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Re: Dark Elves?
Are you also making a mod then Wrana?
Re: Dark Elves?
Re: Lurker
Now, this is interesting about the avatar. I happen to own a black avatar of Khaine that I converted, but it was for my 40k DE army. I will think about including one in this mod. Re: Wrana Am I stepping on your toes? I wasn't aware that you were creating a DE mod for dominions. (Are you?) Hellebron is not a mighty sorcerer per se, having no magic, but I get your point. Malekith is essentially preserved by the armour of midnight, while Morathi, Hellbron, et al are preserved by the cauldrons. Interesting note about the mass poisons, I will ignore that for this mod, mostly because of the #secondaryeffect wierdness on poisoned missile weapons- x-bows would simply be too lethal. The sacredness of witch elves is valid based on background, but you have to consider the prevalence of them. I they were 0-1, or even rare, I could see making them sacred, but as they stand, it seems qestionable at best, and unduly limiting. Perhaps, though, you are right about the Black Guard. They are not holy warriors per se, I will grant that. I was looking at holiness from a mechanical point of view, using it as a fine method of limiting and increasing the power of the guard (who are, after all, extremely rare.) I'm not toattly sure about the dragons. I would have a summonable highborne on a dragon, as opposed to making them recruitable. In middle era, I do not think that mighty sc commanders are appropriate, and in order to fit with other dominions dragons, a black one has to be of an SC level. This raises the issue of Malekith. Realistically speaking, malekith is hideously powerful (not in WH, but thats another story.) He is mounted on a great black dragon, Seraphon, protected by the armour of midnight, which essentially makes him invulnerable to mundane weapons, armed with the destroyer to kill enemy equipment, and the hand of khine to kill them, a mighty sorcerer, and a fine general. He is also tremendously skilled in combat. The options are: 1) No Malekith. I don't like this option, because Malekith is cool 2) Malekith as hero. I don't know about this. I think he's just too powerful for this to make sense without unconscionable nerfing. 3) Malekith as pretender. Sort of fits, sort of not. Also, potential for expandy pretender of doom syndrome. (See also, Archaon complex.) 4) Leave him on foot. |
Re: Dark Elves?
What about making Malekith like the Dominions dragons? Either powerful, footed mage OR a dragon(rider) with less magic and only natural weapons.
Re: Dark Elves?
1 Attachment(s)
to Sombre: (& Valandil, it seems)
I've begun work on one some times ago. Unfortunately, I've no great ability w/ pixelart, & this requires a lot. I've found one person who did such in past, but she is currently busy. For now, I have some Excel table with unit' etc. stats. It doesn't include special characters, as they are more difficult for converting into Dominions system (e.g., WH currently has warrior mages only as exception, while in Dominions they are the rule(z http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ); also, we usually don't use specials in play. For now, I'll just try to download it here. Quote:
Black Guard, on the other hand, can be made capital only (as they are in WH); & they wear enough armor to make them Resource-costly... As for Eternal Hatred, it can be translated either as extrs-high Attack, or as Berserk... Quote:
Re: Dark Elves?
I'm still here, BTW. Just busy right now, and doing some work when I have spare time. I don't know why we put WH nations in middle era, but inertia of bad(?) ideas means that it will probably stay that way.
Frenzy=Berzerk, I think. Hatred=attack skill, most likely. Thanks for the clarifictions, by the way. Largely agreed. |
Re: Dark Elves?
If you'd like you can nab the cold one from the Saurus Cavalry in my lizardmen mod. You know, for the cold one knights.
Re: Dark Elves?
Dark Elves are my favorite WHFB army; I'll definitely keep an eye on this one.
Very nice work so far! |
Re: Dark Elves?
Okay, after this Saturday, I should be able to finish this. Right now, I'm kinds busy working on legal proceedings (moot court,) but should be done soon. I might well steal your cold one, Sombre. Thanks for the offer.
Re: Dark Elves?
*Looks around for a Dark Elves mod*. It seems a lot of the warhammer mods are running out of steam. Say it isn't so.:( |
Re: Dark Elves?
1 Attachment(s)
I suppose I'll bump this up rather than make a new thread to ask, is anyone else currently working on a Dark Elves mod? If so, would said anyone be interested in a bit of cooperation?
I've currently put my planned Chaos Dwarfs on hold, and somehow ended up... making one of these, instead. Still in the process of slapping descriptions and art on all units, and then there's the balancing part, but attached are some sorceresses (having cast Air Shield, they're not normally that blue) and a bunch of warriors for now. Tentative troop list, anywhere: Warriors (Two types), Crossbowmen, Witch Elves (Sacred), Corsairs, Shades (Stealth), Dark Riders Capital: Cold One Knight (Fear), Executioners (Sacred), Black Guard (Awe) Commander list, anywhere: Lordling, Noble, Highborn, Sorceress, Witch Elf Hag, Assassin, Beastmaster Apprentice, Reaver, Herald, Bloodshade Capital: High Sorceress, Beastmaster, Death Hag Also summons, heroes and a pretender or two. Magic: Air and Death for Sorceresses' Dhar, Blood for the cult of Khaine. (May add Water to the former if needed for balance, but that comes later.) |
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