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Re: What is the Name our Moon?
As I said, "The Moon" is not the proper name for our moon, regardless of what language you are speaking. It is not technically incorrect, but it is not scientifically specific. Luna is the correct scientific nomenclature for our moon. It would be as similer to if people on the forum refered to you a "The Slovenian". It would not be technically incorrect, but it's not your name. And if there are others from Slovenia on the forum, we might not know who people are refering to. When you refer to the moon as "The Moon" everybody knows which moon you are talking to, because everyone hearing you is from earth. At least we think. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif But that doesn't make it it's name. A roža is a rose, JurijD. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">You totally missed my point geo... What I was saying was this: 1. You are asking yourselves wether or not our Moon has a name. Beacause you feel that "The Moon" is not specific enough as english speaking nations refer to every natural satellite around a planet as "A Moon". 2. Therefore you proposed that "The Moons" name is "Luna" as it is the old latin/greek term for our Moon. (and those guys didn´t need to name any other moons because they didn´t know they existed). 3. When science discovered other moons they didn´t name them "Luna" but Europa, Titan, Fobos, etc. etc. So the Name "Luna" is unique in ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES! 4. I pointed out that the name "Luna" is not unique only to our Moon in slavic nations;) we kept the old roman/latin word for our Moon and applied it to others science discovered; whereas english developed its own word for our "Luna" .."The Moon" and applied that to other moons that were discovered. 5. Therefore saying our Moon is named "Luna" can only make sense if you are an english speaking person. For us slavic nations it would be more sensible if we would call our "Luna" "The Moon" as we don´t call any other natural satellites "The Moon" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif 6. Don´t get so defensive at every statement someone makes hehehe. Calling you english-centrical was not meant in the way you thought it was. It was just there to signify that your´re looking at the problem of naming our Moon from the english point of view. I just added that there other views too. OH, and you get an A for effort on the roža. Although the word "roža" is common to most slavic Languages it does have slightly different meanings in several of them. In Slovenian "roža" doesen´t mean "a rose" but simply "a flower" or any plant that blossomes (how do u spell that) in pretty colors. A "rose" is called "vrtnica" over here.(Translated into english "vrtnica" would mean "garden flower") But I´m curious, where did you look up "roža" ? [ January 28, 2004, 07:34: Message edited by: JurijD ] |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Ok, about this company that is selling land on the moon because they filed a claim on the moon as there own property, what do you think about that?
Will we go to war over the moon? Does any one man or company have the right to claim the moon as there own property even if they file a claim with the UN and or other authority? (I think the guy was on Jay Leno, Letterman, or Cohnan. I don't recall which.) I can see a time when we will fight over ownership of the moon, and over other planets. I don't know what the Moons "offically recognized name" is, so I asked. There is no offically recognized name for the moon except the "moon." You would think that someone would have brought this up sooner over the Last 500 years or so. That someplace at sometime someone would have said, "Wait a minute, lets give the moon an offical name." Hell NASA doesn't even know of any offical planetary agreed upon name for the Moon except Luna and the Moon. So is the moon named Luna? I don't believe that it is the offically world wide accepted name. God I cannot beleive I am the first person to ask this question! Let the record show that I am. Watch now, in the next few years we will begin to see a lot about this and it all started here. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
As to your other points, all good ones. See my later Posts and you will see I've come around to accepting your point of view pretty much. Although I still don't like it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif I didn't realize Luna was still used for moon in some latin Languages. The nice thing about using latin for scientific terms is its a dead language, so you don't end up using words that mean something else in a different language. But since Luna is still being used that doesn't really work the way I thought it would in this case. It solves the problem for me, but causes the problem for everyone already using luna to mean moon. So, more weight to the Bob idea. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif Laws yes. M O O N spells Moon! |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
You people are silly, the 'original' name for the moon (aka Luna) was/is Artemis.
Now who wants to disprove me by finding 'earlier' references to the moon and it's name? Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
"Ug-big-round-sky-night-shiny" |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Nah Dogscoff, I suspect you are severla thousand years too advanced, I suspect that the first nasme for the moon was "ook ook ook" accompanied by paw waving and jumping up and down
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
..or perhaps the very first name for the moon was..
