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vfb January 24th, 2008 11:35 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I think the spelling of the "Lychantropos' Amulet" should actually be "Lycanthropos' Amulet".

It appears to be incorrect both in-game and in the manual.

vfb March 9th, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
There's a random event with some spelling and grammar mistakes:

"People here are very unruly and have destroyed valuable equipment that is neccessary for us. Repairs costed 200 gold."

I'd suggest:

"People here are very unruly and have destroyed valuable and essential equipment. Repairs cost 200 gold."

Digress March 10th, 2008 02:32 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The second sentence in the description of the Vine Shield reads

"Anyone in close combat with the bearder will find that the vines on the shield will lash out and try to hold him still."

should probably read

"Anyone in close combat with bearer will find that the vines that make up the shield will lash out and try to hold them still."

Digress March 10th, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

vfb said:
There's a random event with some spelling and grammar mistakes:

"People here are very unruly and have destroyed valuable equipment that is neccessary for us. Repairs costed 200 gold."

I'd suggest:

"People here are very unruly and have destroyed valuable and essential equipment. Repairs cost 200 gold."

I would suggest

"People here have become very unruly and rioted. Valuable and essential equipment was destroyed. Repairs cost 200 gold."

Edi March 10th, 2008 04:30 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
All the event typos are known issues. The problem is that they are in a completely different file from the descriptions, so they were not fixed earlier.

deadboi April 15th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I135 The Aegis

The description reads:
"This is a round shield of hardened leather with tufts of goat hair surrounding its edge. Upon the leather surface, the unknown maker painted an extremely vivid image of the Medusa. The image is so vivid that anyone who meets the mad gaze of the painted eyes will be instantly petrified. Anyone fighting the Aegis-bearer will thus have trouble watching and predicting the Aegis-bearer's moves as he tries to avoid the leering face of the Medusa."

1."the Medusa"
This should be changed to "Medusa". Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa were the names of the Gorgon sisters. Saying "the Medusa" is akin to saying "the David".

2."Anyone fighting the Aegis-bearer will thus have trouble watching and predicting the Aegis-bearer's moves as he tries to avoid the leering face of the Medusa."

This isn't really a typo and I don't know what Illwinters stance on feminine and masculine pronouns is so this may or may not be an issue. Technically, if you don't know the sex of the person it is standard English to use "he," "him," or "his." However, the gender issue could be avoided if the sentence was rewritten as "Anyone fighting the Aegis-bearer will thus have trouble watching and predicting the Aegis-bearer's moves as they try to avoid the leering face of the Medusa.". Of course, if "he" is being used everywhere in cases when the sex isn't known there is no point in changing it as it is still standard English.

3."... the unknown maker painted an extremely vivid image of the Medusa."

Again not really a typo but I would have thought the one who forged the item would be the maker and thus the maker is not unknown.


The first point is the only one I think needs to be fixed the other two are just observations.

So at the very least the description should read:
"This is a round shield of hardened leather with tufts of goat hair surrounding its edge. Upon the leather surface, the unknown maker painted an extremely vivid image of Medusa. The image is so vivid that anyone who meets the mad gaze of the painted eyes will be instantly petrified. Anyone fighting the Aegis-bearer will thus have trouble watching and predicting the Aegis-bearer's moves as he tries to avoid the leering face of Medusa."

deadboi April 15th, 2008 03:06 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Race Long Description: C'tis

Early Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +1"
Middle Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +1"
Late Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +1. Reanimated dead"

Should be:
Early Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +2"
Middle Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +2"
Late Age - "Race: Thick hides, cold blooded, poison resistance, prefers Heat scale +2. Reanimated dead."

Edi April 15th, 2008 06:57 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Noted on the Aegis. I'll see about it. The heat scale errors are known and shortlisted and will be fixed for the next patch, since the Hinnom/Ashdod/Gath nations need to be proofread anyway.

ryo_akashi April 25th, 2008 01:21 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Sidhe Champion M1752 and Sidhe Lord M1759

"Since the Tuatha failed to conquer, Formoria they..."

should be

"Since the Tuatha failed to conquer Formoria, they..."

Edi April 26th, 2008 05:50 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks! Fixed! I'll mail the newly fixed one to Kristoffer right away.

Horst F. JENS May 3rd, 2008 04:11 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Emor EA Equite (Monster Number 1107) says in unit description to fight with "Longsword and Light Lance", but has only light lance and hoof as weapons.

Either change the description or give additional weapon Longsword

BesucherXia May 3rd, 2008 08:14 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Horst F. JENS said:
Emor EA Equite (Monster Number 1107) says in unit description to fight with "Longsword and Light Lance", but has only light lance and hoof as weapons.

