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Finalgenesis June 5th, 2010 12:23 AM

Re: Various questions
Thanks for all the good stuff.

I'll definitely have to find your statistic by terrain type thread, it is exactly what I'm looking for. :happy: I started on it a little by myself with Edi's excellent DB, but there's some site mask that don't correspond to anything in the terrain index.

The site gen mechanic seems strange, I've read the same mechanic on the other thread, though I asked again because those threads had arguments on the mechanic.

Playing on default 45% site gen, that should mean 55% of the lands have no sites at all, and 45% have 1-4 site. The breakdown seem to be:

55% Provinces have no site
45% of them having sites:
4% - 4 sites
9% - 3 sites
20% - 2 sites
67% - 1 site

My gut feeling is that they appear more often and the 2 sites show up more then 20%, though that's probably gambler's folly on my part. I'll have to test a 50% game with a rainbow pretender methodically.

Burnsaber June 5th, 2010 06:44 AM

Re: Various questions

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 747689)
L) EA Sauromatia has a caster hero with air, but after I used her for about a dozen turns she dissappeared into thin air. Is this due to her discription? So she has to sit in the capital? (Much like hama dryad have to stay in its province or risk getting wiped?). I assume its the same mechanic as the blood guards, which is a shame consider how awesome blood guards are in EA.

You must mean Delgnat. She has the same mechanic as Naids. She loses hp each month she is away from your capitol.


Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 747802)
l: Sauromatia has two heros, one kills and eats the other if they meet.

Incorrect. Sauromatia has three heroes: Kirke, Skögu and Delgnat. Kirke and Skögu have animosity towards one other and it is possible to have Skögu eat Kirke by a bad event if they are in the same province.

thejeff June 5th, 2010 07:51 AM

Re: Various questions
There was a long debate about how sites were generated a while back. The conclusion was that the 4 checks were separate. The other mechanism just didn't match the results.

Finalgenesis's numbers look right for the theoretical chance based on rolling until a check fails.
Here's what I've found in one EA game: (Site searching mostly complete)
31 total provinces
0 sites: 4 - 13%
1 site: 8 - 26%
2 sites: 12 - 39%
3 sites: 5 - 16%
4 sites: 2 - 6%

I haven't calculated the chances for separate rolls or figured in terrain, but that just doesn't match the roll until you fail mechanic.

chrispedersen June 5th, 2010 09:06 AM

Re: Various questions

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 747838)

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 747689)
L) EA Sauromatia has a caster hero with air, but after I used her for about a dozen turns she dissappeared into thin air. Is this due to her discription? So she has to sit in the capital? (Much like hama dryad have to stay in its province or risk getting wiped?). I assume its the same mechanic as the blood guards, which is a shame consider how awesome blood guards are in EA.

You must mean Delgnat. She has the same mechanic as Naids. She loses hp each month she is away from your capitol.


Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 747802)
l: Sauromatia has two heros, one kills and eats the other if they meet.

Incorrect. Sauromatia has three heroes: Kirke, Skögu and Delgnat. Kirke and Skögu have animosity towards one other and it is possible to have Skögu eat Kirke by a bad event if they are in the same province.

I'm not incorrect, I answered the question asked - which wasn't how many sauromatia heroes are there, its why did X disappear.

For example: 'Jomol has two army units, that will kill each other.' is also true, and also does not say Jomol only has two army units.

chrispedersen June 5th, 2010 09:14 AM

Re: Various questions

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 747842)
There was a long debate about how sites were generated a while back. The conclusion was that the 4 checks were separate. The other mechanism just didn't match the results.

Finalgenesis's numbers look right for the theoretical chance based on rolling until a check fails.
Here's what I've found in one EA game: (Site searching mostly complete)
31 total provinces
0 sites: 4 - 13%
1 site: 8 - 26%
2 sites: 12 - 39%
3 sites: 5 - 16%
4 sites: 2 - 6%

I haven't calculated the chances for separate rolls or figured in terrain, but that just doesn't match the roll until you fail mechanic.

Yeah, I have to agree with you here. And thinking about things, I think the mechanism that was announced for rare sites is also wrong. Still, any individual game map isn't useful because of terrain. We need to make a map of all farmlands, stick strands of Arcane power on, and see..

Lets imagine that each province has four slot

Finalgenesis June 5th, 2010 09:15 AM

Re: Various questions

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 747842)
There was a long debate about how sites were generated a while back. The conclusion was that the 4 checks were separate. The other mechanism just didn't match the results.

Finalgenesis's numbers look right for the theoretical chance based on rolling until a check fails.
Here's what I've found in one EA game: (Site searching mostly complete)
31 total provinces
0 sites: 4 - 13%
1 site: 8 - 26%
2 sites: 12 - 39%
3 sites: 5 - 16%
4 sites: 2 - 6%

I haven't calculated the chances for separate rolls or figured in terrain, but that just doesn't match the roll until you fail mechanic.

Thanks for the date :happy: (Still working on mine), in EA the spawn is 45% I think, but you got 0 sites only about 13% of the time, whereas the "roll 1 by 1 until failure" mechanics would mean that 55% provinces should have 0 sites? Your data would fit a "roll 4 dices" mechanics better where the chances are:

assume 45% spawn:
0 sites - 9% (55%^4)

thejeff June 5th, 2010 09:36 AM

Re: Various questions
The individual game isn't conclusive, due to terrain and incompletely searched provinces. Still, even the rough data shows us something. Those results are on a bell curve as "roll 4 dice" would suggest, not dropping off steeply as expected with "roll 1 by 1 until failure".

Finalgenesis June 6th, 2010 04:17 AM

Re: Various questions
Agree, I'll stick with a "roll 4 dices" theory when planning my searches. Now to dive into Edi's DB and calculating % of each path base on terrain... (I hate my optimizer obsession :doh:)

Meanwhile in a SP test game I ran into a new question:

Is it possible to rearrange commanders on the world map? Eg. my research center have various mages in complete chaos, I'd like to put the various different mages with various bonus together for easier management (skelly spam squad, astral squad, seeking arrow squad, priest animator squad ...etc).

Nothing in the manual and search didn't generate any dead-on hits :shock: Any answers will be appreciated.

Gregstrom June 6th, 2010 04:26 AM

Re: Various questions
I think the answer is no, but could you clarify your question a little?

Burnsaber June 6th, 2010 04:31 AM

Re: Various questions

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 747802)
l: Sauromatia has two heros, one kills and eats the other if they meet.


Incorrect. Sauromatia has three heroes: Kirke, Skögu and Delgnat. Kirke and Skögu have animosity towards one other and it is possible to have Skögu eat Kirke by a bad event if they are in the same province.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 747843)
I'm not incorrect, I answered the question asked - which wasn't how many sauromatia heroes are there, its why did X disappear.

For example: 'Jomol has two army units, that will kill each other.' is also true, and also does not say Jomol only has two army units.

Oh, okay. You really should be more precise when anwsering questions. General statements like that are really misleading and not really helpful.

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