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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

Atrocities October 16th, 2004 07:15 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
1. Will Fix
2. Great Idea
3. Will change

Thank you Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aiken October 16th, 2004 07:28 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
In general: why colony ships are so slow? Personaly, I will certainly prefer warships to colonyship to found new colonies: typical colony ship EPM = 10, while destroyer's EPM = 2. Sure, I have to research destroyer first, but it's another question. So in mid game colonyships will be abbandoned completely.
I guess you did it to make colonisation phase a bit slower, but there can be another way to do it, without making colonisers useless. What do you think?

Atrocities October 16th, 2004 08:13 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I honestly don't know. I had no intention of making colony ships useless by mid game. What race are you playing as?

Aiken October 16th, 2004 09:22 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I'm playing 2 games as 8472 and Orion. Actually all races have equal colonyships (with EPM=10) except those which belong to general races (EPM=4) and 8472 (EPM=6).

Another issue: it's still too easy to make a selfsufficient ships. Ex.: Dreadnought, 3 nacceles + transwarp drive III + 4 impulse engine V = 15 MP. Supply usage is 420 units per 15 mp. So 4 bussard collectors will easily compensate supply expenses. +2 ramscoops will even provide some redundant supplies. Same situation in low tech game: Frigate, 2 nacelles + warp drive I + 4 impulse engines I = 5 mp. Supply usage is 270 units per 5 mp. It's easy to regenerate them with 4 bussard collectors I (80*4=320).
I think that rule for calculating supply generation values should be: 4 * supplies from maxed bussard collector + 2 * supplies from maxed ramscoop < 420. You only need to find right values for bussard and ramscoop.

Captain Kwok October 16th, 2004 11:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Anyway this will be mute once the new propulsion system is in place. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

However, I do recommend special mounts for colony modules for use with colony ship hulls a la adamant mod.

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 12:20 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ahhh, the Orions, I see now. Since they are a pirate race, they have very poor colonization technology. There best at compensating for this disability by capturing other races colony ships and enslaving the colonists.

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 12:33 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

aiken said:
1. Racial troops tech do not require racial tech, so they are seen to all races. Minor annoyance.

Did you by any chance start with high tech start?

Some technology is captureable and if you do a high tech start that technology will become available to you.

Colonel October 17th, 2004 12:45 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I noticed something that seemed a little strange when playing today. I was the federation and some of the fighter\shuttle components. They were both 5kt but one had 3 for the damage then another with the same size was 5 for the damage. Is this meant to be this or is it just no one noticed

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 03:01 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Colonel said:
I noticed something that seemed a little strange when playing today. I was the federation and some of the fighter\shuttle components. They were both 5kt but one had 3 for the damage then another with the same size was 5 for the damage. Is this meant to be this or is it just no one noticed

I will look into it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Do you remember the component name?

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 06:15 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Warp Scale:

[*]Warp Core I + 2 Warp Nacelle I = Movement of 2[*]Warp Core II + 2 Warp Nacelle II = Movement of 3 [*]Warp Core III + 2 Warp Nacelle II = Movement of 4[*]Warp Core IV + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 5[*]Warp Core V + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 6[*]Warp Core VI + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 6[*]Warp Core VII + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 8[*]Warp Core VIII + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 8[*]Warp Core IX + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 9[*]Warp Core X + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 10[*]TransWarp Core I + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 11[*]TransWarp Core II + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 12[*]TransWarp Core III + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 13

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 06:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I want to increase the Home World Cargo capacity, how do I do that?

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 06:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Also I would like to set it up so that each race starts the game USING their facilities instead of the stock ones. How do I do this?

Colonel October 17th, 2004 11:38 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Colonel said:
I noticed something that seemed a little strange when playing today. I was the federation and some of the fighter\shuttle components. They were both 5kt but one had 3 for the damage then another with the same size was 5 for the damage. Is this meant to be this or is it just no one noticed

I will look into it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Do you remember the component name?

One was Federation Small Pulse Phaser and Federation Small Phaser all of them level 1-3 have the same tonnage but do different damage

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 01:41 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Right now the only differance is the accuracy. I will be reviewing all of the weapons in the mod for balance next. If I come acrossed a weapons, such as you have listed, I will hopefully be able to give one a uniqe ability so that they are both equally usefull.

Thank you.

Aiken October 17th, 2004 01:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

However, I do recommend special mounts for colony modules for use with colony ship hulls a la adamant mod.

And then AI will be suffering from the "2 colony modules per coloniser" bug.

Did you by any chance start with high tech start?

Low tech start. Racial troops are not availiable for every race. Just you can see all racial troops tech then looking for Construction 1 research results. That's why I said it was a minor visual annoyance (initially I posted that racial troops are availiable for all, but it was a mistake).

I want to increase the Home World Cargo capacity, how do I do that?

