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-   -   Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Turn 100!!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=33213)

Velusion February 12th, 2007 12:19 AM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started

Reverend Zombie said:
Is the server down?

Hmm... after Hadrian took his turn the game decided to shut down rather than process. Just turned it on and it seems to be up and working. Hope this is a one time thing.

BandarLover February 12th, 2007 12:59 AM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
lol Yes Johnarryn, I SUPPOSE it would be in keeping with the game fiction to make them herbivores. But not as interesting to me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I mean, wouldn't you feel better attacking me if you thought the C'tissians were violent meat eaters who would gladly eat the people in your lands if given the chance? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

But yes, you got me. If it makes you feel better, I'll make them omnivores. A fair compromise.

Extra bonus points if anyone recognizes the name of my pretender.

FAJ February 12th, 2007 01:21 AM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
I bet the scare-crazy people in Boston can recognize it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion February 12th, 2007 02:23 AM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)

FrankTrollman said:
It appears that Abyssia made a gamble and lost.

The children of the Yazad contemplate those who put their fate in luck rather than in the frozen permanence of foresight and planning. We don't hold with such guess-work.

We are the children of Mahraspand.

His capital might have just took an evil random event actually... his income went to hell.

Velusion February 12th, 2007 03:00 AM

Status Page!
Radiance Status Page

Scripts courtesy of LCH who is playing in my Eventide game. This is new and improved. If anyone notices any problems with it - please let me know.

BigDisAwesome February 12th, 2007 11:26 AM

Re: Status Page!
wow that's great. now i don't have to connect to see who and how much time is left.

Reverend Zombie February 12th, 2007 11:49 AM

Re: Status Page!
Indeed, the status page is very nice, thanks!

RentACop February 13th, 2007 01:48 AM

Re: Status Page!
Hey, it does not bode well for our diplomatic relations if you guys keep outbidding me on mercenaries. Seriously.

BandarLover February 13th, 2007 02:10 AM

Re: Status Page!
Lovin the status page. LCH knows his stuff.


"Let the gods feed them honey. They are dead."

Kojusoki February 13th, 2007 10:02 AM

Re: Status Page!
Why the host time is 48hrs? It was supposed to be 24 for the first 12 turns... Turns dont take too much time at the moment - I think when somebody wants to play he will find those 89 sec per 24 hours to make his turn, won't he...?

Kojusoki February 13th, 2007 10:03 AM

Re: Status Page!
ups, sorry - it seems there are only 24hrs:)

FrankTrollman February 14th, 2007 03:10 PM

Re: Status Page!

Shmonk February 15th, 2007 02:44 AM

Assassinations already?
The land of webs, fortune, and solitude, Fortu's blessed sanctum, has suprisingly been violated, and at such an early stage of this new era. Another nation has dared to assume a simple assassination attempt would go unnoticed, or unpunished (as witnessed by the would be assassin's death). While the lowly nation may not be revealed at this time, Fortu now knows whose lands he covets for his future playground.

BandarLover February 16th, 2007 06:10 PM

The continuing saga of C\'tis...
I have to be the worst Dom player ever. Having SORELY misjudged the strength of neighboring indies, my beautiful lil' army of 70 or so troops gets wiped by them. Why? you may be asking (while laughing). Because, while I did notice that elephants were amongst their number, they were like, 3rd on the list of units, leaving me to believe that they had perhaps one or two and that the bulk would be militia and slingers.

Boy was I wrong!

I soon found myself against no less than 20 elephants, who proceeded to dance a jolly jig on my heavy troops, city guard, and swamp guard. My wonderous army, smashed into lizard jelly before my disbelieving eyes.


Anywhos, I thought I would tell everyone, because I'm a masochist and enjoy pain. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Maybe some of you will have a nice laugh at my expense. And that's O.K. as long as someone finds some humor in this sad, sad affair.

lch February 16th, 2007 06:15 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
You know, you can attack with scouts set on auto-retreat, too, before you turn your troops into jelly... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Indies with elephants should never be underestimated.

