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May 28th, 2010 11:58 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 747074)
I vote teams by points and no diplo

+ 1

Zeldor May 29th, 2010 08:43 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
I created a thread on both forums, so if you can, try to read on both. You are responsible for getting teammate, preferably someone that you have good contact with [especially if it becomes no-diplo game].

Thread on new forums is here: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...wtopic=95&st=0

Kheldron May 29th, 2010 08:50 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
dom3 without diplo is like french fries without salt.

Ferrosol May 29th, 2010 09:34 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 747124)
dom3 without diplo is like french fries without salt.

Surprisingly bland?

namad May 29th, 2010 04:54 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
the main drawback of a rand game is that you have no one to talk to .... a team rand game would solve that problem...

one of the main drawbacks of a team game is coordinating with your teammate while also performing diplomacy... a simple nap suddenly requires 4players to agree instead of 2.. ... RAND could solve this...

see? team solves all the problems of rand and rand solves all the problems of team! .... yet no one has ever tried a team rand game before? why not?

oh well I'll play even if what I vote for doesn't win ... just feel it's odd no one is voting with me!

Kheldron May 29th, 2010 05:43 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left

Originally Posted by Ferrosol (Post 747128)

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 747124)
dom3 without diplo is like french fries without salt.

Surprisingly bland?


Calahan May 29th, 2010 06:17 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 747124)
dom3 without diplo is like french fries without salt.

Salt is bad for you though. Same as spending 2+ hours writing diplo PM's every turn.

May 30th, 2010 12:11 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
Speaking of which, I think I'm gonna pass on this game actually, I've got another game that's getting complicated and taking up a lot of my time.

Zeldor May 30th, 2010 12:17 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
Ok, here is draft of point system, pleace comment :)

[ ] marks old points in Prepo 1

Ea Arco: 5 [5]
Ea Ermor: 4 [4]
Ea Ulm: 5 [5]
Ea Marverni: 3 [3]
Ea Sauromatia: 6 [6]
Ea TC: 5 [5]
Ea Mictlan: 7 [7]
Ea Aby: 5 [5]
Ea Caelum: 6 [7]
Ea C'tis: 3 [3]
Ea Pan: 4 [4]
Ea Agartha: 2 [3]
Ea Tir Na Og: 5 [5]
Ea Fomoria: 7 [6]
Ea Vanheim: 6 [7]
Ea Helhiem: 6 [8]
Ea Niefelhiem: banned
Ea Kailasa: 4 [3]
Ea Yomi: 5 [3] ??
Ea Hinnom: banned
Ea Lanka: 8 [8]
Ma Pythium: 6 [6]
Ma Man: 3 [3]
Ma Ulm: 5 [3]
Ma Ermor: 7 [7]
Ma Arco: 5 [6]
Ma Marignon: 4 [4]
Ma Mictlan: 5 [5]
Ma Machaka: 4 [5]
Ma Agartha: 2 [2]
Ma Aby: 4 [4]
Ma Caelum: 5 [5]
Ma C'tis: 4 [4]
Ma Pan: 5 [4]
Ma Van: 6 [6]
Ma Jotun: 8 [6]
Ma Bandar log: 5 [5]
Ma Shinuyama: 5 [4]
Ma Ashdod: banned
Ma Eriu: 5 [5] ??
Ma T'ien Ch'i: 5 [4]
La Arco: 5 [5]
La Man: 4 [4]
La Ulm: 5 [5]
La Mari: 4 [5] -1 point for revealed starting location
La Mictlan: 7 [7]
La TC: 6 [6]
La Jomon: 3 [1]
La Agartha: 5 [5]
La Aby: 5 [3] ??
La Caelum: 5 [5]
La Ctis: 4 [4]
La Pan: 4 [5]
La Midgard: 7 [6]
La Urgard: 6 [6]
La Patala: 3 [3]
La Gath: 6 [8]
La Atlantis: 2 [4] -1 point for revelead location
La Pythium: 5 [5]
La Bogarus: 3 [4]
La Ermor: banned

All thug nations get +1 point at least. All SC +2-3. Forge bonus is worth about 2-3 points. Good sacreds are worth 2 points. Weak very early game is not counted, as you don't need it on that map.

DrPraetorious May 30th, 2010 01:10 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
I vote A,A. I'll see if I can get a team-mate.

LA Utgard is not 2 pts worse than MA Utgard - you can everywhere-recruitable communion slaves, you get the same thugs and better equipment on your giants. Admittedly, you don't get *VETTI HAGS*(which are a fantastic bargain.) Lanka is not better LA Mictlan. LA Atlantis and EA Agartha are not *that* bad. Bogarus has advantages in a team game (insanely fast research, good diversity), make it 4 pts. LA Pan can be a real bruiser - make it a 5. LA Ulm has critical weaknesses, make it a 4.

Also, I think you're overweighting the power-level of Hinnom, Niefelheim and Ashdod - especially as they all get nerfed somewhat in CBM. Here I've arranged the nations into 10-pt teams.

EA Niefelheim: 9
MA Ashdod: 9
Ma Agartha: 1

Ea Hinnom: 8
Ma Jotun: 8
Ea Agartha: 2
La Atlantis: 2
Ma Man: 2

Ea Lanka: 7
Ea Fomoria: 7
Ea Mictlan: 7
La Mictlan: 7
La Midgard: 7
Ma Ermor: 7
Ea C'tis: 3
Ea Marverni: 3
La Jomon: 3
La Patala: 3

Ea Caelum: 6
Ea Helhiem: 6
Ea Sauromatia: 6
Ea Vanheim: 6
La Gath: 6
La TC: 6
Ma Pythium: 6
Ma Van: 6
La Bogarus: 4
Ea Ermor: 4
Ea Kailasa: 4
Ea Pan: 4
La Ctis: 4
La Man: 4
La Mari: 4
La Pan: 4
Ma Aby: 4
Ma C'tis: 4
Ma Machaka: 4
Ma Marignon: 4
La Ulm: 4

Ea Aby: 5
Ea Arco: 5
Ea TC: 5
Ea Tir Na Og: 5
Ea Ulm: 5
Ea Yomi: 5
La Aby: 5
La Agartha: 5
La Arco: 5
La Caelum: 5
La Pythium: 5
Ma Arco: 5
Ma Bandar log: 5
Ma Caelum: 5
Ma Eriu: 5
Ma Mictlan: 5
Ma Pan: 5
Ma Shinuyama: 5
Ma T'ien Ch'i: 5
Ma Ulm: 5

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