![]() |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Unfortunately you can't make a unit start off berserk. I wish you could actually, I'd use it in a couple of mods.
I tried entering morale 99 but no luck. Black priests are useless for research in drain dominion, yes. Although they aren't generally useless because they're good priests and can produce a /lot/ of penitent if you get them in a high dom province. You also don't /have/ to take drain (although I do). It's another tough choice. I like the idea of a white librarian/acolyte type unit. I was thinking along the same lines an update or so ago. Maybe astral 1 so you can use them for the search spell, drain immune and with ok research. Not cap only, of course. I'm rather wary of diversifying the magic because hey, this is a xenophobic priest nation. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
The only trouble with making them astral 1, if they're cheapish, is that you could accidentally become a communion nation. When I see an affordable S1 mage I generally get quite excited and begin plotting big communions.
You could perhaps give them a 50% ES random or something, so that 1 in 4 with have astral (useful for searches) and 1 in 4 would have E (they could help out a bit with forging), but their only reliable use would be research. Actually if you were going to go down that route I'd be inclined to have 20% S, 20% E, so that there was some small chance of getting both, which I always think is exciting. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
The 20% 20% sounds interesting.
Well they couldn't be communion drones if I made them immobile. I mean if they're just there to research and cast search spells I might as well attach them to a chair and stick a book in front of them. I could also then make them H1 priests (basically useless for an immobile unit but thematically it makes sense) without it overpowering them or forcing me to push the price up. Whaddya think? |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Hmm, I'm not sure about making them immobile. I see why it might be effective from a gameplay point of view, but thematically it would be a bit odd.
I was imagining they'd be just useful people to have around. If you needed a temple building but all your (cheaper) black acolytes were busy, you could send a librarian (I like the idea of having them H1, I think). If you needed an E1 mage in a battle for some bizarre reason, there'd be some chance a librarian might be able to help you out. But mostly they'd be inefficient for such tasks, so they wouldn't be overpowered. They'd also be rubbish for communions if not many of them had astral, because you'd never get enough together. Now, making them immobile would get rid of any of that flexibility, and make them quite unattractive units I think. I don't know why, I just don't like the idea of having a unit that can't move - can't flee if enemies get nearby, and so on. Still, I wouldn't rule it out, I'm just thinking aloud. If you wanted to have them immobile, you could justify it by saying that each librarian takes a vow to never leave his cloister/monastery, and will die rather than abandon it. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
There are a bunch of ways I could explain why they're immobile. They might have all been horribly crippled during the civil war, they might have sworn never to leave their chair or book until the Aufklarung finally consumes the world, etc etc.
Anyway, I'm just putting ideas out. Immobility would solve the communion thing,... well providing we want it solved that is,... and it would help differentiate them from black acolytes and priests, who are like wandering preachers/rabble rousers right now. It would however make them slightly boring and merely functional research units. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Yeah, I do think that making them immobile might make them slightly boring (more like research factories and less like units), but on the other hand I do like the idea that they swore never to leave their books until the Aufklarung consumes the world. Well, they'll be good either way, but personally I'd be inclined to let them move. If they did have only random astral, then to the small extent that they were able to help out with communions it would be thematic (since sages etc are also capable of acting as communion slaves) and fun (nice to have another option every now and again), while definitely not overpowered.
I don't think you particularly need to worry about differentiating them from the black priests though. They'll be different just because of the fact you'll use them very differently. A librarian/white acolyte would be a rubbish wandering preacher because he'd be too expensive for his holy level, and also wouldn't generate penitents. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Also, I'm not sure why I'd want an Earth bless. As you point out, it doesn't help your Penitents at all, and everyone else already has more than sufficient protection. I would think that a Bless that helps out Penitents (Fire/Water/Death/Astral) would be good, since it also boosts your other Sacreds at the same time. Playing a high-Earth bless seems to be overkill while doing nothing for your sacred troops' weaknesses (i.e., magic). Quote:
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Regarding other suggestions... please realize that a 50% ES is generally preferable to 20% E 20% S. The latter has a 64% chance of not having any magic while only a 36% chance of having at least one pick and a 4% chance to have two.
And this nation is already not horribly bad at communion; I'm not exactly sure why you wouldn't want them to do it. Just a point: Your national summons do give you access to Quills. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Is it possible to make a unit that reverts to another when the battle finishes? In the same way as Black Serpents revert to Lamias, or something?
