![]() |
Re: More information, more questions....
LOL! You've been immortalized in digital form Gandalf.
Re: More information, more questions....
1 Attachment(s)
Re: More information, more questions....
Re: More information, more questions....
AKK Ive been photoshopped! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Hmmmm if I replace that guihead.tga with my cropped image... That would be fun |
Re: More information, more questions....
1 Attachment(s)
Attached is the guihead.tga that I made and used to replace the original. (Remember to back up your original!)
O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
I must restore ordah' in my thread! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Alright then, working on my commander units and running into, not really trouble but difficulties with the mage types. I get how to give a mage commander a starting magic ability, but how do I give him a random chance for magic skill as well. The mod document is a bit on the lite side of details. Or I'm just having trouble understanding it. Hoping soon to post atleast the units and pretenders so other people can try it and give me feedback. I admit, I'm pretty much putting in random numbers for the attributes so I needs people with balance experience to check it out. Not now though, later. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif A few more details I thought of: I have a mage who start out with nature 1 (or 2, haven't really decided yet). He's a shaman so priestly, but I want a random chance of one elemental path of magic. |
Re: O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
#custommagic <mask> is the command you're looking for. You can find a lot of precalculated masks as well as all the basic masks in the Unit DB. At present, there is no possibility of assigning linked randoms such as the MA Atlantean Kings of the Deep have, so each random pick will provide one level only.
Re: O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
Actually you can /sort of/ do linked randoms, in a limited way. For instance, you could make a unit that has a 100% chance of 1 level in fire and water. You could then put #magicboost set to all paths for a value of 1. That way you're mage would randomly be either a 2 fire or 2 water user.
I think. I haven't actually tested that, but I'm fairly sure it would work. |
Re: O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
Hmm, hadn't thought of that. But wasn't #magicboost broken?
Re: O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
It's broken if you're looking to boost a specific path, not if you want to boost all of them at once (value = 52 or something). I have no idea why just boosting all paths works, but it does. It won't boost paths you don't already have /some/ skill in, which is why it can be used to come up with linked randoms. Sort of.
Re: O.K , O.K. back to the business at hand....
Thanks again guys. Didn't even think to check your Units DB for magic masks, Edi. It's actually quite simple once I got the hang of it.
My mod....Kinda
O.K. It's basically as vanilla as vanilla gets. Just the units and commanders are done. Haven't even begun national spells, or heroes, or even pretenders yet. Just wanted to quick post the mod here so people can look it over for me and give me suggestions.
O.K. was gonna post it but I'm having trouble getting it to post the complete mod folder. :p But I gotta go to work so later today maybe. O.K. Hopefully I've done this right and my very vanilla Barbarians mod is posted. Few quick changes suggested by Foodstamp |
Re: My mod....Kinda
Well, I did have to put the masks in there or the display page would not have turned out correctly.
Re: My mod....Kinda
1 Attachment(s)
Bandar, attached is a bear graphic for you. It's based off the exile graphic (we have permission to use it) and it shouldn't be too hard for you to change it to suit what you want. It was a quick job, but there you go.
Re: My mod....Kinda
Thanks for the graphic Sombre. A bit of an ego hit though since it's gotten more downloads than my actual mod. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
It's awesome as usual, but I need to know how to make it bigger. Looks a lil puny compared to say, Son of Fenerer. Paint program won't open it. |
Re: My mod....Kinda
You need to make it clear that your mod is attached, maybe give people a teaser of some sort. Maybe the next version should get its own thread.
To make the pic bigger just stick it in a paint program of some kind and resize it. You might need to change the shadow a bit if you do that. As I said, if you resize it to 200% exactly you won't lose any clarity and it will be pretty huge. |
Re: My mod....Kinda
lol. I know, the mod will get it's own thread soon. I just thought that it was pretty funny.
Are there any free paint programs I can use? Like I said, Paint (I know it sucks, I just wanted to resize it) won't even recognize it. And I'm looking for something I can download. I'll prolly buy a paint program in the future, but that is still a ways off. |
Re: My mod....Kinda
I would highly recommend GIMP. Free and very powerful.
