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lch March 2nd, 2009 02:32 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
Okay, I've been digging around and I got the following about heroic abilities. It seems that there are really rare ones (chance of 5% to get them) and common ones, but first I want to write about them in general.

Every heroic ability has a stat value (I'll abbreviate it as SV) that increases while being in the hall of fame. The value increases by 1D20 if it is below 200, or 1D10 if between 200 and 300, or otherwise by 1D5. How this heroic stat value scales to a bonus in the game depends on the heroic ability. For example:
  • Abilities ~ SV * 10/100:
    • Valor (to Standard)
  • Abilities ~ SV * 5/100:
    • Adept Researcher
    • Battle Bellow
  • Abilities ~ SV * 4/100:
    • Valor (to Morale)
    • Heroic Stupidity (to Morale)
  • Abilities ~ SV * 3/100:
    • Tough Skin
  • Abilities ~ SV * 2/100:
    • Lightning Reflexes
    • Heroic Precision
    • Heroic Stupidity (to MR)
    • Iron Will
    • Heroic Battle Prowess
    • Heroic Endurance
    • Heroic Agility
  • Abilities ~ SV * 4/300:
    • Third Eye (to Precision)
  • Abilities ~ SV * 1/100:
    • Heroic Agility
    • Third Eye (for MR)
    • Heroic Stupidity (to Attack)
  • Abilities = SV / 200:
    • Heroic Strength
    • Heroic Quickness (to Defense, and AP)
    • Heroic Toughness
  • Abilities = SV / 250:
    • Unequaled Obesity (for HP bonus in %)
  • Abilities = SV / 400:
    • Unequaled Obesity (to Strength)
Unequaled Obesity also gives a fixed +3 enc.

Awesome Presence gives (SV-75)/25 awe. That's exactly the same formula to determine how Awe from magic items that raise normal leadership is being calculated. :up:

Heroic Stupidity also halves magic skill, like being mute.

JimMorrison March 2nd, 2009 03:46 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?

Originally Posted by lch (Post 677796)
Awesome Presence gives (SV-75)/25 awe. That's exactly the same formula to determine how Awe from magic items that raise normal leadership is being calculated. :up:

I wonder if there's a hidden interaction there - someone should put a Leadership item on an Awesome Presence commander (I bet NO ONE has, because it pumps their Leadership crazy high already), and see if it pushes their Awe up immediately (rather than requiring multiple items to reach the threshold).

Also, did not realize Heroic Quickness gave Def as well as the AP, it is officially my favorite (though Obesity makes me smile - is that PC to say? :p).

lch March 2nd, 2009 04:00 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 677806)
I wonder if there's a hidden interaction there - someone should put a Leadership item on an Awesome Presence commander (I bet NO ONE has, because it pumps their Leadership crazy high already), and see if it pushes their Awe up immediately (rather than requiring multiple items to reach the threshold).

No, those are two different values, they just use the exact same formula. One for the Awesome Presence skill value, and one for the normal leadership bonus effect in case it's 100 or higher. In case a unit has both, it will receive awe from both, but the values are being calculated on their own.

Unequaled obesity always was my favorite. I had a Dis once who was a lard with over +68 additional hit points, I think, maybe from being a prophet as well, I don't remember. I always wondered how long the poor horse would continue to fly her through the sky.

JimMorrison March 2nd, 2009 04:44 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?

Originally Posted by lch (Post 677810)
Unequaled obesity always was my favorite. I had a Dis once who was a lard with over +68 additional hit points, I think, maybe from being a prophet as well, I don't remember. I always wondered how long the poor horse would continue to fly her through the sky.

It's simple, you just need to realize 2 things -

The horse was fat too.

Magic Beans.

Then it all makes sense! :happy:

lch March 2nd, 2009 05:52 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
Okay, now for getting a heroic ability in the first place... If you make it into the HoF, you'll get a heroic ability. There are common ones which you'll get in most cases, and really rare ones which you only get with a chance of 1 out of 20. The starting value for the heroic ability stat, which I wrote about before, starts at 100 for all the heroic abilities.

The rare ones:
  • Awesome Presence
  • Battle Bellow
  • Undead General (only for a Death or Blood Mage or a nation of some type, my guess is with an affinity for undeads; never for MA Marignon)
  • Adept Researcher (only for magic users)
  • Third Eye (only for units with exactly two eyes, duh)
  • Heroic Stupidity (only for non-mages)
  • Legendary Cruelty

The common ones:
  • Heroic Strength
  • Heroic Battle Prowess
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Iron Will
  • Valor
  • Tough Skin
  • Heroic Toughness
  • Heroic Quickness
  • Heroic Precision (only for units with a ranged weapon or spellcasters)
  • Heroic Endurance (my guess is, only for units with something else than a base value of zero enc)
  • Unequaled Obesity (my guess is, not for units that need not eat)
  • Heroic Agility

Which of these heroic abilities you'll get, once it has been decided if it's going to be a common or rare one, is totally random and it only matters if the unit fulfills the requirements that I wrote in parentheses. Where I am not sure about the actual check, I wrote my guess what the check is about that is being performed.

I'm a little surprised that magic users can't get heroic stupidity. I could swear that I got it before, but maybe I'm thinking of getting the "mute" affliction instead, or this got changed in some previous patch.

chrispedersen March 2nd, 2009 05:58 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
I usually play with consistent scales - and there are some values I get all the time.

However, I noticce that when I play significantly different scales that I seem to get different heroic qualities.

Legendary cruelty I've only got playing death/blood, with significant death scales.

Adept researchers I only got when I was playing significant +M

No idea if it was coincidence or just luck.. but if people would input their current scales, and/or stats of the user that had them we could probably make a determination (for the rare ones).

lch March 2nd, 2009 06:04 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
I can safely tell you that the scales have nothing to do with it, at all.
Except for "Undead General", maybe, but I'd doubt it. It's probably something else.

Gregstrom March 2nd, 2009 06:10 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
For Undead General, might it be either undead leadership or ability to animate undead? Or even the national tag for 'living priests can animate undead', perhaps.

It's almost a shame there's nothing cleverer than that about it - I've more than once got Legendary Cruelty on a scout who'd been using Winter Bringer, and I'd been wondering if that ability was triggered by wounding a lot of units without actually killing them.

lch March 2nd, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
The check that enables Undead General for all units, without the requirement that they're D or B mages, depends on the nation being played.

The other checks where I was guessing depend on the actual unit type.

bladetruth March 2nd, 2009 08:19 PM

Re: How many kinds of hero abilities are there in dominions 3 ?
thanks a lot ,now I know there are many intereting hero abilities.

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