BandarLover February 16th, 2007 06:17 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
lol. I know that now. Hindsight 20/20 and all that.


Meglobob February 16th, 2007 06:48 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...

BandarLover said:
Anywhos, I thought I would tell everyone, because I'm a masochist and enjoy pain. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Maybe some of you will have a nice laugh at my expense. And that's O.K. as long as someone finds some humor in this sad, sad affair.

I share your pain.

Recently, I was rushed and crushed by massed elephants. I was playing LA Ulm and LA Patala was my nemesis.

When I say crushed, I do MEAN crushed, he conquered my capital, 20+ elephants trampled over my dozen black templars, 100+ crossbows/archers (all set to fire at large monsters btw), 30 infantry and 25 PD. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Now thats pain...

Oh yea, Dom 3 just to be cruel and to add insult to injury by giving me a hero the next turn and a free fortress the turn after. All this by turn 13...

BandarLover February 16th, 2007 07:06 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
Ouch....well atleast it wasn't my capitol is all I can say to that one Meglobob. I can atleast regroup. Just not fun with two nations practically breathing down my neck.

Damn miasma. I knew it would make me a mark, I just hoped to have things up and going before other players came after me. Ah well,that's what I get for saying I'd take any nation at signup http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

But it did sound pretty cool at the time to spread my dominion quickly and make everyone sick with the lizard-pox.

Baalz February 17th, 2007 12:42 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
Well, if it makes you feel any better I took turn #1 slightly inebriated and my rainbow pretender somehow got orders to go attack some indies by himself (I wasn't that bad off, must have been an accidental click). I can probably challenge you for worst start ever...and in the same game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

BandarLover February 18th, 2007 07:42 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
Shagru'Kahn was furious.

No. Check that.

He was beyond furious. There were not enough C'tissan curses to adequately describe the foul temper the newly anointed Lizard Lord was feeling. Not even his new harem of females could cool his now boiling blood. (Yes, an entire harem. Advancement within the ranks of the C'tis army had its perks.) He could not stop thinking of the blood and mud stained soldier that had been brought into his chambers, near death. But not so close that he could not tell his message: of the utter defeat of the First Battalion of the Grand Army. The neighboring province had resisted (all softies - as Shagu'Kahn called humans - had a habit of resisting) and they had fielded elephants -ELEPHANTS!!- the dying soldier was able to spit out.

Well, it wasn't even close. The army simply wasn't equipped to deal with such large creatures. Shagru'Kahn was sure the soldier was going to ramble on and on in this manner so he ended the discussion.

With a knife.

Buried to the hilt in the soldier's bottom jaw.

Not even this simple act of violence brought Shagru'Kahn any pleasure. He was so livid that he stalked out of his marble house,by now warm from the morning sun, without even bothering to throw on an under-shirt. While to humans such as us this may not seem a big deal, it was quite shocking to the reptilian citizenry of the bustling streets of C'tis.

The anger Shagru'Kahn felt had sent his blood rushing furiously throughout his body, making him seem to swell and grow larger. The scales covering his body had by now taken on an almost kaleidoscope effect of colors, different hues shifting with the sunlight reflecting off his skin. All of this was very similiar to the coming of age breeding mannerisms of virile young lizards. Most of the males he passed turned their heads to avoid eye contact; a few growled menacingly in their throats while pulling their mates closer to them. Many of the females also took notice, their nostrils flairing wide as he passed. More than a few embarrassingly slipt into the nearest enclosure to lay an egg. Anyother time, this would have made Shagru'Kahn's day.

Just not now.

The bustling crowds seemed to part before him of their own volition, as if his anger were pushing path ahead of him. He made a straight course to the High Holy Temple in the heart of C'tis. Once there, no guard dare stop him. His clawed feet clacked menacingly down the high arching marble hallways. He pushed open the antechamber doors leading to the Holy Conclave Chambers. Khre'el-abubal, prophet of the Most High Ignokt, spread his arms in greeting. Shagru'Kahn was too hot to bother with the proper formalities.

