![]() |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Humans could benefit from this kind of aging mechanic as well.
Especially mages, who might be expected to suffer physically, but grow in magical ability with age. There are a number of units that already show an age progression, as B0rsuk suggests. The most obvious human example might be Man's Daughter, Mother, Crone. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Honeybadger, several hundred new creatures can take quite a lot of effort to make. I can't count the hours spent drawing art for the eighty or so monsters I've used in my nation mods. If such a system could be made to "fit" within the current parameters of the game and its rules, I think you should lobby for it to appear in Dominions 4. As a mod for the current game it is probably unrealistic. This is especially so because the devs are no doubt working at patching bugs and providing us with the additional nations they've mentioned and new game mechanics are much farther off on their horizon.
thejeff, most human and human-like mages already suffer physically with age through the old age mechanics and can grow in magical ability as the game progresses. Mages (and non-mages) of all races can grow in power by using Empowerment. Mages also gain research bonuses by acquiring experience. Age implies a biological process the ends of which are infirmity and death. Simply making creatures better because they get older does not fit in a game that already has numerous mechanics for individual unit improvement: experience, heroic abilities, prophethood, death matches, magic items, empowerment, etc. Now, if there were a mechanic for a mage with Death or Blood magic (or one who acquires them through Empowerment) to undergo the transition to lichdom, that would be sweet. I can imagine a few other means of alternate "Empowerment" that would be quite easy to implement and would add some of the additional depth that you and Honeybadger are talking about. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Zepath, the point isn't the time and effort required to produce several hundred monsters, it's the time and effort required to add the feature, which I figure could be done in under 15 minutes by a competent programmer, which Johan certainly is, and more. All you have to do is tell the computer to search through all the units per turn-which it would do anyway to check and see if any units are old-to see if any have reached a certain age number. The number's already in there for each unit. When it's determined that one has reached the target number, the computer looks up the unit and the mod tells the computer to #shapechange it to whatever unit, permanently, instead of telling it to age the unit, which it already does. With unit aging already implemented, the whole process takes the programmer a fraction of an hour to code and the computer a fraction of a second to perform. I could do it myself if I had the source code, and I'm a terrible programmer+unfamiliar with this particular language and where everything's located in the code for the game. It's pretty simple functionally even back to the days of BASIC, a million years ago.
The time spent creating a mod that utilizes such a function to it's full potential would ofcourse require a lot of man-hours. But, it could be done by a single dilligent modder, and that's the point I'm trying to make. I have lots of free time so no worries there, and I can draw reasonably well, even on a computer if I have to. If you want to make it a lot faster and easier for me, kindly send me a light-pen and driver software that will be compatible with my laptop http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'd be more than happy to share any Dom 3 images I created with the pen with you and rest of the modding community. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Now to answer the questions about unit upgrades already in the game: Yes they are there and yes they do their job very well. But, it's a different type of strategy you're talking about, actively concentrating on upgrading your leader units with magic items, empowerments, what have you, or actively fighting with those units and gaining experience. In both case you are using those units directly. What I'm talking about is leaving those units alone so that they can do their own thing, or taking risks with them and potentially having those risks-which increase exponentially over time-pay off in the long term. Kind of like the state (you and your pretender) collecting taxes on a free-market economy (the units you're either risking and that are surviving the risk, or the units that you are protecting and paying the price of that protection). Conditions currently are something along the lines of a communist/socialist economy. No matter how long you stand in line, you're going to get the same scratchy toilet paper, it's just that if you stand in line long enough, you might get more and fresher than the other guy. If you're lucky.