Aroooooooooooooo! I know the wolves would agree. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
"Ug-big-round-sky-night-shiny" </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">I feel quite safe in doubting that early homosapiens verbal communicatedion consisted primarily of phrases containing small syllable english words. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
PvK |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
to the original topic, not sure if it was mentioned before but wouldn't the name be Sol III A?
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
People selling property on the Moon eventually will be prosecuted as scam artists. The same treaties that renounce any claims of sovereign nations over any of the planets or other extra-terrestrial bodies also prohibit the granting of private property rights to them. How could it be otherwise? Property rights are granted and mediated by sovereign nations! How stupid do you think the UN is? (Ok, don't answer that one...) Anyone who thought about the issue for 10 minutes would realize that disallowing sovereign claims would have to also disallow private property to prevent 'proxy' control.
[ January 28, 2004, 17:57: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ] |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Although, if someone were to figure out a way to get to the moon with some people, they could make a potentially legitimate claim of sovereignty. The moon, or some portion of it would be then a new independant country. They'd have to be recognized of course by the nations of earth for it to mean anything. But I cannot as a private citizen of the US claim a part of the moon, because as Baron says, in effect that is saying the US has proxy control over that territory. And the US and other nations have signed treaties forbiding that.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Baron I think your right only because there is no nation going up there. I think the whole issue will change (including existing treaties you mentioned) if one country (or a group of them such as the E.U.) makes it a priority to go to the moon or other planetoid. What is there to stop someone if there is no one else there and by the time there would be competing Countries, the infrastructure would be there and the owning country would just say, move on over there, we were here first.
I think it would be interesting to see how things will go, but I assure you the countries that do not spend the money to go "out there" will DEMAND their portion of the pie. But as I said it is moot now, no one is actually doing anything. even if we get a science outpost on the moon wouldnt count, not big enough project. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Of course, if the current political climate of the USA continues on course it's entirely possible that some future administration will simply withdraw from the treaties if it finds some advantage in doing so and claim the Moon as US territory.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
I'm not sure if this has been said yet because I don't have the time to read the entire thread but didn't the US sign a treaty stating that no country can claim a planet or moon or whatever for themselves. I don't remember where I heard this or any details about it but if someone else knows of this treaty could they give me a link to it or explain it in detail.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
LOL, we dont need no stinking treaty. Actually as Baron pointed out there are treaties ect in place. I just don't think it will mean anything once someone gets out there, then they will use possesion is 9/10ths of the law.
I do disagree with you Baron, I don't think the current political climate means any thing. I think once SOMEONE gets the momentum out in space, then expansion will happen, but this time there will not be any native peoples displaced. Could a country take complete control of Mars? I doubt it, perhaps some area the size of one of our states. It either that or it will be corporations running everything. I guess depending on your point of view which will be the lessor of evil? But heck the next 50 years will be interesting times I think. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Personally, I think the issue will really revolve around whether there is anything of value there to somebody. Take for instance, Antarctica. There is a plot of land down there that no one's fighting over. In fact, there is a joint effort science establishment there. And IIRC, there are treaties in place saying something similar to those about the moon. Why? 'Cause there's not much there anyone wants EXCEPT the scientific community.
So until we can economically get that He3 molecule (or whatever that post was describing about Helium) or find huge reserves of gold or other precious substances, the moon isn't worth it for anyone to fight over...except of course the con men... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
IIRC the Greek/Roman goddess Artemis/Dione was called Selene when associated to the moon, just as her brother Apollo was called Febo (or Phebo or whatever is the correct spelling in English) when associated to the sun. I think Selene and Febo were older Latin gods that were later fusioned into Dione and Apollo when they adopted the Greek religion, but they were still called by those names when associated to the lights in the sky.
