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Sombre April 22nd, 2010 01:30 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
I agree with that last point. It would be interesting to do something more meaningful with armour than have it all like this.

Light = low prot, 1 enc, -1 def
Medium = medium prot, 2 enc, -2 def
Heavy = high prot, 3 enc, -3 def

There could be armour which is fairly encumbering, but doesn't restrict mobility that much. However I think armours like this should be a relatively special case and the basic symmetry between enc and def should be maintained, most of the time. It might not be 'realistic' but it is intuitive.

Maerlande April 22nd, 2010 02:10 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
That's why I mentioned the two special cases of samurai and blacksteel. Both seem potentials for special cases.

I agree with the basic symmetry. It's pretty valid for nearly all cases and both realistic and intuitive. Most heavy armour is just plain heavy. You are including quite a bit of realism. From experience, putting on more armour (ie more mass and protection) both tires and reduces mobility. It also reduces vision which is pretty critical to defence.

kianduatha April 22nd, 2010 02:32 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
I was thinking the same thing about the Samurai armor, and given that you're accepting the lower resource cost from CBM there's no real way to make it lower encumbrance. Unfortunately, that makes Samurai Armor inferior to the Bronze Cuirass and Heavy Samurai Armor inferior to Bronze Hauberks, which sounds just wonky.

Full Chain Mail: 17 res, 17 prot, -3 def, 2 enc
Plate Hauberk: 20 res, 17 prot, -3 def, 2 enc
Bronze Hauberk: 18 res, 17 prot, -2 def, 3 enc
Meteorite Armor: 25 res, 17 prot, -2 def, 3 enc (plus ~3 MR to units that get it)
Heavy Samurai: 12 res, 17 prot, -3 def, 3 enc

Those numbers seem a bit...off, just from a 'which armors are supposed to be better' standpoint. Full Chain Mail is used by almost exclusively Knights and Ulmish infantry(also Wardens, Agarthan Heavy Inf and Asherite soldiers), whereas the Plate Hauberk is the 'standard' heavy armor for infantry. Bronze Hauberks are almost exclusively for Myrmidons(both from Arcosephale and Oceania) and Gadite Swordsmen.

Kheldron April 22nd, 2010 03:35 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 741744)
Let's take a unit with seriously heavy armour. MA Ulm blacksteel infantry with tower shield. In basegame he has enc of 7 (3 base, 4 plate, 2 shield). With this mod, he has an enc of 6. It helps, it's true, which is good because considering the cost of the unit in resources, it sucks. But does it make it invulnerable? Not even close.

Point made.


Originally Posted by Sombre
Light = low prot, 1 enc, -1 def
Medium = medium prot, 2 enc, -2 def
Heavy = high prot, 3 enc, -3 def

That sounds quite intuitive.
btw, will you change values for magical armors as well as ordinary? How would you treat monolith and such?

Maerlande April 23rd, 2010 10:46 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
Holy crap! I just joined cripple fight. Fix Atlantis encumbrance PLEASE!!!!! I thought Ulm was bad.

Sombre April 24th, 2010 08:55 AM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
I'll put together the mod file today.

I will be tweaking a couple of prot values. I think heavy samurai armour will get a little bit lower prot, enc 2 and less def penalty. I like the idea of samurai keeping reasonable def, since they don't have shields.

So samurai armours will be unusually light on def penalties. And I'll make some stuff like full chain a bit higher on def penalties.

kianduatha April 28th, 2010 09:37 AM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
I love the idea of samurai armor being light on the def penalties. Jomon's troops are unusually high on defense baseline but their armor negates this so you don't really notice. It'd be nice to make that high defense(and the nice defense on the katana) actually visible/meaningful.

Sombre April 28th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3
I done made the mod, dawgs, just testifying it.

llamabeast April 28th, 2010 02:29 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3

Sombre April 28th, 2010 04:34 PM

Re: Mod plan: Revising the armour of dom3


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