"A disturbing report from the front ,Prophet. Funny you did not forsee it coming."

Khre'el-abubal smiled (or seemed to, very hard to tell with reptilian features) and ignored the slight on his holy office.

"A minor set back Brother Kahn."

"Minor!" Shagru'kahn practically choked with rage. "I hardly call the decimation of the First Battalion MINOR!!" His voice echoed loudly and the hierodule priestess (being a prophet had its perks as well) crept back into the adjoining back room. Khre'el-abubal allowed the Lizard Lord to seethe before him for a bit.

"Finished yelling?" the prophet asked. Shagru'Kahn could only shake his head, muttering. "Good, because I have news that will make your message feel like a mere stubbing of the toe."

Shagru'Kahn looked perplexed up at his superior. "How-"


The prophet stood quite suddenly and Shagru'Kahn took an involuntary step back. It was Khre'el-abubal who appeared angry now.

"Your lack of respect will not be tolerated. You WILL remember your place!"

An overwhelming sense of awe swept over the Lizard Lord, along with the realization of just how much he had overstepped his bounds. He dropped heavily to his knees, head bowed to the ground. He had never prostrated himself to anyone before, and did not know why he would now. Something...was different.

"Forgive me." Shagru'Kahn did not believe he had said such words before. Now Khre'el-abubal didn't just smile, he grinned openly.

"You feel it, don't you, though you can't quite place what has changed,hmm?"

"No, my lord," Shagru'Kahn breathed.

"I am no longer your - sole - master."

Shagru'Kahn dared a glance up.

"Rise brother," the prophet continued, lifting his own head to the heavens, "Today is a new era for our kingdom. Today, Ignokt, Warrior Against the Sun, God of Many Names, Lord of this World, Prince of Courage and King of Terror, has awakened!"

Whew! Finally got over my earlier defeat (DAMN PACHYDERMS!!) to do a quick story. Next time, whenever that may be, just what exactly is it like to be a dormant pretender awake in the world once more? I also couldn't resist the egg-laying reference. One of C'tis's heroes had something similar in his background story as well and I thought it was hilarious, as well as a little disturbing.

lch February 18th, 2007 07:55 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
ok, memo to everyone on Radiance: BandarLover has to lose more battles! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Shovah32 February 18th, 2007 08:24 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
Very nice, bandarlover.

BandarLover February 19th, 2007 01:06 AM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
lol Fear not Ich. Those elephant indies have become the Moby to my Ahab. I will, nay MUST, defeat them, no matter the cost. Glad people are enjoying my attempts at fan fiction. I know sometimes my spelling is bad and I have a tendency to jump between tenses within the storyline, but it's fun.

Is it just me or is 'Rome' one of the best shows on television? To bad this is its final season.

Velusion February 19th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
Good write up BanderLover http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

BTW the game is going off autohost so I can reset the timer for 48 hours before the next host.

Kojusoki February 19th, 2007 01:50 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
BTW - why dont you use autohost always? Isnt it better? Why should we wait even if all have done their turns?

FrankTrollman February 19th, 2007 02:12 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

Velusion February 19th, 2007 04:18 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...

Kojusoki said:
BTW - why dont you use autohost always? Isnt it better? Why should we wait even if all have done their turns?

Umm... I do (quickhost that is). I was saying that I was temporarily turning it off to change it from a 24 hour quick host to a 48 hour quick host.

Blofeld February 19th, 2007 07:28 PM

Re: The continuing saga of C\'tis...
All turns are in, by the way.

WraithLord February 19th, 2007 08:10 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

FrankTrollman said:
Somewhat to the north of the Swamps of Ctis, a cold wind blows from the vale of Mahraspand. There, strange winged creatures of eerie beauty fly through frozen clouds.

