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-   -   Mod: Ul'Darath, The Great City. City of Dwarfs, Humans, and Giants. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46063)

Thanatus del Dragos August 14th, 2010 12:10 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
I thought that might have been the problem, but wasn't sure, the database I have been using is incomplete.

Nikelaos August 14th, 2010 12:23 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
use the #clear #clearspec and/or #clearmagic commands.

#clear simply clears everything from the unit number you are using,
#clearspec clears special abilities (resistances, spy...etc), and
#clearmagic obviously clears magic paths from the unit

on the flip side you can use #copystats to copy weapons, stats, special abilities...etc from another unit. Some special abilities aren't usually modable (such as corruption) so you can use this to give these special abilities to your units, the problem with this is that your troops will inherit all the special abilities from the unit you copied stats from and you will have no way to get rid of unwanted ones.

for instance, you want corruption on a unit. you could copy stats from an existing unit which has corruption, but *all* of the units in the game with corruption are demons. So your unit will also gain the demon tag, which might not be what you want.

Thanatus del Dragos August 16th, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
Brainstorming. My idea for the "Nation" isn't so much about the people in it, as the idea of a Great Ancient City destroyed and reborn. So my Mod(s) will focus on the idea of the Ancient City itself at the center, not a specific race or people. In fact, they will be very different from age to age, but will follow a history with the City.

EA Nation: Ul'Darath, The Grand City.

My Idea of the EA version of my nation is that it is a great city state ruled by semi-divine children of Titans. They care for the peoples every need, the people never go without food, the Gods keep the cold wind away, and they've never known war, until now. But, becasue the people are so pampered, the humans of the land are going to be weaker and dumber, less skilled, and have few good arms. So many of the troops will be cheap and crappy. But, they will also have access to fewer, but powerful Titan-born units with mystical skills and knowledge. I'm thinking of creating size level 4 Cyclops and Titans units for this purpose. So far, I have done 0% work on this EA nation. I want to add some more fantastic elements to the natioon, but am kind of going blank, I will have to look in my mythology books.

MA: Ul'Darath, City of Refuge

The Ancient City of Ul'Darath was sacked ages ago by the army of Ermor, and all of it's people were slaughtered and scattered. The city sat in ruins for centuries until refugees from different lands started to hear the call of the Awakening God of the Ancient City. Now, without the god kings of the earlier age, the wind blows cold in the city. The Hoburg were the first to answer the call and are it's most populace people. Next, Svartalfar bring the secrets of Hel with them arrived and took many wives of the Hoburg. Next came the Rui, human barbarians that have warred with the Jotun and lost. From the destroyed nation of Fomoria, Firbolg arrived. These Firbolg have been changed, bitter and tough from their wandering, they have become bandits and pillagers, but they have brought with them the secrets on the Nemedians and have pledged themselves to the Ancient City and it's Awakening God. Last came the Tharsin Giants, descendants of Avvites and Horites of Hinnom, and with them Grigori secrets. Strange and diverse people, united under the Awakening God.
I have the nation created and it works, have one hero, no spells and no sprites made.

LA: Ul'Darath, City-State Reborn

The centuries ago, many refuges of many races and nations came to the Ancient City as a refuge. They united both spiritually, and physically, mixing bloodlines. The Darthi people may look very diverse, from Dwarfs, Men, to Giants, but they all share a strong bloodline with each other. After the bloodlines mixed, the Darathi people started to segregate themselves according to size, the small married the small, etc. The small Darathi Folk, the Dwarves train as warriors and smiths, the Men of the nation pursue scholarly task or highly skilled soldier professions, such as knights or mages, and the Darathi Giants are the political and spiritual leaders of the Ancient city. The Dark Citadel is a vast library were the Darathi Archmages studying ancient magic, divining the future and speaking to the dead. The people of Ul'Darath are united, and the Ancient city is reborn led by Priest Kings in golden armor, surrounded by vast armies bearing the golden cross once again. I have this nation mostly made made and it work, no heroes, but all the sprites are done. Need descriptions, national spells, and heroes.