Re: My mod....Kinda
What little I have seen of it is quite cool. A lot like Illustrator. Thanks Ballbarian
GIMP works nicely, and I was able to enlarge the Bear Sombre so graciously made me. Is there some way to get rid of the purple 'shadow' under the pic in game? Or atleast let it look like a real shadow? |
Re: My mod....Kinda
That colour of pink translates into a real shadow in the game, just as 0 0 0 translates into transparent. Unless I made a mistake with the colour that is.
Should be 255 0 255. |
Re: My mod....Kinda
Change the shadow to magenta (red 255, green 0, blue 255), that is the shadow color in dominions.
Re: My mod....Kinda
O.K. using GIMP I noticed the shadow was 251 0 251
I tried changing it to 255 0 255, but I'm doing something wrong (again)Still shows up purple-ish I beseech you mighty modders to grace me with your knowledge once more! |
Re: My mod....Kinda
It is purplish.
The standard practice in games (or any program) is that if you are going to have a special effect forced into a graphic, then you need to have the area for the affect be colored something you dont plan to use. Its like green-screening used in making movies. That way its simple for a program to remove that color and do the effect there. For the position of a province on the map Dominions uses 1 pure white dot (255,255,255) but you dont need to worry about that for modding. For transparent Dominions uses pure black (0,0,0). For a shadow effect Dominions uses Magenta (pinky purple) 255,0,255) I think thats all of the reserved colors that Dom uses |
Re: My mod....Kinda
Hmmm....that makes sense but it shows in game as purple-ish (Magenta is it?) Just looks funny when all my other units have black shadows, but my giant bear pretender has a purple (magenta is it?) shadow. I'll fool with it some more.
Another quick question...
The following is what I have done so far for my mods pretender, Revenant of Shardik:
Shardik #newmonster 2716 #name "Revanent of Shardik" #spr1 "./Barbarians/bandarbear.tga" #spr2 "./Barbarians/bandarbear2.tga" #descr "The Revenant of Shardik is the physical manifestation of the great bear god, Shardik. He always appears in bear form and has some skill in earth and death magics. His immense size makes him a formidable brawler. The world will once more fear the thunder-maker as it was in past ages." #ap 16 #mapmove 2 #hp 180 #prot 14 #size 5 #str 24 #enc 4 #att 13 #def 8 #prec 8 #mr 12 #mor 50 #gcost 100 #nametype 131 #restrictedgod 71 #startdom 3 #pathcost 80 #expertleader #expertmagicleader #magicskill 3 1 #magicskill 5 1 #itemslots 12288 #mountainsurvival #wastesurvival #trample #fear 3 #end My quick question is, why does he show up as mindless? That's all. |
Re: Another quick question...
50 morale makes units mindless. Lower his morale to 30 and all should be good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Another quick question...
Waaaahhh!! You're awesome Foodstamp. I prolly don't say that enough.
Re: Another quick question...
heehee. there is a statement there about soldiers of the world when 50 morale is automatically considered to also be mindless. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Mod help?
Whew, I'm about to use some strong necromancy skills here, resurrecting a thread that's been dead for 2 yrs. but here goes!
I've been piddling with my sad barbarian mod in my spare time making small thematic changes and what-not. The one problem I've run into and been unable to figure out is how to get my start sites to show up in my home province. I'm trying to get some type of gem income going as well as restrict most of my sacreds to home province only, but they don't show. Any ideas? And as always, any and all help is much appreciated! :D |
Re: Mod help?
Can you post a sample of the code you used for your sites and from the nation section please post the startsite code.
Re: Mod help?
I can and will, but your wording made me go back and see where I was messing up. The sites appear now. However, I'll still post them cause I have more questions.