PlanetSize.txt: Name := Sphereworld and go on.

Also I would like to set it up so that each race starts the game USING their facilities instead of the stock ones. How do I do this?

Racial facilities should be availiable from start and provide "better" abilities (e.g. more research points).

Ragnarok-X October 17th, 2004 02:11 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Instead of increasing the max cargo of the planet like aiken suggested you could just create facilites which increase cargo hold. Since homeworlds start quite advanced and have "unique" buildings, you could just set it up that way.

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 02:11 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Aiken, I fixed the troop issue by adding the requirement OF "Race Technology" to each races Troop entry in the Tech Area file. This should fix the issue.

Thanks for the help with my questions as well. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

All races have access to Generic Infantry. Only the following have acess to Race Infantry:
8472, Borg, Breen, Cardassian, Dominion, Federation (ALL), Ferengi, Klingon, Orion, Romulan, and Tholian.

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 02:21 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Could you please give me more info on modifying the Homeworld cargo amount. I don't understand how changing Sphere World will effect home world cargo.


Aiken October 17th, 2004 02:42 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ooopsy. What a crap I wrote about Sphereworlds! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif
I just thought you had asked about sphereworlds. Sorry.
Well, the right answer will be "I don't know".
Or follow the advice that Rag-X gave, add a Cargo Storage ability to Spaceports. To make such facility a "homeworld only", create racial facilities with Spaceport and Cargo storage abilities and make them very expensive. Although you'll have to test which facility will be placed on a HW: generic SP or racial one.

edit: Resupply Depot is another convenient facility.
edit2: actualy, resupply depot is better, because Natural Merchants trait will remove Space Port from HW.
edit3: on a second thought AI will likely prefere to build expensive racial resupply depot or Space port in just colonised systems. It can cause AI to stumble and waste its resourses on a very expensive facilities. If you want to go further - add an AI tag to resupply depot (or space port) and change all AI_construction_facilities.txt to reflect this change.
edit4: never mind

Fyron October 17th, 2004 02:56 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

aiken said:

However, I do recommend special mounts for colony modules for use with colony ship hulls a la adamant mod.

And then AI will be suffering from the "2 colony modules per coloniser" bug.

This bug was fixed a while ago. Look at the Colony Ship designs in the AI Design Creation files. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aiken October 17th, 2004 02:59 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

This bug was fixed a while ago. Look at the Colony Ship designs in the AI Design Creation files.

It's semifixed. Now Rock AI designs and builds Gas and Ice colonisers without ice and gas colony modules from start.

Fyron October 17th, 2004 03:20 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
So they do... I guess I need an AI trait now...

edit: Problem solved. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Aiken October 17th, 2004 03:59 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Just found an interesting game feature. Probably it's a well know for others.
Empire setup: enviroment - Rock; adv. traits - Gas world natives (yes, it was my mistake)
Game started. Now go to research screen, and voila! - "Rock Planet Colonisation - Gas Natives" tech is already researched. Nice protection against my stupidity http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 07:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thats funny

Atrocities October 17th, 2004 08:29 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ok the beta for 1.8.0 is ready. I will PM or email you the download link.

Please keep playing as normal using the recommended settings listed in the "Before You Play" document.

Please pay close attention to the new propulsion system, and watch for any illegal designs by the AI.
Please keep an eye out for any discriptions that can be improved or spell checked.



1. Added DS9 ship set
2. Added DS9 STM AI files
3. Changed Images for Borg Monster Components
4. Added Some ASCII Art Work to a few files.
5. Added Warp Core V - X
6. Added Quantum Singularity Drive V - X
7. Added Borg Warp Drive IV - X
8. Added Warp Nacelle II - V
9. Added Supply Storage ability to Warp Core I - X
10. Added Supply Storage ability to Quantum Singularity Drive I - X
11. Added Supply Storage ability to Borg Warp Drive I - X
12. Changed Removed Supply Storage ability from Warp Nacelle
13. Changed Warp Technology Tech level from 5 to 10
14. Changed Adv. Warp Technology requirment from Warp Technology 5 to Warp Technology 10
15. Added Supply Storage ability to Transwarp Drive I - III
16. Changed Minor adjustments to images for Warp Core I - X
17. Changed Minor adjustments to images for Quantum Singularity Drive I - X
18. Changed Minor adjustments to Impulse Engine I - V supply Storage ability amounts
19. Changed Image for Transwarp Drive I - III
20. Added Tech requirement of Warp Technology to Warp Nacelle II - V. (1,4,7,10)
21. Changed Supply usage rates for Warp Core I - X
22. Changed Supply usage rates for Quantum Singularity Drive I - X
23. Changed Supply usage rates for Borg Warp Drive I - X
24. Changed Supply usage rates for Transwarp Drive I - III.
25. Changed Movement Generation bonus for Warp Core I - X (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5)
26. Changed Movement Generation bonus for Quantum Singularity Drive I - X (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5)
27. Changed Movement Generation bonus for Borg Warp Drive I - X (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5)
28. Changed Movement Generation bonus for Transwarp Drive I - III (6,7,8)
29. Changed Modified all races Research files to reflect increase in Warp Technology levels
30. Changed Set all ship designs in Vehicle Size file to Engines Per Move of 2 (or 3 in larger ships) with max