Ofcourse, those units you're paying to protect can still be used for other things, but the longer the game goes on, the harder it is to keep any particular unit alive and undamaged/unafflicted enough to be very useful. Units which are good at passive things, such as research and preaching, often are not ones that are going to be good at combat anyway, nor should they be, and most of these would be afflicted with age, as happens now. Those units which would grow more powerful over time would be the ones that you'd want on the front lines anyway, and so holding them in reserve for years at a time would be a choice which would have real consequences, and if you put that type of unit at risk, and it survives anyway, and keeps surviving, you've gambled well and the Fates have smiled on it and it's good to be rewarded with increased viability as well as having the pleasure of increased individuality. These things help keep such a change to the game in balance, while at the same time, raising the stakes, instead of diminshing them-as happens now-in long epic games. You start the game and maybe produce 10 Jotun skinshifters on the first turn, and it's exciting because you only have a few, and you put a lot of thought into how you're going to use those skinshifters, because they're all you've got, and if you don't use them carefully, you won't make it very far in the game. By turn 100 you've done well and you can churn out 250 Jotun skinshifters at a pop, knowing that they're going to be the same skinshifters on turn 5000. Basically, you pay for better units with gold-which you get more of as the game goes on and you conquer more territory, and which, because of it's increased availability, diminishes in value until it's worth it's weight in dirty rainwater, and you pay for better units with resources, which you get a bit more of as you build your infrastructure, but the availability of resources stays much more stable throughout the game, and resources are valuable because of that. Time is always a very valuable resource. If you're paying for better units with time, it's always a rare commodity, and it becomes more and more valuable as a game progresses, because you always have less of it, and you always have the risk that, no matter how great a given game is, this might be your last turn. This means that the longer a game goes on, the better the game should become. This just doesn't happen naturally in a turn-based-strategy environment, or really with any kind of game. There have to be influencing factors such as: plenty of different things to see-which Dom3 does well, plenty of things to do-which Dom3 does VERY well, and good opponents, which the AI doesn't do a bad job of, but human players are generally better. As things are, there are only a finite amount of things to see and do in the game, and those are the same things that are programmed into the game. Thus the whole purpose of modding. If you can, however, add things to see and do, depending on how long you play a particular game (time as currency) then more people are going to want to play games for longer periods of time, which should mean that more people are going to want to buy Dom3, simply because the investment of their valuable time is going to pay off more here than it will playing another game that has a finite amount of things to see and do, regardless of how long you play it. My point is that turn-based-strategy games are exactly the sorts of games which SHOULD get better and more interesting the longer a game goes on, instead of the wave of going from everything-is-fresh-and-new to I-can-do-a-lot-of-things to I've-seen-it-all-and-I'm-bored/exhausted-what's-on-tv that most games currently ride. If Dom3 can break that cycle, then I think it's going to be a very good time for everyone concerned. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Can we have last several posts erased, please ?
------------------------- #pathfinding New commander skill. A commander with this ability automatically transfers his survival skills (if any) to troops he commands. So, for example, a commander with Forest Survival, Swamp Survival, and Pathfinding can lead a squad of units across a forest without movement penalties. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Not to start an argument or anything, but since I'm rather involved in the last several posts, and since those posts are on-topic and not meant to be disruptive in any way, please respect my freedom of speech. I'm more than willing to respect yours. Thank you.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It's more that it's sort of clogging up the wishlist boards, I think. Not that I'm for deleting them.