If so, perhaps you could have the Anchorite reveal a "Newly Reborn" or something on its destruction. Like penitent, but even more filled with rage and fervour. He could refuse to die (15HP), feel no pain (4 prot, like berserkers) and fight with the strength of a fanatic (strength 14, attack 12 or something). The anchorites themselves could be cheaper, but maintain the high resource cost. Perhaps you could lower their attack a bit (although I can't remember what it is, so that might make no sense). Then a block of anchorites would be a solid defensive wall, and if they got damaged - surprise! The Newly Reborn would emerge, and cause a heap of damage (they'd also have flails and be sacred of course, so they could be quite nasty). Then after the battle the Newly Reborn would revert to penitents. Whaddya think? |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Well, you could have 30% E 30 % S then. I just personally like having separate randoms, because then there's at least some small chance of getting a really specially good one.
Yeah, I'm not sure about communion, I guess there's no strong reason to discourage it - I guess it depends on the flavour Sombre's going for with the nation. Personally I tend to think that the mind-manipulating aspects of strong astral magic make it feel a bit evil. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Benefits of an earth bless: Reinvig your sacred mages. Reinvig your high encumbrance high survival sacreds who suffer badly from critical hits caused by fatigue. Push an already high protection to the point where anchorites and reborn are very, very hard to hurt. I think earth blessing works best with units that are already high protection. I'm not a big bless player, nor am I particularly good at dom3 generally, but I think an earth-9 bless is worth it with this nation. Quote:
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Did you see my post about the Anchorites Sombre? It just occurred to me that you were probably typing your long post when I posted about the Anchorites. Not that I'm demanding a comment, it'd just be a shame if you missed it.
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
I just read it. It's a pretty good idea - it gives the emerging penitent a one-off boost and allows them to do some more damage if your anchorites are getting smashed up in combat.
It would also be quite easy to mod. I just have the secondary form of the anchorites be the new pumped up penitent and the 'change back when ok' form of the pumped up penitents be regular ones. It fits thematically and would improve the anchorites a bit, so it will probably be in the next update. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Oh before I forget, no-one should really give the CBM Ulm Reborn much playytesting right now because it's an old version - I have the new one here waiting to be uploaded after a bit more tweaking.
I repeat: Current CBM Ulm Reborn is based on an old version and will be updated soon, so if you haven't tried it yet, wait a couple days before you do. Stuff confirmed and coded for next version so far. -Anchorite slightly cheaper, spits out Emergent, upgraded penitent, who turns into regular penitent after battle. -White Priests get S15% and forgbonus 10% added -Black Priests no longer cap only, get E30% added, slight price hike |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
What should the cost of the white acolyte be?
They currently are buildable anywhere, have ES110% magic and a research bonus of 1. This gives them a general research level of 4. They are also priests H1 but they do not spawn penitent. They are physically weak, but not suffering from immediate oldage, have a mapmove of 1 etc. Obviously they are drain immune. They can't lead any soldiers. I have them at 140 gold currently. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
I'm not the best at balance, but I'd either give them a bit more research (a further +2 even), or make them quite a bit cheaper (say 100). I'm just thinking about Sauromatian Enaries (Sauromatia being the nation I've played the most) - 150 gold gives you much more good stuff (S1D2N1). Similarly Marignon witch hunters are good (F2S1H1) for 150 gold, and Mothers of Avalon are A1N2 for 130 gold (they're the other nations I've played recently).
On balance, I think I'd go for either a research bonus of +2 and cost of say 100, or even a research bonus of +3 and cost maybe 130. I think with a total research of just 4 they wouldn't be very tempting to recruit. If they were my main researchers I would cry (but then I obviously like high research scores because I always take magic scales). |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Well they aren't there to be your main picks - that's the white priests. The point of the White Acolytes is giving you drain immune researchers you can build outside of your cap. If you're just building one WP a turn then you're not going to be picking up that much speed on the research race. If you have WAs churned out by other forts (several forts are a good idea - this is Ulm we're talking about) then you're going to get the research moving at pace.
