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Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Okay, time for the periodic Llama Vaetti Commenting.
I'll go through the units in order. Vaetti: Fine, of course. Archer: You've increased their price? I think 8 was fine. They are, after all, fundamentally worse than human archers - worse morale and precision. Also being size 1 is a disadvantage for archers - they will rarely fight in melee (and will still die when they do), but AOE spells will kill them in droves. Netter: Really nice, the sprite is very good too. Groundbreaker: I think giving them a shield was more than a sufficient buff, I would be inclined to change their weapon back to a pick axe. Their main problem before was that they died too easily, but the shield amply fixes this. Now they're just superior to the spearmen in pretty much every way. I can form no opinion on the change in price though (I think they have gone from 12 to 11 gold). With a pick axe though, I think they will be really nice (and it's nice to have the attributes fitting the sprite closely too). Low attack, but the size 1 will counteract that. And they will have a lot of punch. Wolf rider, werewolf: Still all good. Moose riders: These still seem useless to me. I had an idea, I can't remember if I mentioned it: how about giving them a one-off lance-style 'Moose charge'? That way they could be useful in melee without being overpowered, and it seems thematic too. Otherwise I can't really think what you can do for them - they already have lots of hitpoints, more protection wouldn't make sense, and nor would more attacks. A charge would be funky though. I think these should be really fun units, but unless I'm missing a trick they're just not useful at the mo. Although I realise they're even worse for Jotunheim. Trolls: Still all good. Speros: These guys are awesome. A huge improvement over the old draconians. The graphics for them are really really nice too - I build them just to look at them. I really like the idea of the diving spear strike as well. I think they are a bit underpriced though - it feels as if I would be better off not building vaetti at all (I might be being silly here, not sure). Flyers should probably pay a heavy penalty in cost for their mobility I think. Hmm. Maybe 26? I'm not sure. The Abysian demonbreds are only 20, but while stronger, they're missing 2 protection, 2 defence and the spear strike. Wolf trolls and exile guard: Still good, too. Commanders: The sorceror is very nice indeed. Thanks for considering the idea, and good work on improving it. I do think he may be a little cheap, although the more I think about it the more I think cheap is sensible (they're unreliable on account of their randoms, and have old age). Maybe 120-130? Spero chief - Fine, nice. Forest troll shaman - Good, just right I think. A little expensive perhaps. They should be rare-ish, but being capital-only already achieves that. He also looks a bit mutant, but then I think he comes from an in-game sprite? I think of all the units this one is definitely most in need of redrawing Sombre-style, if it appeals to you to do it of course. Gygja - Am I right in thinking they used to be 280? 340 seems very steep indeed, since they aren't really especially good. I know they're meant to be rare compared to MA Jotunheim, but I think that again that's achieved by making them capital only. I would probably leave them at 280 I think. I hit end turn a lot of times, till i got the Crescent Hermit. He's lovely, I really like him. Good stuff. Once again, I absolutely love this mod. Thanks Sombre! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
The difference you're seeing is between CBM Vaetti and vanilla Vaetti. That accounts for the price 'changes', anyway. If you go over to the CBM version you'll find the prices remained much the same as in our duel.
I can pump up the price of Spero and add a bit to the Sorcerer too. I was a bit unsure of their costs to be honest. As for the groundbreaker - I want them to mostly be a siege unit that you can use as heavier infantry. I can give them a new pick weapon, but since pickaxes are two handed, I can't give them the regular one with the shield as well. I dropped their siegebonus somewhat. I'll change the axe for a one handed vaetti pick of some kind, maybe put the gcost up a touch. The Forest Troll is actually my own graphic,.. BUT, it's the first graphic I ever did for Dom3. I've probably improved a bit since then. I can redo it, maybe this weekend. I'll drop the Gygja price for the vanilla version, but not much lower. 300 maybe. In CBM Vaetti they remain 260. I suggest you go check out the CBM version - when available it's the version I pay most attention to balance for. |
Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Aha. Okay, I half wondered if it was that. Balance in the non-CBM version is good too though, being as for whatever reason most people don't play CBM (I've only ever played it in our duel).
