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-   -   Updated mod: The Babylon Project (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32142)

Jamiri January 14th, 2007 09:02 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project

PaddirN said:
With the Vree (and Tirk), I've changed the coding around some and made it so they actually appear on map, this may or may not fix that issue. Were they not being summoned into combat or on the star map or both?

Neither on the map nor in combat!


PaddirN said:
The text for the Pak'ma'ra ally is fairly similar for both the victory mission and the others, I think a bad smell is mentioned in both versions and that he needs to remain on his own ship (which I figured would explain the extra ship in your flotilla). It may be that or its possible something is out of whack in the large map version.

You may be right. Need to double-check that next time.

However, there's another bug I found: I allied with the dark side (Morden) and had attached a keeper to me later. When I got to Zhad'um, the radar popped up and I was about to fight. But then the mission, where I have to get Sheridan from B5, suddenly came up after I decided to stay. At the same time, the siren (warning me of a super nova) was played and when I clicked "ok" on the Sheridan mission I got to another screen (which was all the time in the back already) saying that I had followed Sheridan to Zhad'um, who was now blowing up the whole place. I barely escaped but I took some of the nice stuff from the planet with me. However, it seems broken that Sheridan was already there, when I received the mission to get him from B5.

Jamiri January 16th, 2007 07:44 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I had a really good gaming experience with the B5 Project mod tonight. So here's my (bug) report:

I got the Narn and the Pak'Ma'Ra ally relatively early and managed to take out some fleets (played on medium), while building up a rather well equipped Whitestar. I also found the Triluminary and Delenn became "cocooned" soon, but strangely never came out again (although I explored all systems). In one of the tougher battles I lost the Pak'Ma'Ra ship but not before befriending the rest of their race.

I also got the Drazi Sash, and here's the first major bug: After getting the sash I went to the Centauri Homeworld and destroyed the fleet gaining the Jumpdrive. Then I went to a Drazi fleet and they told me that they would beat me up wearing that Sash in the wrong colour. However, another window popped up telling me that the Drazi were impressed by my battle skills at Centauri prime and that they would ally up with me. But they didn't...instead they attacked me. Maybe some of the quest conditions need to be checked here, don't know.

And then the situation became tough for me, as two Shadow fleets and one Drakh fleet appeared on the scene making their way towards B5. I decided to intercept one to see how strong they were. I had the frozen telepath with me only to reveal a Battlecrab in the fleet so I retreated from battle - for the moment. While the invasion fleets were moving I noticed another strange bug: fleets seem to stop moving when their movement path traces through a black hole. These fleets get stuck in space for good.

I used the jumpgate beacon to displace any Shadow fleet that had reached B5 until I had explored the entire map, hoping to have Delenn pop out of her cocoon after all. When I realized that she wouldn't I used the jumpgate (mirror) effect to get the Minbari fleet to B5 and waited for one of the Shadow fleets to arrive. Together with the Minbari War Cruiser I took it out easily.

However, the Minbari capital ship was destroyed during the engagement so I had to get another fleet - this time the Pak'Ma'Ra - in to defend against the second Shadow wave. I succeeded again but only to find the incoming Drakh fleet stuck in transit towards B5 next to a black hole (see above). So I retired (as everthing else was explored) only to find out that I still lost due to a Shadow victory, since I did not destroy the attacking Drakhs.

What I also had tried was sending Shadow fleets into a black holes using the jumpgate beacon (=mirror), but they did not get destroyed in there, which is a cool feature I think. On the other hand, the invasion fleets move very slowly through nebulae, as if the y had no drive equipped at all. Maybe you should fix that, as the Shadows definitely have developed such kind of nebula drive.

Wow, this was so great to play tonight and even though I played on a medium sized map, it felt epic as the struggle against the incoming Shadow fleets seemed to last for ages. I also managed to find out some new things, such as getting into trouble if you have "dust" on board your ship (make it more valuable to have the player keep it on board at all times) and bump into a EA fleet. They scan you and tell you to stand down, but there's another bug here. During the encounter when they scan you and detect the drugs they will let you leave or investigate the system without harming you. But if you come back later or go to a different EA system, they'll attack you (which is fun nonetheless).

