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Re: Manual Typos
Some spells mention Def in the special box, but it isn't explained.
Some items mention Running, but it isn't explained. EDIT: On Page 74, battlefield movement doens't mention Flight's tactical teleporting. Also, the battle sequence seems to be out of order. Mages cast spells first, that's true, but fliers fly before missiles units fire missiles. If there is an order, archers should fire before fliers fly. |
Re: Manual Typos
Info about magic sites is missing
Either its really not there, or its so well-hidden I haven't found it in half n hour of search .. . E.g. there is no "search for magic sites"-entry in the "Order" paragraph beginning on page 66! magic sites
Re: Manual Typos
p. 44
Re: Manual Typos
Hmmm .. "sites" are surely not part of the "interface" .. IMHO they deserve their own entry in the index, and maybe even in the table of contents. Or at least the "map" should appear in the TOC. And the sitesearch command IS missing, isn't it? |
Re: Manual Typos
Page 26 "choose do so" should probably be "choose to do so". (I don't think this was reported, I searched the forum for it and came up with no results)
Re: Manual Typos
Search for magic sites order is missing, yes. |
Re: Manual Typos
Trample description on pg 57 doesn't mention that Trample causes fatigue. On trample discussion, it was also mentioned that size difference affects the amount of trampling a unit is capable of, so that e.g. Great Mother with same APs as a minotaur trammples twice as many squares of size 2 creatures.
Re: Manual Typos
Natural protection/armor protection stacking isn't mentioned on page 55, the only page index has for "Protection".
Re: Manual Typos
Thanks to everyone for all the help locating typos and errors. I have submitted a list of fixes to Shrapnel which will be incorporated in the second printing of the manual. Also, I have made a one-page National Globals list of the three missing spells. You can find it on the downloads page.
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
I can't find a list of random events or any discussion of them in the manual. When I was running the tutorial I got a message referring to a challenge in the Arena, but I couldn't figure out how to send anyone there.
Re: Manual Typos
The arena is a spesific one. You may send any commander there, via the "Compete in Arena Deathmatch" commander order available during that single turn. You can only send one champion, and he'll compete against other nations' champions. All matches are fought to death, and the price is lots of experience and a two-handed Trident that bestows the wielder Quickness and can't be removed. The wielder Champion's Trident will be forced to take part in any future Arena matches.
Re: Manual Typos
p. 85, Powers per skill level table for magic paths: Lists undead leadership bonus for death magic at +20 per path level, but the actual number that units get in the game, as of patch 3.04, is +30.
Edi |
Re: Manual Typos
Twiceborn does, in fact, work out of combat, at least on mages dying of disease.
Re: Manual Typos
Also, I can't seem to find Lanka's national summons in the manual. Am I just missing it?
Re: Manual Typos
Lanka was added as a new nation in a patch, hence it was not in the manual.
Edi |
Re: Manual Typos
Ah! That makes sense, then. Thank you. Is there a listing somewhere not in the manual, then?
Re: Manual Typos
They aren't listed anywhere AFAIK.
Re: Manual Typos
Not exactly a typo, but the description for MA Abysia (p98) is a bit of a cop-out. There have been changes to the nation since EA so something better shouldn't be too difficult. For example
"Over time the Abysians have grown further from their progenitor, Rhuax. Burning Ones no longer dwell among the abysians, but the warlocks of the Smouldercone have grown in prominence. Now the demonbred are trained as priests and mages, and a new form of cross-breed, the humanbred, joins the armies of Abysia" Although I imagine something better than that could be done. I think a 'gem cost' section for battlefield spells would be useful. I've been informed that gem cost is fatigue/100 rounded down for all spells, but this was not immediately obvious to me and I that explicitly stating gem costs would not cause any trouble - there's definitely space for it. p233 Light of the northern star: The description includes a question from the writer to the devs. It reads "All mages on the battlefield, including enemies, gain one bonus level in Astral magic. Enemies get this bonus also, correct? Yes" That should perhaps also specify /astral/ mages. This should be obvious for experienced players, but might not be for new ones. p237 Hell power: Again, a question is included in the text. This time it is not answered: "The caster gains a Blood magic (or is it all paths?) bonus of 2..." The description for Undead mastery (p242) is misleading: "The caster takes control of all undead units on the battlefield. That means all of them" In fact it does not: the spell is 'magic resistance negates easily'. This is noted in the 'special' column as MR+, but that could easily be missed by a new player. p264: Crusher. 'crusherknack' is not defined anywhere. I can guess what it does from the in-game description, but I think it would be better to actually state what the effect does rather than use terms like this... Actually, I forget exactly what it does. Something like 'double damage on constructs' IIRC. p266: Mage Bane: apparently also has a chance of instakilling magic creatures p270: Harvest blade: In dominions 2 this weapon always hit when attacking (Att value was relevant for repels only). If this is still the case, it is not mentioned. p277: Cat charm: I seem to recall that this has some kind of effect on seduction (not mentioned in the manual), but I could be mistaken. p279: Sanguine dowsing rod: The description is fairly good, but it could mention the value of the blood hunt bonues (+2 to blood magic for hunting IIRC). |
Re: Manual Typos
Thanks for all the help in correcting typos, guys. A lot of them were fixed thanks to all your eagle eyes and the game should be shipping with a revised manual, now. |
Re: Manual Typos
Ah yes, hadn't noticed it on p225 before, thanks. Has the typo there been pointed out? ('fatigue' has two 'i's at the end of the sentence).