As for my wish, would it be at all possible to have modding commands for 'dungeon' sites like The Forgotten City? I suppose it would be a lot of work... |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon29.gif[/img] Here are some modding ideas for the dungeon sites... if we are unable to create our own. 1) Rare Event After rescuing an old witch she carves markings into your arm which magically provides you a new resistance. Effect: Commander recieves small increased resistance for one of the four types. (fire, cold, lightning or poison) permanent random increase between 5% and 20%. 2) Rare Event You've purchased some magical herbs from a traveling healer and eat the herbs later that evening. The next day reveals surprising effects of the herbs. loss of 75 gold permanent random change in one of the commander statistics ranging between -2 and +5. (life, strength, precision, magic resistance, defence, etc.) 3)Very Rare Event A master blacksmith spends the season training the commander to forge items in exchange for a small fee. loss of 40 gold permanent forging bonus ranging between 10% and 20%. 4)Very Rare Event A thieves guild has spent the last few months training the commander to move stealthy among the enemy in exchange for some gold. loss of 100 gold permanent steathly bonus ranging between +0 and +10. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Here, here! I am with Uninspired Name and NT Jedi on the moddable dungeon sites. Please, oh, please... after fully moddable national summons. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
A command to remove unneeded traits after using the #copystats would be extremely useful.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It would be nice if we got a #callallies command. That really opens things up for new 'hero' units.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I agree with UnispiredName. A command that allows the "Call Allies" ability (#callally <monster nbr> <quantity>) and/or a command that allows the commander to randomly attract allies each month like a vampire lord (#randomally <monster nbr> <% chance/month>) would be great. Also a command that would allow a nation to randomly attract certain creatures in its provinces that have a favorable dominion (Pangaea, Ermor) would open up a lot of things...
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It also might come in handy to be able to add our own 'attack' sound effects.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
This is probably obvious, but IŽd really like to be able to change the cost of temples/labs and castles with mod commands.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Temples and labs: gold required Castles gold requirement, time requirement, layout Perhaps time requirement for temples/labs. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd like to be able to change the names of, and mod in additional, magic paths (with new bless effects), sorcery schools, and gem-types (and graphics).
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Shift+I should work for spells, forts and magic sites. It should show at least their ID number. For spells, perhaps it could also show the variables we can mod now; this would allow for some trial&error changes in spells. E.g., comparing Bless and Anathema etc to find out how to limit spells to only affect sacred units.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Updates: <font color="green">3.12. #horrormarked <value> #cursed #affliction <bitmask> <chance> * ability to make units immune to Horror Mark or Curse * nation-spesific items</font> <font color="green">1.12. * A way to make ranged weapon be affected by Flaming Arrows. #fireweapon (wpn nbr) was suggested. * A way to set #range to Strength, for thrown weapons. </font> <font color="blue">Implemented, but bugged</font> * #specialeffectalways doesn't work at all <font color="blue">Requested mod commands</font> * commands for changing the costs of labs and temples, and fort modding commands with gold cost, time requirement and layout (the battlefield used). * Poptypes modding: recruitable units, defenders, era, rarity Magic sites * It isn't possible to make sites that let everyone recruit the units. #com and #mon commands are needed in addition to #homecom and #homemon. * All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing. * command for summoning creatures when a mage enters a site * command for casting a spesific ritual when mage enters a site * unrest for magic sites * modding commands for the dungeon sites Weapons * All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing. * A way to make ranged weapon be affected by Flaming Arrows. #fireweapon (wpn nbr) was suggested. * A way to set #range to Strength, for thrown weapons. Units * #insanity * #summanallies [amount] [unit name/nr] * #seduce * #lure * #skeptic * #inquisitor * #communicant, as Theurg Communicants' ability * ability to spawn units of spesific type (Polypal Mother), under various restrictions (scale and/or terrain mask) * ability to get free units (bodyguards) in battle, e.g. Dai Oni and their wolves * scale sensitivity, e.g. Ice Devils and Burning Ones are affected by temperature * a command that makes a unit ccast one spell, targeted at the unit itself, in the beginning of the battle to simulate e.g. Communion Slave * units that disappear after one battle, such as Gladiators * a command to make an unit move independently around the map, as Eater of the Dead Spells * Moddable bonus to number of effects from spells, from Crossbreeding to Summer Lions to Magma Bolts * unit pools, as in Unfrozen