Either change the description or give additional weapon Longsword

EA_Pangaea Minotaur Lords have alike problem: the description says "armored in plate hauberk and wearing a helmet", but actually they have only furs for protection.

Sombre May 3rd, 2008 09:31 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
If the equite had an additional longsword he'd be swinging that and the light lance around at the same time.

Clearly the description is wrong.

zzcat May 4th, 2008 02:53 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Unit description of Renatus in LA Pythium: "The Renatus, Reborn, is a male member of the cult...."

Why both Renata and Renatus is "Reborn"? Should the Renatus(with D1) be "the death" and the Renata(with W1) be "the reborn"?

Endoperez May 4th, 2008 09:37 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

zzcat said:
Unit description of Renatus in LA Pythium: "The Renatus, Reborn, is a male member of the cult...."

Why both Renata and Renatus is "Reborn"? Should the Renatus(with D1) be "the death" and the Renata(with W1) be "the reborn"?

"Renatus" is latin and means "reborn". "Renata" is the feminine form. "Death" would be mort-something. Natus is probably the basis of words such as nativity and native.

Kristoffer O May 4th, 2008 10:42 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

zzcat said:
Unit description of Renatus in LA Pythium: "The Renatus, Reborn, is a male member of the cult...."

Why both Renata and Renatus is "Reborn"? Should the Renatus(with D1) be "the death" and the Renata(with W1) be "the reborn"?

Renata/renatus were the names given Isiaic priests/priestesses upon initiation in the mysteries. I liked the terms. They do not represent what they are able to do, but that they have died symbolically and become reborn in the cult.

Edi May 4th, 2008 11:55 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The EA Minotaur Lord has its description assignment borked in the descriptions file. It should say ":mon1534", but it says ":mon 1534", which breaks the reference and reverts to the default Minotaur Lord description, which is the one for MA. This is the same problem that screwed up the LA Commander of Ulm description and the EA Anathemants previously.

Kristoffer O May 4th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

ryo_akashi May 5th, 2008 01:53 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Black Plate Pikeneer (M80) uses the same description as Pikeneer (M79). It would be great if the unit uses a description similar to other Black Plate infantries.

Sorceress (M344) has the same description as Sorceress (M343). The description is incorrect - "... specializes in Astral and Air magic." The unit has a magic path of 1F1E2S.

ryo_akashi May 5th, 2008 08:35 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Trainer of Heroes (M1844)

"She wears a raven cloak wich allows..."

should be

"She wears a raven cloak which allows..."

ryo_akashi May 8th, 2008 06:01 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Patriach (M1962)

last line.
"... to ignore their offers of assitance."

should be
"... to ignore their offers of assistance."

Edi May 8th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks, Ryo. Those will be fixed for next patch, not the currently beta tested one.

chrispedersen May 12th, 2008 10:27 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
There is a Title for pretenders...Bewerage, which is not a word in the english language. I'd suggest, Brewery Prince.
or.. to avoide the necessity of gender..

Master Brewer

chrispedersen May 12th, 2008 10:28 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Lanka, Pretender Daughter of Rivers

she can draw one the power...
should be
she can draw on the

Agrajag May 12th, 2008 11:07 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

chrispedersen said:
There is a Title for pretenders...Bewerage, which is not a word in the english language. I'd suggest, Brewery Prince.
or.. to avoide the necessity of gender..

Master Brewer

See What's Bewerage? :S

Ninave July 25th, 2008 05:08 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
U1229 Son of Fenrer: Description speaks of Son of Fenrir, renaming was forgotten.

Ritual of Rebirth is missing a dot from the end.

BesucherXia July 27th, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Ctis has a national spell "Summon Scorpion Man", which is also used by Abysia but named as "Contact Scorpion Man". One of them should be corrected imo.

Edi July 27th, 2008 02:35 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
The spells are supposed to be named different since they have different path requirements. Much like the Arco/C'tis Sirrush summons.

BesucherXia July 27th, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Hmmm... I have never noticed the difference between Sirrush summons.

But for Scorpion Man I find both sides have shared an identical path requirement of E1F1. Should they really supposed to be divided?

Edi July 27th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Probably. There are three eras of C'tis and three eras of Abysia. Restricted spells can only be shared by a maximum of three nations, so even if the path requirements are the same (they are), there must be two different spells to fulfill the requirements.

