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-   -   Mod: Gaea, Cradle of Forests (3.08 compatible) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34330)

Lazy_Perfectionist June 25th, 2007 03:49 AM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!
Thank you for your answer. So no magical leadership. I was confused because I misread the following to hint that there was magical AND mobile leadership. There is certainly pleny of magical leadership, just not mobile. Thanks for clarifying, guess I have to go find and seduce the wolf tribe now. Unfortunately, all I've found are the Amazonian women, and they don't swing that way.

"In order to lead your nonmagical freespawns, you will have to use creative thinking involving the Nymph commander."

Any chance of talking you into modding in an equivalent male commander so I can seduce those hetero amazons?

Endoperez June 25th, 2007 04:07 AM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!
No way seducing women ATM. The only way to get women (besides the expensive Charm and other such ways) is Belial the Lord of Corruption, who has the Dominate Monster ability.

Lazy_Perfectionist June 25th, 2007 12:00 PM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!
Dang. And here I was looking forward to hot pixel on pixel action.

Sombre June 25th, 2007 12:20 PM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!
It seems a bit odd too, what with all the male gods seducing women in mythology. Swans and streams and bulls oh my!

Lazy_Perfectionist June 25th, 2007 12:45 PM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!
Well, then, it looks look I should try modding Belial, and renaming him Hermaphrodite.

Seriously, though. Do charm and Dominate Monster abilities work from stealth? Or is seduction the only option for that, and changing the gender of the unit doesn't enable the proper seduction.

Unseriously, though, I just wanted to get in that joke since that comment by Sombre. Greek mythology would be right at home on modern day soap operas. Homer's Odyssey would be right at home on Jerry Springer
"All men are pigs." - Circe
"My husband cheated on me with a nymphomaniac." wife w/regards to Calypso.
Etc. Etc.

Burnsaber June 25th, 2007 02:18 PM

I\'m a lucky bastard
This nation is all about getting moving magical commanders, right? On turn 3, my first nymph seduces Jaguar Tribe shaman (with fire random, so he's N1F1 !), but on the same turn I get two random events, which give me N2 animist and A1S1N1 Lore Master.

Also my pretender is a lich, who also can ferry troops. So I've got 4 moving magic commanders at turn 3!

Got a screenshot right here: http://xs116.xs.to/xs116/07261/Imaluckybastard.png

Gandalf Parker June 25th, 2007 04:48 PM

Re: Yay! first to write about this!

Foodstamp said:
The AI ignores the 0 map movement and plays this nation quite well if you want to use it as an enemy in SP games.

Thank you for that. We can always use more nations that make use of AI pros and cons.

It would be fun to play with this one set as allies to Pangaea and Oceania. A 3-way empire to play against.

Foodstamp June 26th, 2007 12:42 AM

Re: I\'m a lucky bastard

Burnsaber said:
This nation is all about getting moving magical commanders, right? On turn 3, my first nymph seduces Jaguar Tribe shaman (with fire random, so he's N1F1 !), but on the same turn I get two random events, which give me N2 animist and A1S1N1 Lore Master.

Also my pretender is a lich, who also can ferry troops. So I've got 4 moving magic commanders at turn 3!

Got a screenshot right here: http://xs116.xs.to/xs116/07261/Imaluckybastard.png

You got very lucky indeed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I usually grab a few mundane commanders and lead around some forest zealots until I can acquire magic commanders. I focus on conjuration and soon I have Firbolg commanders because I normally take Pangaeaish scales for this nation, Magic 3, luck 3, turmoil 3, sloth 3 etc.


Originally the bug annoyed me, but after playing against the nation in dozens of games, the bug allows the AI to use the nation at a level equal to the vanilla nations in the game. Sometimes Gaea loses early as an AI (If the starting Ancient dies early), sometimes it is middle of the pack, and sometimes it dominates.

Gandalf Parker June 26th, 2007 12:16 PM

Re: I\'m a lucky bastard
Usually when a nation dies early I find that its due to the game making really crappy pretender and scale choices (ex; Mictlan). Creating a pretender and scales for Gaia would probably help alot.

BandarLover June 26th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: I\'m a lucky bastard
I can attest to Gandalf's post. In an SP game of mine, I created the pretender for Gaea and then turned it to AI. The starting Ancient was turned into a prophet and began soloing providences like crazy!! Was prolly the first scary Normal AI nation I'd faced. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

TamLin June 29th, 2007 07:05 PM

whenever i play this mod it seems kinda...broke. no units ever spawn regardless of dominion strength and there are no national summons. ive started three games and played two of them into year 2 without having a single unit spawn anywhere. any thoughts?

PS same thing happened with the insectoids mod except then there where national summons.

PPS. im running it on a mac, does that make a difference?

Lazy_Perfectionist June 29th, 2007 10:06 PM

Re: Hmmmmm....
No real knowledge of what's going on, but here's a wild guess.

Mac OSX is based, in part, off of Unix. Unix is case sensitive. Maybe the mod isn't?

Sombre June 29th, 2007 10:10 PM

Re: Hmmmmm....
Are you using 3.08? Earlier versions don't support all the mod commands 3.08 does.

Foodstamp June 29th, 2007 11:57 PM

Re: Hmmmmm....
I will look into the issue sometime in the future. Right now I don't even have time to play the very few MP games I am participating in, much less work on mods. If it is a issue with case sensitivity I will surely have it fixed with the update. All my mods I have released to the community I created before someone mentioned that Unix had problems with case sensitivity, although I thought I had made it a point to use uniform cases.

Alderanas September 5th, 2007 10:12 PM

Re: Hmmmmm....
you have to get the most current update for dominions or the spawns will not work. It was doin the same thing for me but then i downloaded the update and they both now work fine. They are hard to play with but fun.

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