Question 1: How do I change the picture for the sites? My Forest site has a forest pic but my mountain site also uses a forest pic. Question 2: After putting the start site in the nation section, my sites show up. I now have sacred troops only recruitable from the sites...except for one. I have the correct unit number in the site code, and it still shows up as being recruitable, but not from just the start site. Instead, it added another archer unit, giving me 2 archer units, one recruitable anywhere, the other recruitable from the start site in place of my sacred warrior. Code is forthcoming: #newsite 805 #name "Great Aran Mountains" #path 6 #level 0 #rarity 5 #gems 1 2 #gems 3 2 #homemon 2704 #homecom 2712 #homecom 2713 #end #newsite 806 #name "Great Aran Forest" #path 6 #level 0 #rarity 5 #gems 6 2 #homemon 2703 #homecom 2711 #end And my nation code: #selectnation 83 #name "Barbarian Hordes" #epithet "Unified Tribes" #era 3 #descr "The Barbaians have long been a secluded peoples, and for centuries all was fine. Outsiders assumed that seperately, the tribes would be little more than a nuisance, but the likelyhood of the scattered factions actually banding together was never taken seriously. However, with the rise of the new pretenders, this is precisely what has happened. Galvanized by an enigmatic Barbarian king, the tribes have rallied around his bloody banner and their own waking gods. Long have their peoples been subjected to the whims of other nations. Long have they endured forced relocations to make room for more 'advanced' civilizations. No more. Now is the time for recognition. Now is the time for reperation. Now is the time for reveration." #summary "Race: Humans. Magic: Elemental with some death and nature. Priests: Weak Prefer cold 2" #brief "The various barbarian tribes have unified in the face of the inpending doom brought about by the various 'civilized'nations of Evershy. Prefer cold scale 2" #flag "./haida/haidaflag.tga" #color 0.1 0.5 0.5 #clearrec #clearsites #addrecunit 2700 #addrecunit 2701 #addrecunit 2706 #addrecunit 2705 #addrecunit 2702 #addrecunit 2703 #addrecunit 2704 #addreccom 2707 #addreccom 2708 #addreccom 2709 #addreccom 2714 #addreccom 2710 #addreccom 2711 #addreccom 2712 #addreccom 2713 #defcom1 2708 #defcom2 2710 #defunit1 2700 #defunit1b 2702 #defunit2 2705 #defmulti1 15 #defmulti1b 15 #defmulti2 10 #hero1 2715 #idealcold 2 #startcom 2708 #startscout 2707 #startsite "Great Aran Mountains" #startsite "Great Aran Forest" #startunittype1 2700 #startunitnbrs1 15 #startunittype2 2701 #startunitnbrs2 15 #templepic 4 #startfort 20 #defaultfort 20 #farmfort 1 #mountainfort 15 #forestfort 29 #swampfort 11 #end Thank you in advance for any help :D |
Re: Mod help?
Question 1: You can't choose the exact pick, but you can choose the correct magic path (it should then give somewhat working pic). Try giving "Great Aran Mountain" #path 3 (making it a earth site).
Question 2: If you have the unit as a magic site recruitable, you don't need to also give it by #addrecunit command, it will only result in a duplicate. |
Re: Mod help?
not entirely Burnsaber (though I think you mean it right)
Q1: wht burnie said, make it an earth site, a nature site will always look foresty (and for a mountain earth is more thematic) Q2: what Burnsaber pointed out isthe problem only it doesn't just duplicate it. the addrecruit command is what makes those units recruitable everywhere (2703 and 2704 should both be recruitable everywhere and cap only) just remove those lines and they'll be cap only. |
Re: Mod help?
For a "mountain" picture, try an air path, level 0 site
Site pictures are based on path and level. Note that a start site with level >0 will be visible to its owner on turn 1 - I just tried that. |
Re: Mod help?
Thank you Burn and Aezeal! That fixed the problem for me and I appreciate the help a bunch!
Re: Mod help?
1 Attachment(s)
Did some more testing on startsite pictures. Results attached. Vertical=path (0-8), horizontal=level (0-4). Levels 2-4 appear the same.
Re: Mod help?
Re: Mod help?