Thanatus del Dragos August 19th, 2010 09:39 AM

Re: Mod nation Idea
Stupid question, forgive me, but how do you post a mod? I'm just about finished with my LA version of my mod and I would like some input aabout balance and things. My sprites and artwork are fairly mediocre, but I'm hoping that with practice that will improve.

Gandalf Parker August 19th, 2010 12:36 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
IMHO the best way is to maintain ONE thread about the mod, and keep editing the first post to be up to date with its changes and latest version.

You are usually allowed to edit any post only for a short while after posting it. But you are allowed unlimited edits to the first post in your own thread. So click edit, then if it doesnt give it to you click further to advanced edit. That will make sure you have access to lots of useful editing buttons and features.

Now scroll down abit below the "Submit" and "preview" buttons there is a section that says

<fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>Attach Files</legend> Valid file extensions: 7z avi bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd rar txt xls zip

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_attachment.js?v=370"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var newpost_attachmentbit = '\r\n http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/%1$s\r\n %5$s\r\n (%6$s)\r\n
'; vB_Attachments = new vB_Attachment('attachlist', ''); document.write('<input type="button" id="manage_attachments_button" class="button" tabindex="1" style="font-weight:normal" value="Manage Attachments" title="Click here to add or edit files attached to this message" onclick="vB_Attachments.open_window(\'newattachmen t.php?t=46063&poststarttime=1282235289&posthash=24 4d7d99edf8453aacf0df531c7e2098\', 480, 480, \'754820\')" />'); //--> </script><input id="manage_attachments_button" class="button" tabindex="1" style="font-weight: normal;" value="Manage Attachments" title="Click here to add or edit files attached to this message" onclick="vB_Attachments.open_window('newattachment .php?t=46063&poststarttime=1282235289&posthash=244 d7d99edf8453aacf0df531c7e2098', 480, 480, '754820')" type="button">

<noscript> Manage Attachments </noscript>

OR another popular method is that you can create a full web page somewhere for lots of information, screenshots, downloadable links. Depending on how involved your project is, then just link to the "project site". There are lots of free sites. Or for Dom3 projects Im willing to provide free hosting altho you have to know ftp, email, webpage editing, and maybe ssh and linux (there are no fancy gui web tools on my site)

Gandalf Parker
I used to do this for a living

Thanatus del Dragos August 19th, 2010 08:52 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
I think I attached it right, Um, it isn't compatible with any other mods, unless it is just by chance...I don't use other mods any more. Decided if I want something in the game that isn't in there, I am going to do it all myself, I need a time consuming hobby:)

I dont have any national spells yet. I read the modding doc, but it's not really clicking with me yet, so I will have to mess around with it.

Gandalf Parker August 19th, 2010 09:16 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
I forgot to mention that you can also edit the title of the thread so that it says something about the mod name instead of "a mod idea"

As a strong suggestion...
mods are usually unpacked to the mods directory. The USUAL arragnement is not to clutter the mods directory with images. Especially since file names might conflict with many mods doing that. So usually the zip file is one .dm file, then a subdirectory named the same as the .dm file with all the other files in it. That allows the mods to keep things separate, and also allows for easier cleanup if someone decides they dont like a mod.

So in this case it would be

and then all the graphic images in the .dm file would be

Thanatus del Dragos August 19th, 2010 09:21 PM

Re: Mod nation Idea
Thanks, I'll work on fixing that, like I said, I really don't know what I'm doing.

Gandalf Parker August 19th, 2010 09:36 PM

Re: Ul'Darath, The Great City. City of Dwarfs, Humans, and Giants.
No problem. You are far from the first person to do it. :)

Thanatus del Dragos August 19th, 2010 09:37 PM

Re: Ul'Darath, The Great City. City of Dwarfs, Humans, and Giants.
Is that any better? I really am not very tech savoy.

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