I still believe the jumpgate beacon is way too powerful right now and breaks the game somehow. I suggest: just remove the jumpgates from play until you find a better solution. I know it's been a great effort and it's already your second try to get them into the game, but I'm sure you'll come up with a much better alternative later. On the other hand it's just my opinion and if the others believe they should stay in the game, well, it's your choice.

On a further note: I met Morden only once recently. Have you reduced the odds for him to show up?

Gonna play the mod again as soon as I find time! It really rocks!

PaddirN January 17th, 2007 05:08 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Whew! That's some hella feedback, glad people are still enjoying the mod, bugs and all. I'll try to get to everything.

* As far as events not showing up (Morden, Delenn chrysalis), I'm guessing thats due to the number of events in the mod now. I may change the FLAG for Morden to always or just add in another wishing event to compensate. With the Delenn (and Garibaldi) change events I didn't make the two stages linked, as in under the same event file. Before it wasn't so much a problem because chances were you'd always get both events, but apparently that isn't always the case anymore. I'm sure there's a way to make both occur in the same event file, I'll just have to play around with that.

* With the Drazi sash and centauri prime victory conditions, I can imagine how I can fix that, though I'm not sure if it'll work or not. I've noticed that when trying to cram too many Conditions into Page commands it tends to just ignore the Page altogether. Although 4 is the limit I still notice problems with even this many, I usually try to keep it down to 2 or 3. We'll see what happens.

* When the fleets come to attack B5 its actually supposed to be only Shadow ships with no Drakh, but for some reason I can't figure out which Fleet numbers its using. In the quest file it goes for shadow flets -1, -5, & -10, but the fleets it actually sends out don't seem to correspond with those numbers.

* Hmmm, not sure about the fleets being stuck in transit to B5. It may have to do with the hull flags on the ships. I may just need to set them all to 'antigravity' or something. However, that would then take away the 'black hole kill' aspect of it.

* Dust has been made more expensive for the next update, making it worthwhile to keep. I also noticed the bug with the EA not immediately attacking you if you have dust onboard and I've been working with it, but I'm still not sure why that is. I may just have to make a Page command that just makes the EA an enmy as long as you're carrying it aboard, and not just when you encounter them.

* With the jumpgate beacon I'm reminded of the vanilla version of weird worlds and every time I go into the weird worlds forum I always see that forum thread: "The non-violent high score list", so I figure there's gotta be at least some people who are interested in playing with an aethric mirror effect in the game. I'm tempted to make it not findable, but allow it to be wishable so that if you really want it you can get it.

Hope that covers everything.

Jamiri January 17th, 2007 06:39 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project

PaddirN said:
* When the fleets come to attack B5 its actually supposed to be only Shadow ships with no Drakh, but for some reason I can't figure out which Fleet numbers its using. In the quest file it goes for shadow flets -1, -5, & -10, but the fleets it actually sends out don't seem to correspond with those numbers.

Isn't it just because you made the Drakh and the Shadows being one race in order to not attack each other?
If you cannot correct it, I don't see a problem here, as the Drakh may very well support the Shadow attack with a small fleet.


* Hmmm, not sure about the fleets being stuck in transit to B5. It may have to do with the hull flags on the ships. I may just need to set them all to 'antigravity' or something. However, that would then take away the 'black hole kill' aspect of it.

Don't want to be able to kill the attackers in black holes. It's too easy.


* Dust has been made more expensive for the next update, making it worthwhile to keep. I also noticed the bug with the EA not immediately attacking you if you have dust onboard and I've been working with it, but I'm still not sure why that is. I may just have to make a Page command that just makes the EA an enmy as long as you're carrying it aboard, and not just when you encounter them.

That should work, I guess. Can you make the dust be valuable regardless of the type of mission you are on (i.e. science, military, etc.)?


