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Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I would like to experiment more with the touch spells. Maybe one could use them effectively when expanding early?
It is risky though but with the right intelligence, in form of spies, and the right scripting, maybe this risk could be reduced? What do you think? Any ideas? |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Of course there are still some that could stand to be made more useful so maybe its just the idea of generating an apparently long list of "useless" spells that bugs me. With so many dud units and dud nations and useless spells its a wonder that anyone visiting the forum bothers to try this game at all. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Hey Gandalf, don't mind them help me instead with these touch spells. I'm sure there are some very good uses for them just waiting for me find, I just need a push to get in the right direction.
Do you use them? If you do, how? Some questions: *Is there some special mages that are better with touch spells than others? T'ien Ch'i LA come to mind. *Items that help with surviving in close combat but don't add fatigue so you can cast spells. *Bodyguards that don't get into the way. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I wouldn't plan to use the touch spells. In some cases, I might want to use Fire/Cold Blast, Shadow Bolt/Blast, Flame Eruption or some other improved versions of the touch spells, but not the touch spells themselves. However, I've seen Death mages annihilate a pair of thugs that managed to Attack Rear... You shouldn't plan on using them, but they could save your mage.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I tried to use Eagle king and shockwave and it worked very well in early expansion.
Script: airshield/attack one turn/shockwave/attack one turn/shockwave/cast spells. The Eagle King is actually a very good combat mage as he got armor, awe and high defense. If you use him in a standard bombardment fashion he will quickly build up fatigue due to his armor and with ranged spells costing more fatigue. So to use him most effectively as such you have to exchange his armor for something else. Pretty costly. To ensure his safety I built 5-10 Tempest Warriors (75% shock resistance) set on guard commander. After a couple of turns I had 5 Eagle Kings just charging in and obliterating everything. After more experimenting I found out that they of course could forge themselves an amulet of missile protection (const2) each, eliminating the use for air shield spell. So I rapidly exchanged it for charge body; that worked exceptionally well. If I wanted I could also let them forge weightless tower shields getting their defense up to 22, and with all the experience they gathered from all the kills, they now had a cool 24 defense. The forging is not needed of course, but it helps as after a while you want to go after bigger armies without backup. And air gems is not a problem for Caelum. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Note the minimal research and that I had no losses. The stakes are high of course as each mage cost 400 gold. But if you do it right and choose your targets carefully it will work. Try it yourself, there are plenty of more to learn from this winged dude. Next up, another combat mage. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
3 E9N4 eagle kings set to bless, mistform, mirror image, attack one turn, shockwave, cast spells work well in taking out most pd/lvl 9 indies since even if they take damage(rarely) they heal it and they also tire slowly.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Or astral 9 or 10 for twist fate. Some research required (const2, evocation2, alteration2). So use philosophers and sloth. You don't need more than one resource for building Oreaid anyway. Build order: Turn 1: Oreaid Turn 2: Philosopher + build troops Turn 3: Oreaid + build troops Turn 4: Philosopher + build troops Turn 5:.... and so on. Research Alteration 2 Evocation 2 Construction 2 Equipment: Shield of Valor They can forge it themselves. You will have the gems needed after you've researched the above. It won't take many turns, expand with your main army in the meantime. Total cost: 400 gold, 5 earth, 5 air When you are ready you will have about 4 Oreaids and 4 Philosophers. Use your scout as prophet and put on the shields on the Oreaids. With your scrying and stealth scout prophet and Oreaids you can choose freely which provinces to attack. Why not backstab another player in his rear territory? Script for Oreaids: Barkskin/Stoneskin/Resist lightning/Shock wave/Shock wave/Spells or attack.* *Use only if you later equip them with some nice weapons. Don't worry, there will only be archers left on the battlefield anyway. No you shouldn't attack a whole army with these gals alone. If want to, use backup. Script for Prophet Divine blessing/Smite/Smite/Smite/Smite/Cast spells Placement: Oreaids on top of each other middle extreme forward. This is important because you want that lightning to really devastate the enemy in one round making the few survivors rout. No, it isn't likely they will get hit by arrows (they have parry 8*2 + air shield 80%). If you are really worried about this, use mist (evocation 3). The turn later they will also get twist fate and barkskin. The turn after that stoneskin, giving your Oreaids protection 15 on the whole body (later you want to combine this with light weight scale mail and black steel helmet giving you 23 prot). Turn 3 the Oreaids will cast resist lightning and the enemy will be upon you maybe trying to strike you. With 17 defense, protection 15, awe 5, and twist fate they will not harm you - promise. But don't attack anything with very high morale until you get more equipment. Remember, this is early in the game and you got a very potent elite strike force with stealth, seduction and electricity. There are plenty of juicy targets. The joy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif The prophet should of course be placed very far back to avoid anything stupid. Try it. These gals have loads of potential in close combat. There are also lots of nice spells and weapons later in the research tree. And if you want to attack evil mind burn mages, the Oreaids MR is nothing to sneeze at and doesn't get worse with the astral bless. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Shockwave is a nice spell. But now something completely different... |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Some spells and units and so on in Vanilla just aren't balanced. No-one is claiming the game is bad, no-one is badmouthing the devs, no-one is being overly negative. It's just that there's no point in making lists of units/spells/nations that don't have balance problems is there? Acting like everything is perfect and labelling everyone who disagrees as 'haters', 'whiners' and people with no interest in RP, singleplayer etc is just silly. As for people not trying the game, if they're daft enough to come to the conclusion that the game is bad by reading a couple of threads pointing out issues to be fixed (this game has active modders and fairly regular patches as a major reason to buy it in my opinion) then that's their problem. And if they measure up the good and bad of dom3 (and yes, there /is/ a list of bad points) and decide they don't want to buy the game,... how is that a bad thing? They're just making an informed decision. I personally get a lot of enjoyment from Dom3, but there are plenty of people who wouldn't and I'd never want to give them the wrong impression of the game, resulting in them buying it an being unhappy. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Maybe its the choice of the wording which gives the appearance of trashing the game. I never said that was the intent, just the impression. Intent doesnt mean much if the entire forum seems to paint the game as crap. Try to even it out abit.
