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Septimius Severus April 1st, 2010 09:31 AM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!

Originally Posted by Folket (Post 738302)
I feel sorry for the children of Crom.

So you believe they should have Ashdod? Even with 3 or 4 Forge Lords, Ulm and Agartha?

Septimius Severus April 1st, 2010 02:18 PM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
I am starting to learn more and more toward bringing Ashdod back in for purely thematic reasons. It is a tough decision. Are they as unbalancing as Hinnom?

Children of Crom needs something as I see it. Ashdod is just the only proper thematic fit (earth, fire, forging). Ashdod could be relegated to the noob/rear position to limit them somewhat.

Abyssia just belongs on the Sanguinarium, with MA blood pickings being so slim.

Will it result in unstoppable uber SCs running around taking out the other teams before they can ramp up to Tartarians and higher level stuff? Will it make Children of Crom TOO powerful? Resulting in teams feeling the need to ally against them as in game 1?

The responses I have receive seem to be mixed. Are they any other experienced players with an opinion not already expressed?

chrispedersen April 1st, 2010 11:21 PM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
Ashdod is significantly worse than Hinnom.

Septimius Severus April 2nd, 2010 01:59 AM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
The current lineup will certainly work for my purposes, though having Ashdod in, and Abysia on the blood team would fit the themese more and allow me to tidy up the pretender choices a bit.

While I don't want to create another gimp, there are several measures that could be taken to reduce the threat that Ashdod may pose:

Ensuring they are played by a noob.

Placing them in the rear (default position for noobs).

I could even go a step further and slap Ashdod or the team with a "no first attack" rule vs other humans (we used something similar against the vets in one of the NvV games, if I recall) except through a proxy such as the merc.

While I don't want to create another gimp, there are things that can be done to handicap them and/or perhaps check their early aggression if it bothers other teams that much. But forging, is what the Children do. Its their thing.

So far no other feedback, or Captain signups. What a shame, I think the game/scenario has great potential. Must be only me and Doo and/or the overcommitment/too many games not enough players issue. :D

rdonj April 2nd, 2010 02:14 AM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
Okay, here is my proposal for making ashdod playable. They may not take earth or nature at above a level of 6 or take any level 9+ blesses. If you do that, then they can be played, otherwise it's just a bad idea :P

Cammorak April 2nd, 2010 03:27 AM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
If it makes things easier, I've been playing SP for a while now and looking for a newbie MP slot. I'd be more than happy to volunteer for Ashdod as a green newb.

Maerlande April 2nd, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
I don't think any of those are the issue Sept. Your games are notorious for being too complicated and not much fun. I think you've run out of vets willing to do the horrendous amounts of work required.

But good luck. Maybe there are a few still willing. I won't be playing in anymore of your games.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 03:21 PM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!

I understand your sentiments, as well as the in game issues.
But I think it is unnecessary to say something bad about another persons efforts. Setting up a game is hard; Sept puts a lot of work and effort into creating new ideas and I think that is to be commended.

For the record, I am willing to captain a team. I have declined heretofore, as I thought people might be tired of *me*, and I wanted to give others the chance to step up.

Lastly, I think that the pairing of captains with new players is a great idea that really helps new players learn some of the intricacies of dominions. His format encourages that, and I think is beneficial to the dominions community as a whole.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 03:23 PM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
I could live with Rdonj's suggestions for ashdod.

Septimius Severus April 2nd, 2010 04:02 PM

Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
Thank you Cammorak for volunteering for Ashdod, and Doo for your interest. Most certainly it would be proper for Ashdod to be played by a noob. And thanks Chris for pointing out some things.

Rdonj's proposal does sound like it will work just fine and would enable me to switch Absyia back to the blood team where they belong and adjust the pretender options accordingly.

Maerlande is correct on one thing, the bigger issue is can we get the captains we need.

I certainly hope my games are not notoriously complicated and not fun. I've seen many a game that was much more complicated for noobs. Server issues aside (that was really out my control), I did have a good amount of fun last game and learned alot. And I may be wrong, but many people seemed to have enjoyed the NvV series of game. If I didn't they did, I never would have tried again.

As for horrendous amounts of work, I certainly am not expecting any player to do 1/10 of the amount of work that has been required of myself or Gandalf.

The problem is Maerlande, many experienced players may be too stilted. Too convinced that this way or that way is the ONLY way to play. Team games do require a bit more effort and a different way of thinking, and it may be that many just prefer playing the same old way they've been playing and won't consider alternative ideas and concepts that go beyond maybe changing a few game settings, or using random nation assignments. If that is the best we can come up with, with no real variety, tis a sad state of affairs. And many may just hold grudges outside of the game, and that is just wrong thinking and childish in my opinion.

It is always difficult recruiting leaders, people with courage, willing to try new things, who are willing to unselfishly play not to garner wins or beat up on noobs, who don't want the effort or burden of working with other people or having rank amateurs on their team, but for the sake of the new player and education. And take on the responsibility for the team. And that is all I am really asking people to do. It is shame and a loss for the community. But I've presented the idea, I've poured countless hours of work into these games, the rest is up to you guys.

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