Re: Manual Typos
Don't know if it was pointed out, but I fixed that in the manual update.
Re: Manual Typos
Ah, good stuff http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Manual Typos
Contact Couatl has been listed as Conjuration lv 6 on manual pages 147, 188 and 198.
It is Conjuration lv 7. |
Re: Manual Typos
The Magic Path Boosting Chart on page 282 lists Staff of Elemental Mastery as only requiring 3F3W / 3A3E, while it is 4F4W / 4A4E respectively. The description on page 269 is correct.
Eye of * does not list that the wearer gets the affliction "lost an eye", same for the Hearts (Black Heart, Heart of Life) which give the Chest Wound afflictions. I strongly believe that the manual should point these out, because most of the overwhelmingly good effects that they have (Eye of Aiming / Heart of Life) is used to neutralize the afflictions that they cause. |
Re: Manual Typos
This isn't precisely a manual typo, but it is a Illwinter documentation error. I think it belongs here.
On the hotkey description download available on this site, the description for the hotkey "END" is "zoom x 1/2 scale". It should be something like "goto currently selected province". I can't remember if the "END" hotkey zooms or not, but it's not really important anyway. |
Re: Manual Typos
-Max |
Re: Manual Typos
Jade Mask is listed as a Conj-6 path booster on pg. 283, but it is correctly listed as a unique on pg. 276.
-Max |
Re: Manual Typos
Pg. 101 of manual, LA Agartha has weakness: "No units with strategic move of 2." Not correct. Cave Captains, Light Infantry, Sappers, Scouts, Attendant of the Dead, and all crossbowmen have mapmove 2.
-Max |
Re: Manual Typos
Page 186, Page 195, Page 200: The Siddhas have mapmove 10, not 2.
Page 282: Staffs of Elemental Mastery is listed as taking 2x3 magic, but it's 2x4. Blood Stone is listed as giving +1 Blood magic, it gives +1 Earth. |
Re: Manual Typos
This isn't so much a typo, it's more a case of some clarification needed.
On page 69 under Break Siege it says, "Units which retreat are eliminated instead of being able to return to the fortress." What it doesn't say is that units breaking siege can retreat into a neighboring friendly province and thereby survive the failed break siege attempt. |
Re: Manual Typos
On the game options -> set victory conditions screen, cumulative victory points says: "Victory points are accumulated each summer. This unsually results in games with a more predictable length." Should be "usually."
-Max |
Re: Manual Typos
Simple typos, may have been noted already.
Page 137 Paragraph 4 - no end parenthesis in first sentence. Paragraph 5 - Line sixteen Should read - "Right after that, you're going to get slaughtered..." |
Re: Manual Typos
Is there going to be a reprint or something? Dominions 3 Collector's Edition with miniature Amulet of Regeneration, cloth map of Aran, and coupon for a plush Doom Horror?
Re: Manual Typos
"Oooh, He's cute! What do you call him?"
"Slave to Unreason." "..." |
Re: Manual Typos
Wow, if the Collector's Edition came with a regen or reinvig item, I'd buy it like a shot! Actually most of the magic items would be pretty cool. I wouldn't like to get horror marked though.
I hope market research people are reading this and taking note. |
Re: Manual Typos
Now that the manual has come up for discussion, here's how you get a replacement if your manual has been destroyed, worn out or lost:
Contact Shrapnel technical support with the issue. They will see to it, but they must be able to verify your original purchase of the game. You will also have to pay a fee for the replacement to cover production costs. |
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
Yeah, I guess I am. Dang it.
Re: Manual Typos
Bringing this thread back from the grave...
Otherwise the Stardocks crowd could help in hunting manual errors, too... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
I would seriously buy a Plush Doom Horror.
Re: Manual Typos
Call God command requires 50 holy points for successful recall, not 40 as the manual says.
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