how about instead of saying "Some spells and units and so on in Vanilla just aren't balanced. No-one is claiming the game is bad, no-one is badmouthing the devs, no-one is being overly negative" you might say "Some spells and units and so on in Vanilla just aren't balanced in my opinion" or even "in the opinion of some". That way it doesnt give the impression of bad-mouthing the devs. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Game is so far away from crap it isn't even funny... but that doesn't mean specific spells or units aren't "crap". IMO making a good thing even better is a worthwhile goal.
IMO touch spells aren't that useful, but the short range (1-5) with a big AOE are great - powerful yet risky. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I don't have a vote yet to the most useless spell. There is more and more spells all the time that I think are useless but then I find a use for.
Touch spells generally aren't usefull, and I have never tried using them, but they could help you against an assination attempt or in the arena. Once I forgot to script my pretender. He randommly changed between moving, attacking, and casting spells. So the effect was he was moving forward, and casting spells like freezing touch. The damge from that spell was a lot. And could some of those healing spells not be used when you are expecting long range poison attacks. Or you cast the battlefield spell that has a chance to poison everybody, and you have mages scripted amonst your archers to continuosly heal. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
(arn't we all tho? i don't feel like this thread is trashing the devs or game at all, personallly) |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Gandalf, I think you and I have different impressions of the forum, in general. I come here assuming that a minority of the people who purchase the game actually browse the forums, and those that do are all fanboys; that's why we're here. So, I guess I'm bold about the way I word things because I know nobody is going to take it personally, and it certainly isn't going to force them to enjoy the game less. You might be taking it personally, I guess, but you have to admit that nothing I say is manipulating (intended or not) you to enjoy the game less. Further, I have not seen anyone state they will not be buying the game because of things they've read on these forums. However, since you represent the officials here, let me see if I can change the thread title to remove any suspicion.
Again, it goes without saying, everyone in this joint is nuts about this game. Gamers know that criticism = love. As an example, a PC game that I don't like is Age of Empires 3. You will never see me criticizing that game; it sucks and I don't care to waste my energy/time trying to figure out why. @Dedas Sir, stop derailing this thread, please. You are doing yourself a disfavor by not properly threading your own discussion, because people need to know where to look for it. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
What about Reanimation?
5 death gems for a handful of skellingtons? That's unpossible! |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Sorry for that, BigJMoney.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
You nominated Dragon Master. I'm curious as to why you think it is the most underpowered in the game, because you didn't write why! =$= |
Re: Rule number one
Do a favor and choose one out of those 90%. It might deserve nomination. @PvK I'm not sure I get your drift. You aren't supposed to comment on others opinions, but if someone has already listed a spell, you can most certainly state that spell as also being your pick, and your opinions on it. =$= |
Re: Nominate your \"Tiny Tim\" spell here!
I cant really think of a spell. But I will admit that Im disappointed with "the Exploding Amulet". I really wanted to use Harpy scouts as kamikazes against enemy mages.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Hmm, Blood spell? Lessee....
Oh, let's try Harm? Leeching Touch falls under the 'touch attack therefore bad' heading. Hell Power just does not look worth it, though I can see a few niche uses. Those are the most egregious contenders. I think the +Str spells are also pretty much crap. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Maybe its the choice of the wording which gives the appearance of trashing those voicing out their problems with the game. I never said that was the intent, just the impression. Intent doesnt mean much if the entire forum seems to paint all opposing views as crap. Try to even it out abit. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
You are probably right. I need an opinionectomy. Its hard to read every post day after day and only moderate.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Lawl @ the new title to this thread.
Btw, still Dragon Master in my book http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I don't think you need an opinionectomy Gandalf. Far from it, you should still have a right to your opinion even as a moderator. I do think you may have been reading people as being much more negative than they were intending though. It's true that basically, all of us on this forum are fanboys, we all think the game is absolutely fantastic.
