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-   -   mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34249)

Saint_Dude April 23rd, 2007 10:59 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
O.K. Atlantis did not stale.

Ermor is still a plague though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Foodstamp April 24th, 2007 01:04 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)

CyborgMoses said:
Well, I have signed up as Atlantis, and I would be fine with fewer players; the folks who sign up at the last minute are usually also the people who constantly slow down the game once it's started.

Irony strikes again.

vfb April 24th, 2007 01:11 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
stats.txt: Atlantis didn't play this turn

That means they staled. But I'm sure it wasn't intentional, since CyborgMoses did post that he was worried about people slowing down this game. I dunno, maybe something came up IRL. Happens to everyone sometimes!

Back in character: Helheim, would you kindly please hire some mages to do some research for you. You are making the nation of Mictlan extremely nervous.

-- Ministry of Education, Nation of Mictlan

Foodstamp April 24th, 2007 01:35 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Aye, probably is an unexpected real life issue, but it is still ironic anyway! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Kojusoki April 24th, 2007 12:13 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
vfb - you got email;)

Saint_Dude April 24th, 2007 03:51 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
It looks Atlantis is going to stale again. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

I am not sure about reading those stats files (not sure if the file numbers correspond to turn numbers). But it looks like Atlantis has already staled several turns.

I realize that real life can intercede, but all these early stales are more than just slowing down the game, they are dooming Atlantis' chances (unless Cyborgmoses has some bloody brilliant stratagems up his sleeve). Perhaps (groan) it would be a good idea to switch Atlantis to AI if this turn is also stale?

Saint_Dude April 24th, 2007 06:38 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Who is playing R'lyeh by the way?

Foodstamp April 24th, 2007 06:40 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)

Saint_Dude said:
Who is playing R'lyeh by the way?


vfb April 24th, 2007 08:06 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)

Saint_Dude said:
Perhaps (groan) it would be a good idea to switch Atlantis to AI if this turn is also stale?

I second the motion. Looks like irony triumphs over real life once again.

Foodstamp April 24th, 2007 08:35 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
I may eliminate him next turn. I would suggest setting Atlantis to AI either way because he has been in an impossible position in our war since about turn 5. I don't think a substitute or a new player will change the inevitable and it should speed up the next few turns.

CyborgMoses April 25th, 2007 07:18 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
I am really sorry for the delays of the last few days; my internet service, which is sketchy at best, completely cut out for a full three days. It just started working enough for me to post about how much Comcast sucks and run a set of turns, but I would suggest finding a substitute to take over my position, as I don't know how long this respite will last. Again, my sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

PS: plz 2 be laughing @ me now, I sur am

vfb April 25th, 2007 10:03 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
PMed to Gandalf: Since Atlantis is dead in the water (sorry ha ha bad joke) in any case, could you please just AI Atlantis in mid_Unlucky.

Gandalf Parker April 25th, 2007 11:21 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
OK its done.

jutetrea April 26th, 2007 12:45 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Back from traveling... wasn't able to install on my work laptop, but could remote desktop to my home PC. Unfortunately my laptop has a hamster wheel in regards to video power so it was like playing in molasses. Click...wait for it to redraw, click...wait for it to redraw, etc.

What is the address for the public scores for this game? a la "in-game graphs are on.
And the games scores will be public, kindof like this..

What's up with Ermor? Seems like he has rapidly gained major momentum.. anyone else worried by this?

Also, Gandalf - any chance of editing the first post to include a list of players and their nations?

Saint_Dude April 26th, 2007 01:46 AM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
The game score/stats can be found at:

And Yes, Ermor is starting to look like a nasty beast - expanding rapidly with an active pretender. Ermor now has a big income, a big army, and is on cruise control. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

vfb April 26th, 2007 12:05 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Nation of Mictlan admits it is a Techmologically Deficient nation. We are insanely jealous of our Lanka brethren, who seem much smarter then us, and have done Dangerous Levels of research. Whereas Mictlan still has not figured out what is 99999999999999 times 99999999998999.99999tententenhundredhundredhundred . We must be the true masters of blood!

We hereby declare war on the Lanka nation, who is now at our border. We will immediately begin commencing defensive manoeuvers in Lanka territory to disrupt any further Lanka scholarly visits to libraries, museums, colleges, or universities.

jimkehn April 26th, 2007 01:30 PM

Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Whereas: Remembering the wars of our Fathers, when the unholy Primate Beasts ridden with fleas took our northwestern lands.

Whereas: The Primate beasts have been given unnatural intellect by an unknown power from the pit of darkness.

Whereas: Lucifer's Apes are a plague upon the earth and need to be exterminated as one would exterminate cockroaches in one's cupboard.

Abysia hereby declares war on the scourge known as Lanka.