* With the jumpgate beacon I'm reminded of the vanilla version of weird worlds and every time I go into the weird worlds forum I always see that forum thread: "The non-violent high score list", so I figure there's gotta be at least some people who are interested in playing with an aethric mirror effect in the game. I'm tempted to make it not findable, but allow it to be wishable so that if you really want it you can get it.

B5 is not a peaceful world, so I don't think people want to play it the non-violent way (as it might be the case for vanilla). Here's my suggestion if you want to have a aethric mirror effect in the game: use something different to represent it, not the jumpgates. Jumpgates do not make other fleets swap places with your ship if you use them. That's just not as it is. It destroys some of the B5 realism in the game...


Jamiri January 17th, 2007 08:49 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Ok, here's another short report:

- I played 5 times, of which I had Tirk's beacon three times, but he never could be summoned (neither on the map nor in battle). I played on a large map tonight with the Omega.
- Dust: the EA fleet was scanning my Pak'Ma'Ra ally for contraband although it was long since dead already. And I read carefully this time ;-).
- Dust (continued): this time, however, the EA fleet immediately attacked me, while another one later on did not. How come?
- Recommendations: make the Nial fighter have a much smaller turning radius to give it more agility, which it deserves.
- the Omega frontal cannons should be "integral". Right now I usually swap them with the Rocket Launcher in the second row and have my full firing arcs back again. They are even better protected there from enemy fire. In addition, it would make sense to have these heavy guns fixed to the ship permanently as their sheer size make them difficult to handle in deep space. The player still keeps four flexible weapon slots to put all his other nice guns and beams into.


EDIT: this page might help to get some ship pictures http://www.shipschematics.net/b5/chronology.html

Fingers January 17th, 2007 10:07 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
The negative fleet numbers pick the fleet based onthe race's difficulty settings. -1 is the first fleet on the DIFx line, -10 is the last one. The DIF line is chosen based on the map size and the "number of enemies" setting, just like for regular fleets.

PaddirN January 20th, 2007 03:08 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
* What do you mean by: "make the Nial fighter have a much smaller turning radius to give it more agility"? I would like to keep it from stopping so much when firing but I'm not sure which attribute you're talking about.

* I'm looking into the large maps and fleets, for some reason none of the beacon allies shows up, I suspect it has something to do with the #'s in the distribution.ini file. The beacon allies work fine in medium size, so I figure all I have to do is tweak some numbers.

* Having dust on you should work properly now with the next update and the EA will attack on sight although I'll have to change the text around because I think the code for <uvar=shipname> will just grab the newest ship in your flotilla.

* I don't think I need to make the omega main guns structural, I should just be able to change the size of the weapon slots to make it so they only fit into the forward slots.

As for the distribution.ini file, curious about what these values mean exactly, these are the values for the large map size:

SCRN 96 112 128
SCRE 96 112 128

Jamiri January 22nd, 2007 06:58 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I mean the radius the Nial needs to make a full 180° turn, which seems to be much smaller for other fighters. Might have something to do with the overall speed of a fighter.

Currently the problem with the Nial is that it sometimes
does not stop spinning around the waypoint you sent it to.

With regard to the Omega: Didn't know that the weapon slots on one single ship can differ.

PaddirN January 22nd, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Ok, new update 2.6 is posted at the top o' the thread.

* I believe I figured out the problem with some fleets not showing up in the large maps. Well actually, I came up with 2 fixes for it and I'm just not sure which one did it. It had to do with the max number of fleets allowable. This created some conflicts with some races always having a set # of fleets vs. the fleets created for the random races. Beacon allies should show up now on large maps.

* New Ships! Shadow Scout, Narn Frazi, EA Thunderbolt, and the entire Brakiri fleet has been redone.

* New image for the Omega shows rotated section. Doesn't actually rotate... yet?

* Centauri primus launches fighters now, should make it a bit tougher (antique primus unchanged). Why should the narn have all the fun?