And yet, this magical occurence is at the far end of the peninsula, because completely cutting this nation off from the rest of the world are wild forests filled with aggressive goat men.

Clashes between the two nations abound, as the Caelumites flutter delicately from battlefield to battlefield while the near unstoppable hordes of white centaurs march steadily upon the caelumite capitol.

It is now while the Pangaeans are locked in combat mortal with the Caelumites that both are at their weakest...

-The Children of Mahraspand

The half men of pangaea are greatly offended at seeing their beloved forests ravaged by the strange flying beasts with the frozen armor and frozen hearts. The blood spilled in the forests awakens the wrath of the ancient Paniis and all kind of dormant champions of the forest flock to pangaea's defense. Steep will be the price exacted on the frozen ones.

Blofeld February 20th, 2007 05:06 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Does Shovah32, playing Ulm, being listed as defeated on progress page means he's turned to AI? his turn shows as not played on the server.

lch February 20th, 2007 05:28 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
No, if he is not defeated but controlled by AI it would say so. If he is defeated, but still visible this turn, then this was the turn that he was defeated and he will only see the "you're defeated" message when he connects. I don't know if he has to play his turn for the game to quickhost or not.

Shovah32 February 20th, 2007 07:58 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Im still alive but will be gone soon, i really hate elephants and lucky, quickened wyrms with awe.

BandarLover February 20th, 2007 08:13 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Methinks your name may not be alone in the "Defeated" Category Shovah. I'm not doing so well with C'tis either. Apparently, Oceania doesn't appreciate that Ignokt has just awoken and that sieging his capital city is just no way to throw a "Welcome Back" party. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

lch February 20th, 2007 08:50 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

BandarLover said:
Methinks your name may not be alone in the "Defeated" Category Shovah. I'm not doing so well with C'tis either.

Same for Eventide, or so I have heard. Weee, history repeats itself again, even when it's happening at the same time!

RentACop February 22nd, 2007 08:37 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
I'm kind-of surprised I'm not the first one out, considering Jotunheim's currently camped in my capital, eating babies and making bread from their bones if my scouts are to be believed. Also something about beanstalks.

Reverend Zombie February 23rd, 2007 11:18 AM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

RentACop said:
I'm kind-of surprised I'm not the first one out, considering Jotunheim's currently camped in my capital, eating babies and making bread from their bones if my scouts are to be believed. Also something about beanstalks.

Your kingdom definitely has a Robin Hood feel to it at the moment.

Thank T'ien Ch'i that you are not out yet... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Velusion February 23rd, 2007 03:53 PM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
For those of you that will wonder why the server timer might increase slightly on my games.

Forum thread detailing the issue here: here.

This will NOT stop my games from progressing. The game will continue with a 48 hour hosting (though the server will read 54 hours). I'm not sure if this affected anyone else in the past (I don't think it affected anyone recently)... if so - my apologies! Eventually the IP will change and these games will move to a different box.

K February 23rd, 2007 06:56 PM

Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like say "good game" to FAJ, Shinuyama's player.

Hadrian_II February 24th, 2007 07:11 AM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

Reverend Zombie said:
Thank T'ien Ch'i that you are not out yet... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Well and if man would not had disconnected me from your teritorry, you might be in bigger trouble than you think. The only thing i can do now is trying to shut down your stronghold with consorts. btw how does it feel, when the capital is sieged by knights http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

btw. antlantis has gone mad and wants 100 Gold, because they are the "Atlantian mafia", are they annoying someone else or just me?

Reverend Zombie February 24th, 2007 11:19 AM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

Hadrian_II said:

Reverend Zombie said:
Thank T'ien Ch'i that you are not out yet... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Well and if man would not had disconnected me from your teritorry, you might be in bigger trouble than you think.

Indeed. I would not have attacked Man if I had known you would be so aggressive. In fact, I thought it was his bards causing the unrest, and that is why I attacked him. I forgot about the T'ien Chi consorts!

