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DrPraetorious December 12th, 2007 09:04 PM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
I think that the highest gem cost allowed is 327 (signed 16 bit divided by 100). You can disable the spells entirely by making them level -1.

The abilities of the unit are overwritten when you do a copystats.

As for the saved games - there are scripts that will automatically back up the save game as you play, and if you make a mistake with alchemy (or any other sort of mistake, actually), you can just start your turn over from the begining by "quitting without saving" and then reopening the game.

The reason the game does not have a conventional save-game feature is because it actually keeps track of the turns as individual files - if you look in the savegame directory you will see what I mean. This makes it easy to handle many different setups in multiplayer.

As for horrormarking and cursing being permanent - cursing doesn't actually *hurt* you, if you are reasonably capable of removing afflictions, you can just ignore it. If not, the game has a great many more incurable injuries and curses are the least of your concerns.

Horrormarking is basically a slow-and-inescapable-death. You can delay being killed by horrors but every time you fight one your horrormarks will get more severe, so more and more horrors will attack you, etc. etc. Personally I think this is cool. From a backstory standpoint, horrormarking means that the horrors are aware of you, and how you would "heal" this....

Neither of these features of the game is crucial, in any case; if you avoid using horrormarking or cursed items yourself, you can mostly ignore them.

Zogundar December 12th, 2007 09:40 PM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
Disable entirely sounds good.

So the "copystats" units look the same, they have the same name, but their stats are now garbage and they lack the old stats? Would it be possible, then, to create a new unit stat that is the same, except without their Horror Mark ability? Or do you have to use pre-existing ones?

D'oh! You're right! I completely forgot about the "Start the turn over from the beginning" thing.

As I said before, I just really hate incurable ailments. Stuff like that has always bugged me, be it Essence loss in Shadowrun or this. Regular afflictions bug me too, but knowing that they can be gotten rid of (Albeit with some difficulty in most cases) is "satisfactory." I'm obsessive, that way. I like to keep things in proper working order, maintain armies with nice round numbers of units, and no voices complaining about their backs. So something that increases the frequency of me having to "fix" my Perfect Order is a source of great vexation. Curious though, what are these other "incurable" injuries you speak of? I was not aware of any Afflictions that had no method of removal (Even the Old Age induced ones can be fought off..)

And Horror Marking.. well that really cheeses me off. Especially the idea of using it on a pretender god. From there on it's basically "rush rush rush" to end the game before you succumb to oblivion, and that's another annoyance of mine. I like to take my sweet time. Backstory wise, there's any number of ways, I would think, to justify removing it. A Global Enchantment that severs the link between the two worlds, for example. Even if dispelled, the horrors would have since lost track of their quarry. How's that?

DrPraetorious December 12th, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
Well, this is a war game, not an RPG. You have to approach it from the standpoint that everything you have is expendable, *especially* in multiplayer where your enemies will go to great lengths to cripple your stuff. So from a game standpoint, the fact that faerie queens are available to remove afflictions is almost irrelevant, because the cost involved is so high that it's almost always a better deal to just make new stuff to replace the injured.

I agree that they should add an effect code that lets you remove horrormarking and/or curses, even if they never use it themselves. But it's hardly a high priority because it just doesn't matter that much.

Losing your pretender is not that bad an outcome, actually. Especially in the late game. It's also likely to happen whether or not you get horrormarked, at least in multiplayer, because your opponents are going to be devoted to doing you in http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

You can also just raise pretenders from the dead repeatedly by prayer.

In multiplayer, curses and horrormarking are aspects of a strategy that would be unviable if they were easy to remove - and their effects are such that if there were ways to remove them that were very difficult, they'd almost never be worth it.

Amos December 12th, 2007 10:34 PM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
I can actually save faster with this game (using WinRAR) than with most (if not all) other games. The only problem with the lack of a Save function for me, is the necessity to play in windowed mod.
As for Curse and Horror Mark I just stopped noticing them a long time ago. Negative events can kill your nation far easier than if all your units and commanders had one of each.

Serenity December 12th, 2007 11:42 PM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?

Well I had trouble getting used to the "permanent" stuff too.

Immortal pretenders r pretty neat in keeping those away. Heal afflictions, respawn if horrors manage to kill em etc.

Im slowly starting to like the permanent stuff alot. Mass horror mark ur enemies SCs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I almost laugh when i think about it.

Its truly a wargame in terms of having to really cope with losses instead of just clicking respawn button and losing 2 gold pieces. Or loading.

Only game I have ever played this much is warcraft 3.

Lingchih December 13th, 2007 01:24 AM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
A curse is negligible. Slap an Amulet of Luck on the commander and balance it out. Horror marks can be nasty, yes, but until you get a bunch of them, the chance of a Horror showing up to kill you are pretty slim.

Almost all of my Pretenders end up getting cursed at some point. And Horror marked too. It doesn't take them out of the game. There's nothing more fun than a badass Pretender making hamburger out of every Horror that comes it's way.

vfb December 13th, 2007 03:25 AM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
Mmmm, Kurgiburgers! Looks yummy.

Edi December 13th, 2007 03:46 AM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
Zogundar, you can disable spells like Horror Mark, Curse, Doom and the one that gives several horror marks in a limited area by setting their research level as -1 or something, it takes them completely out of the game.

Then the only sources of curses and horror marks would be items and certain magical sites. The sites that do that are very rare compared to the total number of sites in the game and you unfortunately cannot mod out the curse/horror mark properties, but you can mod the entire sites out of the game by giving them a locmask of 0. For references, you need the Dom3 DBm which is linked in my sig, because I sure as hell don't remember them all, never mind the site numbers.

Sombre December 13th, 2007 04:54 AM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
It's a lot of effort to go to, especially as stuff will still die OH NOES.

DigitalSin December 13th, 2007 06:16 AM

Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?
What about the B9 death curse? Doesn't it horror mark someone that is already cursed, or am I just insane?

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