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-   -   Wishlist: the Mappers Wishlist (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=30608)

Gandalf Parker February 2nd, 2007 10:26 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
That would also make for a very interesting game variant if I could assign items based on a random from 1 to 2000. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ballbarian February 3rd, 2007 09:59 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist

What I'd like is some improvement to scripting sites and populations.

Currently, the way site scripting works is that first the game creates the map, randomly assigns sites and populations and adds provncial defenders and only then does it execute map commands such as #feature or #knownfeature. This means that if random site allocation fills up a province, scripted sites will not be added.

There is a way to ensure that the scripted stuff happens, which is #killfeatures. The problem is that it removes everything and then you add scripts.

So it's either script without #killfeatures and hope for the best (rather chancy of site frequency is high) or get guaranteed scripted sites but no randoms whatsoever.

And the whole bloody point is being able to script something that appears with certainty and then maybe getting something extra. Not the other way around.

It'd be much the same with the province defense. Better that the poptype scripting runs before assignment of native defenders, that way you won't get amazons defending some measly militia/light infantry combo as is liable to happen otherwise.

I would like to ditto Edi's observation and add the ability to define custom population types on a per province basis.

For example:
#land 96
#custpop 1 970 -- hybrid trooper
#custpop 2 967 -- hybrid
#custpop 3 968 -- hybrid
#custpop 4 969 -- hybrid
#custpopcom 1 972 -- hybrid lord
#custpopcom 2 443 -- star child
#custpopcom 3 971 -- hybrid soldier
#custpopcom 4 331 -- illithid

#setland 97
#poptype 33 -- Lt. & Hvy Inf, X-bow
#custpop 1 523 -- Fire Drake
#custpopcom 1 389 -- Fire Lord

Edi February 4th, 2007 05:37 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
That's a somewhat bad idea, as most summoned creatures have a recruitment cost of 0 gold, 1 resource. It would be more appropriate to have poptype modding added to modding possibilities and then modding the monsters you want to add into that poptype. Then assigning poptypes to provinces.

Otherwise chaos ensues.


Ballbarian February 4th, 2007 11:53 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Ok, add #goldcost and #rescost to the list of commands. The ability to do it in a mod would be nice, but I would prefer to have it within the map for a bundle of reasons. Or if it is easier to implement, add a command to enable a given mod from a map.

Endoperez February 10th, 2007 07:22 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Yeah, I've been wishing for a map command that enables spesific mod for a long time now. It'd be great for scenarios.

Gandalf Parker February 10th, 2007 01:01 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Hmmmm there is a command-line switch for enabling a mod but I didnt consider a map command when I requested the switch. It would make sense for scenarios though. And I suppose there might be room for a mod command that specifies that its meant to be used with a particular map only.

Gandalf Parker March 6th, 2007 12:59 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Apparently the Map Editor in the game will recognize nostart terrain bits but not the #nostart command.

Gandalf Parker March 6th, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Apparently #startspell only works for one turn?
Do we have second and third confirmation on this?

Gandalf Parker March 16th, 2007 11:31 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
If its not majorly prefereable for this not to happen, I would like a switch on map generation (command line switches) to do the random name assignments that is avaiable inside the map editor.

Unless having 1500 provinces named is a cpu drag making it a good idea for the default to be leaving that off. Then the extra steps to get it would make sense.

Gandalf Parker March 16th, 2007 12:36 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I would like a map switch (menu and command line) to set how many neighbors means nostart.

And then if it could let me know how many starts we ended up with that would be great also but not if thats too hard to add.

Gandalf Parker April 15th, 2007 12:33 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Im pasting the original first message here. Hopefully I will get around to editing the first messge to be more in style with the prefered format for wishlists and bug reports.


This would allow for castles to be added to the map and the units placed there to be put on patrol instead of inside and on defence.

The way it is now, a castled province is actually weaker. It can be taken by a single scout and then taxed to death.

terrain markers

There are projects going on for automated naming or automated placing of provinces. We can find specific terrains but its hard to find specific features.

