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Lazy_Perfectionist October 14th, 2007 09:15 PM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
You're saying that without a screenshot? Meanie. Well, I guess I'll have to find out for myself, then.

Ming October 15th, 2007 05:29 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
Balor has an evil eye ranged area attack that is armour negating. From memory I think the area is 5 squares. I was lucky to get him early in a SP game against 12 random AI's and had a relatively easy time. I was beginning to think that Formorians are overpowered, but then the situation might have been very different without Balor.

Taqwus October 15th, 2007 05:39 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
Hm, sounds like Gaze of Death ala Abominations -- 5 AoE, 10 AN. Nasty against hordes of puny man-animals.

Endoperez October 15th, 2007 05:40 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
Gaze of Death isn't unique to Balor, but it's quite rare. One of the Foul Spawn has it (Basilisk, Cockatrice or something along those lines), as well as the Catoblepas. Getting Balor early in the game is something quite different...

Sombre October 15th, 2007 07:23 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
Just so everyone knows, Dance of the Morrigans is bugged and is currently useless.

Endoperez October 15th, 2007 07:31 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
Are you sure? AFAIK, it works like Shark Attack.

Sombre October 15th, 2007 07:40 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
I tested it about 20 times after modding it to be research level 0, 1D path requirement. I killed plenty of stuff so plenty of blood was spilt. The very first time I tried it one Morrigan turned up. Thereafter I didn't get any Morrigans turning up.

It's possible this is what's supposed to happen and you need to kill several hundred units just to get them to turn up. It's possible it's a bug and more are supposed to turn up.

Either way it sucks *** as a spell.

Here's the code for the mod:

#modname "Morrigan testmod"
#description "Description"
#version 1

#selectspell "Dance of the Morrigans"
#pathlevel 0 1
#pathlevel 1 0
#researchlevel 1
#fatiguecost 10

Arralen October 15th, 2007 09:13 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
I've tried Fomoria in 2 SP test games .. here's what I found:
  • Sacreds :Most of them have a little bit low ATT, therefore a low F bless could be helpful.(Fx on the pretender would also help with the absence of fire magic ...) F9 doesn't work that well, though, because A)they have only 1 attack and B)the high strength gives a high kill %tage anyway, the 2nd damage roll is wasted. N9 rocks, as with all sacred giants.
  • Standard Units :The random afflictions are a major PITA. Recruited 24 Javelineers, 14 of them where afflicted, 2 of those where acutally useless and had to be separated out ("lost an eye" and "limp"). That's turning into a real MM nightmare if you really want to recruit a bunch of them. On the other hand, most of them are useless anyway: the shield & armorless Milita does not work even as cheap meat shield, the Javelineers better do not get into melee (mixing them with Firbolgs does help somewhat, as it lessens swarming effects).
  • Item forging : .. somewhat of a problem .. no earth/fire means no hammers and no Charcoal Shields. In fact, there are no useful shields Fomoria can forge without the use of a specially tailored pretender. Annoying, if most of your fighting strength comes from thugs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
  • Magic : Lots of possibilites, or even necessities: conjuration, evocation, construction, enchantment, alteration .. it's hard to get the priorities right, as they might be changing fast during the early game.

PS: Macha isn't fomorian ...

Alderanas October 18th, 2007 12:27 AM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders
I love the Fomorians!!! They are awesome. I am kicking *** right now with them in SP. I am facing Mictlan, Yomi, Lanka, Tir na O'og, and Rohan. The first hero i got was Balor then the nemedian queen. The strategy i am using is massing nemedian warriors and Fomorian giants. Course i have also thugged the crap out of some wraith lords. They alone took out most of yomi and the massed fomorian giants and nemedian warriors are killing off lanka and Tir na O'og. That is my experience so far.

Ewierl October 18th, 2007 01:26 PM

Re: Fomorian Goat Herders

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
A bit of advice for you, Autochthon, keep some reserve forces. It doesn't sound like you've met their Nemedians yet. Being capital only, they're not as bad as Tir na n'Og. But they do have stealthy troops and leaders, as well as stealthy summons. Enough to suckerpunch you if your capital is left uncovered.

One of the less-obvious strengths of those Nemedians is their magic weapons. Being able to recruit those is a good counter to people who push their research towards early-game Ethereal troops. (I think the only ethereal sacreds are MA Ermor, though?)

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