Well,if you necro a thread from 2 years ago,I might aswell hijack it and ask a couple modding questions:D
So,I'm a total modding newbie,and atm my efforts are concentrated towards stacking various mods for a mod-heavy MP game I'm planning. -A couple days ago I was reading the thread on another mod-heavy game,and their problem with mod stacking was that they reached the "maximum number of spells".I've looked around the forums but I couldn't find anything on this, there's a limit to the number of ingame spells? -This might be related to the first question.Beside the errors with IDs from various mods overlapping,I often get a nagot gick fel with a "getspldscr: bad splnr".Can anyone explain what it means? -Still regarding ID limits...there are more limits beside for sites?How many extra nations/weapons/etc...can i add? |
Re: Mod help?
Re: Mod help?
Hello people,
I've started my own mod nation and I have two quick question. I've made a few commanders I want but they all have double weapons for some reason? Eg. two quarterstaffs, or even two special weapons that are built in, not carried. Why, and how do I fix this? Second question. So far all my units look the same, Agra Dis misborn to be exact, how do I use unit images from Dominions, Grand Thaumaturg or Ulm infantry or remake them the way I want? |
Re: Mod help?
If you want use modified vanilla graphics, I suggest you search for "Sprite Editing Tutorial", you should find the download for all vanilla unit image files there. |
Re: Mod help?
Thanks for the Sprite editing tutorial!
Here's one commander, which has two quarterstaffs for some reason. #newmonster 2401 #name "Black Wizard" #spr1 "./Mod/Misborn.tga" #spr2 "./Mod/Misborn2.tga" #descr "..." #ap 12 #mapmove 2 #hp 10 #prot 0 #size 2 #str 10 #enc 3 #att 10 #def 10 #prec 10 #mr 18 #mor 20 #gcost 320 #rcost 10 #weapon "Quarterstaff" #weapon 7 #holy #startage 60 #maxage 75 #older 5 #itemslots 15494 #magicskill 1 2 #magicskill 5 3 #magicskill 8 3 #nametype 106 #goodleader #end Am I just missing the obvious here? |
Re: Mod help?
Eh, yeah.
#weapon "Quarterstaff" #weapon 7 You only need one of those lines. Both give the quaterstaff weapon. |
Re: Mod help?
Re: Mod help?
Ah, I assumed you needed both, stupid assumption I guess.
Thanks for the help folks, I'll probably be back for more in a day or two. |
Re: Mod help?
Back, as promised. I'm half done with my mod nation, most of the units and their images are done I just have this one remaining problem,
What's wrong with this picture? getspldscr: bad splnr I'm assuming that means get spell description: bad spell number? Just why does it appear? #newspell #name "Summon1" #descr "Prazno za sada" #fatiguecost 200 #damage 2420 #school 0 #researchlevel 3 #path 0 5 #pathlevel 0 3 #effect 10001 #restricted 75 #nreff 1 #end #newmonster 2420 #name "Summon1" #spr1 "./Vatras/Summon1.tga" #spr2 "./Vatras/Summon2.tga" #descr "..." #ap 12 #mapmove 2 #hp 18 #prot 5 #size 2 #str 14 #enc 0 #att 13 #def 13 #prec 10 #mr 16 #mor 30 #weapon "652 #armor "Bone Shield" #armor "Iron Cap" #armor "Chain Mail Hauberk" #undead #coldres 100 #fireres 100 #poisonres 100 #nametype 105 #itemslots 15494 #end |
Re: Mod help?
You haven't defined the unit before the spell to summon it, possibly. I'll have a look at it tomorrow if that isn't it.
Re: Mod help?
EDIT: Nevermind, I'm late and the questions I was replying to have been answered.
Re: Mod help?
OK, I'm back, Sombre, I have no idea what you said what so ever! You'll have to explain it as if you were talking to a little child!
I have to define the unit how? What's my objective!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? I guess modding isn't for anyone... |
Re: Mod help?
Just put the chunk of code for the unit/monster before the chunk of code for the spell and see if that works.
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