As it was mentioned earlier moon translates into my mother language, Spanish, as 'luna'. So calling 'la luna' 'Luna' or 'el sol' 'Sol' sounds to me as redundant as calling the moon Moon. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif Anyway I think that the correct statement is not "our moon is called Moon" (or Luna or translate into any other language you like), but "our natural satellite is called Moon". More on Spanish: 'to land on the moon' translates as 'alunizar', as the normal verb for 'to land' is 'aterrizar' and derives from Tierra (Earth). ISTR an article where it said that other words that derive from Tierra should be changed when applied to 'la Luna' such as 'luneo' instead of 'terreno' (piece of land). And some recent news reports used the verb 'amarizar' when referring to landing on Mars. ISTR some sci-fi story where the natives of the moon where called Selenites or some word derived from Selene. I guess that something derived from Luna would sound too similar to loony or lunatic. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Well when antartica treaty runs out one would think that they will re sign it. To much to lose on an environmental basis there.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
In addition, it's not very attractive in terms of military strategy either (not yet anyways). Notice how there's no such agreement concerning the Arctic; partially 'cause there's no dry land but probably more so due to the superpowers being in the Northern Hemisphere (they want to fly surveilence, etc.) Now the moon may not have much to offer monetarily but may be huge militarily in the not-so-distant future. I suspect that will be a big factor also IMO. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Hmmmm....reading this page reminds me of an Isaac Asimov novel: "The Man Who Sold the Moon."
It was all about business, and politics played a very minor part in the story. Makes one wonder whether it could happen that way in reality. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Ran across this while surfing and thought I'd share it.
Lunar Real Estate: Buyer, Beware! http://www.spacefuture.com/archive/l...r_beware.shtml |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
[edit:sig fix check, number 4] [ February 03, 2004, 20:12: Message edited by: Loser ] |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
L, your sig looks messed up on my screen.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Yeah, I put the following in the sig
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Extremely. Its making every thread you posted in H-scroll.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Why is it adding the extra space? |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Use HTML! UBB often chokes on stuff like % in URLs.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
I think in this case it's choking because he forgot to close the first tag..
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
It looks closed to me:
T%3F] A Se+ [ February 03, 2004, 21:54: Message edited by: Imperator Fyron ] |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
yeah, I thought the URL ended somewhere other than where it did.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
[edit: sig fix check] [edit: well now it just leaves out the link-ness...] Am I messing up my HTML? no... works outside the sig, just not in the sig. [ February 03, 2004, 22:16: Message edited by: Loser ] |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
The name of the moon is LUNA. Named by the romans. Took this long to confirm but thats our moons name.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Our moon's name is the Moon - at least in English. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
And to think that name was posted within the first 5 posts of this thread. It took 3 years for you to believe it, AT? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Is this thread necromancy or lunatic ravings? Pick one, since Halloween is coming up, vampires or werewolves.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
According to all scientific information, and the cosmic foks, the name of the official name of the moon is LUNA. It was named by the Romans and that is the world wide official name for her. We just call her the moon.
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Holy necromancy, Batman!
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Also, why the disparity between our planet name and our race name? If we are Humans then should our planet be named Huma? If our planet is named Earth then should our race be named Earthlings(that sounds funny for some reason)...or Earthans?
Also, I hate when a question asks for my race. I'm considering next time putting "Human". Asking nationality doesn't work either because one can be an American(nationality) from India or Britian or China, etcetera. Maybe "ancestoral nationality"? Also, all these names vary in all the languages of...the people of...our planet. Also(yes, another), the terms of: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, African etcetera are not nationalities. Some are continents or regions. Perhaps questions should ask our ancestoral continent or region? Or maybe we should not even be asked. I am considered "White" but I like being considered "European American" or just "American". My family has been born in America for many generations; maybe most of my family line since the birth of America. -Wade |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Technically, I'm American...though I'm also Canadian.
After all, I live in North America, therefore I'm American, as are those of you from the US, Mexicans, Guatamalans, etc http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif The Moon's name is...The Moon, in the English language. As that's the word that the vast majority uses, it could be argued that The Moon is the proper name by virtue of popular usage. |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
No. Nationality is the nation of wich you are a citizen. You are Canadian. My nation is the United States of America. I'm an American. We and they are on the continent of North America. The region below USA is called Central America, though it's still part of the North American continent.
-Wade |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
By that reasoning, a Chinese man is not Asian, and a Swiss woman is not European.
Also, human is an invalid response to "race?" It is a species, not a race/breed/variety... |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
OK then Fyron, next time a form asks me to fill in "race" I will put in "100 metre hurdles."
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
...You could always pick one from, say, D&D/Forgotten Realms...
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
Actually I say we start a grass roots effort to have the moons name officially changed from LUNA to Fyconia.
PETITION: (We Need 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 votes) Atrocities |
Re: What is the Name our Moon?
I dare someone to give me the official name of that number. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
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