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NTJedi November 2nd, 2009 09:40 PM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001

Originally Posted by Ballbarian (Post 716886)
Try adding a backslash to the path (in options):
E:\Program Files (x86)\dominions3\maps\

Failing that, I wonder if it might be a denied access issue.
As changes are made to a map file, MF backs up changes to a ".ore" file in the maps directory. You might try running MF as administrator.


Well I relaxed permissions for the entire dominions3 directory and then shared the directory with everyone full control yet still the same problem. I also tried the directory change for E:\Program Files (x86)\dominions3\maps\ ... no luck.

I then used the run as command to run the executable using the administrator account, but still no luck. My original account is also only an administrator account. I'm able to use the map editor within Dominions_3 and save changes without any problem.

I'll keep trying... maybe my download was corrupted.

Ballbarian November 2nd, 2009 10:17 PM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
What is the application path of Map Forge? Where is it installed?
If Map Forge happens to reside on C:\ and Dominions is on E:\ that might cause problems.

Future versions will include a robust logging system that should help resolve problems of this sort. Really kicking myself for not including it before release. :o

NTJedi November 2nd, 2009 10:25 PM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
1 Attachment(s)
**Update: Well it seems the utility only has problems with maps I've created, the default maps from the game are not a problem. So my maps must either be using some map edit commands which is causing the map forge tool to choke or something else inside my maps.

I attached the most simple map file of all my maps in hopes a solution can be found.

image file now added


NTJedi November 2nd, 2009 10:41 PM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
**UPDATE: Think I found the problem... all previous times when I would install the map forge tool I would specify the map directory by cutting/pasting the path from windows explorer.

For my most recent installation I chose to browse to the directory and now its working for even my maps. After 4 installs at different locations on the same partition as Dominions_3 the browse option resolved the issue.

*** UPDATE: Still getting error related only with my map files. A new error reports just while browsing the map commanders.
Map file not saved!
Map file not saved! Map: E:\Program Files(x86)\dominions3\maps\Snow White.ore Error: Subscript out of range

** **UPDATE: It seems the same problem also occurs for the Shahrivar map file available for download... Hooray it's not just my maps. Ballbarian do you have the same errors when attempting to view Snow White OR the Shahrivar map files??

Ballbarian November 3rd, 2009 12:49 AM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
1 Attachment(s)
Upon loading Snow White I receive the following error report:


In province #323 (land name "Land of the Giants") contains a magic site called "Land of the Giants". Map Forge is reporting that this is not in it's list of valid sites. I cannot find it listed anywhere. Is this a typo or a mod site?

Anyhow, when I click on the province containing this site, I get the cannot save .ore file message. It is basically complaining because it sees the site as invalid.

I will try Shahrivar next.

Ballbarian November 3rd, 2009 01:05 AM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
The version of Shahrivar that I downloaded generates the following map error log:


Map error log for:
Error in z_ParseCommand: Unrecognized map command '#nonamefilter' - Map Line# 13 : #nonamefilter
#nonamefilter is listed in the mapedit.pdf as not working correctly, so Map Forge sees this as an unsupported map command. If I click OK, the editor is allowing me to edit and save the map normally. It just drops the unsupported command as it should.

If you are not seeing the warning screen upon loading a map, let me know.


NTJedi November 3rd, 2009 01:20 AM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001

Originally Posted by Ballbarian (Post 716944)
In province #323 (land name "Land of the Giants") contains a magic site called "Land of the Giants". Map Forge is reporting that this is not in it's list of valid sites. I cannot find it listed anywhere. Is this a typo or a mod site?

Anyhow, when I click on the province containing this site, I get the cannot save .ore file message. It is basically complaining because it sees the site as invalid.

I will try Shahrivar next.

It's from a mod... I feel so bad for overlooking conflicts with mods. Any clues why the Shahrivar map has trouble?

Nevermind... I see your previous post. :)

Foodstamp November 4th, 2009 10:23 AM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
Working on the graphic for my map. As soon as it is done, I will put Map Forge through it's paces and report any bugs!

BTW, is there an upper size limitation to the targa you can use for the map image?

Ballbarian November 4th, 2009 10:56 AM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
In theory 16383 x 16383, but there could be other limitations (such as system memory) that might lower the ceiling. Latus is a really big map (5000 x 4000) and Map Forge seemed to handle it with no problems.

pyg November 7th, 2009 07:09 PM

Re: Map Forge BETA 001
Mostly for Foodstamp I gave Map Forge a spin in Wine under Linux and it works MUCH better than RanDom does. Looks perfect even the config stuff worked correctly. I opened up Cradle of Dominion but didn't try anything else. Good job Ballbarian.

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