Sir_Dr_D |
January 17th, 2010 12:30 PM |
Re: Erfworld web comic
Originally Posted by Wrana
(Post 726612)
Yawn. I've read about 3-5 books with such premises, and I'm sure there are more. If it's your first one, it may be funny, but mostly they are just boring. It's amazing how people who wouldn't recognise a convention if it did bite them on the *ss, think themselves clever and funny... :mad:
There are a lot of web comincs out there. Most of them are bad. But to say that because some people did a particular type of webcominc bad, therefore all comics of that type are bad, is an unfair statement to make. Erfworld isn't even meant to be primarily a humor comic. It is a story driven comic with multi-dimensional characters, a deep theme, good artwork, and a plot in which you never know wich direction it is going to go. The comics humour relies on puns and references to the real world. I never found these references outright funny, but they are amusing, fun to figure out, and gives the comic its own unqiue artistic flavor.
Everyone has there own preferences for comics. So if you don't like it, you don't like it. But your statement did sound unfair. For the record, I did find the comic pointless with bad humour at the begining. Half way through the first book it started to get good, but not great. By the end of book 1, I found it epic.