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Sombre November 11th, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Name: Slave Market.
Path: Blood 1
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1
Recruitables: (Mictlan) Slave
Gems: 1 blood slave
Resource Bonus: 30
Scales: Nope

Sombre November 11th, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
By the way, I plan on doing the entire Warhammer Dogs of War lineup as a load of sites, but that will be a mod in and of itself.

Zeldor November 11th, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
There was a nice site-searching guide that pointed what max paths you should site-search in specific terrain. I think that mod should aim to fill all terrains with magic sites from every path up to lvl4.

Alderanas November 11th, 2008 09:22 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
oo something that might be fun and interesting would be to have a province that lets say was named The Shrine of Sombre and have some of the nations creatures he created able to be recruited there if thats possible. You could do it for everyone who has made a nation but that might take a while.

lch November 11th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Name: Shrine of Sombre
Path: (none)
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1
Recruitables: Bog beast
Gems: (none)
Path Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

HoneyBadger November 11th, 2008 09:39 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
By the way, I'm going to do 8 separate sites for Yomi at some point.

I haven't done the graphics or the stats for them yet, but they'll include the following recruitables, all undead:
Noppera-bō (faceless ghost, equipped as Samurai)
Rokurokubi, (long-necked ghost, attacks with a length 6 bite)
Yuki-onna (female spirit with awe (0), chill aura 3, attacks by breathing ice-short range cold attack)
Akurojin-no-hi (a tiny spirit of fire who's touch causes disease)
Funayūrei (the spirit of a drowned person-an amphibious zombie armed with a large ladle)
Harionago (female spirit, attacks with barbed hair which does 1 point of area 1 damage)
Onryō (female spirit of vengeance, 18 str, attacks with fists)
Yadōkai (the spirits of wicked monks, blue-skinned, with pillage bonus, armed with twin kamas.)

Although any Nation that holds their province can recruit them, they're specifically meant to be located, 1 or 2 each, in every province surrounding the Yomi capital.

Endoperez November 12th, 2008 02:49 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread

Originally Posted by lch (Post 651953)
Name: Shrine of Sombre
Path: (none)
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1
Recruitables: Bog beast
Gems: (none)
Path Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

I'd have to add gold cost to Bog Beasts. How much upkeep do you think would be reasonable, considering their current effectiveness? :p

In serious terms, it is easy enough to completely copy stats, description and sprite of a unit to make the site-only version independent of the summoned version, but balancing gold and resource costs can be tough.

lch November 12th, 2008 03:47 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
The Shrine of Sombre shall unleash the wrath of the bog unto the world and shower it in bog creatures until they are darkening the sun.

Sombre November 12th, 2008 06:58 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Goldcost 1
Rcost 1

Balanced Bog Beasts.

Stavis_L November 12th, 2008 11:28 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Here's a few more, and I replaced the path bonus with Gold/Resource bonus in the stub (since I apparently misread the announcement of the new sitemod commands :( )

Name: Pool of Congealed Blood
Path: Blood 2
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 1934 (Occultist)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Cloud Throne
Path: Air 4
Terrain: Mountain
Freq: 2 (rare), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 5A
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Sulfur Vent
Path: Fire 2
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 2F, 1E
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Sargasso Sea
Path: Nature 3
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 0 (common), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 3N, 1W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Sloth

Name: Temple of the Fish
Path: Holy 3
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (rare)
Recruitables: 1696 (Merman priest)
Recruitable Commanders: 1040 (Bishop fish)
Gems: 1S, 1W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Dead Zone
Path: Death 3
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 3D
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Death

Name: Sunken Temple
Path: Holy 1
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1S
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: The Source of All Waters
Path: Water 4
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (rare), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 5W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Cradle of Dragons
Path: Fire 4
Terrain: Mountain
Freq: 1 (uncommon), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 4F, 1E
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Tears of the Moon
Path: Astral 2
Terrain: (any land)
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 342 (Moon mage)
Gems: 2S
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

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