engines of 2 (max engines of 3 in larger ships)
32. NOTE Warp Scale:
Warp Core I + 2 Warp Nacelle I = Movement of 2
Warp Core II + 2 Warp Nacelle II = Movement of 3
Warp Core III + 2 Warp Nacelle II = Movement of 4
Warp Core IV + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 5
Warp Core V + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 6
Warp Core VI + 2 Warp Nacelle III = Movement of 6
Warp Core VII + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 8
Warp Core VIII + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 8
Warp Core IX + 2 Warp Nacelle IV = Movement of 9
Warp Core X + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 10

TransWarp Core I + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 11
TransWarp Core II + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 12
TransWarp Core III + 2 Warp Nacelle V = Movement of 13

31. Fixed Error in Borg Monster Research file. Borg Monsters will now research
32. Changed Cost of Miniaturization Experts from 1000 to 1500
33. Changed Bonus of Miniaturization Experts from 120% to 150%
34. Added AI Tag 05 (Impulse Engines) to all major ship designs in all races Design Creation files.
35. Changed Pirate Slave Labor Camp I - III family number to match Monolith (To promote AI to use)
35. Changed Pirate Space Dock I - III family number to match Construction Yard (To promote AI to use)
36. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III family number to match Research Center (To promote AI to use)
37. Changed Pirate Intelligence Center I - III family number to match Intelligence Center (To promote AI to use)
38. Updated Installation file with new Shrapnel Forum Star Trek Mod Discussion LINK.
39. Changed Impulse Engine I - V bitmap images.
40. Fixed Issue with all races Infantry technoolgy being seen by all races in the reseach que.
41. Added Armor Skipping Mine I - III
42. Added Weapon Destroying Mine I - III

Aiken October 18th, 2004 12:05 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Miniaturization Experts trait says that it will increase planet storage by 50%, but it will increase it by 25% only.
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> Value 1 := 25 (should be 50) </pre><hr />

Atrocities October 18th, 2004 12:16 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

I also ran into an illegal design problem that I cannot find a work around for. The AI when designing fighters (SHuttles) after the first turn load them with RIFLES, a TROOP only weapon with a limit of ONE per Troop.

Two things wrong here, first a FIGHTER ( shuttle ) should not be able to access this component, RIFLE, and second it should not be able to use more than one but it is.

Now human players will not be able to use RIFLE on shuttles so why is the GD AI doing it? I have tried everything short of craking the code and re-writing the software from scratch.

To see what I am talking about simply start a game, set the Minister to do design, and run one turn. Then look at the UNIT designs, fighter. You will see that it has added component RIFLE instead of the legal component of small phaser.

Fyron October 18th, 2004 12:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Do they have the same weapon family values? If so, you must change them.

The AI is notorious for ignoring restrictions. It never pays any attention to restrictions such as Only X Per Vehicle, the only 1 bridge per ship limit, etc. These rules only apply to humans... Also, I have noticed that troops often use fighter-only components if they are the best. Some sort of bug exists in the AI design routines that it thinks that fighter-only components are valid on troops, and vice versa. This has also happened sometimes with weapon platform designs using ship-only components... Every time it was due to overlapping family numbers.

Aiken October 18th, 2004 12:32 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

I also ran into an illegal design problem that I cannot find a work around for. The AI when designing fighters (SHuttles) after the first turn load them with RIFLES, a TROOP only weapon with a limit of ONE per Troop.

Two things wrong here, first a FIGHTER ( shuttle ) should not be able to access this component, RIFLE, and second it should not be able to use more than one but it is.

Now human players will not be able to use RIFLE on shuttles so why is the GD AI doing it? I have tried everything short of craking the code and re-writing the software from scratch.

To see what I am talking about simply start a game, set the Minister to do design, and run one turn. Then look at the UNIT designs, fighter. You will see that it has added component RIFLE instead of the legal component of small phaser.

It doesn't matter for AI. You need to change weapon families for rifles etc. Rifles and Shuttle Phasers share same weapon family (Weapon Family := 100). Change Rifle's weapon family to another one to fix it. And don't worry about human players - it's AI only trick.

ps: nice ascii ship http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Fyron October 18th, 2004 12:35 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

aiken said:
ps: nice ascii ship http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

ASCII ship? What a copycat. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif j/k

Atrocities October 18th, 2004 12:41 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks guys, I was stumbling onto it when I read this. Thanks for the help I don't know what I would do without you two.