They're also sacred, which makes them cost efficient researchers. But I take your point. I'll drop their cost to 100 and keep them at +1 research for the average of 4RP. Also, 0.9 is now out, so refer to the main post for the download ;] |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Hi Sombre,
I had a quick look at the new version - I'm excited to try it, but haven't really had any time yet. Quick comments, because if I was a sensible person I would be in bed (got up ridiculously early this morning): - I really like the white acolyte. I see you managed to find a good sprite as well. - I really like the Emergent too! Clearly I'm particularly fond of things I was involved in discussing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I think he adds extra punch and flavour to the anchorites though, and they're a favourite unit of mine now. They have got quite low attack though - is that deliberate? No reason why not, just wondering. - Your writing is exceptional. The quality of the mod is really impressive. - I had something else interesting to say too, but I've forgotten it. Hopefully it'll come back to me. Also, a separate issue - did you know that everything on linux is case sensitive? That means that if you give the name of a unit graphic (e.g. Troll Shaman.tga), and the real name has a character in a different case (Troll shaman.tga), the mod crashes. I've been meaning to mention this for a while - it's come up because the windows half of my computer has died, so I'm playing on linux now. Anyway, I can't remember if I had to fix Ulm Reborn, but I definitely had to do a few fixes to get Vaettiheim working (which I also looked at briefly and which is also awesome!). |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Oh, I just found this quote by Endo:
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Oh, I've remembered my other small comment - I think it would be good if Ulm had the Virtue as a pretender. Seems thematic.
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Hang on, 'find' a good sprite? You mean /make/ a good sprite. That is if hastily editing a black acolyte's robes to be white and giving him a book to carry actually counts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
I didn't know that about Linux. It sounds very annoying. I'll try to fix that stuff up in future versions of my mods, but to be honest it's likely it'll slip my mind, I'm too used to windows. In a future version Ulm Reborn will get an all new pretender and maybe a couple extra from the vanilla ones. The Emergent has the same attack as the penitent - he's no more skilled, just stronger and more determined. I think the anchorites are good enough to use regularly now. Those immunities are nice when the magic is flying and they are still capable of dealing damage equal to their cost. I hope you enjoy the mod - any and all feedback is very welcome. I'll probably try that itemslots fix soon too, see if I need to apply it to a bunch of my work. |
Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Oops, sorry about the sprite! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Well, it shows I thought it was Kristoffer quality, at least.
The case sensitive thing is a bit annoying, I'll try to note down anything I have to fix and let you know. I can imagine it would be very hard to hunt down any problems if you don't get any error messages yourself. Makes sense about the Emergent. The Anchorites are cool. I think the itemslots fix is probably worthwhile, because in trying to make a solid thug, having low head protection actually makes quite a big difference (1 in 5 hits or so do 10 more damage than they should, it's quite a lot). |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
Excellent! I was playing an Ulm Reborn game when I upgraded to Dom 3 3.08, and all of a sudden I noticed my White Acolytes getting extra magic. I was planning to post a bug report on this thread ... and you beat me to it!
I can't wait to fire up a new game with v1.1. Ulm Reborn is really a quality mod. Each commander (especially each of the priests) has a distinct purpose. Each unit has a place in the army. And it's really fun to play! Thanks for a great mod, Sombre! |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
You're welcome, thanks for the feedback.
I'm playing as Ulm Reborn in a duel against llamaneast right now - he's using Vaettihiem. So far we've only had a couple of clashes but the reborn guard were looking solid against the trolls. Be interesting to see how it plays out. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
Whee! The faithful warriors of Ulm are smiting the heck out of the unbelievers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I'm running a new game on Edi's fixed Parganos map (thanks Edi!) and 9 AI opponents. Indies are set to 9, and site frequency is set to 75%. Those are my usual settings for every game I play.... My pretender is an imprisoned F9N4 Red Dragon with 5 candles' of dominion strength. Scales are Order 1, Productivity 3 (of course), Cold 1, Luck 3, and Drain 3. I think that's all correct, but I could be off by a point or two, because I'm doing it from memory. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif So, um, thoughts: Hoch-Hammers make great prophets. 'Nuff said. F9N4-blessed Black Templars tear through Shades without even slowing down. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Those li'l White Acolytes are GREAT for research. Just stockpile them one-at-a-time, and pretty soon you can have a regular research academy. That said, Ulm Reborn still isn't the research king. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif It really pays to focus your research and beeline toward your goal. I'm about to hit Conjuration 5 to unlock the last of my lovely angels. Speaking of angels, I got one as a multihero! Yay! This mod rocks. Ulm Reborn is as much fun to play as any of the "stock" races in Dom3, and that's quite a compliment. Thanks again, Sombre! (PS: Any chance of some more pretender choices in a later version?) |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
I think I spotted a wee bug in v1.1 ... The Hoch-Hammer has hand slots.
