![]() |
Re: Rant
I vote for Rhyleh to AI, unless Shawn request otherwise.
Oh and nice write up doctor! I was going to write something stupid in reply... but it would pale to the elegance of your post so I'll just leave it as a compliment. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Rant
The end of times comes soon for our people. We can blame no one but ourselves for this. Our early scouts were over zealous and erroneously attempted to take control of undefended provinces.
Although we could do nothing about the demon nation that decided to take our provinces by force. The many armed being that dances through our lands wreaking havoc is but another deathknell for us. To awaken this morn to find that almost the entire population of our capitol was taken by some strange force and turned into plant beings was a dire omen indeed. We will not be long in this world, but we are making efforts to ensure our death has a ripple effects that cames back upon those who threw the stones in our pond. OOC: Been fun! but it won't be long for me now. Hope to do it again with a little more success next time. |
Re: Rant
I don't think R'leyh staled last turn. At work now so i can't be sure, i'll check when i get home.
Re: Rant
And he just took his turn right now. So my apoligizes.
Re: Rant
Mictlan has sent me all of his gold and gems - want to set him to AI?
P.S. - your cooperation and lack of selfishness disgusts me! I am forced to pull back by the combined might of Agartha and Sauromatia, plus Caelum also has a lot of little girls with wings in robes. We will have our vengeance, however, do not doubt it! |
Re: Rant
Actually we are acting selfishly. A wise man once said
"It is healthy and natural for people to gang uo on weaker or stronger opponents. As the Hitler-Stalin example illustrates, this is the sort of thing different religions, even if they completely hate one another by dogma, would do for their own self interest." The mightly Neifelheim empire split up 3-5 ways will benefit all of use "real" gods. I'm just glad you don't have that high of a dominion. I shudder to think about those giants with 120HP regenerating 30 per turn with your gift of health. At least you are being a good sport about it... its hard to be #1 and watch your empire crumble beneath you. Happened to me enough times http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif [of course I should my toungue... as your defeat is far from a sure thing at the present time] I think Gandalf will have to set Mictan to AI... but it would be far far easier if Mictan would set himself to AI. It is a "Become computer controlled" choice under the options button. |
Re: Rant
Don't worry about Mictlan, I've hopefully just taken his last two provinces (can't check it yet).
Re: Rant
Sorry that I stalled a turn there. School and work was making it difficult to get to the game for a couple days there. Either way, I've been taken out now.
Re: Rant
Yeah I was pretty sure I would be dead this turn, haven't checked yet.
My back is certainly up against the wall
Argh! I had meant to fling all three of those murdering winters at that Sauromatian army (the damage stacks). Ah well, I got a bunch of Agarthans, and I probably would've lost that fight anyway.
So - I can't fight all four of you at once. Specifically, I need either - Sauromatia *and* Agartha to back off, or for Sauromatia *or* Agartha to switch sides and ally with me. So, here's the deal - if one or the other of you will break your current alliance and ally with me, I will direct my eight remaining murdering winters at the other, just for starters. If neither Agartha or Sauromatia will agree to ally with me, I will split the murdering winters 50:50 (and manage them a bit better, to boot) and give all of my remaining magic items and gems to Caelum. For those keeping score at home - that's 307A, 55E, 153S, 177D, 39N and 258B, twenty skull mentors, some nature and earth boost items, and that thug equipment on my eastern cadre of niefel giants. Ermor, Vanheim and Caelum - whom I wish to crush completely - need not apply. For the record, although it is to your advantage to ally against a stronger foe, it is also to your advantage to jockey with position among yourselves, and to try and get one of the other players to take the brunt of my counterattack. Your lack of cowardice disgusts me. I salute Ermor for his judicious betrayal and will deal with him with the respect he deserves http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Your friend, Knife Bright Insight, Lord of the Jotuns. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, Very Clever.
Of course, I would offer to evenly split these goodies up among all players who have joined the battle to vanquish the foul giants. And only a pitiful race would lament the lack of cowardice. Glory and Honour to the end! |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
The niefel income/province curv is funny indeed, keep up the good work =)
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Sauromatia will stand by its brave allies, and will not be turned aside by the weaseling entreaties of the heartless frost giants. Long live the alliance!
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Can we please give Agartha the boot? Out of the past, maybe, ten turns they've moved twice.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Cerlin, are you having difficulty taking your turns? Do you want us to ask Gandalf to slow down the timer, or maybe find a sub? It'd be criminal to set you to AI, as you're in a powerful position.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Someone should at least PM him before we AI him. Personally, i think a player who's sometimes there and sometimes not is a more dangerous opponent than the lame AI.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
UninspiredName, that's a great exageration. He's missed maybe 2 turns out of the past dozen.
I would also be willing to accept slower turns, although mine are, at the moment, quite quick. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
It was definitely more than two turns. He missed the last two at least, (Three if I recall right) took two, and missed at least four before that.
I was probably exaggerating, but not very much I think. I also didn't know Agartha was in great power, (Score graphs are my friend, I guess) so I'm now fine with leaving him be. Sorry about that... |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
He did *not* miss the past two turns, because the turn-before-last he invaded my capital! I tend to notice that sort of thing.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Whoops... Again, sorry about that.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Guys, I think it's possible this game may remain unpatched (Gandalf?), so make sure you keep a copy of Dominions 3.04 (you can just copy the whole folder somewhere).
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
I may have unintentionally crashed the game.
