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Verjigorm July 6th, 2010 08:26 PM

Re: Wish question

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 751125)

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 751050)
This strategy is ill-advised with a non-immortal caster unless you're willing to sacrifice someone with 9S in exchange for a doom horror, and with an immortal pretender the higher your horror mark level is, the less viable the strategy becomes. After receiving your first horror attack, the value of summoning additional doom horrors decreases significantly due to the attack frequency.

Couldn't you just script returning? He's the defender, he goes first and leaves.

That's true... It would prevent horror marking from the attacking horror, maintain viability of the strategy, open the strategy up to non-immortal pretenders, and prevent the destruction of any booster items used in casting the Wish (if any). I'll have to switch over to that. I suppose that's sort of a "duh" on my part...

RadicalTurnip July 7th, 2010 09:05 AM

Re: Wish question
There's a decent chance a horror-mark is incurred upon the horror deciding to attack him before it ever gets a hit in. This is the case with Astral Corruption. Note that I haven't tested this at all.

Ironhawk July 7th, 2010 06:27 PM

Re: Wish question
Wishing for doom horrors is fun but too much of a gamble. There are other very powerful and very reliable things you can wish for instead.

Verjigorm July 7th, 2010 09:31 PM

Re: Wish question
Ok then... I'll get test metrics which I'm sure you don't have. You're probably just saying "It's too much of a gamble" without knowing the probability... Being able to do Doom Horror attacks is a very powerful ability especially if you get one of the flying horrors which are more common than the non-flying ones.

I'll just assume you meant, "It's too much of a gamble for me because I don't like any amount of risk."


Data to be recorded for each trial of 100 trials:

Horror Type, Attacked?, Commander?, # of turns

Numbers recorded:

1. # of summons
2. # of attacks (all tests will be done "fresh" from turn 1 of the game).
3. # of turns horror remains.
4. # of commander horrors.

Then, if I have time...

I will Horror Mark the summoner to level 1 and repeat.

Verjigorm July 7th, 2010 10:38 PM

Re: Wish question
So far...

Trial 30:

Horror Attacked Commander Turns
Eater of Gods 1 0
Slave to Unreason 0 1 4
Slave to Unreason 0 1 54
Maker of Ruins 1 0
Maker of Ruins 1 0
Maker of Ruins 0 1 42
Maker of Ruins 1 0
Slave to Unreason 0 1 44
Eater of Gods 1 0
Eater of Dreams 0 1 17
Eater of Dreams 0 1 21
Abomination of Desolation 1 0
Eater of Gods 1 0
Maker of Ruins 0 1 33
Eater of Gods 1 0
Slave to Unreason 1 0
Abomination of Desolation 1 0
Maker of Ruins 0 1 37
Abomination of Desolation 0 1 13
Slave to Unreason 0 1 3
Eater of Dreams 1 0
Maker of Ruins 0 1 26
Maker of Ruins 0 1 42
Abomination of Desolation 0 1 3
Abomination of Desolation 0 1 15
Eater of Gods 1 0
Eater of Gods 1 0
Abomination of Desolation 1 0
Slave to Unreason 0 1 13

14/30 attacked, counting attacks as "0 turn" summons, 12.66 turns per summon on average or 7.89 pearls per turn.... Will continue.

Oh! In this case, the wish was "Doom Horror". I have only gotten a non-commander horror when wishing for "Abomination of Desolation".

chrispedersen July 7th, 2010 10:56 PM

Re: Wish question
There is a trick you can use to get them to stick around forever....

Finalgenesis July 7th, 2010 11:35 PM

Re: Wish question
I noticed that in the dom3 wiki the D horror's "vanish after awhile" stat is listed, the value is 5 for all except slave of unreason which has 10. My gut feeling seems to say that this is a percentage (like insanity), so maybe 5% chance per month to poof or 10% in the case of slave of unreason (as if immobile wasn't bad enough)? Can anyone confirm?

hmmmm, assuming 95% chance to stay per turn, there is 51% chance for it to last 13 turns, unless I'm experiencing a statistic brain fart:

% chance of having a doom horror last until Turn x:
Turn 2 95%
Turn 3 90%
Turn 4 86%
Turn 5 81%
Turn 6 77%
Turn 7 74%
Turn 8 70%
Turn 9 66%
Turn 10 63%
Turn 11 60%
Turn 12 57%
Turn 13 54%
Turn 14 -51%-
Turn 15 49%
Turn 16 46%
Turn 17 44%
Turn 18 42%
Turn 19 40%
Turn 20 38%
Turn 21 36%

Except slave to unreason of course.

