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-   -   Yet Another Dominions Game - Game Running! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=23516)

CyborgMoses April 19th, 2005 08:21 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
Ah, excellent. Thanks for the help.

Right, I'm loaded up and ready to go.

DrPraetorious April 19th, 2005 11:35 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
I've joined as Jotunheim. Let me be the first to say: "not the face!". That is all.

DrPraetorious April 19th, 2005 11:41 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
Do my pathetic pleas for mercy count as "diplomacy"?

Ygorl April 19th, 2005 11:48 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
Not as long as they're nonverbal:
"whimper" is okay
"don't attack me, attack Atlantis instead" is likely to get you dogpiled.

Anyway, looks like most people have uploaded. A few things:
Saber Cherry, are you going to play, or is it too chancy for you?
izaqyos, could you please claim Pythium on Esben's server? Otherwise you'll be kicked when I start the game, and that would make us all sad.
Who is Arcoscephale? Post here and claim your nation on Esben's server, else you too will be booted. Griffin? Is it you? If not, best upload yourself a nation and identify yourself here and at mosehansen.dk
Cheers all!
With luck and dedication, we should be ready to start very soon. We can also discuss a time when we might blitz, to get the game moving quickly.

WraithLord April 20th, 2005 04:14 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
Please wait for me to upload a 2.14 pretender.
I will do so this evening.

WraithLord April 20th, 2005 04:24 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!

Jurri said:
I'll send it to ya!

EDIT: It seems to bounce the mail. I dunno what's up, someone else try? Or just d/l the attachement from the topmost post of this page.

I made a little test.
It seems that google mail bounces .exe files.

GriffinOfBuerrig April 20th, 2005 06:26 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
Hola, i am now in as Man.

Saber Cherry April 20th, 2005 09:04 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!

Ygorl said:
Saber Cherry, are you going to play, or is it too chancy for you?

I'll play. Don't worry, I came up with a cunning plan, so I'll win fast http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I suggest nobody build clams, fetishes, or Soul Contracts, as they won't have time to pay off. Bwahaha!!!

Hint: It involves not building any Machaka Militia. Or maybe I'm just trying to trick everyone... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Jurri April 20th, 2005 10:44 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!

izaqyos said:

Jurri said:
I'll send it to ya!

EDIT: It seems to bounce the mail. I dunno what's up, someone else try? Or just d/l the attachement from the topmost post of this page.

I made a little test.
It seems that google mail bounces .exe files.

Hohum, it seems to bounce a zip-attachement too. (Since that was my first thought, google being over-protective http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) It could be my mail-service, too, it's not very professional either http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Oh, and regarding this:

Please wait for me to upload a 2.14 pretender.
I will do so this evening.

I think Mose's server sues the first pretender uploaded to a given spot, not allowing overwrites. Hence you need to be kicked... Then again, the version matters little with most if not all Pythium pretenders, as far as I know.

Here's hoping that you get these things sorted out! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif

DrPraetorious April 20th, 2005 02:34 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Still Open!
I don't remember what version I was using when I designed this pretender - I thought it was the same for versions 2.12 and up. Is that wrong?

Alneyan April 20th, 2005 02:42 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I will *try* to get in the game, if it isn't too late. With a bit of luck, TCP/IP will work fine for me, for now at least. Now, what nation should I play... I would have picked T'ien Ch'i, but I don't think they would work out too well, so Man it will be. Let me think of a Pretender, and I will jump in the bandwagon.

Bah, Man has been taken as well. I guess I will settle for Caelum then, though I am not too fond of them (don't worry, I don't know how to play Caelum). I am in as Caelum, with a Pretender having an odd name given its gender. Well, Caelite grammar has always been odd.

Bluebird April 20th, 2005 05:15 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I joined as Mictlan ...

thejeff April 20th, 2005 08:04 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
The server doesn't overwrite pretenders? Even when it says it does?

Then I guess Ulm should be kicked too. It's a 2.16 pretender which shouldn't make too much difference, but I also made a few tweaks on the 2.14 version.

Newbie mistakes. I'll get over them quickly.

Saber Cherry April 20th, 2005 10:18 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I don't think I've ever played such a packed game... I bet 5 nations will be dead (or have besieged capitols) by turn 15. It's hard to design a pretender than can survive or dominate the early game without running into problems later on. Normally, I just plan for a strong midgame.

Ygorl April 21st, 2005 01:19 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Well, it should be a brutal game. That's sort of the goal. Less hoarding, less turtling, more blood.
Now, a question for all of you. Is there some way to kick players _without_ starting the game?
Otherwise, I can just recreate the game and everyone can re-upload (again).
Any words of advice from the experienced game-wranglers out there?

quantum_mechani April 21st, 2005 02:46 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Is this game still going to have a blitz start? If so, I'm considering joining...