* Changes to the weapon slot sizes for the Omega and the whitestar. Omega only has two large (size 3) weapon slots in the front. Whitestar only has one large weapon slot. Instead of being able to load up on heavy weapons, you'll have to pick and choose between your big guns.

* quest file naming structure changed ('ally_', 'alws_', 'evnt_', 'main_', 'game_', and 'nver_'). Purely an internal change and *shouldn't* affect anything in game. Just easier to organize everything now.

* Jumpgate access codes no longer findable, however they are still in game as a cheat code of sorts.

* The price of dust has gone up and the EA should respond accordingly to traffickers. Just say No to dust!

* You now have something of a choice of what to do with the data crystal containing Clark's dirty little secret.

* A bunch of other changes too small worth mentioning!

Jamiri January 23rd, 2007 05:59 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Guess I've become an addict of your mod http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I am always looking forward to the latest updates of this.

So today I couldn't wait to give the 2.60 a try. Here's what I found:

- the new Omega looks good. But check out the firing arc view of it in the game. It overlaps the border of the circle.

- EA dialogue seems to be cut short (or a full stop is missing)

- Hooray, the Brakiri ships have arrived! This was one of the greatest additions, I believe! I just couldn't stand the Muktian/Brakiri hybrids any longer. Their cruiser seems a bit weak though.

- What's the use of the Apocalypse box? Does it have any?

- Nice: the enemy Primus Battlecruisers now launch fighters. But they are missing the fighter bay on the schematics during combat (not too much of a problem).

- the Narn Gorith ally is also great. Have they been using Drazi Railguns all the time?

- Tirk's beacon cannot be traded (e.g. when he's dead). Intended or just a bug?

- The scanner anomalies are really creative! At the first encounter nothing happened and then on the second the nasty Shadow scout took me by surprise!


- I encountered B4 (after a long time eventually) and this time it jumped during combat, just like a Zorg Fighter! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif It was also armed like hell (which is no bug, I know)!

- Spelling: Micheal Garibaldi (in his second form) should be Michael

- Debriefing: when playing and finishing Omega missions, I got the following: "...put the XYZ to a test", where XYZ was the name of an allied ship long since dead.

- major bug: played Omega on large map, came to Earth and suddenly the End of Civil War event popped up. At that point I had not triggered any specific events or missions, and carried no specific items. The only special items I had were the Green Sash and I had dumped the Dust before (using no in the dialogue). The latter one might be the reason, as it probably affects EA fleets in some way.

- remove sound in the intro that is played when the planet is displayed.

- make some muzzle effects for the beam weapons (low priority)

- there's still the glass sound when you confirm something. Should be changed, imho.

Apart from that: Great, great, GREAT mod!


PaddirN January 24th, 2007 05:45 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Nice to see the bugs aren't too horrible this time around.

* I noticed the thing with the Omega firing arc being out of whack and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. It may have been that I made that frame on the ship image too big (?).

* With the Brakiri ships I went by the descriptions that I've been seeing on the net. Mostly they're described as being very impressive looking, but without any real teeth behind them. So I tried to make the brakiri weaker than the centauri, narns, and the drazi.

* The Apoc Box fit in nicely as a replacement for the codex of primordius, however since the Crusade show never actually explained much about the box I haven't thought of any real way to implement it, although it could just become a device that says random things.

* I think with the Primus it already had a weapon there and I just didn't feel like moving it around so I just made the fighter bay hidden, although that may actually make the fighter bay invulnerable come to think of it.

* Yea, drazi railguns have been standard the whole time. They look nice, but it really doesn't make any sense. The narn don't have any mid or small sized weapons. If I can fish up a graphic and I do some research on the show I may add some other narn weapons later.

* Never thought of making the beacons tradeable, though I suppose death and dismemberment is as good a reason as any. They probably won't fetch a high value though.

* Yea, I was hoping to make those encounters an X factor that would keep players on their toes just like the spacehulk events.