summoning or Crossbreeding Nations * free units in forts (with terrain mask), in areas of high dominion, under spesific scales... * a command for removing/disabling a nation, e.g. #era 0 * a #multihero that only appears one at a time; the second one only comes after the first has died * moddable nation-spesific undead * command for giving the same pretender to multiple nations without copying him a dozen times * command to make a nation that doesn't have one or more of the default pretenders * a way to name heroes! * ability to use custom pics for temples Magic items * #mainlevel 0 for making an item require level 1 mage, but take only 1 gem * #spell for items, to make commander cast spesific spell * #ritual for items, to make commander cast spesific spell in main map * magic res and elemental/poison resistances for items, both positive and negative Misc * Effect of experience stars: #hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star] [b]* commands for changing Magic/Drain effect on magic resistance and spellcasting encumberance.[b] * general mod command for changing the chance of events on common/rare setting * Few more lengthy suggestions * another complicated suggestion [b]* commander for reversing the old age parameters (-5% hp to +5% hp) (and for negating old age afflictions). <font color="blue">Requested mod-related features</font> * There should be a map command for a required mod that has to be enabled to play the map. * Age-restricted mods that don't affect games of other ages. A modding command, but more for ease of use than to changing things. * themes back, and made moddable * Three lengthy suggestions [b]* more hero slots * mercenary modding * a one-time shape change to another unit after reaching a unit reaches a spesific age [b]* masks working in hexadecimal as well as decimal * Some way to use #copystats without getting unwanted features. Blank units with just #seduce, #lure, etc various commands that currently can't be added were suggested. * ability to add custom sound effects * ability to rename (or add) magic paths, to change the icon, the pic of gemtype, the pics of sites, the names of schools... <font color="blue">Already implemented </font> * The ability to change spell names and descriptions as well as spell modding in general * It isn't possible to add new national spells that have to be researched. * It should be possible to find out numbers of magic items. Shift+I. * commands for changing units' ages * #animalawe <font color="blue">Suggested forms</font> Experience modding: #xplevel [1 to 5 stars] #hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star] |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
You know what would be a much simpler way than having #communicant, #skeptic, #inquisitor etc? What we need is a #ability <monster number> <value> command. If the monster number is that of a Starspawn, it would give a summoning bonus. (Equal to the value) If the monster number was a Spy, it would give an 'increase unrest' command while sneaking. If the number was that of a Pan, it would give you a large about of <value = monster number>s every turn (Provided your Turmoil scale was good). That way, absolutely no command is missing for unit mods.
Unfortunately, this would be a huge pain to code unless you're working from scratch. I'll suggest this again when someone makes a 'Dominions 4 suggestions' thread. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
In weapon modding, a #fireweapon <weapon number> command, to define what weapon to switch to when enchanted by the Flaming Arrows spell.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
This one's sort of glaring. We need a range: strength option for projectile weapons.
And an option to make our own mercenaries would be nice. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Endoperez, I read your synopsis (I'm assuming it's a synopsis of the thread so far, for ease of reference for the Developers) and while you seem to have listed my request, in a way, what I actually would like is the ability to increase the number of magical paths (as in Earth, Air, etc) to 27 and name those new paths. Also to add more types of gems (27), to rename all types of gems, and to add graphics for new gem types. And then to change the names of magic schools, such as Thaumaturgy etc, and add new schools (not sure how many). If it wasn't your intention, that's fine, in which case I'm content to clarify what I was asking for, since it's admittedly a little unclear. Thank you!
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
In addition to starting insanity scores, I'd like
#horrormarked <value> #cursed #affliction <bitmask> <chance> I want to give horrormarked units as bodyguards - it's an advantage for the bodyguards of a horrormarked mage to be horrormarked themselves, clearly. The affliction "power" would be the one that praetorian guards have - also certain pretenders. You give a bitmask for which afflictions the unit can start with, and then a chance of getting one of those afflictions. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Good call on the horror marked guards, DrPraetorious.
I'm with UninspiredName on the mercenary modding, that would be a lot of fun! |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Also the #horrormarked would be very useful because horrors are very nasty in dominions_3 and being able to summon monsters with horror marks would be in big demand. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
How about being able to mod certain units (such as certain Pretenders) as no curse, no horror mark, no insanity, no age, etc?