(damn....I hope this works....)


thraveboy April 28th, 2007 01:31 AM

The fair people of Lanka have shown no hostility toward their border brothers and sisters, and wish no harm to them over the next year. We have been attacked when these nations could have expanded in unclaimed lands as we have in order to avoid provoking those of the lands around us.

What has been said is the fair plea.

Also, let it be known that the people of Lanka have many, many alliances with those that do not share our borders but do share borders with those around us. These that we have alliances with are in no threat of colliding with our forces for many years when the pack has been thinned.

So, you have a choice. To leave us alone and join with the strong and many, or.....

vfb April 28th, 2007 02:57 AM

Re: Lanka..
The Nation of Mictlan admits to feeling guilty about attacking Lanka unprovoked. But while Lanka was busy concentrating on improving their research, our nation has been pursuing more martial avenues of development. It is not the fault of Mictlan that Lanka's army is weak.

The Prophet of Mictlan has consulted our God. He responded this way:

"Is it good blood sport when Centeotl brings Metzlti to fight together against Nanauatzin in the arena? When 100 fight against 50, then the blood of 50 will be spilt. But when 50 men of Centeotl fight 50 men of Nanauatzin, the blood of 100 may be spilt in a glorious and fair battle."

We are chastened by this parable. And we also look to the justice shown earlier to Mictlan, by the honorable nation of Helheim.

Mictlan will keep the single province of the Were Wood as a lesson to Lanka to keep its army as well maintained as its schools. Other than that Mictlan will commit no further aggressive acts against Lanka without just cause.

If Lanka disputes the strength of our armies, then we urge them to come meet us in Were Wood this month on the glorious field of battle. We are positive Lanka will be completely destroyed. As we write, both army groups of Mictlan converge on Were Wood.

Mictlan has no control over the actions of the nation of Abysia. But if Lanka chooses to fight Mictlan in Were Wood, and Abysia takes unbloodsportsmanlike advantage of the destruction of Lanka's army, then Mictlan will march North on Abysia in pursuit of greater blood sport!

If Abysia wishes to continue its war on Lanka on even terms, that is not our concern. And if Lanka makes peace with Abysia, and sends their army to die in our fields, we will build a great temple in honor of the courage of their dead warriors.

Signed in Blood,

Zotz, Prophet of Mictlan

(ooc Edit: Added the bit about no further unprovoked attacks on Lanka, since Zotz was kind of silly not to be clearer about that.)

jimkehn April 28th, 2007 11:07 AM

Re: Lanka..
The common ancestry that binds the hearts of Mictlan and Abysia, along with a common faith that dates back millenia has stricken the hearts of Abysians as well. Through messengers of lands with evil intent, Abysia was deceived into thinking Lanka had ill will at heart. Now it grieves the souls of the Lords of Abysia, that we raised hand against the peace loving neighbor that is Lanka. Abysia admits that it moved with far too much haste against his friend, and repents of this deed. Abysia offers its hand in peace, and as a token of good faith hath sent a gift of no small measure to the Lords of Lanka. In addition, Abysia concedes the northern passage provinces of Bergamum (196) and Pivotal (192) to allow Lanka's needed expansion east. Abysia further declares she will vacate the Great Plains without plunder, without pillage and without demanding tribute, having raised no militia. In addition, Abysia declares, if Lanka accepts, a pact of mutual defense. Whosoever attacks Lanka has attacked Abysia.

Let the world witness this day the ammends Abysia makes to Lanka. Let the world witness this day the contrite spirit and penitence of a nation who wrongfully believed the lies of others that hurt the innocent. Let the world judge who's heart is true. Abysia will not war with Lanka in future days, save Lanka be the first to attack. Let the world judge who shall be upright.

So say we all.

thraveboy April 28th, 2007 12:09 PM

Re: Lanka..
The Kings of Lanka bow to the peaceful gestures of Michtlan and Abysia and accept theirs pacts.

At the session of the large alliance, all of the nations have also agreed to accept the terms that Michtlan and Abysia have put forth, even though three nations thought that the actions against us were unjust. We have convinced them all that we are happy with the gestures that were made in the name of peace.

jimkehn April 28th, 2007 12:18 PM

Re: Lanka..
Abysia agrees that her actions were without cause. Save the mailicious rumors spread to put enmity between Lanka and Abysia. Let our hearts be true. Let us endeavor to right the wrongs caused by the true oppressors of the world. Let us go forth and make war with those who would spread bile and hate, and rid the world of their evildoing and whoremongering. (wait....sometimes whore mongering aint that bad!!).

vfb April 28th, 2007 12:34 PM

The Northwest Almost Self-Destructs
When the council of Mictlan saw that Abysia had offered peace to Lanka, a burden of guilt was lifted. Our warriors could engage in glorious battle with a free conscience, knowing that at least the balance of Nations was fairly matched, even if our armies were not!

However, Lanka has accepted our offer of peace, on the terms we proposed, so peace it will be.