* The B4 zorg teleporting thing has been in for awhile now, although I don't know that anybody else noticed. I wanted it to be like some weird time warping effect, although it doesn't seem to look or act anything like the zorg, it moves way too fast. Also, its an earthforce space station so I wanted it to be armed with slightly more powerful weapons to make it a bit more formidable.

* When you say remove the intro sound, are you talking about the music or the little ripbobo, scrugug, and skrinch sounds? I tried to replace those sounds with silence before but to no avail. If I could I'd like to find some kind of "flash" type sound.

* The GUI beep sounds can be disabled if you go into the directory '/Weird Worlds/babylonproject_v##/sounds/gui/' and just go through and delete any or all of the beeps in there to go back to the default sounds. Otherwise I may be awhile in trying to fine tune the sounds.

Jamiri January 24th, 2007 07:02 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project

PaddirN said:
Nice to see the bugs aren't too horrible this time around.

* I noticed the thing with the Omega firing arc being out of whack and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. It may have been that I made that frame on the ship image too big (?).

Probably, yes. You could compare it in size with the old Omega or the Primus.


* I think with the Primus it already had a weapon there and I just didn't feel like moving it around so I just made the fighter bay hidden, although that may actually make the fighter bay invulnerable come to think of it.

Exactly, the fighter bay cannot be damaged during combat, that's why I mentioned this point.


* Never thought of making the beacons tradeable, though I suppose death and dismemberment is as good a reason as any. They probably won't fetch a high value though.

Beacons of dead allies are rather worthless, I suppose, so trade value could be very low.


* The B4 zorg teleporting thing has been in for awhile now, although I don't know that anybody else noticed. I wanted it to be like some weird time warping effect, although it doesn't seem to look or act anything like the zorg, it moves way too fast. Also, its an earthforce space station so I wanted it to be armed with slightly more powerful weapons to make it a bit more formidable.

Aha, now I'm getting it. So B4 is warping in and out of the normal space time as in the series. Should have more effect to it though.


* When you say remove the intro sound, are you talking about the music or the little ripbobo, scrugug, and skrinch sounds? I tried to replace those sounds with silence before but to no avail. If I could I'd like to find some kind of "flash" type sound.

Yeah, not talking about the music but the sounds you mentioned.


Jamiri January 24th, 2007 01:08 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
If you ever re-incarnate the Earth Civil War quest in a future upgrade, wouldn't it be great to have "Earth Alliance GOD Satellites" stationed around Earth orbit?

IIRC, these were a major obstacle for the B5 fleet that went in to free Earth from Clarke and his minions.

Information on them can be found here:


Just an idea.

Jamiri January 24th, 2007 04:39 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Another issue:
Remember when I mentioned the conflict between the quest about Garibaldi and the data crystal about Clarke? I think something similar happens, when you have the very same crystal and Delenn (after going through the Crysalis) on board.

I got Delenn (after transformation) first and then collected the crystal, went to B5 and selected "no" for the disclosure of the material about Clarke (how evil!), before going to Minbar. On Minbar, however, Delenn did not trigger the beacon that you should get for calling the Minbari Fleet.

Hmm, I am getting the impression that two different quests cannot run in parallel...

chabex January 24th, 2007 06:26 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Wooow, PaddirN! I hope you won't get tired to bring up updates like this! :-)

Some side notes: If you look at the storyline of B5 by the time you could have a Victory class ship, no Shadows linger around... I hate to say this but shouldn't be them replaced? Let say with those aliens from Legends of the Rangers?

Jamiri January 24th, 2007 06:53 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Although I hardly play the Victory Class I don't think that Shadows and the Victory Class co-existing in the same time period break the game...

PaddirN January 25th, 2007 08:06 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
* Ideally it'd be nice to have the Drakh replace the Shadows for the Victory mission, although I'm not altogether sure how to accomplish that. I could give both races a 'never' flag and then only activate one or the other for the different ships, but I don't know if their fleets would be placed in random positions or if I would need to actually define starting points for their fleets.