The thing is that it's easier and more interesting to discuss things that could be *even* better, and what might benefit from tweaks than it is to reiterate that we like the game. The most minor of flaws are more discussable than merits. It's the same reason why papers are full of bad news even when everyone likes to hear good news - there's more to say about it. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
*shakes his fist at foodstamp's defiance*
Why, blast you, WHY!?!?! You are supposed ... to ... be ... telling ..... us ....... WHY! Actually, the reason I am so adamant to hear your opinion on why you think DragonMaster is an overlooked spell (besides rule #2, ehem) is because I make good use of it often, and I'm curious to hear another opinion. =$= |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Probably because it's too high level, costs too much to cast, is in the wrong path to be useful, has high path requirements, never works out for the AI and only assists in using a spell that even at 3 times the power is still fairly poor.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Okay, the OP has been updated. A lot of people named spells without giving reasons, and I've listed them separately. I'll keep this going a total of one week. That's one week for people to get in here and add any info they think pertinent or new spells to the list. Phase#2 will start after the week is out.
=$= |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Very well: Blink can be an annoying spell because if it somehow gets cast, my mage blinks from a nice safe place behind the lines, right into the range of archers or towers, or even worse, into the midst of melee.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I was going to nominate blink, but I wasn't 100% sure it was completely useless. It comes very early on the research tree and it annoys me to no end when a mage blinks into a dire situation.
Does this spell have any utility later on? The reason I seconded Dragon Master instead of choosing blink is because I was not sure if there was a useful application later on. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I was thinking that perhaps a S1+ melee thug could blink into the mages in the enemy backfield and wreak havoc. But since blink is totally random, you're just as likely to end up somewhere useless. And S1+ melee thugs are not exactly common afaik.
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Oy, vey! The Golem maybe is what you should be thinking of?
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Ha ha ha, yes I should http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Thanks UncleYee.
Please take blink off the list. It would probably be quite helpful for a handful of Golems who were storming a castle to all cast blink on the first turn. Half of them should end up wreaking havoc inside the enemy walls. Can't wait for the new patch to come out, I'll give it a try with Marverni! |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Dragon Master takes Nature, but the spells it helps with take Fire, Air, Water or Earth. Mages capable of casting Dragon Master and more than one of the summoning spells are rare, and the ones capable of casting even one of the drake spells aren't common either. It's too little, too late, for too few nations. If Dragon Mastery was in Conjuration, or of lower level, and had easier Nature requirement, it could be useful. EDIT: ARgh! I didn't notice the last page... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I've seen blink funtion in another way. I've seen mages get attacked in melee then blink to safety to cast other spells. It never kept them alive very long, but there's something. I am curious how that spell is chosen by the AI, since it's not a spell you'd likely script.
Blink has been taken off the list for now unless someone still feels its the weakest spell compared to all the others. =$= PS -- When time comes to vote on most useless I have a pretty strong argument against Dragon Master, I think. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Interesting negative takes on dragonmaster. I'm a pretty inexperienced player and had the good fortune to make good use of it in a couple of my earliest games.
I was playing a rainbow archmage, though, and on a big map. By early lategame I had 3-5 rampaging armies of 60+ fire drakes, barbecuing one enemy force after another. Early on, my pretender site searched and laid the foundation for the gem income which enabled me to set up 2-3 summoning squads. Each with 2-3 mages snagging 6-9 drakes per turn. After a couple games of this strategy I didn't use it again since it was too easy. I didn't realise at the time that it was only a rainbow pretender which made it possible and practical. |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
blink is not good mainly for the same reason berserk is. If a mage its not scripted or scripted to do something he cant.
he will cast this spells that do a lot more harm than if he didnt do nothing. ex. turn one blink by a guru right next to enemy meleers. no armor, fatigued, alone. why did he do that? |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I just want to echo the gripe about Touch of Madness. Silly Nature mages keep casting it on my missile troops.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
(mumbles something about "Why do Mothers of Avalon hate my Longbowmen so much?") |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
-Max |
Re: Rule number one
I think the list gives opportunity to discussion, if I am violating one of the rules I can remove my post. A few things that popped into my mind:
Corpse Man "Not worth the cost" - there are at least two items which increase the amount of corpses you get, and they stack. It gives undeads for magic paths which normally don't get them (?), and there's this very thematic Frankenstein's monster feel to it... Raven Feast "Tiny Rewards; corpses better intact" - if you cast it on your territory, yes, then you probably have better options with the corpses, but you can cast it on enemy provinces (even from allies), too, after a big fight and convert air gems to death gems. Plus, maybe you'd want to exactly deny an enemy to have corpses because they might be able to use them? |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
This was before dragonmaster got patched too, so it would randomly vanish sometimes and I'd have to recast. I didn't realise it was a bug and was trying to figure out what I was doing that invalidated the spell! |
Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Well if you put such a huge amount of effort and gems into it any spell can be used to win the game, pretty much. That doesn't make it useful or cost effective. You could have won much more easily with the gems you burned empowering, casting DM and summoning drakes.
Another problem with DM - the AI loves to cast it (when playing MA Oceania for instance), but the AI doesn't love to summon drakes. There's nothing linking the two spells in the AI. |
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