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Well, you can already just change the maxage or startage...
Removing stuff like that without having to remove everything would come in handy, though. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Age was the least thing I wanted the ability to remove. The others are a lot more devastating to Pretenders.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
How about #longdead <unit number> and #skeleton <unit number> nation modding commands? Since we can have Longdead of C'tis, Jotun skeletons, and countless carrion units for Pangaea, it seems reasonable that we should be able to add our own for certain nations. You could theoretically implement the command more than once to have a list of possible longdeads/skeletons.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
...Oh, they are? Isn't that just for reanimation? (Which, now that I think about it, is I guess all that matters.)
And do any nations get their own Soulless? I haven't seen any yet... |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
From ulm.illwinter.com/dom3/dom3progress.html : Quote:
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It would be nice if I could easily set certian items to only be forgable by certian nations.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Not even the developers do that at the moment... (That Black Laurel is getting on my nerves, though)
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
At least "charge bonus on first attack", "range = strength/2", etc can be added by editing the .exe, although having #copyweapon would make this unnecessary.
PS: I'm running out of room for capital-only units... perhaps allowing more than 4 startsites and/or more than 5 attributes per site. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Currently, all provinces are limited to 4 startsites, and all sites are limited to 5 attributes. Even if you wanted to give a nation income of 6 different gems, and a gold bonus and a resource bonus, you'd be able to give them total of 12 capital-only recruitables. That's twice as much as any current nation (LA Abysia is the one most limited by capital-only units AFAIK). Are you sure any of them couldn't be changed into e.g. summons? |
1 Attachment(s)
One thing I forgot, it'd be nice when we get the ability to mod magic items if we could make magic items that change hit point totals. I see why the basic game doesn't have any but they'd still be cool.
Otherwise, I have a proposal in response to the request to have random elements in unit specifications, which I said I thought was impossible. We ought to be able to have mutations! Mutations work, from a game-mechanical standpoint, just like afflictions. It'd be nice if we could specify them ourselves through mod script - see below for the commands I think we'd need. Unfortunately I don't think that's practical, but you could add mutations, even if none of the default units use them (although foul spawn should get them if they exist at all.) The mutations in the attached list are mostly warhammer classics - if you added those (and mod commands to give them to units, with a bitmsask and a percentage change and all), that'd be super-keen and ought to cover most people's unit variety needs. So, you'd need: #mutation <bitmask> <chance> -- Self explanatory, goes on units. #spreads_mutations <bitmask> <chance> -- So that we can add sites which mutate people that stay in the province with them. -- Plus a spell effect that gives mutations! Chaos Channels! Huzzah! If, on the other hand, you want to go nuts: #attribute_pool <pool_number> <icon file> #attribute <pool_number> <position> -- Attributes, of which mutations are one type you could make, would appear in different types, each of which would have its own icon (and pool #), and each of which would have a, say, 64-bit bitmask. Position is the place in the bitmask, so a number from 0 to 63. #require_slots (bitmask) -- This attribute requires the combination of slots specified. #no_mindless -- Mindless units cannot get this attribute. #no_mounted #no_inanimate #max_size (size) -- You get the idea. #stacks_to <position> -- If you get this mutation, and you already have it, get this mutation isntead. -- Other than that, each mutation would need the same stuff that units would get. You'd need a way to *modify* stats rather than just changing them, and you'd need a command to add or remove slots rather than just specifying which slots a unit would have. -- Finally, for units #attribute <pool> <bitmask> <chance> -- And for sites. #spreads_attribute <pool> <bitmsask> <chance> -- And an effect for spells. |
Re: Mutations!
Ooh, I like that one. Would really open up spell and site modding.
