bbz |
March 8th, 2012 09:19 AM |
Re: Questions by a MP Newb
I have been a fan of blesses and low dominion score-5. I don't know for marignon but Luck/Misfortune scale is tied to the other scales so for example its a bad idea to pick death+ misfortune coz you unlock some naughty events.(plague every now and then) I'm so much used to taking misfortune 2 now that I don't care anymore it probably nets to something like -100 gold a turn(max might be even less) overall(considering everything). Also having low dominion means that at the beginning of the game those bad events are not going to be happening too much because you haven't spread your dominion everywhere yet. I'd consider taking neutral luck just so that I can get some of the national heroes for some nations but I don't remember MA marignon having any really impressive ones.
Misfortune 3 is quite a bad idea, but I feel that misf 2 and order 3 is bareable.(once you get used to it). Also In multiplayer people generally set some sort of borders, so even loosing a borther region to a barbarian attack/ knight attack is not that bad. If your neighbour takes that region that already means that he is prepered to go to war with you and will take more of your regions other than the one attacked by the barbarians.
Luck is more important late game when it nets you more gems and gives you diversity(having 2-3 +5-10 gem events a turn is nice)But since you already have order 3 you won't be getting as many events anyways, so I don't see much difference between misf 1 and misf 2