18 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
Same amount. All masters benefit from the same from having slaves. The only difference is that more masters means the slaves overload on fatigue faster since there are more people pouring fatigue into them.

mivayan May 15th, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?

Yrkoon said:
As soon as the battle starts, before anything happens, I click on the shamen just to see and - surprise - they have "charge body" on them. But not resist lightning 100%.

It appears that some of the effects of the magic items carried by the communion master also affect the communion slaves. Some, but not all ... weird.

Charge body is autocast at the start of the battle, the matrixes makes it affect slaves too like if the master had cast it manually. The lightning resistance is not a spell that is autocast at start of battle - since it shows up on the unit's stat screen even outside battle.


Anyway, I think this is highly exploitable: (...)

I doubt it. You need a crystal matrix and many slave matrixes (unless using pythium communion slaves) - since it happens before you can cast communion slave.

Seems you could give the slave only these four abilities from master's items (since other item abilities show up outside combat too):
-Charge body from the copper plate
-Power of the spheres from crystal shield.
-Breath of winter from the rime hauberk.
-Soul vortex from the Bone armor
needs testing.

Letting the masters cast a ton of buff spells and then retreating works, but you dont need slave matrixes for that.


Manuk said:
Changing a little the subjet. If I have two comm masters will I need twice many slaves to rise magic paths of those two or I will need the same amount like having only one?


One or two or forty communion masters doesn't matter, except the slaves will reach 200 fatigue faster and start to get hurt and dead.

Wish May 15th, 2007 04:02 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
no to soul vortex and breath of winter, but yes to power of the spheres, charge body, and ritual of returning (from that one artifact armor)

lch May 15th, 2007 05:22 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?

mivayan said:
Seems you could give the slave only these four abilities from master's items (since other item abilities show up outside combat too):
-Charge body from the copper plate
-Power of the spheres from crystal shield.
-Breath of winter from the rime hauberk.
-Soul vortex from the Bone armor
needs testing.

What about Charcoal shield?

Velusion May 15th, 2007 05:44 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?

Edi said:
Slaves must have magic or communion does not work.

What about the Pyhtium communion guys? They don't have magic and it obviously works...

Shovah32 May 15th, 2007 08:25 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
Pythiums communicants are an exception.

MaxWilson May 15th, 2007 11:14 PM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
Communicants are an exception in more ways than one. They take less fatigue than theurgs from casting spells in communion, especially for high-path magics. For instance, in a test game with an S5F4 caster, 2 communicants took a total of 112 fatigue (8 + 108) when the master was scripted to <Communion Master, Astral Shield, Flame Storm>. 2 theurgs scripted to <Communion Slave> took 23 fatigue from casting Communion Slave, 31 and 41 more from Astral Shield (making 54 and 64 respectively), and 115 and 136+ from Flame Storm (making 181 and 200, and the 200 guy was down 1 hit point). I have no good explanation for this, but Pythium communicants are far better than normal communion slaves for fatigue. Especially if you do like Wish and give them Standards of the Damned so they can Drain Life. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


Foodstamp May 16th, 2007 12:18 AM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
Wow, come on guys. He had an AIR 10 bless, casted divine blessing on turn 1 of the combat. Who can figure out what really happened here to the sacred shamans? If you guess right, you get a cookie http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

RamsHead May 16th, 2007 01:16 AM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
He got the air shield and shock resistance blessing effects.

I like peanut butter. Can I have some of that in my cookie?

Yrkoon May 16th, 2007 03:55 AM

Re: Communion - items of master affect slaves ?
Foodstamp and RamsHead, I did say in my post that I checked the Shamen before the divine bless was cast. So when I checked, they were NOT blessed. They had no shock resistance, no flaming weapons, no air shield but did have charge body.

After turn 1, when divine bless was cast, they still had charge body, plus shock resistance (75%, not 100% from the copper plate), air shield and flaming weapons.

So it wasn't a bless effect, but truly something from the master's magic item

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