As for me, I'm having some serious issues creating combat summons that I have reason to believe aren't user error. You also can't boost the gem cost without boosting the fatigue cost for combat spells, which means if you wanted a barrage of fireballs that costed 3 gems to cast, it would most likely kill the caster, causing him 300 fatigue. |
Re: Mutations!
Re: Mutations!
A high gem cost spell is pretty much uncastable by a character with the minimum path to cast it, casters won't use more than 200 Fatigue on casting a spell by choice, so they'll skip over even a scripted 8 gem spell.
But a character with an extra 3 path skill casts a spell at 1/4th fatigue - so they will cast that 8 gem spell. So weirdly, if you want to have a spell that costs a lot of gems and is usable in combat, set the path requirements really low. A 1 Nature 800 Fatigue spell is theoretically castable by a Dryad, but actually it is only available to seriously badass Pans. -Frank |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
#(type)res needs to go above 100%
Currently units cannot be given more than 100% resistance. Since there are spells which can lower resistances there is a desire for creating units which start with a resistance over 100%. Otherwise after a few spells no unit can be completely immune unless it's a commander with extra items. |
Re: Mutations!
If Living Clouds is modded to require Air 3 and take 3 gems (300 fatigue): the caster can cast the spell with the same three gems; summons only as many elementals as the spell description states (curiously, 3, and description had changed to 3+, to match the #pathlevel 0 3!); and the caster ends up with 200 fatigue. Further testing: I changed Master Enslave to Thaumaturgy 0. I created an S9 Wyrm. I sent the Wyrm to fight against the biggest indeps I saw on second turn, after I had gotten enough pearls. I gave him *9* pearls. He cast Master Enslave and won the battle after the enemy routed. He had 200 fatigue after casting the spell, but didn't lose any hp. This matches what I thought was stated on the forums: that no spell can kill the caster directly through fatigue. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Sorry if this is already in here. Just to get this logged into the wishlist...
increase the arrays so that a mod for slot xx can use unit, site, equipment slots xx times 100. So that a mod using slot 75 would have 7500-7599 available. It doesnt have to be locked down. I mean it doesnt have to force that mod to use only those slots. But if the arrays would allow it, and we can get people doing it voluntarily, It would help avoid clashes. And it would make later changes easier. We could even create a thrid party program that shifts the entire mod over to a different slot easily. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
The nation array itself also needs to be larger, right now there's only room for a dozen custom nations - there are already 14 floating around. I suppose I can segregate mods by era.....
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd really like the ability to change, make new ones, and increase the number of, bless effects, since this is such a large area of strategy that currently only has 8 defined paths and 16 total effects. For instance, I'd like to be able to create a mod wherein water magic leads to ice weapons and fire magic leads to fire resistance, etc. This would ofcourse go hand-in-hand with being able to mod in more types of magic.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Allow more custom unit graphics.
I've been trying to pool all the custom nations together - and the game won't process more than about 300 (?) custom sprites. At least, that's what I think is going on. looky Anyway, if we had enough nation #s and sprite slots to field 20 or 30 custom nations, I'd be happy. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'm with DrPraetorious, 80 nations would be sweet.
Ok, actually I'd like more, like 120-150. But then I'm greedy. Oh and while I'm being greedy, I'd really like to be able to add ages (for a maximum of 5-7) and rename ages. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
There's a quick change to Nation Modding that would be nice. At the moment, when adding heroes to a nation, you're only allowed to specify which monster. You should really be able to give the hero an unchanging name as well, like in the normal nations. One can get around this by creating a new namelist, but that's a pain and you only get so many namelists to customize on your own.
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Yes, I'm with you on that one too, Uninspired,
Names have Power. Mythology is chalk full of the old clause that "a rose by any other name would not smell as sweet" 6,000 slaves, brothers-in-arms to 50,000 dead, strong men who had freed themselves and learned what it was to be proud, become warriors and soldiers in a great army, who terrorized, nearly conquered, the entire World that was Rome willingly died on the cross to the words, "I, Spartacus!" |
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