Such as DomMap added. Such as L4 would say that its bordered by 4 land. If its a water province then it can be named a pond or lake. If its a W4 marker on a land province then its an island. A W3L1 might mean a penninsula. It would also make it easier to auto-find chokepoints and dead-ends

Since the map-generator "knows" this info when it makes a map then it would be nice if it recorded it

#ifavailable X

The map is "digested" after all of the gods are turned in, and a fthrland file is created in the game directory for the game to play off of. At the moment things are abit confusing because a game-start screen will show ALL of the nations available, and it will let you pick any of them. But if you select one that is set as an AI in the map commands then your choice is just ignored which you dont find out until later (this is on server games).

If we had a command that could set an AI into the game IF its not taken by a human player then some fun scenarios could be created. A map could fill ALL of the AIs allowing players to choose what they want and then filling in everything else with computer players.

I will think of more later.

Gandalf Parker April 15th, 2007 12:36 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Or someone else that wants to can start a proper one for stickiness and this one can be unstickied as the dicussion thread

Gandalf Parker April 19th, 2007 11:07 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I wish that the terrain "fresh water" when used by itself would mean fresh water. Lake or pond, not seawater. At the moment, it means there is some freshwater in the province such as a river or pond but you also have to flag it as some other land terrain. IF you set it for fresh water by itself, the game cosniders it to be plains (the default no-tag terrain) and puts land poptypes in it.

Saint_Dude May 1st, 2007 12:38 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I wish it were possible to modify maps such that each player can only see the portions of the map where they have either positive dominion or a physical presence (province control or scout). Neighboring provinces to those under control would also be visable.

In this way it would be possible to simulate a dungeon or labyrinth, where one truely does not know the layout of the land prior to exploration. Scouts would be at a very high premium.

The only significant impact on game mechanics would be that it would be impossible to target spells at provinces that one did not know about.

Gandalf Parker May 1st, 2007 03:48 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Of course we dont have that but to get closer to it, keep in mind that the game doesnt care much about the graphic image of the map. On the graphic, the only thing that HAS to be there are the white dots. You could make the dungeon a completely black map.

Hmmm that wouldnt work that well because the white dots would be pretty obvious. You could scatter lots and lots of grey dots for the white dots to hide in.

Or make the entire dungeon part of the map into one big almost-white square. No walls, no borders etc. The white dot has to be 255/255/255 and I think that in usual single-minded computer program logic that is not the same as 254/255/255. Too bad we cant do it with black instead of white but it still should be interesting.

Edi May 1st, 2007 04:45 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Uh, Gandalf, it doesn't show in the game. The game actually reads the color of the pixel next to the white pixel and overlays it on the white pixel in the map display, so you won't see which province is where on a completely black map.

Gandalf Parker May 1st, 2007 05:22 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Kewl. I always have those flags showing so I took it for granted that it was under the flag. Even better. We can make the dungeon section of the map black on black.

Saint_Dude May 1st, 2007 06:56 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Sounds like that would be fun to experiment with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Saint_Dude May 1st, 2007 08:37 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Are there any sites that could be added to the provinces (or any other map modding mechanism) in order to make all battles in those provinces subject to darkness. I am thinking along the lines of the Agarthan cave city, but without the fortress or other effects. Dungeons should be dark, no?

I am not thinking about an entirely black/dark map, but rather a map with dungeon sections.

Gandalf Parker May 2nd, 2007 12:11 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
The new terrain of cave should do that. Im not sure how much its been implemented but thats what its supposed to be fore.

Gandalf Parker May 28th, 2007 05:46 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
If a god is added to the map file, and the nation isnt in the game, the game creation blows up. That means that you cant add gods for nations or eras which might not get chosen for the game. I would rather that a god added was more "used IF the nation is chosen". Putting a #computerplayer line doesnt seem to help either.