I'm thinking to keep it around forever you need to get rid of the "vanish after awhile" attribute.... Hmmm, it can't be transformation I don't think, would turn it into crap I would guess.

Verjigorm July 8th, 2010 07:53 PM

Re: Wish question
Yes, Kurgi seems to like to hang around... Probably because she can't go anywhere...

I just set her on patrol... she makes one province extremely safe.

Eater of Gods also seems to like attacking (pretenders?) quite frequently. I couldn't get him to stick around.

I'm going to use the wish "Abomination of Desolation" and see what happens... I've gotten different results with it than are apparent in the wish for "Doom Horror"... I have also tried "Slave to Unreason" and it frequently produces the other horrors instead of Kurgi.

Verjigorm July 8th, 2010 08:05 PM

Re: Wish question
First test of the "Abomination of Desolation" wish resulted in a non-commander version of the horror. Casting "Gift of Reason" on it gives it a name other than "Hruvur" (which is the name you get when you get a commander from the "Doom Horror" wish...

The Abomination stayed for 60 turns before I cast Gift of Reason on it... and it's name ended up being from the summoning nation's basic name bank, "Lykomedes", but after using GoR, he disappeared in 8 turns.

The flavor text of the summoning is also different. Instead of saying "Suddenly a horror appeared in the lab", it says "Suddenly an Abomination of Desolation appeared in the lab".

I theorize that non-commander versions of horrors stay indefintely (or until resummoned) or perhaps that their shelf-life is exceedingly long compared to commander versions, but I'm betting on the latter.

Also, subsequent casts of the "Abomination of Desolation" wish resulted in non-commander horrors.

The non-commander version of the AoD doesn't come with a fleet of lesser horrors which is probably a good thing since the ones that come with the commander attack indiscriminantly (they'll even attack Hruvur himself, but I've never seen them win against him--they just kill themselves).

Just completed 10 trials... Always resulted in the requested "Abomination of Desolation"... The horror never attacked. It was always a standard unit rather than a commander and, for the two trials during which it was attempted, it stayed 60 and 100 turns respectively before I gave up and did something else.

I would say that wishing for the Abomination of Desolation is a much better wish than Doom Horror....

"Slave to Unreason" and "Eater of Gods" seem to produce the same effect as "Doom Horror".

Another thing I noticed (and this one is Important):

You can be attacked by two horrors in the same turn. When you cast the spell to summon the horror, if it horror marks you, the horror mark effect occurs after the battle with the first horror and you get a log that looks like this:

The eater of gods also occasionally will submit.. On a wish for the "Eater of Gods" I did manage to get a commander version of Umor who stayed for 6 turns. This was on the 3rd such wish, the first 2 resulting in attacks.

The passage of Scabiel, The Maker of Ruins, through a province has a horrendous affect on unrest if there is a castle in the province. Unrest rises by a random large amount each turn. In a province with no castle, however, nothing happens....

Verjigorm July 8th, 2010 08:36 PM

Re: Wish question
Data from the "Eater of Gods" test:

Horror Attacked Commander Turns
Maker of Ruins 1 1 0
Eater of Gods 1 1 0
Eater of Gods 0 1 6
Eater of Gods 0 1 9
Eater of Gods 0 1 6
Maker of Ruins 0 1 24
Abomination of Desolation 0 1 68
Eater of Dreams 0 1 15
Maker of Ruins 1 1 0

Therefore (so far)!!! I am making a strategy recommendation that if you want to play with horrors, wish for "Abomination of Desolation" and DO NOT cast "Gift of Reason" on it. More to come....

Wishing for Horrors is one of my favorite ideas. ;)

I'm not going to bother wishing for the Eater of Dreams, since I find him kind of bleh compared to the Abomination of Desolation (even in standard unit form). I will try wishing for Scabiel, the Maker of Ruins, though... He would be the bomb as a permanent standard unit.... Nope, wishing for Maker of Ruins works (apparently) like Doom Horror, Slave to Unreason, and Eater of Gods... You get one random horror. The same thing happens when trying to summon "Eater of Dreams"--random horror, possible attacks (I figured I'd try it once).

Apparently Hruvur is more friendly than the other horrors...

Therefore, I have settled on this:

Doom Horror, Slave to Unreason, Maker of Ruins, Eater of Gods, and Eater of Dreams are not as worthy of your pearls... They will allow you to summon a random horror, but you will be subject to attacks. Additionally, you will spend, on average, 7 or more pearls per turn to use the horrors.

Abomination of Desolation is an excellent wish and worthy of your gems, but your Abomination can be stolen in the same way that any unique unit can be, but turning him into a commander instead of a subordinate ruins your fun quickly.

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