* As far as adding in the aliens from the Legend of the Rangers? I'm a fan of Babylon 5 and all, but I couldn't really stomach that one. Andreas Katsulas was about the only shining beacon of light in that movie. Might do it, though I'd need to find a good image of the Hand ships because I can't draw worth a damn myself.

* EA GOD Satellites? Sounds good. The only image I've found so far isn't a top down view so it may look out of whack if I put it in. I'll see how it works out.

* With the Delenn/Garibaldi Clarke thingie, if you're returning to B5 it maybe because some variables are set to '0' when at Epsilon Eridani. Psientist had had it in there originally I assume to make sure those variables started out at a 0 state, otherwise I guess changed variables can carry over from game to game somehow. It wasn't a problem before because you never had to return to B5 until you retired. I'll have to do something to get that action to only trigger once.

chabex January 26th, 2007 06:30 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Yes, it seems tough... For me the LOTR was strange too, but no other biggies around are they?
Connecting to the big guys: I have never met the Vorlons. Are they in somewhere? How can I meet them? If I go to black holes the most I got is some lame weapon... How about a beacon which would summon the eg Walkers of Sigma-957?
Idea about trading: There is this mantis like Thrakallan race, how about them? Or the smugglers whith whom Sheridan -Ivanova made a deal in the series about supplying B5. Wouldn't it be fun to have the trading back?
And also there is this race, the Streib (the abducting aliens)I would wery much like to banish them more then once :-)
Oh, and what about having Bester as a weapon against the Battlecrab. He could stall one.
And my favourite: how about the Shadow-modified Omega destroyers? fighting or finding one?
Stop dreaming Chabex...

PaddirN January 27th, 2007 08:27 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Actually some of the things you mentioned are already implemented in the game. I don't want to spoil the game, but the Walkers do make an appearance, though not as a summonable ally. There gift is something much more powerful...

There is a race that trades with you, but they don't make an appearance everytime. I can't find any useable image of a streib ship, and as mentioned before I couldn't draw my way out a paperbag. My ability to add races in game is limited by what ship schematics have already been produced elsewhere.

With passengers they really don't do all that much except hang out in your ship. It was tried before to give Bester hypervision so you could at least find cloaked shadow ships, but that doesn't work and there's really no effect in game (that I know of) that would be able to stall or stun ships, otherwise I would've thrown in a tractor beam by now.

The Shadow Omegas sound cool, those didn't cloak did they? Cause I think that'd be a nearly unstoppable ship right there. If they do make it in I'd rather they only appeared in a more fleshed out EA Civil war quest.

Funny, now that I see it written like that, 'LOTR', it makes me remember how many similarities there are between Tolkien and B5.

chabex January 27th, 2007 12:43 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Yes, I just met the Vree- nice little fellas. Why? They helped me to defeat the Shadows!!! I summoned them during the fight. Bright idea, it was I must say.
As I remember, the Vree ships use some kind of antimatter-projectile weapons don't they? It would be nice to have weapons (at least by the look) like in the show. If I remember they must have at least 5 of this guns, they look powerful when firing- real spitfires :-)
About the Shadow Omegas: I couldn't recall them cloaking. As I remember they "only" had organic hull armor and some über brutal particle cannons (green ray)
One more thing: Sometimes I somehow manage to disable a ship. It just spins there, all systems down.
Wouldn't it be fun to board them? Is it possible anyway? Imagine: A Centaury Vorchan, or even a Drakh Cruiser in your fleet :-)))
LOTR: lol
What about B5: TLT? I can't wait...

Jamiri February 7th, 2007 10:54 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Will we be seeing another update of the B5 mod soon?

PaddirN February 8th, 2007 07:06 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Short answer: Might be awhile

Long Answer:
Unfortunately it will be a while before I get another release ready. I had barely started with the new update when disaster struck! Well not quite a disaster, but apparently a hard drive on my computer is going bad (many cyclic redundancy errors and unreadable files). So its been a mad dash to backup all my music, video, pr0n, warez, games, whathaveyou. You'd be surprised how slow a process it is trying to backup 230 some odd gigs worth of stuff onto dvds on my off hours before and after work. Nearly done with that and then a hard drive swap.