Gandalf Parker July 8th, 2007 02:37 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
How about map commands for temperature of a province. That would help maps that are trying to create a world with polar, temperate, tropical zones. For simplicity maybe make it match the games temperature ratings -3 to +3. And of course not be cumulative.

edited: hmmm for playability it might be best to make that -2 thru +2. That would mean that a -3 temp nation could drive a +2 temp province to -1. Still a hassle but not deadly.

lch July 8th, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
There are sites that fiddle with the scales, yes? Aren't there some non-unique ones that increase heat/cold, too?

paradoxharbinger July 8th, 2007 03:45 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
i second the province temperature commands

Gandalf Parker July 8th, 2007 04:00 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist

lch said:
There are sites that fiddle with the scales, yes? Aren't there some non-unique ones that increase heat/cold, too?

There are. Its a useable workaround. But I wouldnt want to put a specific site into every polar or tropical province. So I wouldnt say this is a "bug" thing. Just a "wishlist" thing.

llamabeast July 8th, 2007 04:25 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Could you create a new site, called "Tropical clime" or something, that just increases heat and nothing else, and place it in every tropical province. That wouldn't be too awful.

Disadvantage (apart from clunkiness): Less normal magic sites in those provinces. And yep, very clunky.

Ballbarian July 8th, 2007 04:25 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I third the province temperature commands... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Gandalf Parker August 7th, 2007 01:09 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Some error checking is needed. Some of the commands create errors due to Dom3 adding eras. Personally I would prefer that the game allow a map to be usable for multiple eras. I dont see it being a problem for users if the game just ignores references to nations which are not in the game.

At the moment if I use commands referring to an early era nation on a map, and I create a game in late era using that map, it crashes. I would prefer putting anything I want into the map and having the game use early era references if its an early era game, and use any late era lines if I use the map to play a late era game.

If you want to test this, I have been irritated most by this with #computerplayer and #allies

YuanShi August 10th, 2007 09:36 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Centered land mass surrounded by sea.

This means that the map generator would convert the provinces directly on the border into sea/deep sea provinces.

The desired effect would be to be able to generate random maps that would generate perfect wrap-around giving the impression of a globe and avoiding the ugly and unrealistic "border province" effect, that makes the playing experience less inmersive as it makes you think that you are playing on a virtual game board instead of transporting you to a virtual world.

Gandalf Parker September 14th, 2007 01:16 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
#enablemod <mod.dm>

We have a server command for this...
-M --enablemod XXX Enable the mod with filename XXX
(yes devs I remember being a thorn to get that one http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif )

Now I would also like to see a map command for it so that we can build more extensive scenarios http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

Aezeal September 14th, 2007 01:35 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
ah dammit I just wanted to ask about it (my niefelheim giant prov (which I was asking all those questions about) on the wrap around water map kinda needed - 3 cold scales..)

Gandalf Parker September 14th, 2007 02:02 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
There are some notes thru this thread that can help you.

There are sites which affect temperature of the province

And you can set scales for a nation by map commands but the map commands also have to put it in the game as an AI. It will unfortunately show as a player option for selection but once the game is created on that map it will ignore their choice and make it AI.

Xietor July 16th, 2008 09:41 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I have not read the entire thread, but i would love to be able to code a map so that a castle could not be build on certain provinces.

Gandalf Parker July 16th, 2008 10:11 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Hmmmmm Should that be castles only or all structures?
I guess only castles. I would cry to find a supersweet magic site offering me a lab goodie and not be able to build a lab there. So something like...
or maybe yet another bit? (I hope not. I hate math and I cringe at more bits.)

I wonder if it would be too much overhead to ask for a server setting for this also.

Gandalf Parker July 27th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I would like for #god to be split to #godai which means "add this god only if AI player".
I suppose we would also need an ai version for scales also. At the moment, using a #god in the map forces the change on both AI and players.

Gandalf Parker September 14th, 2008 11:39 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Some commands to set actions when placing units. Such as #hide and #instill and maybe #seduce. But mostly hide.