Alneyan April 21st, 2005 06:43 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
The blitz start was more a hope I guess: " It would be great if we could start it off as something of a blitz, but that might be completely unrealistic. " I simply don't see how a blitz would work with a nearly full house, and players likely spread around the world.

Caelum should also be kicked (or the game restarted) if possible, as my Pretender just looks awful considering the kind of game we will be playing. That, and with the nice flashing target I have on my back, I will probably not have the opportunity of playing the submarine.

CyborgMoses April 21st, 2005 07:52 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Yeah, Silent Hill has... sort of an odd time zone. At any rate, it sounds as though all that needs to be done is for Caelum and Ulm to reset, izaqyos to register Pythium as him, and Abysia and Arcoscephale to be kicked as dead.

Alneyan April 21st, 2005 08:09 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
By the way, I have uploaded my Pretender file, in case I am away when Caelum and Ulm get kicked (so I don't delay the game). If it is after 2100 GMT, I will not be here, so could someone upload my file in this case? That should ensure you don't have to wait until 1000 GMT before the game starts.

The Pretender is available here: http://sejalie.chez.tiscali.fr//caelum.2h It looks like you will have to copy-paste the URL into another window though; following the link directly won't work (error 403).


Ygorl April 21st, 2005 02:14 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Unfortunately, I can't kick individual players; my only option is "kick all anonymous and restart" which has the unfortunate side-effect of starting the game.
Unless I'm missing something.
So, I think I have to kill the game, re-create it, and have everyone re-upload. I'll wait a little bit to see if someone chimes in with some better advice, and then I'll do that.
This time, please upload *carefully* so that it can be the last time we have to do it.

Jurri April 21st, 2005 02:57 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Wooty woot woot! Esben says he's upgraded the server to 2.16!

Don't know if the "kick anonymous and restart" actually starts the game... You could test it, if it does then bury it and create a new one and if not then all the better. Or just kill it and make a new one, if we want to be sure that the version-hassle won't cause any problems.

Ygorl April 21st, 2005 03:43 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
A couple days ago I did the kick anonymous and restart dance, and it did in fact start the game.
I'll just restart it now.
I'll also upload Alneyan's pretender.
Everyone else, please finalize your pretender and then upload, and then we'll go.

thejeff April 21st, 2005 06:04 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Looks like I'm going to be away next weekend. Probably Thursday morning to Monday night. I don't know how fast this game is likely to move; I could well be dead by then if the first turns go fast enough, but that seems like a pretty large chunk of time that early in the game.

I could drop out, try to find someone here to sub for a few turns, or beg to stall for the weekend.

What do people think? This sounds like a fun, if brutal game, but I'm willing to pass if it'll cause a hassle.

Bluebird April 21st, 2005 08:28 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Hmm ... which game where? The game in mosehansen.dk is stopped ...

Ygorl April 21st, 2005 08:53 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I don't know. I can't seem to create a game that isn't immediately "stopped". I'll let things rest on the server for a little bit, then I'll try again. If that doesn't work, I'll write Esben.
Sorry for all the delays, everyone. Soon, soon...

Azhur April 22nd, 2005 05:16 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Bad news.. I'm away from Saturday to Monday. Try to get the game open today, and if it's possible, put a 72h host at the beginning. I know that's a lot to be asked for, especially when we were expecting an early blizt.

So if this is too much trouble for you, I'm willing to stay out of this game.

Bluebird April 22nd, 2005 09:31 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Ok - here is the deal ... I have set up a server on my server with the same setup as announced above. This is the first time I host a game, but I am doing my very best ;-)

The server can be reached at host 'in-zueri.ch' port '2332'. If Ygorl is ok with it, we can move to this server and play there. You can already start uploading your pretenders, but I want to get Ygorl's ok first before I 'steal' his game.

Ygorl April 22nd, 2005 01:14 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I talked to Esben, got the server difficulties worked out. We are now all set to use his server.
I vote, with all due thanks to Bluebird (danke!), that we use the mosehansen server, since it's got nifty web-based and Jabber-based reporting.
The game is up!

GriffinOfBuerrig April 22nd, 2005 01:31 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Wohoo, i am in!

Reverend Zombie April 22nd, 2005 01:58 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!

Jurri said:
Wooty woot woot! Esben says he's upgraded the server to 2.16!

So do we all now need to create and re-load 2.16 Pretenders??? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Jurri April 22nd, 2005 04:28 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Yeah, re-upload. And it won't hurt to remake the pretender in 2.16 either, although it shouldn't really be necessary. And do claim the gods also, there are currently 6 anonymous http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Surely we can accomodate Azhur's schedule, no?

