![]() |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Did you abandon us Zach?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Don't know if abandon is the right word. But I suspect that Zachariah may have been called away by real life (hopefully nothing too serious). He may have even been the person playing Caelum.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
present! Marignon appears to be on the ball. Right now we're waiting for Jomon, Pangea, Atlantis, and R'lyrh w/ 24 hours left.
if anybody skips their turn more than once in a row, i'll turn them into AI. -Z |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
If possible, could we crank out some turns this weekend? and who's Caelum?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I am confused, did we not just decide to restart?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Confusion here as well.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
i was thinking that there would be no restart necessary, since marignon is active.
If you want a restart, send me a message in the game. if the in-game consensus is to restart, we will. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
the game restart was, for me, more about the patch, then anything else. Since we had just started.
Please lets restart, I think we have a big majority who would like that, if not every single person. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Yes, lets restart.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
still waiting for a few more turns, then i will tally the votes, and post results here.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
ok, votes are in via in-game messaging, and only 4 folk asked for restarting, so we proceed.
If you want to bail, please set yourself to AI, but I hope you stay, cuz it'll be a lot of fun w/ this many folk. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
yeah lets finish this one, its going fairly fast.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
i just AI'd jomon, cuz they had 2 stale turns in a row.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
This game has been moving pretty slow.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
How about T'ien Ch'i? The game always seems to be waiting on them now.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
they haven't staled yet, so i want to stick to the 48 hours.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Who's playing Agartha?
I don't think I agreed to an NAP in this game, but I'm in a lot of games right now and I'm not 100% sure what I agreed to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. So if Agartha insists that we have an NAP I'll wait 3 turns before attacking. Otherwise, I'm attacking now. This would be a PM except there's no list of who's playing who on the first page - is the Agartha player even on the forum? Also - anyone want to sell me a dwarven hammer or two? |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
This might be one of the Gandalf sightings. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif
Is he winning or losing? (now I know why he's playing incognito...) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
If you can't send a message to Agartha, then they're being played by an AI.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I can send *in game* messages to Agartha, but I haven't seen him post to the forum. We were discussing the possibility of attacking Man and I don't remember if I agreed to an NAP. I don't think I did. By the time an in-game message would make it both ways, I'll already have attacked.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I think Agartha has quit playing - he's practically dead and he's not taking what should be an instantaneous turn. Can we set him to CPU?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
So anyway we can set Agartha to CPU?
He's actually eliminated from the game, all he has to do is log in and hit end turn. Everyone else has the turn done, and it'd be kinda silly to wait 32 more hours. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
We need to band together to dispel Ry'leh's Arcane Nexus. He's already in the lead in provinces, forts(behind ermor of course), income, army size, 2nd in gem income, 2nd in dominion and 3rd in research.
We all know this is an endgame seal the deal spell. PM if you want in. I'll be sending a message out this turn too. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Hourly updated scores now available at:
http://www.evilzombies.com/dom3/ShadowPeople.html |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
(accidentally double-submitted)
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
It's been proposed that we band together - against me! - by of course R'lyeh.
At this point there are only three of us left so I think it costs nothing to band together against R'lyeh. I'm still gearing up to put communions under the water - and unfortunately I failed to put up the Forge. I'm open to suggestions on how to deal with this situation. I'm confident that I can deal with R'lyehs hordes ON LAND, but getting my forces underwater is proving difficult without the Forge. Suggestions? |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
For the record, casting "Dreams of R'lyeh" at my provinces is a violation of an NAP, obviously.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
One more turn folks, and unless something drastic happens, it looks like R'lyeh wins...
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Patala declares war upon the underwater beings and calls out to Man to rid the world of R'lyeh!