-I did not realise this game was still played with the old patch, and did my turn with the new patch .... |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
I've already downloaded the new patch, (and did my turn just like Evilhomer. Whoops...) so it might be better if you set me to AI.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Okay, I've PMed Gandalf to ask him to restart it.
Going AI's a bit extreme! If this game does end up staying on 3.04, the best thing to do is just do another install of Dominions (you can have multiple on a machine), and only patch up to 3.04 (someone's uploaded the 3.04 patch again on the main forum, I can find it if you want). It'd be useful if people check back here often-ish to check the status of the game, e.g. if it's been restarted, whether to patch. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Okay guys, Gandalf's got it fixed. Uninspired - your turn was fine, oddly. EvilHomer - can you take your turn again, using 3.04? Shouldn't be too hard to do a quick extra install and patch.
And Cerlin - are you alive? You get an extra chance to take this turn now because the timer's been reset. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Eh, installing a second version of Dominions is too troublesome for my tastes. At any rate, since my turn's fine, and I connect just fine a few minutes ago, (Nice to have an explanation for the reset timer as well) I should be able to stay in the game for the time being.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
you don't need a whole new install. Only the dominions.exe file needs to the be the right version.
So copy Dominions.exe and name it Dominions304.exe, then install the patch. Then you can open up either version depending on the EXE you use. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
where do I get ahold of 3.04 ?
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
You can get V3.04 from
http://rapidshare.com/files/14416405...ch304.exe.html as was kindly provided by someone on the main forum. I've also cunningly downloaded it, so if you have a problem with that (slightly messy but not too bad) site I can e-mail it to you. Similarly I can e-mail you the V3.04 exe if you want, but I'm slightly dubious about that - surely the other files must be different too, and that must have some effects? Maybe nothing important though. Uninspired, similarly I can e-mail you the 3.04 exe if you want. Just send me a PM. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Well, since it seems to be working for the time being, I'll wait and see if it's necessary first. I appreciate all the offered help, though.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Ooops, I just crashed the server. Sorry, I was out drinking. Gandalf is hosting on a linux box so we need to stay at 3.04 until the a working patch comes out, correct?
I got confused with the shortcuts for my own hosts, terribly sorry. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Just to keep everyone updated - Gandalf has taken his servers down for maintenance, in the hope that he'll be able to upgrade to 3.06 (he may or may not be able to). Not sure when it'll be back up, hopefully soon.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Update: Gandalf is still working on the server, apparently it's ended up being quite a big job (he's reinstalled the OS from scratch, by the sound of it). Please keep checking back here everyone, hopefully we can keep up the momentum of the game once it's fixed.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Looks like we are done http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif Thanks for the game all, it was pretty ammusing despite my aweful start.
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
testing testing 1 2 3
Restored files from THIS game have been moved to the other server and put online. Try it and see if it worked. www.dom3minions.com or port 8098 Its still running on version 3.04 until I figure out how to upgrade to the version of GLIBC that Johan used (which my OS still considers to be experimental) Gandalf Parker |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
It works! Gandalf I love you!
Okay everyone, the game is back up! As Gandalf says above,, port 8098, version still 3.04. On another note, how would people feel about asking Gandalf to change to a 36 hour host, if he wouldn't mind? For me 24 hours is still fine, but I wonder if it might be getting a bit short for some people. |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Thanks for putting the game back Gandalf... and thanks llmama for keeping an eye on it!
I am totally fine with a 36 hour (or longer turn time). |
Re: My back is certainly up against the wall
Okay, another update.
The server died again unfortunately due to another patch clash. So, we have another 36 hours, in which hopefully EvilHomer and Uninspired can have their turns, and hopefully we can find a sub for Agartha. Gandalf's going to set the game to quit after this turn, transfer the game back to the original server, update to 3.06 and start it going again. So then finally, 36 hours from now, we'll have the game running on 3.06. So Uninspired and EvilHomer, if you really can't get 3.04 working, you'll only stale one turn and then we'll be back in business. Please be careful not to log into the current server with 3.06 though, I'd be a bit embarrassed to ask Gandalf to restart it again and anyway it'd be good if we could get this turn processed. |
I screwed up
and uploaded a 3.06 turn. I noticed it and uploaded a 3.04, so hopefuly it just overwrote and there won't be any damage, but my apologies in advance if it crashes the server.
Re: I screwed up
Seems like it's fine, it normally crashes it immediately when the wrong-version turn file is received, so seems like we got away with it.
Re: I screwed up
Can't connect to servers, seems someone uploaded a 3.06 again
Re: I screwed up
It still works fine for me. Have you checked you're using the new IP address?
Re: I screwed up
yeah - doesn't work
Re: I screwed up
It doesn't work now because the 36 hours is up, so Gandalf's transferring it to the repaired server, where it'll run on 3.06. After that we should be all back to normal.
Re: I screwed up
Game is back up - old ip address
"C:\Program Files\dominions3\dom304.exe" --tcpclient --ipadr --port 8098 --nonationsel Although... I guess we should be using the 3.06 version now? Mine was submitted with 3.04 again. |
Re: I screwed up
Yep, Gandalf says it's running 3.06 now.
Re: I screwed up
Hey, would someone mind uploading the map file? I'm playing on a different computer, and for some reason it gives me an error message instead of downloading the map file from the server. Thanks!
Re: I screwed up
No worries about the map file, I got it sorted.
Re: I screwed up
1 Attachment(s)
For GameExtremist (our new Agartha): the map file.
Re: I screwed up
Okay got map file, taking turn now....jeez...talk about landing in the hot seat!
llamabeast has filled me in on a little history and whom I am hostile towards >:-) |
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