Saber Cherry April 23rd, 2005 06:55 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to bow out of this game... between my other game starting to have increasingly long turns and final exams approaching, I think it would be unwise. Thus, Machaka is open. It's too bad, since I was eager to try my god - a bless-strategy supercombattant that's not an Earth Mother http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

It seems to me that immobiles are useless, at least for Machaka. In all my calculations of point spendage there was always something that came out better... and I really wanted to choose one, just for something new and different. I guess it's partly because Astral is a worthless blessing for Machaka, since even Astral-10 spiders have 9 MR which is not enough to protect them from anything... unless you cast mass magic resistance on them, which immobile pretenders cannot do.

Have fun!

And again,

Machaka is now open

Bluebird April 23rd, 2005 09:26 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
All right, I will shut down my server - was just a possibility to get this game running fast. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

BTW ... Tien Ch'i was still free, right? Anybody minds if I switch? Mictlan is stupid on an overcrowded map.

DrPraetorious April 23rd, 2005 09:29 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
If Saber Cherry isn't playing, then I'll be Machaka instead of Niefelheim.

I'm going to be out of town for several days a week during much of May (maybe if I get a new laptop I can install the client on that....), but maybe we can fit a blitz inbetween when azhur gets back and I have to leave.

GriffinOfBuerrig April 23rd, 2005 10:11 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
So hurry up folks, i am hot to play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Reverend Zombie April 23rd, 2005 01:11 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
I have re-loaded Pretender (C'tis), and am ready to go!

Ygorl April 23rd, 2005 03:55 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game - Starting Soon!
Everyone needs to claim their pretenders on mosehansen.dk
Once that happens, I will kick any remaining anonymous players and start the game!

extramedium April 23rd, 2005 06:26 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game
I'd like to join in. I'll see if I can figure out how to go about it. Okay, I think I joined as ulm.

Alneyan April 23rd, 2005 06:39 PM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game
Welcome board! The procedure to join the game is as follow: create a Pretender for one of the nations not claimed in this thread (well, good luck figuring out *what* nations aren't claimed), and go into the Network screen. There, type in www.mosehansen.dk as IP, and 2202 as port. Upload your Pretender, do not click on Start Game, and register on https://www.mosehansen.dk/cgi-bin/dom2.pl Once you have done that, find the Machiaveli woohoo game, and claim your nation there (Confess => That's me).

DrPraetorious April 24th, 2005 09:59 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game
Changed my mind again, I will be jotunheim.

Manuk April 24th, 2005 10:56 AM

Re: Yet Another Dominions Game
I will Join as Vanheim if itīs ok.

DrPraetorious April 24th, 2005 01:34 PM

Lower the site frequency all the way to 25 and nobody is playing the two main blood positions? This is highly unusual.

Ygorl April 24th, 2005 03:15 PM

Re: Weird....
Maybe, but the game might be so fast and brutal that there may not be much of an opportunity to establish a solid blood economy.

Anyway, we need to wait for izaqyos, Azhur, and extramedium to claim their pretenders on the mosehansen.dk web site, and then I'll start. Azhur won't be back until tomorrow, so hopefully tomorrow evening the game will be off!

Saber Cherry April 24th, 2005 07:27 PM

Re: Weird....

DrPraetorious said:
Lower the site frequency all the way to 25 and nobody is playing the two main blood positions? This is highly unusual.

You mean, "The other two?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Unless you're still playing Niefelheim, Jotunheim is a very strong blood player, better than Abysia if you get lucky hag picks. Non-blood hags are always useful anyway.

DrPraetorious April 25th, 2005 11:19 AM

Re: Weird....
On a rich game-world I find that I don't want to use four turns of hero production to make a single bloodpick, and without the ice giants I'll simply be killed. Skratti make perfectly satisfactory (if overpriced) blood hunters.

I'm continuing to vacilate. I love the tarantula knights so much - am I making the wrong decision?

Ygorl April 25th, 2005 11:24 AM

Re: Weird....
Play one here, and the other in another! No need for vacillation when you can have oscillation.

Azhur April 25th, 2005 03:02 PM

Re: Weird....
Got back home and R'lyeh now claimed.

Ygorl April 25th, 2005 04:34 PM

We\'re off!
Make sure you claim your own pretender the first time you log in to the game... anyway, we're finally underway!

Manuk April 25th, 2005 09:46 PM

Re: We\'re off!
Thereīs plenty of us here, wow!

Bluebird April 26th, 2005 04:44 AM

Re: We\'re off!
Well - it took 7 pages in the forum to get the game started http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

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