Zeldor November 17th, 2008 09:55 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I made a map recently and while testing I noticed that #randomequip is really unreliable command. At richness 4 [max] it can either give slave collar + ring of water breathing or 4 artifacts...

I think we could use a new command [or adjust #randomequip to work like that, I think most people expect it to work that way]:
#randomput <rich> - with rich 0-4:
0 - randomly fill ALL item slots on a commander with trinkets
1 - with items up to const2 level
2 - with items up to const4 level
3 - with items up to const6 level
4 - with items up to const8 level

Also other command that could work well would be #comtype - setting a purpose of commander, with options:
- melee: if he has magic skills, he casts spells up to max 50 fatigue and goes into melee [if not possible, just going to melee without casting would be fine]
- evocator - casts offensive spells
- summoner - spams summons, like skelly spam, elemental spam
- buffer - casts buff spells on troops
[if those 3 not possible, simple 'spellcaster' would work too, it would be even better if it could affect what items commander will get from #randomput]

I'd really like to see that first command to be implemented, best if in next patch. Because as for now, if we want some balanced and solid gear, we have to place all items by hand [which is a nightmare if you have multiple commanders to gear].

Gandalf Parker December 6th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I re-noticed the #cannotwin command, which is pretty cool.
But I really could also use a #cannotlose (nation-number). It would help in some scenarios and in testing. Also might make a nice server feature. Sometimes I need a nation to remain in the game until its over even if its just to be able to enter the game and check on some things from the inside, get a map view, grab an image of the scores graphs, send messages to everyone, etc.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I would love it if a map made from an image by the map editor had the data for each province seperated from that of the other provinces, to make it easier to begin making modifications to the map file... I don't even want to think how painful it would be doing that for a 1500 province map.

Gandalf Parker January 1st, 2009 05:44 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Im not sure what you mean but there have been many programs written to "pretty up" the .map file to various peoples preferences. There may already be one, or one might be easily done for what you want.
PM me.

lch January 5th, 2009 08:07 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
See http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...521#post663521 -- it would be nice to have a hotkey in the ingame map editor that would show the current mapzoom, so that it could be set as a #defaultmapzoom. This would prevent restarting the game client countless times just to find out a good #defaultmapzoom by trial and error.

Herode January 9th, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Looks like there is no #makeprophet command to transform a commander into a prophet. :angel

Gandalf Parker January 9th, 2009 03:55 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist

Originally Posted by Herode (Post 665463)
Looks like there is no #makeprophet command to transform a commander into a prophet. :angel

That would really help the ability to give AIs pre-built settings.
Good idea.

Gandalf Parker January 18th, 2009 02:08 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
This is a minor request, and has the advantage of being in Kristoffers territory for a change.

At the moment the "blank" nations have ALMOST enough workable defaults to
play reasonably well when they are put in a game by map-accessable
commands. They have a default god list, default castle structures, default
starting units, default PD. Would it be possible to get some default
recruitables? They dont have to be great, they can all be the same. Even
just 1 commander and 1 or 2 units would help. It can even match the PD.

Gandalf Parker January 19th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Server --switches added as #commands for maps (and maybe mods) would make the #scenario switch worth using IMHO

Casual Killer December 11th, 2011 05:31 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
I'm on a quest for the forgotten eventide map. Anyone know where I can download it?

Gandalf Parker December 11th, 2011 06:17 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
the search function here isnt great but Google to your rescue. You can search for anything and include site:forum.shrapnelgames.com with the words. Such as:
site:forum.shrapnelgames.com eventide map
gives this....

Casual Killer December 11th, 2011 07:05 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
Thanks, but I already tried that. There seems to be a single missing link:


Gandalf Parker December 11th, 2011 09:37 PM

Re: the Mappers Wishlist
ooh archive files from the previous forum. The upgrade of the forum software and a new machine made the original links not work. I used to know how to access that. You might ask Annette

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