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Atrocities April 28th, 2006 10:26 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
Actually the facts support my statement in that gun ownership here in the US reduces crime. I can only speak to the increased crime rates in the UK, Australia, Canada, and various cities such as WA DC, New York, and Chicogo here in the US following their gun bans as evidence that anti-gun laws do increase crime. Those numbers cannot be disputed as they are fact. The state of firearm ownership and privileges in other countries has tought us a considerable amount about both the value and fragility of our freedoms here in the US.

Notice I said "privileges" and not "rights." The US is one of the few countries in the world where we have a consitutional right to keep and bare arms. Where for the most part the act of self defense is not considered a crime.

Thermodyne April 29th, 2006 12:46 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom


Atrocities, it's *facts* that "disagree" with you : countries were gun ownership is "free" have more violent crimes that the others.
Not surprising though, modern weapons favour attacker. You should wear flak jacket, helmet and IR googles at all times http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

What Europeans call freedom, Americans call intrusive government. The last six months in France are an example of a disarmed society. France’s immigrant population took to rioting in the streets, and there was little that law-abiding citizens could do to protect their property. Then the government tries to align its labor laws a little closer to the norm of the global economy, and it starts all over again. I’d like to see immigrants try to burn down a mid American town over the right to government handouts and jobs. But then I guess France has bigger fish to fry, things like testing nukes, building second rate carriers and maintaining it’s colonial possessions, and lets not forget the effort of holding together a secular state.

I have some French firearms from the late thirties in my collection, seldom fired and only dropped once. That’s sort of the way your government runs, they support whoever agrees to make purchases of French weapons and nuclear technology. Israel was your friend when they were purchasing fighters, but then you turn around and provide their antagonizes with the technology to develop nuclear weapons. It must be easy for a Frenchmen to promote the disarming of the public, having never enjoyed the right to bear arms himself.

As to your statistics, they are only partly correct. Without a breakdown by ethnic group they have only limited value. And that would be politically incorrect in the current climate.

dogscoff May 3rd, 2006 01:29 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
I have a set of sword-chucks that I carry around with me. Only had to use them once. Am currently typing this with my nose.

Atrocities May 3rd, 2006 06:54 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
I would use the tips of the sword-chucks to type if it were me.

Hugh Manatee July 12th, 2006 08:40 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom
When it says Bear Arms..... does that mean I can own a tank with armor piercing rounds.... you know for self defense....

Atrocities July 17th, 2006 01:56 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Hugh Manatee said:
When it says Bear Arms..... does that mean I can own a tank with armor piercing rounds.... you know for self defense....

If you must ask an asinine question like this, then why post a question at all?

Atrocities July 17th, 2006 02:10 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Just before the 2000 election, Solicitor General Seth Waxman - the Clinton administration's top court room advocate- starkly confirmed that the government "did indeed take the position that the Second Amendment does not extend an individual right to keep and bear arms."

As a result of the 2000 election we have seen more serious scholarship in regards to the second amendment. John Ashcroft, Attorney General, asked the Justice Department's top legal minds to study whether the Second Amendment protected an individual right to keep and bear arms. DOJ's office of legal counsel reviewed the Second Amendment's text, as well as its historical origins as far back as the 17th century England, and concluded that: "the Second Amendment secures a personal right of individuals, not a collective right that may only be invoked by a State or quasi-collective right restricted to those persons who serve in organized militia units."

- Steve Cox

In other words, we do have the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the constitution of the United States. That is our right, and regardless of how you or the UN may feel about it, know this, only those who fear a free society fear an individuals rights to keep and bear arms. Take a good long hard look at the very people and governments who want to eliminate free ownership of firearms and you will see tyrants, power hungry medlers, and dictators.

The people who want to take the right of free Americans away from them, don't like it when the truth is spoken. They will do anything within their power to kill the messinger, attack the morals, and destory the good name of any who stand in their way. They will lie about, sue, and tarnish any and all who oppose their views. They cannot stand up against the truth so they attack it peace by peace, word by word, looking to dismantle any arguement that differse from their point of view. They will lie to all who will listen, promote untruth and spread mistruth without regard for truth. In the end they hope to win, not because they are right, but because they have lied their way to victory.

When these type of people lead the nations of this world, what kind of world will we all be living in?

capnq July 17th, 2006 08:49 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Atrocities said: When these type of people lead the nations of this world, what kind of world will we all be living in?

By and large, these kind of people already lead the nations of the world.

TerranC July 17th, 2006 10:06 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Thermodyne said:
What Europeans call freedom, Americans call intrusive government. The last six months in France are an example of a disarmed society. France’s immigrant population took to rioting in the streets, and there was little that law-abiding citizens could do to protect their property. Then the government tries to align its labor laws a little closer to the norm of the global economy, and it starts all over again. I’d like to see immigrants try to burn down a mid American town over the right to government handouts and jobs. But then I guess France has bigger fish to fry, things like testing nukes, building second rate carriers and maintaining it’s colonial possessions, and lets not forget the effort of holding together a secular state.

I have some French firearms from the late thirties in my collection, seldom fired and only dropped once. That’s sort of the way your government runs, they support whoever agrees to make purchases of French weapons and nuclear technology. Israel was your friend when they were purchasing fighters, but then you turn around and provide their antagonizes with the technology to develop nuclear weapons. It must be easy for a Frenchmen to promote the disarming of the public, having never enjoyed the right to bear arms himself.

