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Aezeal January 12th, 2009 05:25 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Is the improved arena mod already in there? If not I think that is a serious ommision.

llamabeast January 12th, 2009 06:05 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Yeah, adding Endo's arena mod would be a great idea.

llamabeast January 12th, 2009 06:08 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Oh, also: Thanks for all the work on this QM. CBM seems to be being used in a majority of MP games now, and I think it's really improving the experience.

Zeldor January 12th, 2009 06:44 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
BTW, llamabeast: fix that problem with Single Age mods for your games :)

QM: do it fast, I want to use it in my new game [I hope to start it around Monday].

iceboy January 12th, 2009 11:32 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Woohoo! Thanks QM! Love this mod!!! :D

Humakty January 13th, 2009 04:30 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
In the name of the silent majority of SPers, I solenly declar WHOOOT !!!! And thanks for all that work.

meister_miagi January 13th, 2009 07:53 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
I proofread the file, here are some typos I found:

Line 62, 71, 81, 90 (Soldiers): ".. Some are remenants of the old army " (remnants)

Line 106 (Lady of Springs): "Her will and her great pitcher brings life to the land" =bring
Line 185 (Monolith): inhawbiting=inhabiting , cermonies=ceremonies

Line 214 (White Bull): time immwmorial=time immortal?, bland rage=blind rage?, bulls=bull's, umatched=unmatched,

Line 222 (Black Bull): time immwmorial=time immortal?, slyer=slayer, dominannce=dominance, "The Great Black Bull posses legendary stmina"= possesses lengendary stamina, #end missing

Line 229 (Son of Fenrir): berzerk=berserk
Line 422 (Father of Serpens): Serpentd=Serpents
Line 451 (Lord of the Summer Plague): draught=drought
Line 477 (lord of Rebirth): iss=is
Line 527 (Jade Emperor): hange fate=change fate, reduce unrest prevent = "and" missing

Line 586 (Lord of the Forest): forst=forest, Forst has retuened=Forest has returned, beats=beasts,

Line 649 (Mother of Serpents): acomponied=accompanied,
Line 684 (Celestial General): #decr=#descr, Different spellings of "Pantokrator"

Line 770 (Phoenix): spring=sprung, the first=remove one space,
lcks the physical strgth=lacks the physical strength

Line 1555 (Carnutes Warrior): berzerk=berserk
Line 2299 (Vanara): sociecties=societies, maxes=axes
Line 2421 (Bandaraja): 2x thier=their, weapon in of itself=in an of itself? or just "itself",

Line 2588 (Polypal Mother): Aboleths, over the centuries= no comma, neraby=nearby

Line 3167 (Prince General): Thier=Their
Line 3428 (Vaettir): THey=They
Line 3558 (Bandar Noble): see Bandaraja
Line 9760 (Karasa Tengu): It is a mischievous and often harasses humans= mischievous demon?

Sometimes you spelled Pantokrator "pantocrator"

Humakty January 13th, 2009 03:03 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
I read the Dm with proton, and found two typos :

abysia EA : warmaster (unit 118) has a #end too much just before unit ID. (line 1926 at 1929).

vanara warrior has its #end spelled #ned (line 10126 at 10131)

I couldn't check those two ingame, as the first is a hero, and the second an indep (I think)

chrispedersen January 13th, 2009 05:35 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Is there any chance the agarthan boulders can be changed to the same boulders as Niefle? Ie., same weapon?

As I recall either:

a). Fire bless effects do not apply to agarthan boulders as there is no Agarthan Fire Boulder


b). Flaming arrows did not apply do agarthan boulders.

We're pretty sure the rocks are the same - and as fire is a national pick for the agarthans not the niefles fire boulders makes much more thematic sense for the former, if anyone.

Sombre January 13th, 2009 05:40 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
Fire bless doesn't apply to any missile weapons.

You must be thinking of flaming arrows. However flaming arrows on boulders is pretty much pointless anyway, especially now they can't be parried.

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