BesucherXia September 1st, 2008 06:32 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The description of spell "Summon Valkyries" says "The cast summons five Valkyries to aid him in battle" while it is also maked with "Number of Effects: 7". The text must have been copied from Dom2 and is not fixed yet.

lch October 14th, 2008 09:49 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Sirens got rhythm, oh yeah!

"The siren tries to lure an random enemy commander by singing the most beatiful song."

lch November 15th, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
As I already reported elsewhere, unit #1 has a typo in the description:


Grigorius the Grigori is an ancient being sent to watch the affairs of contending gods. He answers tha call of wishful thinking and will appear and disappear at his own liking.

rdonj November 17th, 2008 03:17 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
One I'm surprised isn't in here: "The province seems to contain only one hostile unit. The enemy force appears to consist of only (commander). But (commander) appears to be very powerful none then less."

Should read: "But (commander) appears to be very powerful nonetheless."

lch November 17th, 2008 06:00 AM


Ashdod is a dry wasteland inhabited by the Rephaim, giants decended from the Nephilim of primordial times. The Rephaim have degenerated and lost the prodigal powers of their predecessors, but they are still mighty in comparison to other beings. While not as mighty as they once were, there are still a few Rephaim with pure blood. In the twin cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon live the Anakim, mightiest of the Rephaim, and the Anakite priest-kings. With the disappearance of the Nephilim and the pureblooded Rephaim, the Nephilim Cult has been replaced by ancestor worship. Malikum, Rephaite kings of old, are worshipped at sacred banquets for the dead. The Kohanim of earlier times have been replaced by the Zamzummim, priest-mages and shepherds of the dead, who fullfill their purpose in life by being devoured at the funerary banquets.

When the Star fell into the sea the Basalt City and the Dark Crystal were destroyed, the reign of the Basalt Queens was ended and the surviving Atlantians reformed the kingdom. Atlantis is an underwater nation of strange beings resembling a cross betweem fish, frog and human.

Edi November 17th, 2008 07:56 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks, keep them coming.

sector24 November 17th, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I'm not sure if this counts as a typo, but unit 1102 "Rorarus" that should be Rorarius.

Edi November 18th, 2008 05:09 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks, it does. I didn't know it was supposed to be that, though Retiarius used to be retarius before it was fixed.

rdonj November 18th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
In that vein, does "Ninjas" count as a typo? Words in japanese don't have plural forms, so technically the correct way to refer to multiple ninjas is with the word "ninja".

rdonj November 18th, 2008 05:39 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Mother of Rivers description: "She can draw one the power of great rivers and gets two magical Water gems each month."

Should read: "She can draw on the power of great rivers and gets two magical Water gems each month."

lch November 18th, 2008 05:44 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
This one is just a debug message which is being displayed for damage effects, but still...

"twiceborn resurected"

Another debug message for map switches, appearing twice:

Map preselction

lch November 18th, 2008 06:20 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Messages for global enchantments:


Long ago it was prophesized that Charybdis of the sea would open her jaw and suck down all riches of the world and yield it unto her master GODxy as a fitting gift to the lord of all. Now the maw of Charybdis has opened and the riches that are found in the sea is being pulled towards her master.
maybe a title: Lord of All,


Charybdis the great maelstrom has been enslaved by GODxy of NATIONxy and is tributing GODxy with enormous wealth. If this tribute is allowed to continue its magnitude might spell the doom of your aspirations and lead to the ascendancy of GODxy, unless you wish to end your days a lapdog, chained to [...], now is the time to close the maw of charybdis.
(not a word),

The Looming Hell:

Long ago it was prophesised that during the final battle which decides the fate of all [...], GODxy will call upon the denizens of the lower layers of hell to help spread the word of GODxy. Now that prophesy has been fulfilled and devils haunt the dreams of GODxy enemies, threatening and cajoling the weakest of their flocks to turn against their masters.


An outrage has been commited against your divine person. The godling of GODxy has invited devils into the dreams of your subjects, in order to steal them away from you. While the devils can only haunt your subjects inside GODxy's dominion, the threat and the insult of GODxy's infernal dealings cannot be born. Tear apart this hellish compact, cleanse the dreams of your subjects from this impure presence and visit your vengeance upon GODxy's body and mind.


Ancient forces, that have long lain dormat, are stirring once again. GODxy has performed an immense sacrifice in order to rouse the Rimtursar. These are the ancient giants that lie sleeping in the glaciers, giants that when last awakend lay waste to the earth and turned it into a frozen tundra devoid of life.
dormant, (doormat? :))

The Eyes of God:

You are being watched. Your servants are being watched. Your slaves are being watched. The unblinking eyes of the lord of GODxy is ever watching your moves, peering over your shoulders, glaring at you from the sun, watching you from the shadows. By taking the first step towards omniscience GODxy has set GODxy upon a path, that if not blocked, will lead GODxy to ascension. Obviously their is only one fitting punishment for this grotesque arrogance, you must blind these everpresent eyes.