So does CBM have cheaper mages? I thought archers would be more expensive? In any case 9 sounds too much to me for a vaetti archer (non-CBM), but I seem to have suddenly become a nitpicking monster, so please ignore me! Sorry, didn't mean to be rude about your forest troll - but I think in that case you have improved a very great deal. The groundbreaker plan sounds like a good one. What do you think about the mooses? |
Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Archers in CBM aren't increased in price, they just have slightly nerfed bows. In the case of the vaetti is actually a larger nerf; they get the crude shortbow instead of the regular one, which itself is a bit weaker. I think they're 8 in the cbm version, same as spears.
I am sort of stuck with the moose unit, because it's already improved from the MA Jotunhiem original. I think it can be useful sometimes, so I'm going to leave it as is. I'm not bothered about the troll ;] I know I've improved a lot and I'm not an artist, just a hobbyist I suppose. I was proud of him as a first effort at the time, but he does look like some weird slime fraggle now. I'll do a quickish graphical mod job based on the forest troll sprite probably. Finally, it isn't that CBM has cheaper mages across the board, just that in CBM cruddy units are made viable. In the case of the VAetti, for the CBM version I wanted them to be competative, on level footing with random vanilla LA sides. The vanilla Vaetti however I wanted to follow the spirit of the original sample mod and make them underpowered. Now maybe it's time to bring the two versions closer together. This weekend I'll make he vanilla one properly balanced, as the CBM one is. |
Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Sweet Sombre, I'm happy. The new forest shaman looks really great.
Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Er, Sombre, I just noticed that the hags seem to have an extra random pick. I think it's probably an accident because you said you wanted them not to be able to get S2 (they still can). Also, while I'm nitpicking, the speros seem to have a red pixel on their toenails. And also, perhaps the wolf lord is overpriced (didn't notice before)? I'm not sure - although they have priest powers and wolf summons, they're also your only strong commanders, for which they're expensive (compare to an Arco strategos), and in my experience they ended up too busy to do much priestly stuff or summoning. Anyway, just a thought.
Other than those tiny things, as far as I can see you can declare the mod finished! Fantastic work, thanks so much Sombre. |
Re: Vaettihiem SE 2.0 (basically final)
1 Attachment(s)
Attaching a preview image.
Again, a very minor update coming soonish. |
Re: Vaettiheim 2.2
This is a relatively minor update in terms of gameplay, but changes a lot in the dm file itself so could produce some hilarious bugs. -- All copystats replaced with actual stats -- Many changes to ID numbers -- Changed the role of the Wolf Lord to make him less of a call allies monkey -- Replaced the werewolf spy with a simple and very cheap Vaetti scout -- Exile Guard no longer cap only -- Troll Druid gets +1 nature in a forest -- Prettied up the flag and banner a bit |
Re: Vaettiheim 2.2
Hi. I love this nation, and I often use it in SP. I tried adding to them a Pretender God, the ***** Queen, but I do not get it right.
I add this lines: #newmonster 2420 #name "***** Queen" #copystats 401 #copyspr 401 #restrictedgod 74 #copystats 402 #copyspr 402 #restrictedgod 74 #end But it seems not works. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. |
Re: Vaettiheim 2.2
Why the double copystats? just remove that. And I do not know if restrictedgod is an overwritable ability, you are probably better off just typing out all the stats again. And one more thing "it doesn't work" is not a good error description, what doesn't work? I assume it doesn't show up in the pretender list of vaettiheim is that correct? |
Re: Vaettiheim 2.2
I do the double copystats because the ***** Queen is a shapeshifter creature, half crone half werewolf. And I said that it doesn't work because the ***** Queen doesn't appear as a selectable pretender, whatever I do. :confused:
I included the 'restrictedgod' line cause few nations have the ***** Queen as pretender, and I thought that it's necesary to add Vaettiheim to them. PD: Sorry for my limited English, it's not my native language. :pc: |
Re: Vaettiheim 2.2
Yeah, but you are copystatting two monsters into one. That doesn't work. You need to make a monster *****queen firstform, copystat one of the *****queens first forms into that, and make a second monster *****qeen secondform, and copystat the second form into that.
Also, iirc the second form should have a lower monster number, and be declared before the first form for it to work. (but could also be the other way around, not sure). |
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