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Dimaz July 15th, 2010 01:58 PM

Re: Dom3xTest
Version 0.3 is ready.
Units are correctly added to .map file.
Units/commanders can be removed from the tree.
Units/commanders in the tree can be unselected by clicking on them second time, so the right panel can be changed without influencing the tree.
Some minor changes.
Full setup for both sides can be saved and loaded with Save/Load Scenario commands in File menu.
The side can be imported from existing .map file: after selecting map, you choose side and the province number (only provinces containing preset armies can be selected). Currently only #commander, #units and #additem map tags are taken into account.

Gandalf Parker July 15th, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: Dom3xTest
If you chat with LLamaBeast he might be able to help you out with the game automation. The PbEM start-and-quit routine might work for you also.

Dimaz July 29th, 2010 02:56 PM

Re: Dom3xTest
Well, I've finished 0.5 version of the dom3tester. I worked pretty hard and added some nice features:
1) Quick test option. Now, after armies setup, you can choose Quick test from file menu instead of Create .map file. Then if you have predesigned pretenders for choosen nations, you will be able to choose the one you need (useful for testing sacreds where bless is important), otherwise it will use supplied random pretender. After pretender selection the game will be created (it requires some 43xxx tcp port to be free cause the game is created in tcp server mode), and after that dominions are launched in your game so you'll get Select nation screen a few seconds after you started - no manual file moving is needed anymore.
2) Now, you can ask, what to do if I want to test with CBM switched on or I want to include EDM creatures in my test. Well, I worked even harder and added mod support to the utility. In Options/Mods you can select the mods you need for particular test (currently the choice is not saved after program restart) and you'll be able to select mod creatures and items immediately, and the game will be created with your choosen mods. I tested it with CBM, EDM and debug mods and it works fine; if you have problems with some particular mod just let me know and I'll look into it. Mod nations are not currently supported, unfortunately, but the units from them still can be used I think. However, please don't disable previously enabled mods after you used some of the stuff from them - most probably the program will crash, I hadn't time to add all the necessary checks in it.
Download here:

Action August 1st, 2010 12:47 AM

Re: Dom3xTest
This is extremely useful, and very well done.

Excellent work.

One question: when I go to do a Quick Test, it allows me to select my pretenders, but after that nothing happens, the program doesn't crash, but it doesn't go any further either.

Does that indicate a problem with ports not being open?

The normal create map functionality works fine.

Dimaz August 1st, 2010 04:27 PM

Re: Dom3xTest
Thanks! I'm glad it's useful for others too, and it's certainly useful for me :) About your question:
1) Check that you have Mini.tga, I forgot to include it in the release.
2) Check if "Quick test" creates game called "xtest". First pretender files are copied to this folder and then the dom3 server is launched; if everything is OK it should create fatherland and .trn and .2h files. If the files are not created, you either miss the map or the port is not free. Also, check that the path to dom3 is correct (it's in .ini file in the tester folder), it should point to the dom3 folder.
I hope to create some error feedback when I have time; currently it's still 0.5 and I was mainly interested in functionality and not usability.
Also, the dom3 executable shouldn't be renamed.

Numahr August 10th, 2010 05:07 AM

Thanks for this very useful tool.
One question: is it possible to give magic research to any side? For example to give conjuration 4, so that we can script the spell we want to try? I see some buttons on top but they do not seem active.

Dimaz August 14th, 2010 01:48 AM

Re: Dom3xTest
I planned this feature (research levels) from the beginning but hadn't time to implement it yet. So the controls are disabled currently. I'll try to add it when I have time.

pyg August 14th, 2010 11:47 PM

Re: Dom3xTest

Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 751325)
BTW, the program is written in QT/C++, so it should compile without problems on Linux and Macs, too.
Here's the link to get 0.2 version

Couple of hints: 1) Include source so people using Linux and Macs can check it out (also build scripts). 2) Keep the latest version linked in the OP. Also shrapnel can host attachments such as this quite nicely.

Dimaz December 16th, 2010 07:33 AM

Re: Dom3xTest
Added attachment to first post with the dumpItems.txt file that should be placed to data folder to work with CBM 1.71.
Also I'll try to work a bit on this project after New Year, if you have ideas what should be improved, please tell me.

Numahr December 17th, 2010 03:14 AM

Re: Dom3xTest
I am aware that this may be complicated to implement; but I still suggest for inclusion of level researched. There is no significan battle without magic; but impact of magic is totally different depending on whether one casts mind burn or master enslave.

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