Riches from Beneath:

The people of GODxy are truly blessed amongst the peoples of the world. Their lord GODxy has commanded the earth to yield up its treasures to GODxy faitfull. As a result his armies are more well equipped and numerous than ever berfore.
better equipped and more numerous,

Ghost Armada:

GODxy has awakened the once famous Admiral Torgrin who won countless battles for the old Pantekrator.

Burden of Time:

GODxy has commited the act of ultimate evil against the world of the living by putting the Burden of Time upon the world. As long as this enchantment is active every living being will grow old and die in a few years time.
a few years' time

Gift of Health:

It is foretold in the prophesies of GODxy that before their lord and master GODxy finally vanquishes GODxy enemies and ascends to the throne celestial, GODxy shall grant all of NATIONxy faithful long and prosperous lives, all ills shall be cured and good health shall be enjoyed by everyone, that prophesy is now fulfilled.
prophecy (just for consistency)

The false god of NATIONxy has blessed GODxy followers with supernatural health and stamina, this sets a bad example for your faithful whom have not received a similar benefit from their worship, thus this unseemly generosity on GODxy's part must be stopped.
stamina. This

lch November 18th, 2008 06:56 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Pulling things from page two and following that are still wrong in the game...


Originally Posted by electricmayhem (Post 501830)
Site: Villa of Everchanging Fresques
Should be "Villa of Everchanging Frescoes"

I think Fresques is French for Frescoes, so perhaps it's a French magic site.

The site is now named Villa of Ever Changing Fresques.

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 507516)
The EA Vanheim Huskarls have their descriptions switched.

1508 has spear and javelin, but the description says axe and javelin.
1509 has axe and javelin, but the description says spear and javelin.


Originally Posted by lch (Post 509231)
My pretender is the "Guardian of the Tablets of Destiny". This is supposed to be the "Tablet of Destinies".

Quote from the Wikipedia page that I linked there:

In Mesopotamian mythology, the Tablet of Destinies (not, as frequently misquoted in general works, the 'Tablets of Destiny') was envisaged as a clay tablet...

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 512827)
When designing a pretender and on the main design menu, hilighting "Magic" displays this help text:

Select your Pretender God's skill in the eigth different magic paths

Should be eight.


Originally Posted by vfb (Post 568595)
There's a few more in heroic qualities:

Cruelty: renowened -&gt; renowned, afflicitons-&gt;afflictions
Research: extraorinary -&gt; extraordinary
Precision: precison -&gt; precision


Originally Posted by Digress (Post 585040)
The second sentence in the description of the Vine Shield reads

"Anyone in close combat with the bearder will find that the vines on the shield will lash out and try to hold him still."

should probably read

"Anyone in close combat with bearer will find that the vines that make up the shield will lash out and try to hold them still."

Edi November 18th, 2008 12:21 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks. Rdonj, we do need to make some concessions to the English language, such as using the accepted plural forms for words, and ninja is one of those. A case could be made to omit the plural s based on the way the other Jomon troops are spoken of in plural, but it becomes a matter of taste there.

Kristoffer O November 18th, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
> (not a word),
> Charybdis

But a monster

lch November 18th, 2008 01:16 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Kristoffer O (Post 653855)
> (not a word),
> Charybdis

But a monster

I know about Charybdis, I'm a big fan of Greek mythology. The "not a word" was for "tributing".

Edi November 18th, 2008 06:42 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Thanks for reminding us of these. The global spell event texts were not in the ones I did, because they are presumably in different parts of the code. Kristoffer, could you send me the current description files, I could fix the ones that have been reported now and we would be rid of those? The events as well, because there were a couple of typo slips there on my part.

ryo_akashi November 19th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
The LA Man summon, Bean Sidhe, M1776, uses the same description as the previous EA and MA Bean Sidhe, M1774. Can you please check if this is a description override bug as have occurred before?

sector24 November 19th, 2008 04:32 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
A couple more Pythium unit questions:

The LA Pythium Limitane units should actually be Limitanei (plural - Limitatenses)

The LA Pythium Comitatense unit should actually be Comitatensis (plural - Comitatenses)

I could understand if the name change was intentional though, these units are a mouthful! :)

cleveland November 25th, 2008 10:29 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 7326

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