We have no choice but to entertain Necocyaotl with some circus clowns, instead of the blood sport he prefers. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif Gulp http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

vfb April 28th, 2007 07:48 PM

Trade Request
Mictlan desires a trade. We are quite interested in obtaining a Dwarven hammer. In return for this level 2 item, we will negotiate to supply you with a level 4 item, excluding items that need earth to be crafted. And if you have a Dwarven hammer to trade but are not interested in items, we are certainly open to any other trade you may suggest.

Reply in confidence using a PM to vfb.

jutetrea April 29th, 2007 01:50 AM

Re: Trade Request
who is Ryleh?

Foodstamp April 29th, 2007 01:54 AM

Re: Trade Request
I am

jutetrea April 29th, 2007 06:15 PM

2 more turns today?

Think theres any chance of getting two more full turns in today? Maybe have everyone try to take turns between 8PM EST and 11PM EST?

Know it probably won't happen, but why not ask http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Seems we're about half done for this one.

UninspiredName April 30th, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: Trade Request
I can't seem to connect to the game, so two today is sort of unlikely unless it get worked out. Sorry...

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 02:11 PM

Re: Trade Request

I had initial problems as well, might take a couple tries to get in. Just connected though so it should be up

Foodstamp April 30th, 2007 04:30 PM

Re: Trade Request
I can't connect, I will try again a bit later. I think it is just me and one more person holding the game up.

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 06:00 PM


Weird, having any other internet issues? (probably not since you've posted http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

Just connected again, think you're the only one left foodstamp

vfb April 30th, 2007 06:13 PM

Re: Weird
I cannot connect the first time I try to get in either. But if I try to connect, close the window, then try to connect again, it works.

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 07:50 PM

Re: Weird
72 hr till next turn on the status page?

vfb April 30th, 2007 08:07 PM

Re: Weird
Gandalf restarted the server, and the problems connecting are gone (for me at least). He may have decided to increase the timeout to avoid unfairly staling Foodstamp.

Gandalf Parker April 30th, 2007 08:21 PM

Re: Weird
I used an old script to restart the game. The 72 hours was in there. Your call, leave it or switch it back?

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 08:32 PM

Re: Weird
I vote switch it back

Saint_Dude April 30th, 2007 08:33 PM

72 hr turns
I vote for switching it back. I hope is not too much trouble though.

Foodstamp April 30th, 2007 08:36 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
I can connect now, I will get my turn done asap

BandarLover April 30th, 2007 08:58 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
72 hrs. a little long right now. I vote for back as well.

Foodstamp April 30th, 2007 09:05 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
My turn is in, I apology for the delay. Resetting the server seemed to make it where I could connect.

Foodstamp April 30th, 2007 09:19 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
FFS, can't connect again. I hope this is due to Gandalf switching the server back and not an issue that I am going to encounter all game QQ

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 09:37 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
Turn done - kind of like crack, just want more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

That sucks foodstamp, got a router? Done the whole reset/reboot thing? I wonder if it would help to port forward to your PC if you have a router and other machines.

jimkehn April 30th, 2007 10:07 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
I had trouble too. But I connected ok when I used the lnk file Gandalf provided at the website. I haven't rebooted the router. I know that will do weird things. One time it wouldn't let me on my aol mail. I could do everything else online.....just not aol. I chatted with an aol techie too. Then I thought just for the helluvit, I rebooted the router and the problem was gone. I may try that later.

jutetrea April 30th, 2007 10:12 PM

Re: 72 hr turns

Tried and true method of any techy geek, reboot everything, then diagnose http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (some rarer instances this gets you even more problems, but the symptoms are generally major enough to avoid it)

LoloMo April 30th, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
It seems to me that I can't connect the first time, but then connects easily if I close the game (I had it in windowed mode) and reconnect. This has happened the last 4 times I tried. Always the first time hangs but the second attempt immediately afterwards gets through.

vfb April 30th, 2007 11:06 PM

Re: 72 hr turns
Same here LoloMo, that's what works for me. I can't actually close the first window either, I have to kill the process. But then it always connects the second time.

thraveboy April 30th, 2007 11:58 PM

24 hours..
I also vote for a 24 hr cycle. Looks like most people are getting a turn done very quickly and then we're usually waiting for one person.

Gandalf Parker May 1st, 2007 12:18 AM

Re: 24 hours..
I cant think of anything I changed at my end to cause a problem. Other than that 72 hour thing. I will fix that now

Foodstamp May 1st, 2007 01:06 AM

Re: 24 hours..
It is working again. I have narrowed the issue down as a problem occurring somewhere along the line between my mouse and your server. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

BandarLover May 1st, 2007 08:42 AM

Re: 24 hours..
Now I can't get in. It is connecting to the server fine, I'm getting hung up on the 'Getting Game Info' part. And by hung up I mean can't Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Alt-Del out unless I reboot my comp.

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