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Fantomen September 18th, 2009 01:17 PM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I´d go for "Dwarrows" if it was my call.

Burnsaber September 19th, 2009 05:52 AM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread

Originally Posted by Calchet (Post 710879)
Looking at the 7th book, there are multiple Anvils of Doom, belonging to different clans - so, while each throng can field one and only one, either attached to a normal Runelord or included with Thorek Ironbrow of Karak Azal, they are not actually unique as such.

There are even described three different varieties of Anvil of Doom, though they function no differently in mechanical terms:

- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Grimnir, emphasising fury
- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Grungni, emphasising effort
- Anvil of Doom dedicated to Valaya, emphasising loyalty

The possible effects from striking these Anvils, are:

- Rune of Wrath and Ruin - Damages and slows an enemy unit, and prevents it from flying, with an Ancient Power roll dealing additional damage. (Earthmeld + area-of-effect Damage? Perhaps even toss in a Storm?)

- Rune of Hearth and Hold - All friendy Dwarf units may reroll failed Fear or Terror tests until your next shooting phase, with an Ancient Power roll instead granting immunity. (Fanaticism + something?)

- Rune of Oath and Honor - Allows one friendly Dwarf unit (other than gyrocopters) to make a move in the shooting phase, with an Ancient Power roll instead letting 1d3 units do so. (Area-of -effect Quickness with lowish precision?)

Intresting stuff. Very intresting. I guess that the Anvils could be a non-unique summon then. Since I couldn't find the "basic anvil" miniature anymore, I thought that now the one used Thorek is the only one. I guess Thorek's Anvil could be a special unique summon. He'd be a way too badass as a hero, since even basic anvil will likely be like F2A2W2E2S3H4 (holy forging Batman!) and Thorek will likely have death magic to boot to cast the Rune of Doom.


Originally Posted by Fantomen (Post 710933)
I´d go for "Dwarrows" if it was my call.

Dwarrows sound intresting. But I'll stick with the "Dwarfs" for now, since it's the term used in the WH line. Although I'm really tempted to use "Dwarrow" in some context, perhaps as a name or to refer to the dwarf ancestors? The lore suggests that the first dwarfs were really badass, being more like demi-gods than mortals. It'd make sense they were referred by different name.

And thanks for the intresting linguistic conversation, I guess you learn something new every day. I did some graphics yesterday, decided that they're shiny enough to preview.


From left to right: Clandwarf, Heavy Clandwarf and Crossbow.

The crossbow is still kind of akward, I'll do some more work in it later.

llamabeast September 19th, 2009 08:10 AM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
This sounds really awesome Burnsaber, as always. I like pretty much everything in the first post.

The sprites look nice, but they look a bit like "half-dwarves", i.e. they look too tall to me, and maybe too thin. They look like they would come up at least to the shoulders of human sprites. I'm not quite how tall dwarves are, but I would have thought they'd come up to the chest or slightly below on a human.

Sombre September 19th, 2009 08:30 AM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I think that's the most common response to those graphics. They just don't feel squat and thick enough.

Burnsaber September 19th, 2009 03:53 PM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I'll see what I can do. A least on the battlefield they a clearly much shorter and wider than human enemies. The sprites are quite small already and look "crammed" in the recruitment screen. If I make them even smaller, I'll be majorly screwed when it comes to unis that need detail, like the Kings and Runesmiths. All those who have made graphics know that he biggest monsters are the worst. But, in a way, really small sprites even more harder. Like Dr.P once said:

"Those two pixels are totally a hoburg."

Fantomen September 19th, 2009 04:35 PM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I like the sprites as they are, don´t make them shorter. They could be slightly fatter to look more like warhammer dwarfs. The heavy armoured elites and commanders will be bulkier I suppose...

Great work Burnsaber!

Sombre September 20th, 2009 07:17 AM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I think dwarf armour, weaponry, beards and helmets allow for reasonable differentiation. Gromil could be coloured fairly brightly for instance.

Burnsaber September 20th, 2009 04:54 PM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 711227)
I think dwarf armour, weaponry, beards and helmets allow for reasonable differentiation. Gromil could be coloured fairly brightly for instance.

Well, I probably could differentiate them, but there are other problems. After tweaking around with sprites for a while, I've come to the conclusion that there is no way that I can mime the dimensions in the WH models and make them look good. Miniatures can have detail on detail (like the beard jewelry) but a small sprite can't. There is a point where a shield for example can only have a color as there just isn't room for any symbols. So I'd just have shape of the weapon, color of the beard and the color of the shield to differentiate them. It's doable but it would make the nation look horrible.

So yeah. The sprites will clearly be dwarfs when compared to dom3 humans in and out of the battlefield, but they won't look like WH dwarfs. I just don't have the skill for that. IMHO, it's not that big of a deal, it's just cosmetic thing. These guys will play a lot like the tabletop version and have pretty much the same lore.

Calchet September 21st, 2009 10:17 AM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
1 Attachment(s)
If you don't mind, I think I could pull off a pretty good tabletop dwarf or seven you could work from - I'm thinking something like the attached mockup sprite, though larger. (That one was mostly to see how small I could get it and still have it look dwarfish.)

(That said, it's as previously mentioned still your mod, and you're free to interpret dwarfs as you please - I might make an alternate set of graphics for my own personal use if I ever get around to it, though.)

Swan September 21st, 2009 05:19 PM

Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
i support the Dwarrow unit.
MAybe for inspiration you should look warcraft mountain king, they got an avatar ability( avatar= incarnation of a god, right?)as warcraft is partly( a lot) inspired on warhammer.
Vote yes on proposal n°Dwarrow

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