As to your statistics, they are only partly correct. Without a breakdown by ethnic group they have only limited value. And that would be politically incorrect in the current climate.

Hear, hear. I can't believe I missed this gem of a post. I ought to start reading this part of the forums more often.

BTW, No, and no. Not because of lack of interest, rather costs. It's expensive to get a decent gun these days, you know.

PDF July 17th, 2006 06:10 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Thermodyne said:


Atrocities, it's *facts* that "disagree" with you : countries were gun ownership is "free" have more violent crimes that the others.
Not surprising though, modern weapons favour attacker. You should wear flak jacket, helmet and IR googles at all times http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

What Europeans call freedom, Americans call intrusive government. The last six months in France are an example of a disarmed society. France’s immigrant population took to rioting in the streets, and there was little that law-abiding citizens could do to protect their property. Then the government tries to align its labor laws a little closer to the norm of the global economy, and it starts all over again. I’d like to see immigrants try to burn down a mid American town over the right to government handouts and jobs. But then I guess France has bigger fish to fry, things like testing nukes, building second rate carriers and maintaining it’s colonial possessions, and lets not forget the effort of holding together a secular state.

Man, you have no clue of what you're talking about... What we call "rioting" here is surely more something like "everyday life" on your side, so it's normal you misunderstood !:P
Come live here for a few months ... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Atrocities July 17th, 2006 08:12 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
Thanks for the invite to live near Paris for a few months, however given how rude some of the French are to Americans, I would rather live in Terron or Bagdad. At least there I know I would be safe.

Hugh Manatee July 17th, 2006 10:09 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Atrocities said:

Hugh Manatee said:
When it says Bear Arms..... does that mean I can own a tank with armor piercing rounds.... you know for self defense....

If you must ask an asinine question like this, then why post a question at all?

Ever drive the hyways in texas? yeah.... I want me a friggin tank!

Atrocities July 17th, 2006 11:07 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
Well if that is the case, then ya you can legally own a tank, but the gun would require a special BATFE license and all kinds of insurance.

PvK July 26th, 2006 12:22 AM

Re: Do you carry?
LOL! I just noticed Atro's posts last year about Seattle being a dangerous meth-infested place. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Speaking of Texas, I was just down there, and survived the highways fine, but I did notice plenty of arrests going on, and the TV news there reported a story last week which went something like this:

Fort Worth, Texas. A Mercedes SUV is stolen from its owner's house. Before it gets far, though, it comes under gun fire from the owner's house! The thief loses control and crashes the SUV into another vehicle, injuring two people in that vehicle. He bails out and tries to car-jack (IIRC) another car, shooting and wounding that driver. Then the police show up and shoot and wound the thief.

BTW, while meth and drugs are problems in the USA, and there are plenty of drug-related crimes and violence, there are other large problems leading to crime and dangerous parts. I would tend to point to bad education, bad child-raising, bad economic disparity, racial/cultural schisms, etc. Seattle isn't dangerous at all compared to some parts of Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York, and the reasons those places are dangerous have not so much to do with drugs as they do with large areas of the cities that are economically abandoned and angry thug culture fills the gap.

Saber Cherry July 26th, 2006 02:42 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Hugh Manatee said:
When it says Bear Arms..... does that mean I can own a tank with armor piercing rounds.... you know for self defense....

Yes, and thermonuclear ICBMs. But not for self defense, for the security of the state. 'Arms' certainly does not imply 'guns', but rather, any military weapon. The framers did not know about fusion, and probably expected that the power of a weapon would always be proportionate to the number of people required to mobilize it (as with then-modern battleships). However, this right is still explicitly present, and has been (+is) unconstitutionally infringed on numerous occasions. There is an amendment system in place, in case unanticipated things like nukes show up, but the US government prefers to simply create and enforce illegal laws until the Supreme Court strikes them down - or doesn't, because their declarations rarely hinge on constitutionality anymore.

On the other hand, it may have been the intention of the framers - and remember, this was before widespread dictionaries standardized English spelling - to encourage more liberal dress codes. Bare arms (and bare legs, called an 'implied right' by constitutional scholars) are pretty hot, on the right person.

PvK July 26th, 2006 05:18 AM

Re: Do you carry?
Yeah, the framers probably didn't anticipate genetic manipulation, either. The next generation may be faced with real manatees named Hugh who want bear arms for self-defense... ok, it's late...

PDF July 26th, 2006 11:57 AM

Re: nunchaku of doom

Atrocities said:
Thanks for the invite to live near Paris for a few months, however given how rude some of the French are to Americans, I would rather live in Terron or Bagdad. At least there I know I would be safe.

It's rather the other way around, but we have no US Fries to rename. Plus noone bear arms except police http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, and death by gunfire is pretty exceptional.

As for our rudeness, French just were right two years ago when we warned of what actually happened in Iraq ... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif

I don't know where Terron is, but as for Baghdad it depends whether you are in the bunkerized perimeter ruled by the US -huh no, Iraqi governement, where it should be ok, or elsewhere, where your life expectancy should be counted in hours (unless you're inside a Bradley at least) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif

Atrocities July 26th, 2006 08:28 PM

Re: nunchaku of doom
I Cannot argue with the truth there PDF. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif And for the record, I love french fries, bread, women, wine, and cheese. I don't really like the cars or the food though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

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