Fyron October 18th, 2004 12:44 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
"No Aiken and no Fyron make Atrocities something something..."

Some random person:
"Go crazy?"

"Don't mind if I do!"

Atrocities October 18th, 2004 03:58 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Listing out and revamping the weapons as needed now. Man this is going to take some time. At least I will be able to reorganize the components file now.

Aiken October 18th, 2004 01:31 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Error in warp core mounts, they interfere with each other.
There are 2 variants of fixed mounts:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Long Name := Warp Core Mount
Tonnage Percent := 20
Vehicle Size Minimum := 100
Vehicle Size Maximum := 300 (1. 300 or 2. 299)
Long Name := Warp Core Mount
Tonnage Percent := 40
Vehicle Size Minimum := 300 (1. 301 or 2. 300)
Vehicle Size Maximum := 600 (1. 600 or 2. 599)
Long Name := Warp Core Mount
Tonnage Percent := 60
Tonnage Structure Percent := 100
Vehicle Size Minimum := 600 (1. 601 or 2. 600)
Vehicle Size Maximum := 800 (1. 800 or 2. 799)
Long Name := Warp Core Mount
Tonnage Percent := 80
Vehicle Size Minimum := 800 (1. 801 or 800)
Vehicle Size Maximum := 1000
</pre><hr />

2. Hand Weapon I, II and III all have different families (??)
They have Weapon Family = 100 (change it to avoid conflicts with shuttle phasers). It's generally a good idea to check all troops weapons, I have an impression that all of them have the same wpn family (100).

Damage for Hand Weapon I,II,III:
I: 5
II: 4 4 4 (???)
III: 6 6 5 (???)
quite strange distribution, leave alone that range doesn't matter.

3. afair, special abilities don't work on components for troops, so emissive armor ability on Body Armor is useless. Hence the comp itself is useless, due to miserable damage resistance (1 hp).
However I'm not completely sure about my Last statement. It's likely to be true, but could someone confirm or deny it, please?

Atrocities October 18th, 2004 03:02 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Aiken, for 3, its mainly cosmetic.

Fyron October 18th, 2004 04:18 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
Thanks Aiken, for 3, its mainly cosmetic.

You should remove any such "cosmetic" abilities, because they will mislead players and cause problems down the road...

Ed Kolis October 18th, 2004 06:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I agree with Fyron.

Atrocities October 18th, 2004 08:29 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
They are just for INFANTRY, a max KT of 5.

David E. Gervais October 18th, 2004 09:21 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Ed Kolis said:
I agree with Fyron.

I haven't been following this thread, but in a blatant showing of blind trust, I'll be agreeable too.

Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Fyron October 18th, 2004 09:48 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
They are just for INFANTRY, a max KT of 5.

Nevertheless, it is a really bad idea to use nonfunctional abilities such as emmissive armor for _any_ troops. It will only serve to confuse and anger people...

Aiken October 19th, 2004 12:48 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Imperator Fyron said:

Atrocities said:
They are just for INFANTRY, a max KT of 5.

Nevertheless, it is a really bad idea to use nonfunctional abilities such as emmissive armor for _any_ troops. It will only serve to confuse and anger people...

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif
rrrraaaaghhhhhh (c) tesco
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

narf poit chez BOOM October 19th, 2004 01:00 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities October 19th, 2004 01:34 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Good point, will fix.

Atrocities October 20th, 2004 02:30 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Some New Hi-Res shots

http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/bop.PNGhttp://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/d7.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/d9.PNGhttp://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/vortcha.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/neghvar1.PNG

Atrocities October 20th, 2004 02:32 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I will be releasing the entire NEO-Standard Set soon, and these new hi-res renders will be going into the next Version of the STM.

narf poit chez BOOM October 20th, 2004 02:33 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I like them. They look dangerous.

Ok, one of the reasons I use things like 'shiney' is I find it hard to verbalize what I like. But I do know what I like about them. Just, not verbally.

Atrocities October 20th, 2004 02:34 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

narf poit chez BOOM said:
I like them. They look dangerous.

Ok, one of the reasons I use things like 'shiney' is I find it hard to verbalize what I like. But I do know what I like about them. Just, not verbally.

Thanks, I guess. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aiken October 20th, 2004 02:44 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
They're definitely better than the old ones. Are there any limits for your advance?
I hope not http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Atrocities October 20th, 2004 03:02 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/romulan1.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/romulan2.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/romulan3.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/romulan4.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/romulan5.PNG

narf poit chez BOOM October 20th, 2004 03:26 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Well, uh, 'Shiney'. Pretty lights and deadly-looking and um engines and stuff.

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