Apart from that I've been doing some job hunting and then there's a story or three I'm writing for a local zine my friends and I are working on. So for now all I can say is possibly sometime in the next month, maybe. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jamiri February 9th, 2007 10:42 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Ok, take your time! Hardware issues never ain't easy stuff...

chabex March 30th, 2007 03:39 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I hope everything is OK with PaddirN and his HDD... It's been a while since there were any lifesign.

In the meantime I played (of course) the mod and some questions popped up:

Is there any parameter set how frequently I can get the help of the First Ones or the Vorlons? It is damn hard to beat the Shadows without them. I have to have at least two additional big ships with me to use them as a "decoy" to get the first shot of the Battle Crab... Even with this a lots of luck involved.

Another thing: it would look cool if I have a small ship in my fleet (no stardrive) and when I got into the battle screen this small ship would be "launched" from my ship as from a mothership. Is it even possible?

Jamiri March 30th, 2007 08:44 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Yeah, PaddirN, bring it on! Hope you recovered your HDD!


chabex said:
Another thing: it would look cool if I have a small ship in my fleet (no stardrive) and when I got into the battle screen this small ship would be "launched" from my ship as from a mothership. Is it even possible?

No way, unless you have a fighter bay on your own ship that launches one single fighter only. Maybe there is a parameter that can be set to infinite (or near-infinite) time between launch intervals, so that only one ship is launched per battle.

The downside of this would be that even when the small ship was destroyed, it would be launched in the next battle again.

chabex April 1st, 2007 02:18 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Hmm, it is maybe a small detail, but for me it is "Weird :-D" that a ship without stardrive can make it to the next star... Perhaps a tractor-like beam would be nice to see as it releases the small fighter behind the mothership?

Phlagm April 1st, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Well, i guess that's weird, but then again you wouldn't travel at the average speed of all your ships, either. YOu would travel at the speed of the slowest...unless you were towing them with the faster ships. In that case you'd need tractor beams between all the ships unless they had identical drives. I think it's best to just assume that they disengaged the tractor beam when they pulled up to the planet, because they were no longer travelling at a significant clip.

Jamiri April 3rd, 2007 04:54 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
When you enter a battle the fleet has already left hyperspace and hence travels without the need of warp drives.

PaddirN April 3rd, 2007 03:58 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Hi, sorry its been awhile since I've made any news on here. My HDD problems are all cleared up, but I've still been kept busy with other things: massive overtime at a job I'm trying to quit, spring qtr at school started, trying to transfer over to OSU, preparing to move, blah blah blah. So in short, I think my work on the Babylon Project mod will be at a standstill for awhile. Modding for a game seems like one of those hobbies that requires near total commitment which I don't have the luxury of at the moment.

But as for some earlier questions:

* Yes theres a parameter for making a ship launch out only a single fighter once per battle, but like jamiri said it'd show up in every battle, even if it were destroyed in a fight. It *might* be possible to do something with a device, it'd be very complicated to do I think and even if it worked there'd be inconsistencies.

* To make the First Ones appear more frequently you'd have to go into the quests firstones#.ini file (can't remember which # has the beacon) and make it into an always event, which should make it happen in every map. Other than that I don't remember there being a way to change the probability of an event happening.

mantari May 28th, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Hi! Just wanted to say that I enjoyed this mod a great deal. You really did a great job in taking the base game and going beyond that, into a full-fledged theme. Also, I greatly enjoyed the greater balance in battle. So many times I managed to end a battle with a terribly damaged (but not destroyed) ship. Awesome. And an interesting take on the map (very large sized, and minimal 'unguarded' planets).

My only regret was that I got too spoiled on hyperdrive. I shamefully modded the Jump Point Generator back as a random item. (I could never seem to hit the quest to get one, and Mr. Morden has too high a price!)