His description says that he won't use anything other than his sacred White Hammer, and previous versions enforced that rule by taking away his hand slots to prevent him from equipping any magic weaponry. However, v1.1 has given the Hoch-Hammer two hand slots, just like a regular Hochmeister, so that I can now outfit him with my choice of magic weaponry and/or shields. Of course, I don't want to give him anything other than his White Hammer. And that actually was a problem for me when I blindly sent my Hoch-Hammer prophet into an Arena death-match. I didn't want the Trident, but I figured it was a good way to get some major XP for my mobile artillery. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Unfortunately, Mikael's first duel was against a Lich pretender. His mighty White Hammer made short work of the Lich (silly AI), and he progressed to the next stage. Unfortunately, the Lich was carrying a Rune Smasher, which Mikael foolishly grabbed. Then he tried to fight his next duel with the stupid Rune Smasher ... and without his White Hammer. Needless to say, poor Mikael met a hideous fate at the hands of a skelly-spamming Wight Mage. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif If it hadn't been the AI's pretender with that Rune Smasher, I would feel like I got suckered. Even so, I just recruited another Hoch-Hammer, waited six turns, and prophetized the New Guy. No big loss.... Oh, I also got Van Duk, the Reborn Noble. That guy is nice. Very thuggable. He's been carrying around a Flambeau for a while, and that was pretty cool. My Garnet Sorceress is about to give him a Hell Sword, and we'll see how he does with that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>#itemslots 13440</pre><hr /> ... just before the #end of the Hoch-Hammer's definition. I have tested this fix, and it seems to work properly. Now my Hoch-Hammers have head, body, and two miscellaneous slots. On the same topic, I just noticed that my Reborn Noble hero has three miscellaneous slots in addition to the other standard item slots. Cool! He can wear Precious, a Girdle of Might, and still have room to carry a Cauldron of Broth. Be afraid! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif EDIT: Um, it occurred to me that I should clarify something. I do not intend to slight Sombre's work on this mod in any way, and I certainly don't want to steal any of the credit that is rightfully his. I figure he's busy with Arga Dis right now, and he just doesn't have the time to fix such a minor bug. So I figured out how to fix it, and I thought I'd share the fix in case anyone else wants it. No offense meant, Sombre. Ulm Reborn is a great mod and tremendous fun to play. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
I was just looking at this mod again last night (playing as it rather than against it). You know, it really is absolutely excellent, I love it. I think it's one of my favourite nations in the game, which is really saying something.
I'm going to try to get Ulm Reborn into the MP games I host (along with Vaettiheim and maybe others once I've looked into them more), ideally by default on the same footing as all the other LA nations (if I can overcome a technical snag), since I think they add a lot of interest to the game. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
They've really grown on me too. They're probably my favourite mod nation, ahead of the others I've made and Zepath's stuff. Not sure exactly why either.
I have some ideas for minor changes to them - I think the reborn guard are a tad too expensive for example. Next version will add another national hero, make some changes,... no new units though. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
Cool, glad there's a new version coming out.
I've been thinking quite a lot about the balance of Ulm Reborn and Vaettiheim. I think they're well balanced against each other, but compared to the vanilla nations they've both got a major weakness in one area - they have no recruitable-anywhere mages of any strength. I've been looking through all the other LA nations, and I think all of them have a reasonably strong recruitable-anywhere mage capable of some good battle magic. Hmm, wish I had dominions here so I could give some examples. But check out any vanilla nation. In the early game and on small maps it isn't too important, but I think playing either nation against almost any vanilla nation on a large-ish map you'd ultimately be doomed, because you'd eventually be out-magicked. Ulm Reborn in particular has the problem that your only real mages, the white priests, are not only hard to come by but also very easily killed off by Magic Duel. I wonder if you could change the mage lineup to be something like: Archivist: Same as current White Acolyte White Acolyte: E2 (50%)S White Priest: As current White Priest If the white priest had 1 less hp than the white acolyte (as is the case I think with Pythium?), he wouldn't be targeted by magic duel until after any white acolytes with astral, I think. I'm sorely tempted to suggest giving the White Priest a (FAES) random - that would be great, even if it was just 50%. But they're not meant to be a nation of strong mages I suppose, so that would probably be over the top. What do you think? |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.1 new patch compatible FIXED
I'm dead set against giving Ulm Reborn any more magic. They are already magically either the equal or superior of regular LA Ulm and they are supposed to be a nation that's all about priests, dominion and great sacred troops/thugs.