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Looks like R'lyeh dominates! I'll leave this server up for the rest of the turn if you want to see the final results, then I'm going to start a new game, same settings, and start a new thread.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
What? Unless I'm missing something, the game isn't over yet.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I think I am doing well, not sure if the game should be called on the strength of my position. Unless all the other players agree. There are no victory conditions I have fulfilled or anything are there?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
the original post was for a 60-80 turn game, and R'lyeh is clearly way in the lead, so I'm ending the game. I'd like to let the game run its course, but my server can only run so many games, so I think its time to put this one to the rest and start a new one.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
oops my bad: i didn't state this limit in my original post, altho i did in my other game posts.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Although I have been declared winner, this game has a ways to go. Is there another host capable of taking on host duties?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I can (if you can deal with the PBEM aspect of my server). I'll just need the ftherlnd file from the host, and e-mail addresses for each player.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I really really try to stay away from the pbem games,
But that is very generous of you LLamabeast. 1. if there is no network hoster available 2. If the rest of you want to continue this game which obviously has more life to it. If both of the above are true we should accept Llamabeast's very helpful offer. P. S. If anyone else hosting has a drop dead turn limit to there games let us know. I would not have entered. I do not like being declared winner (or loser) by arbitrary ruling. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
It doesn't bother me at all, but I'm intrigued - what is it about PBEM games you don't like?
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Its just so much easier to jsut upload your turn in game rather than vai email. Nothing other than that, saves a step or two. Also less to go wrong,
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
While R'lyeh was in the lead in several respects, he had yet to actually win any battles against me, and I was rather looking forward to a brutal final war http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
All the astral pearls in the world will not save him! (Which is good, because that's how many he has.) |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
So the game is taken down already huh...rather disappointing.
I'll be trying to stay out of your games now. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Hehe, oh i still think i will win, but I admit its not a sure thing at all and it could be important how Man and Patala go, which is why this whole premature win thing kind of sucks because it puts me in a bad situation diplomatically with them.
I say to Man and Patala you can choose a life of servitude, torture and the blood sacrifice of your people raised as cattle under Mictlan or we can all just go to sleep in the empire of Dreamlands That doesn't sound so bad, now does it? Just dreaming until its time to pick a new Pancocreator? Now I know Patala kind of swings that blood sacrifice way anyways, but I ask you, who will be the blood slaves in the empire of Mictlan? You or Mictlan? I think you can figure that one out. Oh yeah and which one do you hate more? My Arcane Nexus which is really just a green recycling initiative to pick up those gems the rest of you were wasting in inefficient magic item production and summoning. Or Mictlan's Astral Corruption that assasinates your hard working mages. One is a friendly knock on the door (ME, Dreamlands), ssking you to sort and curb your recyclable gems and the other is a visit from a HORROR ( HIM, Mictlan) who sucks your life out and marks you for repeat horror attacks throughout all eternity. Again, I think the choice is clear. I agree though, this is where the game gets pretty interesting with all the late game battlefield magic and summons. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I think you're underestimating the economic *benefits* of blood sacrifice. Full employment! Those blood spattered alters don't clean themselves!
I put up the astral corruption as a disciplinary measure - this way, the CPU players won't be able to spend their gems out of combat. I would never have raised it if he hadn't put up Anyway, my real argument is this - you have a much better chance of defeating me after uniting against him than the reverse. Can either of you even get into the water efficiently? |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
The Eater of Gods killing our mages is one heck of a "disciplinary" measure.
Wow, again easy choice here people! MIctlan offers disciplinary measures and employment cleaning blood splattered altars to his false God. As for me I offer dreams. You may say that I am a dreamer, but am I the only one? Man? Patala? In any case Mictlan offers a false choice. Either way he wins or I win, there is no benefit to Man or Patala unless one of them wins. Your jedi mind tricks will not work on them. Well maybe they will. Not sure. Now, look into my eyes, you are getting sleepy, very sleepy. |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
I've zipped up the saved game files if someone else wants to continue hosting it:
http://www.evilzombies.com/dom3/ShadowPeople.zip |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Okay guys, please PM me if you want me to run the game.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Well what do you guys think? I consider the pbem a little bit of a pain with the extra steps, but I'm all for it. I wanna see all the crazy stuff that Mictlan and Ry'leh are about to do to each other!
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Okay, unless there are any objections then I will host this game (I have heard from a couple of players that they would like me to).
Can you all PM me your e-mail addresses please? And in fact could someone tell me which players are still in the game so I'll know when I've got them all? |
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Okay, it seems that the remaining players are Xox, Dr P and BigDisAwesome (Tequilich has asked to be set to AI). I'm just waiting for an e-mail address from Xox, then I can get the game going again.
Re: Game: Shadow People (open)
Ouch, an AI right in the middle on all our borders.
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