Anyway, I have been pretty unimpressed with the giants. It's my first time as the Jotuns in multiplayer, and I thought they would fare better in combat. They die off pretty easily for such expensive units.


WraithLord February 24th, 2007 06:08 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Ahmm Actually Atlanis has came to me with this absurd demand as well. I think they merit a small lesson in manners.

cupido2 February 24th, 2007 07:25 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Give me all your money or you'll find more fishheads in your bed.

BigDisAwesome February 24th, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
best threat ever

Hadrian_II February 25th, 2007 07:18 AM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

Reverend Zombie said:
I forgot about the T'ien Chi consorts!


K February 26th, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Anyone know why the turn isn't hosting and we are at negative numbers until hosting?

lch February 26th, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
It's a time-keeping issue / bug. Velusion has set the host interval to 54 hours for the game, but it's still on 48 hours for the script. So anything in the last 6 "hours" is getting displayed with negative numbers.

Hadrian_II February 26th, 2007 06:45 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
there is something else strange, the 48h are over and it did not host yet. And when you connect to the game, it shows 28h to go. So it looks like something broke.

WraithLord February 26th, 2007 06:52 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum
Turn hosted http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion February 26th, 2007 07:50 PM

Re: The continuing saga of Caelum

Hadrian_II said:
there is something else strange, the 48h are over and it did not host yet. And when you connect to the game, it shows 28h to go. So it looks like something broke.

That was because I had to restart the server so the timer got reset. I was going to manually host it if it passed it's window, but didn't get the chance.

BandarLover February 27th, 2007 09:36 PM

Re: The fall of C\'tis
Shagru'Kahn stared out across the expanse of the battlefield and wondered to himself, how did it all go wrong? His thoughts leading up to this penultimate battle often revisited the day that the Prophet, Khre'el-abubal, first told him of the awakening of Ignokt. At that time, the holy king priest had asked him if he felt something...different. And indeed, he had. But he knew now that what he felt was markedly different from what Khre'el-abubal had felt. The prophet had felt a change, perhaps a new golden age, for the kingdom of C'tis. He wished he felt the same. It took awhile, but Shagru'Kahn finally felt he had the word to describe the cold knot in his stomach.

He felt deceived.

He also knew that he was the only one to feel this way. Everyone, from the highest born noble to the most common of commoners was swept up in the euphoria of Ignokt's coming. No one questioned, like Shagru'Kahn did privately, why this 'god' spent all of his time locked in the study of the High Palace. Why this 'god' never saw any portents of impending battles. And did Shagru'Kahn mention that this 'god' looked like a corpse that had been left too long in the desert? All of this he noticed and yet spoke not a word, trusting in the knowledge of his superiors. Secure in the thought that others wiser and more capable knew better than he, as his life time of military training had conditioned him. And now...this.

An ocean dwelling race of creatures had been steadily invading C'tis borders for months. Kahn did the best he could with what he had. But his pleas for more troops seemingly went unheard. And now, here the enemy was, at the very doorstep of the city and still no sign of 'The Great Ignokt'. At least he had been allowed to field all available troops. But even this brought little comfort, as the enemy had easily twice his number. Shagru'Kahn was furious to see several regiments of 'softies' mixed in with the enemies forces. The surrounding humans had resisted from the very beginning and the lizard lord, had he had his way, would have simply put them to the sword and been done with it if he hadn't been stymied by his own superiors. Still, with a little luck, he thought, this could go well for him.

Besides his normal light infantry and his own handpicked squads of swamp guard, several battalions of heavy infantry and city guard were at his disposal as well. Several Marshmasters were there as well to lend magical might to his steel. He had also coerced the priestly order into opening the Serpent Pits and many large, sacred serpents slithered languidly among the troops. The mere sight of them made his heart swell with pride. Here was the living representation of C'tis. Too bad the ruling class had turned on the old traditions and preoccupied themselves with necromantic arts instead.