In the next version they will have reduced cost for the Reborn Guard and summonables as well as a few other stat tweaks and a new national hero - the Confessor, who is a H2 F2 E2 marignese inquisitor turned black priest. After that they should basically be a finished product. They're still not a top power nation, but they have some very unique traits. |
Ulm Reborn v.1.2
I just updated the thread and I noticed that I forgot to fix the very minor bug with the hoch-hammer's hands. I can't be bothered to make a new version just to fix that, so I refer you to the fix posted by slipperyjim if it really bothers you being able to replace the hammer :]
Any way,.... GO GET 1.2. It's on the first post, it's available from a mediafire link and it's pretty much FINAL. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
Fair enough about not giving them any more magic, you're probably right I suppose. I can begin to see it must be very hard to avoid creating overpowered nations - myself I think I'd find it hard to resist keeping on adding cool units. And I agree it is more thematic not to add any more mage power.
Looking forward to having a play with 1.2 when I get a chance (away on holiday for the bank holiday at the mo). |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
As previously mentioned the hochhammers have hand slots and seem to constantly pick up trinkets and proceed to get killed.
ps: 4 hochhammers(all with thematic names, obviously) with a few non-hand items lead by the grey shepherd(to bless them) seem to be very good and destroying armies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
I swapped out to v1.2 in my current game, and it's just fine. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Oh, I just got the Confessor. He's nice to have, but not super-powerful. The concept is great! As it happens, I agree with Sombre about the magic. Ulm Reborn simply does not need more magical variety. You already have access to Earth and Astral from your national mages, as well as Fire and Air from your summons. Considering that Ulm Reborn is not supposed to be a mage-heavy nation, that's more than enough magical power for my taste. --- Shovah32: Check my previous post for a way to remove the Hoch-Hammers' hand slots. Basically, you just have to add: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>#itemslots 13440</pre><hr /> ... to the Hoch-Hammer's definition in the mod file. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
I'm very glad you enjoy it. It's a shame Jomon Broken didn't attract people as much - I think I'll do a bit more work on it and see if I can entice people with a new version.
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
(No disrespect to Kristoffer & Johan! Black Forest is a fine concept and well-executed. It's just not my personal choice.) Jomon Broken doesn't have the same sort of appeal for me. I don't know why. Back to that personal choice, I suppose. However, Arga Dis is looking mighty fine to me. That will probably be the next nation mod that I try. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
I appreciate your Broken Swords mod, Sombre. Early age Yomi and middle age Shinuyama have real nice character and a cool FEEL to them.
Late age Jomon has ninjas. Really, that's the only thing I like about them. I almost think your mod makes more sense by the fact that it follows the whole "every nation seems to be slipping downward into shadow" like the majority of LA nations. I don't even play Jomon anymore. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
Oh, I actually really like LA Jomon. It's cool to have proper human samurais.
I haven't really looked at Broken Swords, so can't comment. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
You should, it's real cool. Sombre infused some Japanese horror elements that are just awesome. I loves it!
I like the samurai aspect as well, it's just that, as an overall nation, Jomon is kinda blah to me. I can't explain it any better than....blah. |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
I'm just about to update the first post with a new version - 1.3
-Forge Lord, Virtue, Lord of War and Sacred Statue as pretender options. -Hoch-Hammer itemslots issue resolved (finally). -Case sensitive for Linux using WHINERS. Just kidding guys ;] |
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
i DoN't uNdErsTAnD wHaT aLl ThiS cAsE stUfF iS aBouT, tOo
Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.2
NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo iTs ThE cAsE-pOcAlYpSe!1!
UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
bE GlAd i diDn't coDE iT In L33t sp34k gUys
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
bAh! M1 1337 5P34k pWnZ0rZ j0oR c0d3!
back on topic good to hear about the update. |
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
1 +|-|1|\||< `/0|_| $|-|0|_||[) \X/|21+3 @|| 0|= +|-|3 [)3$(|21|*+10|\|$ 1|\| |-|16|-| |3\/3|, `/0|_|'[) |}3 $0 |33+, |\||_||}|}1|\|$ \X/0|_||[) |}3 |1|<3 0|\/|6, |-|3'$ @ |-|@(|<3|2
Might want to use a translator for that. |
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
in high what? i got the rest http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
Ok, ok, no more. Let's get back on topic shall we? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
Sorry, still a case problem with the Hoch-Hammer file name and graphic.
Re: UlM rEbORn VersIOn 1.3
Really? In my .dm it's "Hoch-Hammer" and the filename is "Hoch-Hammer".
Ok, I just downloaded the attachment and for some reason it's different from the version on my machine - it has "hoch-hammer.tga". I guess I didn't upload the renamed graphic or something. If attachments work I'll fix that right now. That will also fix the cbm version, since cbm uses the same graphic files. |
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