Jamiri May 28th, 2007 03:56 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I think the Jump Point Generator should stay as it is. I never found it balanced to acquire it by mere luck. Now you have to fight for it to get it.

Hey PaddirN, any news from development?

Mafaa June 19th, 2007 01:17 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
PaddirN any chance work will be continued soon?

chabex November 12th, 2007 05:09 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I just bring up the subject again...
Will anybody ever make an update for this mod? It should worth it...
PaddirN, are you still around?

Jamiri July 19th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
This is definitely THE best mod of WW in terms of theme and added stuff. Lots of missions and other things to find out. Nice special gadgets and cool B5 stuff all over the place.

However, there's still those classic WW ships in the game used for the League races such as for the Hyach and Pak'Ma'Ra. This really destroys a lot of the B5 theme.

Could anyone skilled at modding WW replace those ships with original B5 graphics (as I think the original author of this mod won't ever do it). I do not know how to do it myself, but would be willing to search the web for some graphics of the missing ships.

Anyone interested?

Fiacha August 18th, 2008 11:32 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I've been fiddling with the B5 Project mod and made some changes to the Victory ship. First I swapped player ship for the one with three weapons (swapped the victory and victory1 ini files, which might not have been a good idea) and added a fighter bay (which I got working). However, now, whenever I try an use the Quantum Discharge Canon, I get a crash to desktop. Any ideas what's causing the problem?

Fiacha August 20th, 2008 12:39 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Figured out what I did wrong: deleted the ship's victory weapon. The game was trying to call something that didn't exist...Probably shouldn't edit files when tired.

Alderanas September 3rd, 2009 12:16 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
just wondering does this work on mac because i try to start it with the mod loaded and it just exits the game and doesnt pop up an error or anything.

PaddirN August 6th, 2010 03:16 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
To anybody still reading up on this, I apologize for the lack of any updates, shortly after my last few I entered into the College of Design at OSU and life got really busy, really fast and my time to work on The Babylon Project dropped down into the negative hour range. I'm sure I still have all the files that I had been working on and probably even a newer updated version, but nothing that would have been in any state to be released. As it is, I'm sure the last version probably has more than a few bugs that should have been worked out that I may or may not get to (most likely not) if the time presents itself.

If anybody cares to take up this mod or has any additional comments, feel free to e-mail me at paddirn@gmail.com. Thanks.


Jamiri August 8th, 2010 11:39 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Go, modders, go! I really would like to see an updated version of this one!!!

Black_Bear August 9th, 2010 11:27 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
We are still here!!! Bring it on..

meKanicalj3sus August 14th, 2010 08:26 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
This still stands up as the most ambitious mod 2 date imho. Would be awesome to see some more development :))

Zythee August 23rd, 2012 03:48 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
The detail and work that must have gone into this mod is incredible!
I really enjoy it, and particually the challenge it brings. Usually on other games I can get a good score easily enough by playing sensibly. Because the jump drive is so hard to get in this though I'm finding it a little tougher! Also it's hard to know when to just attack and when to hope I'll run into a drazi sash or whatever :P
Say no to Dust!

p.s. I occasionally get brain bugged the game after I've taken up Morden's offer (I don't often I swear!). Does anyone know why this might be and how I could fix it??

clomaka August 27th, 2012 05:31 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
i haven't run into this, but then again i don't usually accept. Maybe if I didn't always have captian Ivonava...

Zythee May 28th, 2013 06:22 PM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Can't ever seem to get Keffer as an ally. Also still getting an occasional crash as well.

Anyone able to help?

Alphasite May 29th, 2013 11:31 AM

Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project

Originally Posted by Zythee (Post 820332)
Can't ever seem to get Keffer as an ally. Also still getting an occasional crash as well.

Anyone able to help?

I don't recall ever seeing Keffer.

I haven't played it in quite a while due to the crashes. I tried it when the latest update to WW was released and the mod crashes more frequently.

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