Ah well, Shagru'Kahn thought, no use complaining now.

A low but still audible shout from across the way, repeated down the enemies line, signalled the start of hostilities. Kahn barked out his own commands to advance and his officers shouted them in response. The two armies slowly marched toward eachother. First blood went to the invaders as the thin whine of missile fire riddled the ranks of the lizardmen infantry.

"Shields up you dogs!" Kahn shouted.

His troops advanced more slowly, more arrows peppering their ranks as they closed with the human light infantry that marched toward them. At thirty yards, the humans suddenly printed forward, hurling javelins. The heavier weight of the javelins broke through the lighter shields of the skirmishers, skewering them to the ground. The field was quickly becoming slick with the gore of battle. wit ha collective shout, Kahn's light infantry hurled their javelins in return, more than a few finding their mark.

With the smell of blood in his nostrils, Shagru'Kahn lept forward, shouting for his troops to charge now. The long, loping strides of the lizard men closed the gap quickly, taking the humans a little by surprise. Bodies clashed and the air was filled with shouts and magical bursts of energy and bright crimson blood. Kahn lingered near the front, yelling encouragement. He shoved his way forward between the spear thrusts of the two mortally locked armies. A pink face would flash into his view and he would chop visciously with his falchion. An arm here and another slash, always steadily advancing as he hacked and slashed forward. A clumsy spear thrust was easily turned by his shield and he buried his sword into the skull of the offending human. An eternity passed and still he tore a bloody swath of destruction through his adversaries. He could feel the surge of momentum and when the humans finally broke and ran, Kahn was the first to shake his sword in blood-soaked triumph, roaring to the heavens. The feeling was short lived as the tactics of the enemy soon became clear. As the human infantry routed, human archers resumed firing, cutting down many in their premature celebration. Shagru'Kahn had just enough sense to raise his own battered shield to protect himself when he heard the rumble of advancing cavalry.

Trident knights, the centaurs of the sea, came thundering forward. The sun glinted off their burnished barding and wickedly sharp tridents. Ichtasatyr troops followed in their wake and for the first time in his life, Shagru'Kahn felt the inevitability of his own mortality. His own troops were worn down from fighting the humans and these fresh reinforcements were simply too much.

Shagru'Kahn, in his pragmatic simple thinking, steeled what resolve was left within him and, shouting in defiance of the odds against him, lept full force into the oncoming wave of invaders.

From the city walls, Khre'el-abubal saw the figure of Shagru'Kahn confront two charging trident knights, their weapons lifting him bodily into the air and then crashing before them, broken forever. To bad, he thought. Kahn was one of the good ones. He would have lept into the mouth of the void for the good of C'tis and had essentially just done that very thing now. But now was not the time to be idle. Because while Shagru'Kahn might have thought himself alone in questioning the mantle of godhood claimed by Ignokt, Khre'el-abubal felt the same.

The Sauro-Lich was too involved in study and too late, Khre'el realized that was because magical study and administration were all Ignokt really knew. Granted, escaping the void and cheating death was quite impressive but not necessarily an edict for godhood. The former prophet quickly made his way through the now deserted city, all but the soldiery leaving the doomed city behind. Khre'el had much the same idea. Let these aquatic usurpers have that shriveled husk of a god, Ignokt. Passing through the water grates that emptied into the wider and untamed swamps, he climbed into a small canoe he had previously hidden and set out for the heart of the swamp. Once he looked back, as a reverberating concussive blast caught his attention. Each blast was accompanied by different hues of flashes, coloring the now dying light of the sky. Whatever hell Ignokt had unleashed on his enemies, Khre'el knew it would not be enough. He cut a lonely figure, his paddle dipping softly into the water, as the swamp slowly swallowed him in it's ever present mists.

Months from now, the miasma of C'tis will recede. The surrounding provinces will slowly revert to their original arid landscapes. And it will almost seem as if C'tis had never been.


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